251812 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �51812 CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO. ` Lzc�r�a�: cor��1T�.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUN L RESOLUTIO NERAL FORM C MMISSIONE �� �(-- �"`L-- " l, l..`l�. ....�s January 5 f 1971 ATF WH�E:?S: Proper notice has been received as to change of a,n officer and one of the stockholders in Orv's Bar, Inc. holders of On :�ale Liquor License I1o. 7807, expiring January 31, 1971, at 488 Rice Street, therefore, be it R1�SOLV�: Th�,t due to the de�th of T�Iildred J. Troje, President and one of the s�ockholders, Henry F�. Troje becomes President a,nd a stockholder in sz.id corperation, be and the same is hereby approved. On Sale Liquor �:stablishment Chan�e Officers & Stockholder Informally G.p�.�roved by Council 12e3ie�97o JAN 519:1d COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya But�er �'A'N � 197� Carlson Appr ve 19— Levine �?�� Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainst '�'ec�eiiC�. Mr. President, McCarty JA N 9 19 71 PUBLISHED �� . - CITY OF SAI�TT PAUL � ��� � I� ' Capital of Minnesota � � � eUe a�t�ne�t o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota, Streets FIRE PROTECTION roz.[cs DEAN MEREDITH, Commisaioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MERRILI.,Deputy Commisaioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Licenee Ineyector yecember 31, 1970 'rionorable Tv.��yor <f.nd City Cour_cil tiaint ra.ul, T��inz.etioia Gentlemen �nd Tv��dam: Currer�tly Orv's �ar, Inc. at' 488 i:ice �;trect rre holders of On �-��.le Liquor License Pio. 7�07, Sur.d�y On �21e Liquoz L�cen� : �o• i992, ,-<nd riisce"_laneous licenaes, �11 exr,irin�; Janu:;ry 31, 1°71. ihe ofrice,�s �:nc' stoc'.;ho=u<.rs of record are I�iildred J. Troje, President; N�=�-rold ?�T. True.:dell, Vice-pNesident; _nd »dwaxd ��. Pra,-yfrock, �;ecreta:r;� <;nd. `lre�surer. �'he tt�ro stoc�.holders bein� 1�.1Gred J. `i'roje �nd H��.r�lu t�:'. `?'ruesdell. �ve to the dea.tn of T�ildred ^lroje, �;.s �er �tt� ched letter fro� the corper;.tion's attorney, iienry li. Troje becomes President =:r�d one ol tr:e stockholders. P'`s. Troje h�s been �,ssocia.ted wit: the liquor busine�s lor a ru�ber o� yea.rs, Zjery trul�r your�, r ,� � c�t,�,C�,/_/�c, a License Inspector � � A �,,��' � - ��:._ �,�� � � + ���_; � �,� 0 . • • � • 224-4345 �1❑HN E. DALJBNEY � ATTORNEY AT LAW 739 MINNESOTA BIJILDING ST. PALJL, MINNESOTA 55101 Decem�her 29, 1970 Mr. Daniel McLaughlir� License Inspector Cit,y of St. P:�ul lOth & Cec>.�Lr Streets St. Paul, Minnesota j5101. Dear Mr. McLaughlin: Re: Orv's Bar, Inc. doirig business as Capitol Bar 488 Rice Street St. Paul, Minn. P]ease l�e a,dvised that M.rs. Mildred J. Troje, direct.c�r, president arid secrei:a.l•,y ��f' Orv's I�ar, Inc. , �io_in�; busi.n�ss as Capitol Bar, is �:ou �1ec��a,�ea, arid s�ibject �to the approval of' ,you7� depa.r�,metlt her positions o�t dir�•ecto_t�, pr•cs i_aent and secretar•,y liave ��een takeri by her husband, Herlry IZ. Troje. Mr. Tr•oje has been associated with the on-sal.e liqtlor i��usiriess I'or a numl>er of years. I am enclosing conformed copies of the shareholders' and directors ' meetings in which this change was accomplished. Please advise if_ an,y f�rther forms are required to sec:zre �,he approval o:C t}iis chan��e iri persoririel in Orv's Bar, Inc. Very truly yours, ^ , � i _ JOHN Tl. D�UI��NL,Y � � JED:pr Enc. '� � � , . � � � /� �. �.-_ L �-'`j. , :,`j'�a293031>� .��,F. � � �c1 a �, .W.,' ,�,. � �%� ,=�� ��: :i (�. , —J f , � C , f� C.� ' ,. . ...�,� _ � _' �. a �/�1��31 ��'+`�1,� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL : � DEPARZ'�NT OF' PUBLIC S�AF'ETY L2cENSE D1vrSZON Da te—l�/ 3 0 �.9 ? ° � � � 1. Appliaation �or On� . � License 2. Name of applican.t �_ 3. Busines� addrese �f f� � �„�, Residence l,�,� �! ...+.�+�....�. �i + a�'Ti '��71'ar �..�..�..�� 4, Tr�de name, if anY � �- G�- --� 5. Retail Beer Federsl Tax 5tarap Retail Ziquor Federal Tax St�amp�r�r3.11 be uaed. 6. fhi what floor loesated �� � � Number of roomis uaed / � 7. Between what crosa atreats��" �y' Wh3.oh side of street � 8. A,re premises now oacupied��t �ihat busxneaaG�,�� � • How �.o� ��.� � � 9. Are premiaes no�r unocscupie� I3o�uv long vaaant Previou�t Uee 10. Are you a new o�ner�I�ve you been in a ai�.lar buei.ness before` � G'�---�1.. --.--.-._.r..- Whe re L � �. �� When �`� f.f��- / �l G,� — ___�-__— 11. Are you goi�g �to operate tMia buaineas peraon�a].ly , ' 7��" If not, v�o wi11 operate it 12. Are ynu in any other business at the preaent tin�a �- �� 13. Have there been any oomp].aints against ynur operation of this type oP p�,aam�^ �hen 'p�here 14. Have you ever had any lioense revoked_���hat rea�on and da�te 15. Are y'ou a citizen of the United State Native // Naturalized ..�.......�.. 16. 1�IPhere vware you bor� � D�te of bi�h //��ld� / 17. I am�°�m�rried, �dy (wifs 's) (husband's� name an.d address is (�/��/>ow� 18. (If married female� r�y m�iden name is 19. � long have you lived in St. Paul � � .�..�._ _.__.._.,_ 20. Have you evoar been arrested �U Niolatian of what arimineil, law or ordinance _._._..._,.., 21. Are yon a registered voter 3n the City of 5�. Pf�ul ��E��Yes l�o. T' (�nawer full and aom letel . Theae a liaations are thorou hl cheokad a�nd az� alsification will be cause for enia . (OVER) 22. Nwnber of 3.2 places within two blocks �,�, . 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale � �ff Sa1e� � � 24. Nea re s t Church / 1� PJea res t Sch o 01 G, 25o IvTumber of booths �_� Tables o� C�.air� � Stools / � 26. What occupa�tion have vou followed f or the past f3ve years, (Give names of employers and dates so emplo�edo) �..Qij� r _ ' 2=(, Give names and addresses of' two persons, rasidents of St. Paul, Minn., v�ho can giwe in.farmation concerning you. �dame ���- • Address �o � �'/ �/���,,.iL I�ame Address l G �,3 � �_ � � S gnature of A aean S�tate of' �'i�.nnes�ta� )ss County of Ramssy � � being first duly sworn, deposes and says u�oath t at he has ead the foregoing statemen� bearing his signature and l�nows the contents thereoP, and t;?zat the same is true of his own l�owledge except aa to those matters therein s�aued upon information and belief and as ta those m�tters he bel�_a�c*es them to be ���,�, \ .�—'-- S g�ture of Ap ioant ` 3tabsc�°�.bed and sworn to before me °� this , �� dav of� 19Z? �--d-z )Z ' Notary Pab f �nsey Coun��, es ota My Comanissi n expiras tb - ;�S- �97 7 (Notes These statement forms are in duplicate. Both eoplas must be fully filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Division.�� � ._;�'... ...� ... . 'vrSr'E!'eVITZ � f. : ��:t' ;� G _r;ty, Mtnna f.iy i:;.t�]:1'�is3i"v�; ExN�i:,., vC.. �5, 19iQ � � AFF2DA��T BY APPLICANT . ` F�R � � ' R�TAIL BEER �?R LTC�UOR LTCENSE Rs: ��Sale ; � � License / i Name of applicant -- Business address � Are you the sola ownar of' this businesa?�. If not, is it a partnership? corporation? , other? �thers interested in b usiness, incl�de those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name �� „� Addz�ess�ov3 �r� O,,,j�,-� go�wr jl�at.;,� ,� �!. �- �. � �— T— If a corporation, give its name. � �� �� .�� . Are you interested in any way in any' other re`�ail beer or liquor business? �..r As sole a�rner? Partner? Stoakholder? t?bherw�ise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Address of such business and nature of interest in sams .�. S gnature of pp icant State of Minns s ota� �ss Co yof Rame1 � � � A �� � bein first dul sworn de oses and sa s u on oath g Y , P Y P that he as read th foregoin� a f"ida,vit bearing his signature and knows the contenta thereof that the sa is true of his avTn }�rnrrled�e, except as to those mmtters therein stated upon information and belief and as to th�se matters he believes them to be tr�u.s. �----- x f Signature of plicar�t Subscribec� and swo to bef�ra me � this d�ay af�p����1�9 7� � _".�'.. 1 �- Notary ubli , ey Gaun,ty, �. so a �y commission expires �� -��� 19� DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ Notary Puc:ic, Ramsey County, Minn: My Commission Expires Oct. 25,197�' . � . STATE fJF MINNESOTA� )SS CQUNTY �' RAMSEY � / � being firat duly �vnorn, do�h depose and say that he mskea this affidavit in csonnection with application for " � S�le" liquor licenss (" Sale" malt beverage license� in �he City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for lf� years, mon�hs, and ia now and ha s been f or the tim� �b ove ment ionsd a b ona f ide res ident of said State and that he naw re side s at a (..� �,.,� � Address . , �tlinnes ota. City or oy�. �- � Subscribed and aworn to before mo this�'''��''��� day of �¢.�em�Q-e.v 19�_ V - /l..[�✓y�.! e o�ary b c ey County, M' eaota My cus�n.i s' expires � o - ��-l�Z7 �� ppRLT•,�y ;). P.SUi:KE!`aVITZ Notar, i'.;'.�;ic, Rams;;y County, ^1inn� My.Commission Expires Oct.25x.1_9ZS� �e�. 31, 1970 Hon. Dean Meredith Comer. af Public �3sfety Public 3ufety Bidg. Tkar �ir s Att:e�nt`ie�: Dsr. Daniel �ScI�e►ugttJ,in Tlie City Coua�cil tocls,y irt�'armelly approved change of orfia�r end atockh.old.�r in Orv's Ba� Iaa. e►t �88 Rice St., holde�rs oF On Sale Lignar Lie. �fo. "�7� �ndqy On Sale Liq�or Lic. �. 3992,� and mi�scelleu�etnv licens��, sll ex��.ring Jaz�. 33y .� . __ _ l9'T�. � �►ill ycu ple�s pre�er�r �he awlt�o�r reac3l.:��iona co�rering thu ms�te�c? Yery trulY 3rour.� City Cl�rlt n8