251844 Or1s���to Cit7 Clerk ������ � RDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO � ��/ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / / C�� AN ORDINANCE SETTLIN�r TFiE �S�AIM OF NI�I30LAS EDLOFF, M�RY L. EDLUFF AND KRISTIN EOLOFF A�AINST �HE �ITY OF SA]�TT PAUL THE COUNCZL 0� THE CITY OF SAINT PA�JL DOES �RDAINt Seation 1. That the proper City offi�ers are hereby a�thorized and dir�eted �o pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-�21, �o Nicholas Eoloff, Mary L. Eoloff and Kristin E�.oloff, th e sum of $�+53.9�, in fu11 �ettlement of their claim of dama�e� sustained on or about February 7, 1970, as more partieularly set out in a communication to the �ity Council on February 17, 1�70. Sea�ion 2. That said sum �hall be paid to the said alaimants upon �heir exeQUtion and delivery of a r�lea�e in full to the �ity, in a form to be approved by the �orp4ra�ion Counael, for �11 damages sustained in thE manner aforesaid. Seation 3. �ha.t �hi� ordinan�e shall take �ffect and be in force thirty day� �f'��r i�� passage, approval and publiea�ion. �p,N `� 2197'1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler � Carlson n Favor Levine � Meredith� i I Against Sprafka Tedeaco � � 1971 r President c ) Ap rove . t ' Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor�,�ion Coun el By �UBLISHED�� 1 y?� a�a a r.e.�.r �� RDINANCE 251844 cour�c�� H�No PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�_� !Ui O�Z1tANCTs 3?s'rTLI1�i� Tii� CLA�Ii 0� ItIC�t0I.A9 BQIAPF, 1tARY Ir. Bi�.QBl� �D �BT�]t TiALt3FF A�AIIi�' '�38 �I'1'Y OF SA�' !�r � Ci�i�. OF "� CITY 4F SAIjiT pAIIL �QBS QI�AIY s Seotiaa 1. Tbat th�e proper Ci�y ofPioara sre #�r�by a�tl�ori�ed and dir�ot�d to pay att of � Tort �bilit� Fuad 0035i-�21, to �tisholaa �lofP, 11ary �. �loff and Iristin E�lot#', �ti� sus oP $�4g3.90, in full eettle�ia� o! tla�eir olaia of Qa�a,��a austat�d cui or abo�t I�ebruary 7, 19�'0, as �s�a pa�iaularly �st � ottt i.e a eo�nit�ation to the City Cc�oil an �'ib�ary 17, 1974. 3eatian 2. Thst eald aua ehall De paid to th�e oai�l ola�ants upot� their eze�ntion aad deliverp of a rslease ia �11 to t� i�it.�t, in a tor� to be approvsd by the Corpora�ion �arucur4l, tar a12 �la�e se�tained ia ��e �ianuer at'orossid. Section �. �hat thie ord.inanoe •haii tak+� �tl��t s� lrs is foroe thir#�,q iaye �tter it• passage, apps�ovai a�d pubii�ti�a. �u►N �a ��ar Yeae Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Cous�� Butler Carison �� Favor �eredith o A�ni�,,.+ T�9O � J A N 2 219.7�1 Mr. Freaident (McCarty) APProved: Att�est: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a�proved Gorparl��ton Counsel By a �$1 / ! �". � 2nd � / � Laid over to 3rd and app I ! �_Adoptecl � �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bu+ler Butler Carlson �arlson Levine 2��8��`��evine '°� Meredifh �� �Yvleredith Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco �edesco �`�✓ Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty �O