251889 251889 co�� � xo....._....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPYtOVEMENT ancl PRELIMYNARY URDER. T6eundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpublioimpmvement by the City of Flaint Psul�vi:.: reconstrnet the_sidewalk .on the north side of Froat Ave fr .. ....................................._.._.... .......:... om Como Ave. to the west .............. ........................................._.._......._....... approximatel� 175�.ft. and by.doing�.all_other.work_which.is_necessary and. incide atal .._ to complete said improvement. Dsted this........8th:......daq o4.......................................Januarq .......... ;i......................._�._..._.... .................... . ...- --�-.. ......................_.... .... . ... . ._,.,.. Couaoilma . ^� � PRELIMINARX O1tDER. WHEREAS� A wri�ten propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: recoastruct the sidewalk on the north aide of Froat Ave. from Coso Ave. to the west .................................................__........_..........._.........•--............................_...................................__ .,.� roximatelx 175 ft. and b her .P..... .......... .................. .,.......x.doia,g,all,ot.......��crk:�hic�.is...�:Ce��g�' � iacidental � - ...... ............................ - - _ _ to comp�te said improvement. '`. _. -- __ _ ................................___..---...........................:........_._......................_........,........_................................ ...................................•------•--................_.__...._...----.................................................-----.....---.._._.......... 6s�iag been preeented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul..__...-----•.............................................................. ........... t6erefore� be it RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceeaity for, or desirability of� the making of eaid improvemen8. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and ostimated ooet of esid improvement, Qnd the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. . 4. To stste whether or no�eaid improvement ie aekedl 1For on P,he petition of three �rr more� ownere. 6. To report upon all of the foregoiag mattere to the �C�nmmieaioner of Finanoe. JAN 8 197! Adopted by the �ounoil..._....................................................................... Ysse Councilman Butler JAN 8 1971 Car 1 son �PPmvecfl..........................�---.............._..._...._.........__....._._ Levine I�efedi-lM— Sprafka Tedesco .._._...---- ----- --.......... - .--------- � � Mayor. �000 t�4r. Vice Pr�s�r!^�t nn,'leredith "— `� JAN �-�...1971 PUB'[.,IS��ED --�