251865 OR1611�i�1.TO GiTY CLBRK > ���$s� • � ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. + � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF i�HEREAS, the �ouncil for the City of Sain� Paul haa provided a Health and Welfare In�uranc� progra�► for employees, and r�tirees tnd early r�tir�es of th� Cit� of Saint Paul and Indepe�dent Sck�oal Di�trict �625, as provid�d for under �ouncail File Ato. 231269, and WHEREA�, on Dea��ber 9, 1970, the �ity of Saint Paul did open bids on the hospitali�ation, rnedical-surgiaal, and life insuran�� covera�e� for said �rnployee�, retire��, said opening ineorp�at�d into Forrnal Bid �4359, and WHEREAS, all bidding has been alo�ed and the PureMasing �om- mittee ha� r�fer�ed all bids re�eived under Fo�mal Bid �359 to the Health and Welfare Comr�nit�ee far �h�ir eso�apl.e�e �tudy 4f such bids, and WFIEREA�, upon the advia�: and r�port of thE Health and W�:lfare 0ommi��ee, the Purchasing �ommittee dicl m�.ke an award of contract for coverage of �arly r�tired employees and regula� retired employees to the followir�g Qor�panie� at the following rat��: Hoapi�alization - Minnesota Hospital S�rviae Assn. ]�� early retirees _ employee (em�loy�e �ay) 9.5� p@r month dependent ( ' ) 11.00 per mon�h � 2) age 65 and over r�etirees _ employee city �ay 5•$5 P�r rnon�h o . o dependent � " ' � 5•85 per �on�h > o �� � o a. a 0- o Q U � ti � Q O � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya � Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine _—In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty O ORIG��L TO.CITY CLBRK . �����v . . �' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF � Medical-Surgieal - Minneso�a Indemnity Inaorporated 1) early r�tirees employee employee �ay 2.20 per month dependent � " �.�2 pe� month 2� a�e 65 and o�er retirees employee (Qity pa�� 3.60 p�r month dependent ( " ' 3.64 per month RESULVED, that the �ouneil of the �i�y of Sai�t Paul hereby approves �he a�ard of th� Purehasing Comiai�tee, and h�reby acvards contracts for furni�hing He�.1th and Welfare benef3ts to early and regular retired employees of the C3.ty of Sain� Paul and Zndependent S�hool District #625, and �heir dependen�s, as follawss To: Minne�ota Hospital Service As�ociation - the �ospi�alizatior� coverage a� above described Tot Minnesota Indez►�aity IMeorporated - the medical-�urgieal coverag� a� above described and BE IT FINALLY RE34L�TE]3, �ha� the �ity Clerk shall be ir��ructed to send Qopies of thi� resolu�ion to Minnesota Hosp3.ta1 Servi�:e Assoaiation and l�inn�sota Ir�demnity Inco�por�.ted. ��� 7197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays �,�� � ����� --�trt�— Carlson A 19� Levine 'v ln Favor a Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty P��,YSx�n �A N 9 1971 � san. �3, 1971 Minneeota Ho�pital 5ervice A.saoci�tion 3535 Blue Cxass Road St. Pazxl.� rL�nnesota Gentlement Enclosed is a cogy of a resolution of the St, Paul C�.ty Co��C i14 Council I�'ile No. 251865, acYc�pted J�nuary 7� �.q71� with refez���nc� td award oP contract for furnishin� xeaZth and 4Jelfare be�ef':,��s to early and r�gular retired emplaye�� a� the C9.ty of saint P„�.u,]� attd Indep�nd�u� Sch�oi Diatxict �b25 and their d�p�z�dent�o Very tru7y yaur�a, City Cl�rk � January 8, �971 Minx►esota Inde�niWy Tncorporated 3535 Blue Cross Road St Q Paul, M3.nriescrt a Gentlemen; Enelosed is a �op�y of a re�olution of the St• PStLL C:�.'Gy' C4UY1C�..L� Counci2 File No. 251$b5, adopted January 7� 1971, with reference to award af contract for flirnishing Health and Welfare bene�`its to e�s°ly and r��uul..ar retired emplayees of t�e City oP Sain� Fau�. and Indepencient Schoal Dietriet �fi25 and their d.eper�den°�s. Very �ruly yaurb� City Clerk ng