251806 ORIG1N�j1.TO CITY CL6RK �518�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�ENC�� NO . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE v ATF In the Matter of hazardous buildings being that 10 unit, frame multi-family dwelling, . known and described as 360 Selby in the City of Saint Paul and situated upon those premises legally described as, Except E. 90', Lot 1, Block 75, Daytons & Irvines Addition, accord3ng • to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. !�lHEREkS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 250669 , anproved Sent�ember 3�,�1 7�„_,_, a r.ublic hearinn was duly��eTc� o`n � T! dav � sa��to 13. 1970 , t�efore the Counci l of the Ci tv of Sai nt Pau�f,� ng pertaining t� the condition nf' the structures located at _ 360 Selby gv_g�y,�,_ , Saint Paul , i�tinnesota; and td�lGREAS, Upon the facts nresented at the said hea.rina consisting of p�7�?a�ranhs, irtsncction rer�arts and the recc^��endations of the Citv Architect, it is `ound and deterr�ined b;/ the Cit;r �Council that according to the records and files in the affice of tf�e F.e�ister of Deeds, the last record p�G,ytyq�E�/oi�rners of the above-described pronerty j'�/are Howard P. Yessne and Eugene J. Schway; GoodwallMaceo, Teresita Maceo, Ernest Beedle, Patsy Beedle, and Jentrice 0'Neal have an interest; Twin City Federal Sav�ngs & L.oan has mortgage interest; a Mrs. Sholman has unrecorded interest; and !�HFR��i5, It is further determined that the above-described dwellin constitutes hazardous buildin�s ti-�ithin the defi- n�tion o ��tinnesota S+_atutes Section 463.15 for the fellc�•r�ng reas�,rs: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine �3 T� Favor Meredith . Mayor Sprafka ;.i Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty FOR fvl AP P ROVE _ IAzst Corpora ion Co se� O � .� � 2518�s Page 2. a. The dwelling is standing vacant, abandoned and is subject to being entered by unauthorized persons; b. The exterior condition of the dwelling is as follows: the sidinc� is in need of repair, the exterior stairway to basement is in dangerous condition, a major portion of the limestone foundatian is severely eroded, and portion of the roof is in need of repair; c. The interior condition of the dwelling is as follows: in the basement the limestone founda�ion is eroded and major r�ortion of the west half of the basement is damaged by a fire, on the first floor the bath and stairs and kitch�n are damaged from fire, the second floor has some broken window sash; d. The dwelling in the above condition is beyond reasonable re�air; e. The dwelling is unfit for human habitation in its �resent condition and the above corrections must be made in comoliance with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the Clty of Saint Paul in order to r.take the same habitable; f. The dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; ORIGINAJ.TO CITY CLBRK � �� � > CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL N0, s � :� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' PdQe 3. COMMISSIONER �ATF nav��, therefore, be i t � P.ESOLVED, 7hat in accordance srith Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based u�on the foregoinh findinas of the � Citv Council , the Council of the Cit.y of Saint �'aul does hereby make • the folloti��ing Order: ORDER 1 . The py�n�er/o��rners of the above-descri bed dwell ir�q shall make the same safe and not detrimental to t��e n�i� ic peace, health, safety and ��elfare by havinq the said dv�elling razed and the material s therefrom rer�aved fror� t, e nremi ses wit�i'n'�-- thirty (30) davs from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unl�ss such corrective action is taken to comnl.y 4,rith this Order or an ansrrer served u�an the City of Saint Pau1 and filed in the Office of the C1 erE. of the Ui stri ct Court of ?,amsey County, '�1innesota, ��ai thi n twenty (20) davs from the dat� of the service of this Order, a ,1otion for Summary Enforcement of t�►is Order ta raze and remove the said d� � � vrill be made to the ��msey County Uistrict Court; 3. In tt�e event that the dwelling is �' to be razed bv the Citv of Saint F'au1 C�ur^suant ta ju gc� ment of tf�e .)istrict t;ourt, zll nersonal �ro�ert�� or fixtures v�rhich may unreasonabl��� interfere ���itf� the razinq and re;noval of t+iis dwelling shall be removed +�ti���in ten (i 0) davs `rc�n the entry of jud�r:�ent; an�i f�iiot sa rer�oved, the Ci tv of Saint Paul shall re�ove and dispose of such n�rsonil nroperty and fixtures as provided by la4�r; 4. If the Cit�� af Saint Paul is comqelled to take anv correctiv� � action herein, all neces�ar,y costs ex�ended b5� the Cit,y 4�ri11 be assessed against the �zaove-�escribed real estate and collected as ather taxes; an� � be i t FU2TNEF; R�SOLVED, Tf�at a certi fi ed co;�,y of thi s resol uti on and incorporated �rder her�in he served upon the last record��/av�rners of the a�aove-described �roperty in the manner nrovided by lavr. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council J A N rJ �9��_ Yeas Nays But�er J A N 5 19 71 Carlson Ap _� 19� Levine �° _In Favor Meredith � ,or Sprafka A gainst � Mr. President, McCarty .���LI�xED JAN 9 i971 � � Area Code 612 ��T�. ^ THOM115 J. STEI�RNS ' .223-5121 ���. F� y ARTHUR M. NFLSON 1---4`f�,.,� ., JEROME J.SE6�1L � 4 Ni�.a�!\_. � ��"•;`�"�1 ^ 2518t�� KE NETH J. FItZPA RICK a�, �c` PAUL F. McCLOSKEY, JR. JOSEPH E. CARTWRI6HT CITY OF SAINT PALJL R.SCO1T DAVIFS PIERRE N. REGNIER PAUL J. KELLY DANIEL L. FICKER First Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Mienesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel December 30, 1970 'ir. /llbert B. Q1son Counci 1 F:ecorder Cit�� C1erF:'s Dffice tiuildin7 Re: File No. 2071 360 Selby Dear i9r. O1 son: Attached, hereto, is resoli�tion/order r.c�rtainina to the above hazar°dous auildin�. Unon nassac�e or tS;e same by the Citv Council , nlease forti�ardeighteen (18)certified co�ies to me. Yours ver�r trul;�, ��A , PIF:RE (1. f;ECF IFR llssistant Cornoration Counsel PPd�/I:lm Enc. 18 Cert. Copies to Mr. Regnier 1-7-71 NG �fi5 Area Code 612 ��T�. ^ THOM/15 J. STEARNS ' .223-512i ��� �� s' NRTHUR M. NELSON � JEROME J.SE6AL 4 H�`: �• 'l. _' ' �������=:� � 25�.8�� KENN H J. FITZPATRICK ��' ^c PAUL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E. CARTWRI6HT CITY OF SA.INT PALTL R.SCOTT DAYIFS PIERRE N. REGNIER PAUL J. KELLY DANIEL L. FICKER First A:sistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 Cify Hall, St. Paal, Mieeesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsei Dec�nber 30, 1970 'ir. i11 f�ert B. �1 son Council Recorder Citv Clerk's Office [3uilding P,e: File No. 2071 360 Selby Dear i9r. O1 son: F�ttached, hereto, is resolution/nrder r.ertainina to tt�e a�ove hazardous buildin�. Us�on passac�e of tf�e sa!;�e by the Cit�✓ Council , nl ease �ortirard eighteen (18)certi fi e� co�i es to me. Yours ver�r trul��, ��R . PIF��E f�. f;EGF IFI2 �issistant Cor�oration Counsel PP1R/i;lm Enc. 18 Cert. Copies to Mr. Regnier 1-7-71 NG �O ��..�,�,��� � � 2�18� 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�rca N0 ,; � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . Ct�UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COR MMIS�SI NER °A� In tt� Mstt�r ot hasar�us batldtng: b�1n9 t�t t0 uA1t, fr� wulti-t��41y d�stltnp, _ kaorr� an� el��crtbed a� 360 Selby in th� Cttjr ot Ss1at Panl a�d situatsd wpon tAss� pr�1:K l�aily d�scr4b�d a:, Exc�pt E. 90', Lot 1, tlock 75 I�ayta�s �► trwlrNS Addltton, a�ording . to the p�at o� til• ar� ot record in t�a ofi1� - ot thi� Re�ist�r et Dards 1n anA fa� th� Csw�ty of �Y. �tats of Ml�ssota. t1HEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. ZS0669 , approved , � aubl i c heari ng was duly TieTci`on` , r , before the Council of the City of Sai�u`T;� , sa� earing perta�n�ng to the condition of the structures located at 360 Salby Av�nue , Saint Paul , ��tinnesota; and . WHEREAS, Upon the facts presented at the said hearing co�nsisting of photographs, inspection reports and the recor�nendations of the Citv Architect, it is found and determined by the Cit;r Council that according . to the records and files in the office of the Register of Deeds, tt�e last record �y4�/o��rners of the above-described �roperty �f/are ib�r� P. Yessn� and �ag� �. Schra�y; 600dw�ll M�c�, Tir��tit� M��a, Ern�:t Baadle, Patsy 6�die,� a�►d J�tricf O'Nart hsr►e an int�rest; Twin, City FsRl�i S�viaQa � i.oeq has nort�ge tAt�a�t; � Mrs. Sta1w� hts �rs�rd� lgt�st; ant! . . WHEREAS, It i5 further determined that the above-described ' � �1�1A9 _ constitutes hazardous buildings within the defi- �ian o t�nnesata Statutes Secti'on 463.15 for the follo�vir�g reasons: COUNCII.MEN _ Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Naya � . Butler Carlson APD�o� 18� Le°'ne rn Favar Meredith Sprafka �� . . . . . �. roOAlTat . - . . . � . . Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty : �� � � 2�18�6 Page 2. a. The dwelling is standing vacant, abandoned and is subject to beinc� entered by unauthorized persons; b. The exterior condition of the dHrelling is as follovas: the siding is in need of repair, the exterior stairtivay to basement is in dangerous conclition, a major portion of the limestone foundation is severely eroded, and portion of the roof is in need of repair; c. The interior condition of the d4velling is as follows: in the basement the limestone foundation is et°oded and major portion of the west half of the basement is damaged by a fire, on the first floor the bath and stairs and kitchen are damaged from fire, the second floor has some broken ���indotv sash; ' � d. The dtirelling in the above condition is beyand reasonable repair; e. The dwelling is unfit for human habitation in its present condition and the abave corrections must be made in compliance �•�ith the Building Code and the Hausinc� Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to r�ake the same habitable; f. The Harelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public heal�:h, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; � � � � D{I*LICAT[TO�ltIN7=I! � . . . . � � .:����� � • CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���� � Page 3. COMMISSIONE� ^A*� no��, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, That in accordanee rlith Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon the foregoinh findings of the City Council, the Council of the City of Saint �aul does hereby make the following Order: ORDER 1 . The /�lh(d�/asrners of the a5ove-descri bed dr�e111Ag shall make the same safe and not detrimental ta t ,e pu ic peace, health, safety and welfare by havinn the said dMeiling razed and the materiais therefrom rer�oved fror� t e premises a�tt �n thirty (30) days from the date of the service af this Order; Z. Unless such corrective action is taken to com�l.y tivitt� this Order or an ansv�er served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Distr9ct Court of �amsey County, Minnesota, within twenty (20) days from the date of the service af this Order, a P�lotion for S�nmary Enforcement bf this Qrder to raze ahd remove the said dMe111ng will be made to the Ramsey County District Court; 3. In the event that the dtv�111ng 1s ��E to be razed b,y the Citv of Saint Paul �ursuant to ,�u qment o t e District Court, all personal propertv or fixtures �1 ic��r�a.y unreasonably interfere ��lith the raiinq and removal of this �n9 shall be removed ±�rithin ten (10) da,ys from the entry o �u gment; an i not so rer�oved, the Citv of Saint Paul shall re�ove and dispose of such nersonal pro�ertv and fixtures as prov�ded by JaEr; 4. If the Cit!! of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended bY the City will be assessed against the a�aove-described real estate and collected as other taxes; and be i t FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record/�6�/owners of the above-described property in the manner orovided b,y law. ��� 5 f9T�t COUNCIL��N Adopted by the Coun�>> 18— Yeas Naya Bu�� �N 5 i971 Carlson AppmvP� 19� Levine Tr FavOT Meredith Sprafka � �� . . � . � roOAITIR't� . . � . . . � � . � � � � � �� . . � . . .. � � � .. � .� �. Mr. President, McCarty �� _ � g � 1 T Y O F ���� T P�A►�! ���� ���{� ' �ru; �� � -�u r�_13 ��� �'� � �, Capital of Minnesota �"'; , ,�.� � d , � , � ,p�, ,�� �, � �� °� � �.=------ � � — ,��-�� v ..� T. �... �,,, � ; =� . �" �- ��'`' � .: ; ��K . - �.. ,�� _ , �.� � � ,°a� ��� ., _ .� �„ �� �'" � „ .. "�� �- �E - � ,,, �� -<.,��. � , „ � ,�� i �'�q � ,, � � � . ,a � �, �r2�� . �,.�' , . .. , � _ , - .— .� �w _x�s�,�� 4Y ' —T��6 � � BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 Octob�r 13, 1970 Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 2071 - 360 Selbv Gentlemen: The Building Departm�nt is h�r�by submitting its report on the condition of the structures at th� above location. The owner of record is Mr. H. P. Yessne and E. J. Schway and thc� legal description of the property is Lot 1, Block 75, 360- Except E. 90 ' Daytons & Irvines Add'n. A recent inspection indicates the following: The building is classified as a multi-family dwelling (10 units, frame) . Ext�rior - Siding and asbestos shingles are in poor condition. Exterior access to bas�ment is in dangerous condition. Limestone foundation is erroded, severly. Portions of the roof are in poor condition. Basement - Foundation is erroded, floor joists have been damaged by fir�. Stairs are unsafe. Chimney is in poor state of repair. First Floor - First floor shows extensive fire damage. Unvented baths are in violation of St. Paul Building Code. Stairway is a hazard to life and limb. Second Floor - Second floor has escaped the ravages of the first floor but does have some broken window sash. Plumbinq, Heatinq and Electrical Svstems - Mechanical and Electri- cal systems are questionable because of fire damage. � � � -`11 _ � ';. .� Hon. Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council -2- October 13, 1970 On September 22, 1970, the City Council authorized boarding up of the subject property; however, later that day the attorney for the owner contacted this office and. promised to secure the build.ing. Therefore, the order to secure has been held in abeyance pending the date of public hearing, at which time a reinspection was scheduled.. This morning the building was reinspected and found to be open. The owner has partly boarded up all openings, but it is not secured to our inspector's satisfaction and. is considered subject to entry. He has also indicated that the Housing & Redevelopment Authority may be acquiring this property in the near future, and on this basis has requested. a two-week layover. ry rul yo rs Robert L. mes City Architect R LA/mfs cc: Messrs. J. J. 5ega1 D. Norrgran F. Staffens on �������� CITY OF ST. PAUL � couNCa ��o�,�� _ �,.`-' _ �� N4 . . OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK ° � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENt�tAl FORM P��� Vietor J. T�edeaco 8�ptea�ber 30� 1970 COMMISSIONE� ^ATG � WHEREAS the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public kearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings., said structures having been reported to constitute a public hazard: Address Legal Description Type of 5tructure 3b0 Se1b11 Afenetis ��pt ti�a � 9E1 tt. ol Lot t. 10 unit m�ltftam►t�y, da+�lling Bloak 75� Dsyton ic Isvine�s Add�t. WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings are as follows: �� �1 Y�ssn� and ��n� 3a ..$C�1��� THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court Hous e in s aid city at 10:00 a, m. on �.A�,.� n,.�r 13,�3°:�Tn to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above described property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public he�.lth, safety and welfare; be it . FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council. notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last � known address, as well as other interested persons of reco.rd, of the date and time of the hearing. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the �ounci�SEP 3 01��0 19— Y� xa�s SEP 3 � 1�1 0 Butler . . Carlaon APP�o� 19� Levine __�n Favor Meredith Spraflta � ��r A gainst � -�J�,w;"'� Tedesco � q" Mr. President, McCarty ��� �� � � � � �� ��J Oct. 13, 7� � �w����� ,. ��� ,�--, �, � , Mr. Daniel A. Klas � `` �` Corporation Counsel %�� � � Building � �� ,`�, / Dear S i r: \`����,/r� ,_----. '��, "`�, � The City Council t � reque��ed t�.a��``�ou prepaxe a resolution ordering the corre �on or wre ' �ng an�Y removal oP the 1Q-unit multi-family dwell z�g at 360 Se Ave. . Very trul,y yours, ,---°-� \ �—i% �/----� `�----�' ��/ i � ' � City Cl�rk n� \ �, �