251816 ORI6INAl TO CITY CL6RK ���Q1� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � u1 Zzc�::s�; cor�11T�: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO CO NCIL ESOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � r � J�nu�ry 5, 1971 COMMISSIONE � ATE R�:�OLViJ�: That 1�pplica;tion L-7323 for the transfer of Sunday-On-Sale Liquor Zicense No. 3817� expiring January 31, 1971, issued to H, L. T�1. , Inc. at 2051 Ford Parkway be a,nd the same is hereby tra.nsferree to Z��almont, Incorporated at the same address. On S2.le Li�:�uor �stablishment TRAi�'SFr�i (Ormership� Informall�� a�proved by Counc il December 31, 1970 , .,.. - ., w,,, JAN 5 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naqa Butler JAN 51971 Carlson Ap 19— Levine �� Favor Meredith Sprafka 0 or A gainst Mr. President, McCarty JAN 9 1971 PUBLISHED �� �� T.�^"�N" c i� z sl Sl� .,�.�o }�, jz� � c�rY aF sT. PAUL .;� ��` APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE _ ,, . Application No ..._.._. ' Walaant Incorparated � a,me of Applicant.....__. ..._._._......a_... .._._...... ..._.........._._._..._..._..,._..�.-•----..__..__.. Age....._ ...._....._..._. ftesidenceAddresa............. ........_..__.___..._..__..._...__..._..._._.................--•-.-:-•-----_.........._.... Telephone No............_........._.._..._....._..._...._.._ Are you a citizen of the Ututed States?........._..._....YA8 _........-.-.--._..._.._...._.____.._. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drinlc parlor, or business of aimilar ttature? ---_.........................�.�.8._......................_..___._......_._.._.___.................__..__. •--........._.__._._.._.... ._......__...__._..__.._......._..........._...._....__.._.... When and where�......................�.�._.U��.Y_�ET..�,�y._.A.'�8�18.,......�.�..-.1.8.u]_,.•-M�i.�iri@.6o.xa...:.-_.jT�.1.��.�.�D If corporation� give name and general purpose of corporation_...._..._..w.�.,.�..�_��.......��.4Q.I��.T�.'G!�_................. eneral bnaine� . __......_........_.__._....__.._..._......._......._..._.__.___._....... :.....__ �......_$..._.._.__.__......__:_..__._:._......g..__�.4�o��::G�.�x�___.. When incorporated?.._............._._._..�E�e�bes . 19'�4 . If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?.__._......_............._.___._..._..._...._._...._..._._� Ho�v many membera?_--•--•--__...___...._...._..._.._..._..__._.._...__._..._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manag^er. . . .. . . . . .. . .. ........._.........._......_Wal.ter._A.�...Montpeti�.........._....._......._lS.�k�L'�...�A,.L�T��.,..$�.......���..,_..��t�4.��t�.�...�........M ........................�--�---.............._...,--�-�-----._...._...._..._._._..._.....�.._...._...._.....__._...._..._..............._.:._......__....._.Pr.e.�.a..d.ea,�.._a.as�...Ta�eaaa�e�...._ ...............................Fborence...�.R._.Mo?��p�tili_......_..___..�.�:�l:...Hs�.T_t.J.t.�.,.....8.t�..._.Eanl.,.._.�i.zix�.a.a�s......_ .............................................................._....._.__..__.__._............._._ _.... ._....��.�._�'7�.�.�.���:�..�t�s�,...,8��?.�'.�.���'? Nainea and addresses of Stockholders: Walter A. Mont�etit�-�1.,�44..H�t,.Avenue.,_._St�...�Paul.,..�Minn�sota s�106 Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known............_........._.__....._...._.........._......_._..._..._..._......._...__._....._........_ Number Street Sid'e Between What Croas Streeta Waxd 20�1 ; For�l Parl�xaa - North : S�uth Cle�eland and Kenneth 11 : : : : How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?............................._....__........._...._...._....____...... How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?..........__....._...__..............._.._..__._..__..._.._._._._..._._...._..._........_.__._...._.__ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along atreets) ?....._...._....................__.._ 8t. Leo�s ..._..._. .._...._.__..._.. Name of closest school...._..__..._..._---.._..._................_..._..._..........._....._................_.....-----_.__................__..............._...__.._. ..._. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?................Cr.Q���'�.��.-------.-•-.--......._...._..._...,_.:......_............_...__.__.._..._.._.._._ On what floor located?...._........1��.._�.�4��t�'.._�l$...�?1�&��l.�II.�..........._................_...._..__.--�---�--......_........._..._.........._....................---......._......._ Are premises owned by you or leased?...L.@�,.8.8�.._.....If leased give name of owner.....NA.�h821...,�i�IIri.,.....��....8�. If a reataurant give aeating capacity?............................................................_.............._......_...--�--._......................_...._.........._...._.................--�--............._..:__ If hotel. seating capacity of main dining room?....._...._...._.�................................_............_..._...._.........__..._...._....................._.............---........_....__.._._ Givetrade name.........__.?irf�X__�Ok��$Si..-- �-----•-•------••-......-•---.......-•----------•�--•---------------------------------------•--•------•-- -------------•--- Give below the name, or number, or other deacription of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ............ ..................4?n�....�oaca.a�n..S.1,x�.ax....fL�r and bar (The 1alormatioa �►bo�e mnst be�Ivea for hotels and reetaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel Y...._...........__._.........._..._...._..._..__................_...._.___........._.._._.._.._.._..._._.._.._.._..............._.__..._._ Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)._ ._....._....._._.._...__...._._.._...._..._..._..._....._..__..._.._...._... Give names and addresaea of three business referencea:__..._ _._...... _...._.__..._.._..____..._.._...._.........._....__.._...___ 1......_......_.Martin, J.�L�!den._...._...._.._. 160.�._J�a._,�L�.�u�.,,,_____8.�.,�..._��k�,......_�1.��.�.so.��........_ 2...__............_stammi t....�.���..,,��.__.._....___..._�flsa._A.t�e�.e_.___Sx...._.P.,e.ul,....MinB.eaa�a........_. s._......_..._..Dr......�_�A�..�.�.���._._._..._.._��.,1....�.._..Mar�laa�,...,AY.e....,_..&�...-Pau].,.._�.1.x.u�.e.�tQ�t�.__ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF TFiE CORPORATION DULY AUTHO�tIZED TO MAKE THL4 APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE ,� b r � v ' __ � sTa� oF�n�xF,so►r�,, - COUNTY OF RA11�EY, �• ...._......... ,. bein8 IItat dulY swo�n, deposes and aaya that he haa read the foregoing applicstion and lmows the contenta thereof, and that the eame is true to the best of hia knowledge,information and belieP. Subscribed and aworn to before me this..._..._...... . day of_...... . _ w19 , . ' . . • ........__..... _ , • � , Notary Public, Ramsey County� Minn. . My commission expires.._._..._..._____...._._..__---_.._,__ STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, $s' . _ , W .__.._.�..__.. .._ ..__ `�lalter�„A��.,,,,Mon�p����.......__...�.. ..___ .._.being flret duly aworn, deposes.and aays tha�.�..,.......�l�.....�.@..�tha. ��A1� n�� • ;. ,of._.._.. ....�t8lmatt'�.,.....Ie�m�sta.��ud....._...._.... ...._...---•---..�..__._.._ .._ � ,a corporation; that........�........_......h.a....................................._.....haa read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof�and that the same is true to the best of....._...._.hi.!l.........__...._...._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the aeal af$ued to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that aaid a�pplication was aigned� sealed and e�e- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Bbard of Directora, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. . .........._. . ..�:.. • - Walter A, on'� �it S bscribed and sworn to before me thi . ...___._..._..._day ef.. .�.81� .�.�.. .._----19 --�4 _•----------•-----_ � ... ;--�----. .._a..y .._. _.... _.._...:<----___�. , No Publi se Count�, Minn. I�.rtin J. Lyden My commisaion eupirea.___...1��C�b��•-�?.8�-1�� h�a�r;rr �. �.;��c�r�a , � Notary PuWic, Ramsey County, fi."inn, � G�on Expkes L?ecemt�+t,28, ,��,�,� , . . ., � ,