251888 , �51888 . counofl File xo.............. . � �; PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 r;*,�r,a .S . r� Arid h:' � PRELIMINAR.Y ORDER. T'heunderaignedhereby pmpoeeethema�ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of aeiat P�►ul�v�s.: reconstruct .the�sidewalk on the north side of Montreal Ave from ........................................ ..... . . .............. .:---...........Lexfagton ParlcWay... �ct ,_Snelling..��g.,�._a��t..��_.�Q,�,�s..���..Qth�x..s,�ox�.�sh. e e a ..�..�A � �$ �Y...#�GI._��t�:�.4�ental_,to..... complete,.said improvement, Dsted thie...._..8th; -.daq of......................................Januar,y ......... 19 71 ............._�._..._.... ................. .............___�. ................. ... _.............. Counoilmsn, PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREA$� A wri�ten propoeal for the making of the following impmvement, vu.: reconstruct the aidewalk on the nortM �ide of l+t�ntreal Ave. �from Lexie;#.t�� Parkwa�` ......................__................................_..............................---..... to Saelling Ave. and by doing all other wark which is necessarq, �ad inci�e�ta1 t�o! " ._. _ �.4mE�:��e..��i�...ilapxQ.Y.&�eat�t..............___.......---......---.........-•-.........._................_........_....._..-----.................................... --••--------------------•-------........._._...._......____......................_.....---.......----....---•-----...................._......_....._........_........_......._ 6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of 3aint Paul..--•-----•..................•---.......--•---...........--•--.............,..._�.... t6erefore, be it R,ESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publia Worke be and ia hereby ordered and dlreoted: 1. To investigate the neceeeity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvemenB. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eatimated cost of eaid improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan� profile or aketch of eaid improvement. . 4. To etste whether or no�eaid improveffient ie aeked �'or on tthe petition of three ar mo,re� owners. !�. To report upon all of 4�e foregoing matters to the �Cammieaioner of Finaaoe. Aaopted by the �:ounoil...............................................JAN..._...�..1��.� Ysee Counc i lman But 1 er JA N � �97t`,: Ca r 1 son �►PProve�.....................................................................__._ Levine Jd�r��-�!#r�-- Sprafka ,,,� Tedes co .._................................... ---...... , �' ° ""�...� ,_ a ... � ��r. Vice president Mere�ith - �;- ;� �u��.is�� JAN 16 1971 ;;;,