02-90ORI.�''l.°�L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented b} Referred To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Requested by Department of: Human Re ources Office By: ; An Administrative Resolurion establishing the rates of pay for the new classificarions ritled Central Library Public Services Coordinator, Cucularion Coordinator, and Security Officer-Library. Council File # o,�,-- 90 Green Sheet # 106819 Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Central Library Public Seroices Coordinator classification be that as set forth in Cnade 025, of the St. Paul Supervisors AssociaUon Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the CirculaUon Coordinator classification that as set foRh in Grade 010, of the St. Paul Supervisors Association Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the SecuriTy Officer-Library classification that as set forth in Grade 021, ofthe Operaring Engineers Loca170 Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Adopted by Council: Date �.� � �-o o a : Adop6on Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by � � (s5T DEPARTMENI'/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INTI7ATED GREEN SHEET � No.: lo6si9 �a' Human Resources 1/10/02 CONTACI' PERSOI�T�& PHONE: �T�q+� ATE INiTIAL/DATE John Sliockley, 266-6482 ,�,,�,�,,, D�1�� < caY�o��. Michele A. Stegall, 266-6490 ASS[GNED 2CIIYATTORNEY C[i'YIA.ERR iViSNIDERFOR ROUTING y�[�qin�iqyy'ERVDIA 11NANCfALSIItV/ACCLG MUS7 BE ON COI7PICII, AGENDA BY (DAT� ��ER 3 MAYOR(ORASS[J TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC110N REQUESTED: Approval of the attached resolution establishina the rates of pay for the newly created job classes titled Cenhal Library Public Services Coordinator, Circularion Coordinator, and Security C:uazd Library. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (A) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'1'RAC7S MIJST ANSR'L�R 1'liE FOLLOWIlVG QUESITONS: 1. HasthispersoNfvmeverwmkedunderacontractforthisdePaxMmt7 _PL9NNINGCOhIM[SSION Yes No CID COM[vD'1'IEE 2. Has this persoWfum ever been a city employeel CIVII.SERVICECOhIIvIISSION Yes No 3. Dces dus person/Sxm possess a skill not nocmaily possessedby any cmrent cny employeel Yes No 4. Is ttis person/5im a targeted vendorT Yes No _ Ezplain all yes answers on sepsrate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, 7SSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): In preparation for the re-opening and reshucturing of ffie Cenlral Public Library. The Library requested the study of three proposed positions. The result of the study is the crea6on of three new job classificarions. l. The Central Library Public Services Coordinator will provided better management , logistics and workflow for the renovated library. 2. The Circularion Coordinator posirion will provide better coordinarion of the automated system-wide circulation Yunctions. 3. The Security Guard will provide better security for interior and exterior library facilities. ADVAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: Approval of this resolution will allow for equitable compensafion ffor these classes and eliminate the need for out of ritle pay for current incumbents. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: - None. Salary cost for fhese posirions have been budgeted. DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Appropriate compensation will not be established for posiflons. The Library will not be able to unplement plauned ie-organi�ation measures. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: .��,?C!'€ ��nf�Y ����d.J...l.� A�..{� FINANCZAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIi� ' ' �� F i�g� � � ���� �nn% � �t Ntlt G:\Shared\ClassiflCLASS�Resolutions&Ordinances\I.ib.CuuLcoordseqoff.lib.gs.wpd pa_qo CLASS STUDIED: Ivi CUMBENT: DATE STITDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: E. rl►1_ 1 :� CLASSIFICATION/COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT New Tifle Sue A. Ellingwoad September 28, 2001 Incumbent and Supervisor Michele A. Stegall APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: Backaround The incumbent submitted a job profile. Our office was asked by the department to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Currently the incumbent is in an out oftitle designation ofAdministrative Manager. Study Components ❖ Review of job profile ❖ Interview with incumbent ❖ Interview with supervisor •'• Comparisons . ❖ QES evaluation and analysis ❖ Recommendation Interview with Incumbent In an interview with the incumbent Y was informed that, the duties have not changed since the job profile was submitted. Interview with Sunervisor In an interview with the incumbenYs supervisor I was informed that the Library has undergone a major re-organization. The re-organization necessitates the Central Library having a head Librazian. I was also informed that duties ofthe position include a lot of the duties of a Librarian class, which has been abolished however; there is no desire to recreate the clase. ��� �� ��..._, d3-q� Job Descrintion ❖ Designs library operations, logistics and worl�low for renovated Central Library. ❖ Manages public service staff. ❖ Monitors and evaluates the delivery of the (System-Wide) program of service to youths. ❖ Oversees the eicpenditure of aliocations for materials, staff and equipment. :• Evaluates and manages delivery of circulation service to the public. ❖ Creates and updates the collection plans for Central materials for adults, including print non-print and electronic resources. ❖ Administers the (System -Wide) Interlibrary Loan Program. ❖ Oversees the creation and operation of the Intemet- based information service to adults and child. Comparisons The position in question was compared to the following class of positions: Administrative Manager in Non —Represented Manager bargaining unit grade 24; Librarian III, in St. Paui Supervisor's Organization (SPSO) bazgaining unit grade 20; and Library Public Services Manager, in SPSO grade 27. Administrative Manaeer: Positions in this class perform responsible professional work providing staff assistance to an administrator in conducting, special projects, human resources liaison work, and departmental planning and budget processing. Librarian III: Positions in this class perForm supervisory and professional library work in planning, organizing, evaluating, and directing the overall operation of an assigned central library department or a lazge area library, or is responsible for system-wide collection development. Library Public Services Manaeer: This is a single incumbent class responsible for management and professional work in planning, directing, and coordinating the public services program of a library system. Q.E.S. Evaluatian and Analvsis The Q.E.S. supports assigning the position to SPSO grade 24. The compazisons support creating a new class because the duties and responsibilities of the position in question do not match those of any eacisting ciass of positions in the Librazian 7ob Family. The position has several system wide responsibilities as noted above that are not present in the Librarian III class. oa--1� Recommendation Currently there is not a class ritled Central Library Public Services Coordinator, I recommend the creation of that class and assigning the class to SPSO bazgaining unit in grade 25 aa--go CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STLJDY REPORT CLASS ST[JDIED: INCUMBENT: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: STUDIED BY APPROVAL OF � , . (Signature) Background 2= S b / (Date) The Librazy is undergoing a reorganization of the Central Library. As part of the reorganization and related succession planning activities, Library management has determined the need to replace the current Qffice Manager position. A request was submitted to study the position in order to deternune appropriate classification. The incumbent submitted a job profile. Methodoloev 1.Review of job profile 2.Interview with incumbent 3.Interview with supervisor 4.Comparison S.QES evaluation and analysis 6. Recommendation Office Manager Mary Clare Huberty December 5, 2001 Incumbent and Incumbent's supervisor Michele A. Stegall AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: Position Descriqtion The position performs technical, administrarive, and supervisory work in the Central Library Circulation Central Center including coordination of the automated system —wide circulation fixnctions and supervision of administrative support stai� The typical duries performed include: ❖ Tests implements and trains staff on circulation system softwaze upgrades. Da -9a ❖ Updates policy and procedures manuais regarding new circulation system software upgrades. ❖ Monitors circulation polices and recommends changes to administration. •: Writes and implements circulation policy and procedures changes system- wide. ❖ Maintains and trouble shoots automated circulation system. ❖ Monitors and maintain various Innovative Interfaces, Inc. circulation functions. ❖ Supervises the Central library circulation center. ❖ Plans, assigns, coordinates and reviews the work of Central Library clerical employees. - ❖ Handles problems with patron accounts. ❖ Works at the circulation desk. Comnarisons The position was compared to class specifications and job profiles ofpositions allocated to the Office Manager and Information Systems Support Specialist classes. The comparisons revealed that the position was similar to Office Manager positions in that it performs administrative and supervisory work involving planning, organizing and duecting clerical work and perfomung ea�pert administrative support work. However, positions allocated to the Office Manager class aze not assigned the technicai work in coordinating and maintaining the customized circulation system fox the Central Library. The technical duties performed by the position in question are simitar to those performed by positions allocated to the Information Systems Support Specialist class series in that the positions impiements and trains staff in softwaze upgrades and maintains systems software and provides troubleshooting for the systems software. Also the position produces the documentation necessary to maintain and use the softwaze. However, the position supervises a number of administrative support positions performing various duties in the circulation center. Information Systems Support Specialist positions have no such supervisory responsibility. Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analvsis The Q.E.S. supports assigning the position to SPSO grade 10. The compazisons support creating a new class because the duties and responsibilities ofthe position in question do not match up well with those of any existing ciass of positions in the information and clerical support families. The position has fuil supervisory authority and consequently should be assigned to the SPSO bazgaining unit. Recommendation Currently there is not a class titled Circulation Coordinator, I recommend the creation of that class and assigning the position to SPSO bargaining unit in grade 10. (See the attached proposed class specification). �� , . ,, o �. -90 CLASSIFICATION/COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: DATE STUDIED: Modified Duty Worker in the Library Rodney Rodrigues August 28, 2001 PERSONS CONTACTED: Incumbent, Supervisor, and Workers Compensation Manager STUDIED BY: Michele A. Stegall APPROVAL OF CLASSIF'ICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: Background The incumbent submitted a job profile and our office was asked to deterinine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Studv Comnonents •'• Review of job profile . ❖ Interview with incumbent ❖ Interview with incumbent's supervisor •'• Comparison ❖ QES evaluation and analysis ❖ Recommendation Interview with incumbent In an interview with the incumbent, I was informed that his duties have not changed since the job profile was submitted. Interview with incumbent's suuervisor In an interview with the incumbent's supervisor, I was informed that the Library is in great need for this position. I was also informed that the (Signature) (Date) o}-qo incumbent has worked for the Library since 1999, in the Modified Duty Worker-Security Officer job ciassification. The incumbent has been approved by the Risk Management Office to return to a regular position. It was also expressed that plans are being made to add another security guard position. Interview with Workers Compensation Mana�er In an interview with the Workers Compensation Manager responsible for the Modified Duty Worker Program, I was informed that the incumbent could return to a normal (regular) position. Job Description ➢ Performs routine patrols of the interior and exterior of the Libraxy's facilities to protect the property from theft, fire or other damage or danger. ➢ Conducts periodic safety inspections of grounds and facilities. ➢ Monitors juvenile/adult compliance with the policies and procedures governing the use of the Library such as: Internet usage policy, loitering, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, parking enforcement, etc. ➢ Answers telephones and refer callers to appropriate staff. ➢ Answers questions about the department. ➢ Greets visitors and direct them to the appropriate person. Comnarisons The position was compared to Security O�cer Water Utility in Operating Engineers grade 17, Park Security Officer in Operating Engineers grade 21, and Modii"ied Duty Worker-Security Officer. Securitv Officer- Water Utilitv: This class performs routine work patrolling areas around reservoirs, watersheds, and lakes to protect the land, equipment and property of the Water Utility and performs simple maintenance work. This position focuses on limiting access to utility property and grounds. Park Securitv O�cer: This class is responsible for securing areas, maintaiiung safety, and maintaiuing compliance with park rules and regulations. Modified Duty Worker -Security Officer• This class is responsible for security at the Zoo and Conservatory facilities and at the Library. These duties are similar to the responsibilities of the Park Security Officer. oa -�.� Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analvsis The Q.E.S. evaluafion supports allocating the position to the Security Officer class, which is, assigned to grade 21 of the Qperating Engineers Loca170 bargaining unit. The position closely matches the duties of position allocated to the Park Security Officer, in that the positions are both responsible for maintaining security at places where there is significant public access and are needed to keep the public safe. However, the Park Security Officer class describes duties specific to the Parks Department Security Operation. Thexefore, it is necessary to create a new class. Recommendation Currently there is not a class of positions titled Security Officer-Library. I recommend the creation of a new class titled Security Officer-Library. I also recommend assi the new class to the operating Engineers bargaining unit in grade 21 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 218B CENTRAL LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES BU: 09 COORDINATOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs library work at the management and superoisory level including planning, organizing and directing the overall operation of the Central Library; and performs related duties as required. Supervision R�ceived: oa -qo Receives broad administrative d'uection from Library Public Services Manager, with wide latitude for exercise of discretion and initiative. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over professional, paraprofessional and clerical employees. TYPICAL Di7TIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and evaluates agency operations including collection, programs, and personnel needs. Designs library operations, logistics and workflow for renovated Central Library. Formulates overall agency goals and objecrives. Develops budget requests and recommendations and manages the agency budget. Monitors and evaluates the delivery of the (System-Wide) program of service to youths. Oversees the expenditure of allocations for materials, staff and equipment. Evaluates and manages delivery of circulation service to the public. Creates and updates the collecfion plans for Ceniral materials for adults, inciuding print non-print and electronic resources. Oversees the creation and operation of the Ynternet-based information service to. adults and child. Administers the (System Wide) Interlibrary Loan Program. Models the highest standard of customer service and ensures that staff meet customer service expectations. D'uects and monitors the implementation of Library policies and procedures. CENTRAI, LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES COORDINATOR Page 1 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 218B CENTRAL LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES BU: 09 COORDINATOR a a .qQ Effective: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITiES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of library science including library principles, pracrices and management, and collection development. Knowledge of scope and physical organization of the library's collection. Kuowledge of library policies, procedures; services and facilities. Knowledge of electronic databases and other online information resources. Knowledge of the integrated online library system. Knowledge of the Library's diverse clientele, who bring varied cultural intellectual, technical informational needs. Abiliry to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to develop budget request and monitor a yearly budget. Ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Ability to perform complex research tasks. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from college with a degree in library science, and six years of professional experience, at least three years of which have been as a Librarian iII or equivalent. (No substitution for educarion.) (CENTRAL LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES COORDINATOR) Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK Caeneral Statement of Duties: Code: 226B CIRCULATION COORDINATOR BI7: 09 ���� EfFecrive: Performs administrarive, supervisory and technical work in the Central Library Circulation Center including planning, policy and procedure development, supervision of administrarive support staff, implementarion of c'uculation soflwaze upgrades, testing, and traming; and performs related duries as assigned. SuDervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Central Library Public Services Coordinator. Suuervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision directly over Library clerical employees and others as assi9ned. TYPICAL DUTTES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all posifions in this class. Tests the annual circulation software upgrades, trains library staff on new upgrades. Prepares, compiles and maintains manuals concerning softwaze upgrades and policy changes. Monitors circulation policies; writes and implements policy and procedures changes system-wide. Monitors and troubleshoots the Ynnovative Interfaces, Inc. circularion functions, bounced email notice, page items, weed lists, eta = Plans, assigns, supervises, coordinates and reviews the work of circularion employees. Designs and evaluates efficient workflow in CirculaEion Center Public desk and workrooms. Handles problems with library patron accounts, answer questions and solve problems from other staff. Works at the cuculation desk. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of Saint Paul Public Library Circulation policies and procedures. Thorough knowledge of issues surrounding cucularion functions for the Saint Paul Public Library system. Thorough laiowledge of the Mission/ Vision/ Values of the Saint Paul Public Library. Considerable knowledge of supervisory techniques. Considerable abHity to plan, determine priorities and coordinate administrative and clerical work. (CIRCULATION COORDINATORI Page 1 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: coae: aa6B 6 a _ 9 . 0 CIRCULATION COORDINATOR BU: 09 Effecrive: Considerable ability using Innovative InterFaces, Inc. sofhvaze (Milcirc, Innopac, and Report Manager). Considerable ability to define pazameters for Innovative Interfaces, Inc. softwaze. Considerable ability to perform complex circulation functions. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relarionships with supervisors, subordinates, colleagues, and the public. Ability to plan, execute, and evaluate training on circulation sofiware and procedures. Ability to organize and coordinate teams. T�IINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Eight yeazs of clerical experience, rivo years of which must have been working at the Library circulation desk at the Clerk III level or equivalent; or two yeazs of college and four yeazs of library circulation clerical experience. iCIRCULATION COORDINATORI Page 2 PROPOSED TI1ZE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: SECURITY OFFICER - LIBRARY Code: 216B BU: 12 Effective: 0�-90 Performs routine work pa�olling azeas azound the interior and ea�terior of the Library facilities; enforces and mainfains the policies and procedures governing the use of the Library; performs safety inspections of faciliries and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the superoision of facility Manager or a Librarian Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERk'ORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. The listed examples may not inciude all duties performed by all positions in this class. Patrols the properties of the Library by foot or car. Conducts safety inspections of grounds and facilities. Enforces juvenile/adult compliance with the Library policies and procedures governing the use of internet, loitering smoking drinking alcohol beverages and pazking. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPET]ENCIES Knowledge of security procedures neaessary to deal with day bo day emergency situations. Ability to deal with a diverse range of customers and co-workers. Ability to identify safety hazards and propose alternatives for solutions. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. MINIMiIM QUALIFICATIONS One yeaz college or one year of experience in iaw enforcement or security work. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-yeaz period prior to date of appointment (suspensions for pazking-related offenses excluded). (SECURITY OFFICER - LIBRARYI Page 1 SALHT PAUL � AARt! CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Date October 26, 2001 Helga Kessler, President St. Paul Supeivisors Organization St Paul Water Utility 8-4�' Street East, Ste. 200 St. Paul, MN 5113 Deaz Helga Kessiei OFFiCE OF HU�IAN RESOURCES JohnHamilton, Director 25 WestFourth Street SaintPaul.Mi�mesota 55102-7634 400CiryHaIIAnnez RE: Twenry-Day Notice —(Central Library Public Services Coordinator) �3 -40 Telephone: 651-266-6500 7TJD/flP: 651-2666501 JobL"ne: 65I-2666502 Facsimile: 651-292-7656 Pmsuant to City of St. Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C� Phis memorandum is to inform you ttiat a new title has been created titled Central Library Public Services Coordinator. If you liave any queskions or comments regarding this matter, please contact me at 651- 266-6490. Michele A Stegall Human Resowces Consultant oz-90 swixT PAUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nome Co%man, Mayor Date De,cember 14, 2001 Helga Kessler, President St. Paul Supervisors Organization St. Paul WaterUtility 8-4�' Street F_ast, Ste. 200 St. Paul, MN 5113 Deat Aelga Kessler RE: Twenty Day Notice —(Circulafion Coordinator) OFFICE OF H[7M.4*1 RESOURCES JohnHamikott, Dirutor 400CiryHallRnnez 25 WestFourth Sireet SointPau� Minnesota 551 02-1 63 4 It has been detennined that the class specificafion of Circulation Coordinator should be developed I have attached a wpy of the class specificaflon for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss flris job specification. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, l will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. Tl�azik you. Michele A Stegall Human Resources Consultant I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day nodce for the piupose of revising this tifle and class specificalion. Name Date TeZephone: 65b2666500 TDDIITY; 651-2666501 JobBne: 651-2666502 Facslmite: 651-292-7656 G: LSharedlClasn, JICL95SI20 day rotices120day.ba�g.vmtmaster.wpd SAiNS PAUL � �A�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar Date Augus[ 28, 2001 Operating Engineers Local #70 Dick Lally, Business Manager 2417 Lazpenteur Avenue West St. Paul, MN 5113 Dear Bick Lally, Business Manager RE: Twenty-Day No6ce — (Security Officer-Librazy) OFFICE OF IIUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hamiltan, Director soo c�ry xauan� 25 West Fourth Street SaintPass�?vlinnesota SSIO2-1634 0�-to Te2ephone: 651-2666500 77JD/1 TY: 651- 26lr 6501 JobLne: 651-266-6502 Facsimi 1e: 65I-292-7656 Pursuant to City of St. Paul, Civil Seivice Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that a new title has been created titled Security Offices Library.. If you have any quesrions or comments regazding tiris anatter, please contact me at 651- 266-6490. Ivlichele A Stegall Human Resources Consultant ORI.�''l.°�L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented b} Referred To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Requested by Department of: Human Re ources Office By: ; An Administrative Resolurion establishing the rates of pay for the new classificarions ritled Central Library Public Services Coordinator, Cucularion Coordinator, and Security Officer-Library. Council File # o,�,-- 90 Green Sheet # 106819 Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Central Library Public Seroices Coordinator classification be that as set forth in Cnade 025, of the St. Paul Supervisors AssociaUon Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the CirculaUon Coordinator classification that as set foRh in Grade 010, of the St. Paul Supervisors Association Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the SecuriTy Officer-Library classification that as set forth in Grade 021, ofthe Operaring Engineers Loca170 Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Adopted by Council: Date �.� � �-o o a : Adop6on Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by � � (s5T DEPARTMENI'/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INTI7ATED GREEN SHEET � No.: lo6si9 �a' Human Resources 1/10/02 CONTACI' PERSOI�T�& PHONE: �T�q+� ATE INiTIAL/DATE John Sliockley, 266-6482 ,�,,�,�,,, D�1�� < caY�o��. Michele A. Stegall, 266-6490 ASS[GNED 2CIIYATTORNEY C[i'YIA.ERR iViSNIDERFOR ROUTING y�[�qin�iqyy'ERVDIA 11NANCfALSIItV/ACCLG MUS7 BE ON COI7PICII, AGENDA BY (DAT� ��ER 3 MAYOR(ORASS[J TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC110N REQUESTED: Approval of the attached resolution establishina the rates of pay for the newly created job classes titled Cenhal Library Public Services Coordinator, Circularion Coordinator, and Security C:uazd Library. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (A) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'1'RAC7S MIJST ANSR'L�R 1'liE FOLLOWIlVG QUESITONS: 1. HasthispersoNfvmeverwmkedunderacontractforthisdePaxMmt7 _PL9NNINGCOhIM[SSION Yes No CID COM[vD'1'IEE 2. Has this persoWfum ever been a city employeel CIVII.SERVICECOhIIvIISSION Yes No 3. Dces dus person/Sxm possess a skill not nocmaily possessedby any cmrent cny employeel Yes No 4. Is ttis person/5im a targeted vendorT Yes No _ Ezplain all yes answers on sepsrate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, 7SSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): In preparation for the re-opening and reshucturing of ffie Cenlral Public Library. The Library requested the study of three proposed positions. The result of the study is the crea6on of three new job classificarions. l. The Central Library Public Services Coordinator will provided better management , logistics and workflow for the renovated library. 2. The Circularion Coordinator posirion will provide better coordinarion of the automated system-wide circulation Yunctions. 3. The Security Guard will provide better security for interior and exterior library facilities. ADVAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: Approval of this resolution will allow for equitable compensafion ffor these classes and eliminate the need for out of ritle pay for current incumbents. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: - None. Salary cost for fhese posirions have been budgeted. DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Appropriate compensation will not be established for posiflons. The Library will not be able to unplement plauned ie-organi�ation measures. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: .��,?C!'€ ��nf�Y ����d.J...l.� A�..{� FINANCZAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIi� ' ' �� F i�g� � � ���� �nn% � �t Ntlt G:\Shared\ClassiflCLASS�Resolutions&Ordinances\I.ib.CuuLcoordseqoff.lib.gs.wpd pa_qo CLASS STUDIED: Ivi CUMBENT: DATE STITDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: E. rl►1_ 1 :� CLASSIFICATION/COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT New Tifle Sue A. Ellingwoad September 28, 2001 Incumbent and Supervisor Michele A. Stegall APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: Backaround The incumbent submitted a job profile. Our office was asked by the department to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Currently the incumbent is in an out oftitle designation ofAdministrative Manager. Study Components ❖ Review of job profile ❖ Interview with incumbent ❖ Interview with supervisor •'• Comparisons . ❖ QES evaluation and analysis ❖ Recommendation Interview with Incumbent In an interview with the incumbent Y was informed that, the duties have not changed since the job profile was submitted. Interview with Sunervisor In an interview with the incumbenYs supervisor I was informed that the Library has undergone a major re-organization. The re-organization necessitates the Central Library having a head Librazian. I was also informed that duties ofthe position include a lot of the duties of a Librarian class, which has been abolished however; there is no desire to recreate the clase. ��� �� ��..._, d3-q� Job Descrintion ❖ Designs library operations, logistics and worl�low for renovated Central Library. ❖ Manages public service staff. ❖ Monitors and evaluates the delivery of the (System-Wide) program of service to youths. ❖ Oversees the eicpenditure of aliocations for materials, staff and equipment. :• Evaluates and manages delivery of circulation service to the public. ❖ Creates and updates the collection plans for Central materials for adults, including print non-print and electronic resources. ❖ Administers the (System -Wide) Interlibrary Loan Program. ❖ Oversees the creation and operation of the Intemet- based information service to adults and child. Comparisons The position in question was compared to the following class of positions: Administrative Manager in Non —Represented Manager bargaining unit grade 24; Librarian III, in St. Paui Supervisor's Organization (SPSO) bazgaining unit grade 20; and Library Public Services Manager, in SPSO grade 27. Administrative Manaeer: Positions in this class perform responsible professional work providing staff assistance to an administrator in conducting, special projects, human resources liaison work, and departmental planning and budget processing. Librarian III: Positions in this class perForm supervisory and professional library work in planning, organizing, evaluating, and directing the overall operation of an assigned central library department or a lazge area library, or is responsible for system-wide collection development. Library Public Services Manaeer: This is a single incumbent class responsible for management and professional work in planning, directing, and coordinating the public services program of a library system. Q.E.S. Evaluatian and Analvsis The Q.E.S. supports assigning the position to SPSO grade 24. The compazisons support creating a new class because the duties and responsibilities of the position in question do not match those of any eacisting ciass of positions in the Librazian 7ob Family. The position has several system wide responsibilities as noted above that are not present in the Librarian III class. oa--1� Recommendation Currently there is not a class ritled Central Library Public Services Coordinator, I recommend the creation of that class and assigning the class to SPSO bazgaining unit in grade 25 aa--go CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STLJDY REPORT CLASS ST[JDIED: INCUMBENT: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: STUDIED BY APPROVAL OF � , . (Signature) Background 2= S b / (Date) The Librazy is undergoing a reorganization of the Central Library. As part of the reorganization and related succession planning activities, Library management has determined the need to replace the current Qffice Manager position. A request was submitted to study the position in order to deternune appropriate classification. The incumbent submitted a job profile. Methodoloev 1.Review of job profile 2.Interview with incumbent 3.Interview with supervisor 4.Comparison S.QES evaluation and analysis 6. Recommendation Office Manager Mary Clare Huberty December 5, 2001 Incumbent and Incumbent's supervisor Michele A. Stegall AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: Position Descriqtion The position performs technical, administrarive, and supervisory work in the Central Library Circulation Central Center including coordination of the automated system —wide circulation fixnctions and supervision of administrative support stai� The typical duries performed include: ❖ Tests implements and trains staff on circulation system softwaze upgrades. Da -9a ❖ Updates policy and procedures manuais regarding new circulation system software upgrades. ❖ Monitors circulation polices and recommends changes to administration. •: Writes and implements circulation policy and procedures changes system- wide. ❖ Maintains and trouble shoots automated circulation system. ❖ Monitors and maintain various Innovative Interfaces, Inc. circulation functions. ❖ Supervises the Central library circulation center. ❖ Plans, assigns, coordinates and reviews the work of Central Library clerical employees. - ❖ Handles problems with patron accounts. ❖ Works at the circulation desk. Comnarisons The position was compared to class specifications and job profiles ofpositions allocated to the Office Manager and Information Systems Support Specialist classes. The comparisons revealed that the position was similar to Office Manager positions in that it performs administrative and supervisory work involving planning, organizing and duecting clerical work and perfomung ea�pert administrative support work. However, positions allocated to the Office Manager class aze not assigned the technicai work in coordinating and maintaining the customized circulation system fox the Central Library. The technical duties performed by the position in question are simitar to those performed by positions allocated to the Information Systems Support Specialist class series in that the positions impiements and trains staff in softwaze upgrades and maintains systems software and provides troubleshooting for the systems software. Also the position produces the documentation necessary to maintain and use the softwaze. However, the position supervises a number of administrative support positions performing various duties in the circulation center. Information Systems Support Specialist positions have no such supervisory responsibility. Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analvsis The Q.E.S. supports assigning the position to SPSO grade 10. The compazisons support creating a new class because the duties and responsibilities ofthe position in question do not match up well with those of any existing ciass of positions in the information and clerical support families. The position has fuil supervisory authority and consequently should be assigned to the SPSO bazgaining unit. Recommendation Currently there is not a class titled Circulation Coordinator, I recommend the creation of that class and assigning the position to SPSO bargaining unit in grade 10. (See the attached proposed class specification). �� , . ,, o �. -90 CLASSIFICATION/COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: DATE STUDIED: Modified Duty Worker in the Library Rodney Rodrigues August 28, 2001 PERSONS CONTACTED: Incumbent, Supervisor, and Workers Compensation Manager STUDIED BY: Michele A. Stegall APPROVAL OF CLASSIF'ICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: Background The incumbent submitted a job profile and our office was asked to deterinine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position. Studv Comnonents •'• Review of job profile . ❖ Interview with incumbent ❖ Interview with incumbent's supervisor •'• Comparison ❖ QES evaluation and analysis ❖ Recommendation Interview with incumbent In an interview with the incumbent, I was informed that his duties have not changed since the job profile was submitted. Interview with incumbent's suuervisor In an interview with the incumbent's supervisor, I was informed that the Library is in great need for this position. I was also informed that the (Signature) (Date) o}-qo incumbent has worked for the Library since 1999, in the Modified Duty Worker-Security Officer job ciassification. The incumbent has been approved by the Risk Management Office to return to a regular position. It was also expressed that plans are being made to add another security guard position. Interview with Workers Compensation Mana�er In an interview with the Workers Compensation Manager responsible for the Modified Duty Worker Program, I was informed that the incumbent could return to a normal (regular) position. Job Description ➢ Performs routine patrols of the interior and exterior of the Libraxy's facilities to protect the property from theft, fire or other damage or danger. ➢ Conducts periodic safety inspections of grounds and facilities. ➢ Monitors juvenile/adult compliance with the policies and procedures governing the use of the Library such as: Internet usage policy, loitering, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, parking enforcement, etc. ➢ Answers telephones and refer callers to appropriate staff. ➢ Answers questions about the department. ➢ Greets visitors and direct them to the appropriate person. Comnarisons The position was compared to Security O�cer Water Utility in Operating Engineers grade 17, Park Security Officer in Operating Engineers grade 21, and Modii"ied Duty Worker-Security Officer. Securitv Officer- Water Utilitv: This class performs routine work patrolling areas around reservoirs, watersheds, and lakes to protect the land, equipment and property of the Water Utility and performs simple maintenance work. This position focuses on limiting access to utility property and grounds. Park Securitv O�cer: This class is responsible for securing areas, maintaiiung safety, and maintaiuing compliance with park rules and regulations. Modified Duty Worker -Security Officer• This class is responsible for security at the Zoo and Conservatory facilities and at the Library. These duties are similar to the responsibilities of the Park Security Officer. oa -�.� Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analvsis The Q.E.S. evaluafion supports allocating the position to the Security Officer class, which is, assigned to grade 21 of the Qperating Engineers Loca170 bargaining unit. The position closely matches the duties of position allocated to the Park Security Officer, in that the positions are both responsible for maintaining security at places where there is significant public access and are needed to keep the public safe. However, the Park Security Officer class describes duties specific to the Parks Department Security Operation. Thexefore, it is necessary to create a new class. Recommendation Currently there is not a class of positions titled Security Officer-Library. I recommend the creation of a new class titled Security Officer-Library. I also recommend assi the new class to the operating Engineers bargaining unit in grade 21 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 218B CENTRAL LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES BU: 09 COORDINATOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs library work at the management and superoisory level including planning, organizing and directing the overall operation of the Central Library; and performs related duties as required. Supervision R�ceived: oa -qo Receives broad administrative d'uection from Library Public Services Manager, with wide latitude for exercise of discretion and initiative. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over professional, paraprofessional and clerical employees. TYPICAL Di7TIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and evaluates agency operations including collection, programs, and personnel needs. Designs library operations, logistics and workflow for renovated Central Library. Formulates overall agency goals and objecrives. Develops budget requests and recommendations and manages the agency budget. Monitors and evaluates the delivery of the (System-Wide) program of service to youths. Oversees the expenditure of allocations for materials, staff and equipment. Evaluates and manages delivery of circulation service to the public. Creates and updates the collecfion plans for Ceniral materials for adults, inciuding print non-print and electronic resources. Oversees the creation and operation of the Ynternet-based information service to. adults and child. Administers the (System Wide) Interlibrary Loan Program. Models the highest standard of customer service and ensures that staff meet customer service expectations. D'uects and monitors the implementation of Library policies and procedures. CENTRAI, LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES COORDINATOR Page 1 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 218B CENTRAL LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES BU: 09 COORDINATOR a a .qQ Effective: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITiES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of library science including library principles, pracrices and management, and collection development. Knowledge of scope and physical organization of the library's collection. Kuowledge of library policies, procedures; services and facilities. Knowledge of electronic databases and other online information resources. Knowledge of the integrated online library system. Knowledge of the Library's diverse clientele, who bring varied cultural intellectual, technical informational needs. Abiliry to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to develop budget request and monitor a yearly budget. Ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Ability to perform complex research tasks. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from college with a degree in library science, and six years of professional experience, at least three years of which have been as a Librarian iII or equivalent. (No substitution for educarion.) (CENTRAL LIBRARY PUBLIC SERVICES COORDINATOR) Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK Caeneral Statement of Duties: Code: 226B CIRCULATION COORDINATOR BI7: 09 ���� EfFecrive: Performs administrarive, supervisory and technical work in the Central Library Circulation Center including planning, policy and procedure development, supervision of administrarive support staff, implementarion of c'uculation soflwaze upgrades, testing, and traming; and performs related duries as assigned. SuDervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Central Library Public Services Coordinator. Suuervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision directly over Library clerical employees and others as assi9ned. TYPICAL DUTTES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all posifions in this class. Tests the annual circulation software upgrades, trains library staff on new upgrades. Prepares, compiles and maintains manuals concerning softwaze upgrades and policy changes. Monitors circulation policies; writes and implements policy and procedures changes system-wide. Monitors and troubleshoots the Ynnovative Interfaces, Inc. circularion functions, bounced email notice, page items, weed lists, eta = Plans, assigns, supervises, coordinates and reviews the work of circularion employees. Designs and evaluates efficient workflow in CirculaEion Center Public desk and workrooms. Handles problems with library patron accounts, answer questions and solve problems from other staff. Works at the cuculation desk. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of Saint Paul Public Library Circulation policies and procedures. Thorough knowledge of issues surrounding cucularion functions for the Saint Paul Public Library system. Thorough laiowledge of the Mission/ Vision/ Values of the Saint Paul Public Library. Considerable knowledge of supervisory techniques. Considerable abHity to plan, determine priorities and coordinate administrative and clerical work. (CIRCULATION COORDINATORI Page 1 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: coae: aa6B 6 a _ 9 . 0 CIRCULATION COORDINATOR BU: 09 Effecrive: Considerable ability using Innovative InterFaces, Inc. sofhvaze (Milcirc, Innopac, and Report Manager). Considerable ability to define pazameters for Innovative Interfaces, Inc. softwaze. Considerable ability to perform complex circulation functions. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relarionships with supervisors, subordinates, colleagues, and the public. Ability to plan, execute, and evaluate training on circulation sofiware and procedures. Ability to organize and coordinate teams. T�IINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Eight yeazs of clerical experience, rivo years of which must have been working at the Library circulation desk at the Clerk III level or equivalent; or two yeazs of college and four yeazs of library circulation clerical experience. iCIRCULATION COORDINATORI Page 2 PROPOSED TI1ZE OF CLASS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: SECURITY OFFICER - LIBRARY Code: 216B BU: 12 Effective: 0�-90 Performs routine work pa�olling azeas azound the interior and ea�terior of the Library facilities; enforces and mainfains the policies and procedures governing the use of the Library; performs safety inspections of faciliries and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the superoision of facility Manager or a Librarian Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERk'ORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. The listed examples may not inciude all duties performed by all positions in this class. Patrols the properties of the Library by foot or car. Conducts safety inspections of grounds and facilities. Enforces juvenile/adult compliance with the Library policies and procedures governing the use of internet, loitering smoking drinking alcohol beverages and pazking. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPET]ENCIES Knowledge of security procedures neaessary to deal with day bo day emergency situations. Ability to deal with a diverse range of customers and co-workers. Ability to identify safety hazards and propose alternatives for solutions. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. MINIMiIM QUALIFICATIONS One yeaz college or one year of experience in iaw enforcement or security work. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-yeaz period prior to date of appointment (suspensions for pazking-related offenses excluded). (SECURITY OFFICER - LIBRARYI Page 1 SALHT PAUL � AARt! CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Date October 26, 2001 Helga Kessler, President St. Paul Supeivisors Organization St Paul Water Utility 8-4�' Street East, Ste. 200 St. Paul, MN 5113 Deaz Helga Kessiei OFFiCE OF HU�IAN RESOURCES JohnHamilton, Director 25 WestFourth Street SaintPaul.Mi�mesota 55102-7634 400CiryHaIIAnnez RE: Twenry-Day Notice —(Central Library Public Services Coordinator) �3 -40 Telephone: 651-266-6500 7TJD/flP: 651-2666501 JobL"ne: 65I-2666502 Facsimile: 651-292-7656 Pmsuant to City of St. Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C� Phis memorandum is to inform you ttiat a new title has been created titled Central Library Public Services Coordinator. If you liave any queskions or comments regarding this matter, please contact me at 651- 266-6490. Michele A Stegall Human Resowces Consultant oz-90 swixT PAUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nome Co%man, Mayor Date De,cember 14, 2001 Helga Kessler, President St. Paul Supervisors Organization St. Paul WaterUtility 8-4�' Street F_ast, Ste. 200 St. Paul, MN 5113 Deat Aelga Kessler RE: Twenty Day Notice —(Circulafion Coordinator) OFFICE OF H[7M.4*1 RESOURCES JohnHamikott, Dirutor 400CiryHallRnnez 25 WestFourth Sireet SointPau� Minnesota 551 02-1 63 4 It has been detennined that the class specificafion of Circulation Coordinator should be developed I have attached a wpy of the class specificaflon for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss flris job specification. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, l will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. Tl�azik you. Michele A Stegall Human Resources Consultant I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day nodce for the piupose of revising this tifle and class specificalion. Name Date TeZephone: 65b2666500 TDDIITY; 651-2666501 JobBne: 651-2666502 Facslmite: 651-292-7656 G: LSharedlClasn, JICL95SI20 day rotices120day.ba�g.vmtmaster.wpd SAiNS PAUL � �A�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar Date Augus[ 28, 2001 Operating Engineers Local #70 Dick Lally, Business Manager 2417 Lazpenteur Avenue West St. Paul, MN 5113 Dear Bick Lally, Business Manager RE: Twenty-Day No6ce — (Security Officer-Librazy) OFFICE OF IIUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hamiltan, Director soo c�ry xauan� 25 West Fourth Street SaintPass�?vlinnesota SSIO2-1634 0�-to Te2ephone: 651-2666500 77JD/1 TY: 651- 26lr 6501 JobLne: 651-266-6502 Facsimi 1e: 65I-292-7656 Pursuant to City of St. Paul, Civil Seivice Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that a new title has been created titled Security Offices Library.. If you have any quesrions or comments regazding tiris anatter, please contact me at 651- 266-6490. Ivlichele A Stegall Human Resources Consultant