251802 ORIO�NRL TO��CITY CL[RK CI I I OF ST. 25�8��2
COMMIS�ONE Wi11i81Y B C�rlson ��
WHERBAS� Additions and Deductions which migi�t prove to be necessarq in the
Impravesent described as th� 3T. ANTHONY HILL RELIEF SBWER (Csrroll-Grotto),
Cooptroller's Contract L-7254, City Froject No. 69-S-0971C, Dunkley Surfaeing
Company, Inc., Contractor, h�ve been provided for in the Specifications, and
{iIH�RSAS, It has been found necessary to �ake the following Additions and
As per attached Contract Change Agr�enent No. 2 $6962.39
As per attached Contract Change AgreeQent No. 2 $ 650.00
i�iHBRB�AS, The total addition is $6312.39. and the Cos�issioner of Public Worics
has agreed with the Contractor that the a�unt of $6312.39 is the correct su� to be
added to said contract, therefore be it --
�� RIiSOLVBD, That th� City of St. ganl through its City Council apprc�ve� the fore-
going additimn �ade in accordance with the Specifications in the sun of $6312.39,
said amount to b� added to the lu�p sum consideration aaaed in the contract, known
as Cc�sptroller's Contract L-7254, and which amount is to be financed as follows:
Urban Reneval Bonds - $2100.00 {
Capitol I�provee��nt Bond Fund 9269-406 - $4212.39
orpor ion C
� JAN 5197_at
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_.
Yeas Naya
But�er JAN 5 i9��
Carlson � App 19—
Tn Favor
Sprafka � �
A gainat
Mr. President, McCarty
JAN 9 1971
� . � 251���
PRGJECT fi0, 6r•5_C971C CGNTRACT N0. �-'�?`�+ CONTRr1CTOR�u�+�l�,� �ur'. Co.
PROJECT DESCRIPTZON �T. .i£�'T;i;3;;Y :iILL i�''LIs:� ;:.`.:r:�c (��trt11l-Grotto)
In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner
of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices
£or items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract,
are the reasonAble costs of those items for additions to,or deductions from,the contract.
�?:;.:JCC It3t'5
2vo Typ� 1 R cntcl� t�raaina �:�o�.-n ot� �'1vn S:�ece �mµl c��r� r.o�t calot�d
on Contract Chanz�e l.ur�c;��rst A�o. 1. Tk���� it�::,� t�xr0 ir�clua.rci in
the lettar fr� Mr. �:a�ni�, daE�d A�ril 27, 2970.
2 Type I 8 catc�, ba�irrz G� S32S :�:.:�.��
T�T�tL ���UCTIU;�'�.......... $ 650.00
CAan�. ot Nanhola �1 an Fisk SC. 8outl� o� Concordia fr�om Ty�a� I4'
ybowa or► Plcn 5�uat 4031 to a T,ypQ V ,a;e�;s?ta2e
ContrACtar'a unit prrice Ty;�m v giac�.QO
Contrnctor'8 nnlC prYc� T}►�Sm TV -3g0•i3G
�at d��f�zre�c� � 850.00
Conatruct one Tppo I �►ar.t�.�lo o� t�a asax�fe��y �c��r ct t�� fr.���a�ctioe�
ot Fiak �nd Carroll. '�'�fo w�a r�c�!��x�d Bs�cau�a t�:� �[o:�sa sa�w�r grr�d�
was lotirared to csias t�e ol�ctrical c�rn�uit st F'��� �;�3 Concordfe
• 1 �ype Y ��sni.�ls i:� $325.�� _ $325.00 .
Ch4ng. •tY�ot restor�tio� on Co�ca�t�i� g�rr�� '�y�a ��Z (�ra�iad �tcsd ai��d7
to Typo II t�av4d). T.".s plas�a �r,�i��ced t�:�C t�3� ��.���at wo� to �c�
reat,�rod aa n �r�dcd and o�I�d �c��a� r�cwut�lr,� �S" o� �raval D�+m�r sasd o
2" b�itusair►c►vs raat. Tda� follot�in�; nc��itiacsml �aric �as r��;uired:
S4 cq. yds. ra�ov concrc�cc� bas+� � a1.8fl ;��7.�2�
g4 aq. yds, cc�ncr�ta �ia�e. 7^ laid iG plccs �r 3�•�S �:3�..�.�
CIZ"Y �0? S„I.;T rti�L - Dr�r«FTi•.'E�v'T CF PUBLIC IdORKS
� CC�iRACT CE.�I�GE ;�GF.Er���ti'T N0. '' ez:�tfnuctd
PR��,7:.C; .;0. r:�-:,_"�97!.0 ^ CO:�1F.xCT N0. ? -7<''�� CONTRACTOR r',^',1^,� `':��y ':�_
rFtOJECT DwCP.IPTICN tiT. .:": 'Y `:�.Lw "��.i:::� S�' '�:rt t�:�»wl�•^:o��o)
In �ccordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Conm.issioner
of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices �
for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract,
are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract.
T::a� �co�Q of c.�rd re�,ui:cci to c�:'�� Ll.n.� c^-;;::cL�.�a �a �a�o a�;f�Ci�� c��.s��:�l�
iC C07C:1:t'1^. L',ri'� F��^ «'+a ns?1: $i^}?;at'i faY'1 .�4°; j��.;ti^e. �1'^e1 �-ss a� a di:�
�_. s O.P tu_ C� .4. C
strucr��r� ��ro n;,t �v�;41z�h�c� �r�� ChA Cre�� c+� .`:C. ��ct. ?'h� ��i��f�p
roin!'��cc:r° cca^rer.A bo:: w�„� re.�::�v�d �s:d a rvw �ap r��a caneCructcti. T'h�.s
�ork r�s ncccesiie+Ced by t�a �rsag�i�c�.;^:�s� o� cA�.�:tin� 4�Y�� r��nct pipe� aritb
72" �rch pir�.
Pc;,�ir�+c;r.� t�n�t�l ;229.t$
1nFo: nnc! �*�;uiY*;a�n� �1�s3.51
Pc�s ffiLrucCn:� �375.CJ
"'oe�Z ��3�252.69
TAa vater iinm un :ia,k �vt��a�n M�r.rh.�ll ard T�nyCan ord�t �rct�r�ct r��lacec!
by tbQ S�. Ft�ul 6�'��er D��eartwcat. 3'ha (:on�resc�or e�Xe�d to �o Lhie sr�lrk
tor a lu�p ��s�r �...�unt ,
Exc4vrsCa Po: wntc�r Iine . S1,?t?�.0�
T�ro wmtar ��rvicQ tronche�o �i $20€f.f30 kQO.Ca
Tv;f,L F�JITTU;�:i........:. �b.962.39
�t'.r,`};:.F� CC%t"'j'fi�+C".: �tir'.°�GF: �•.Gc::c2:i:P:7 l�O. ?
ToCA� r1c;d$tita:��.... ... . ........ ..........v69�2.::'
ToC�A U��'u�tfott�........................ . hSU.��
']U1�L P!�T ��i'�Yi ItJ�:....... ...........�6312.39
Thi� a�dttionaal �w.�unt �o ba� fire`neod as feliows:
Ur'ca� �ertc��,��t f�:�d� $b1C0.G3
Crr�itoi I��rove��nt �onci Funds , 92b9-406 ;�k21Z.39
� - /
� `'.`, � j _� ,::{^ � - z - �.3 19 �, l;�:sECI�y v�u������; Cc:�>>:e�y 19
�� `���'�='���� Ergineer � Cor.tractor
' ;`-�' \ � � ^ t} � �,, �__ ��
�+� . ^ , � � " � - � 9 ? � �/ i:- J ..
� ; - �,���... _ t`� :�:;� 19 � By'�;-��,,.: ,, �- . ,- >%-���� �.��- ,�- 19 ��
CYiiez Engineer ,. � �
`, '/ ; � � ��L ,�i_/_t.-�_ �> �'��19/�' �—"'� �''� �"...'�`"� 19
� � ,
Co�r.missioner � ,� ^ Comptroller
: ,- .-`._
Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue)
To Gr,��t.x��nt,car To ��r�cs�antan� Div. To Comptx�olle� To Con�truetior� En�ineer
� 25180
DYPLIC/�}'='CO.rNSN'1�! CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� - �.
���D rr Yillia: 8. Carlson
ti9EREA�� �itiosa a�d Dwnctions �rbiah �i�Yt prow to b� u��tsastyr i� tY� �
Lpsov�ent d�scrib�d u tb� 8T. ANTIO�IY BILL �ELI�? SEWBR (Carroll*6rotto�,
Co�ptsoller'a ContraEt L-7YSk, City iro���et llo'. 69-8-0971C, Dwsklh►,. Sdrtacin=
Co�paay, I�c.. Coetraator. luv� be�n provid�d fes in ths =peaifisatious, and
MIQRi�B, It Yas �� loand ��a�ar�► to rab tla ieliovis� A�dditious an�
As per attaciwd Contract Chanse l►�r�nt po. 2 $6962.3!
As pts attacl� CoAtract Ct�aA� A�r�at No. 2 S 650.00
1RT TtnAL AD�DI?LOM ?0 001l1'It�t.T = f631Z.3f
1�t1tBAS, Tl�r twtai additien ia �631Z.3l� aad tly Ce�isaion�s o! t�o�bii� Morka
l�as asrud �ritL tir� t:oetractor tLat tL� rouwt oi� =6312.3! ia t1�e cornat a�r te b�
adiN to said oswtraet, t1r�r�tare � it
� RE'OLVED. ?bat tlw City o! �t. �ail tks�saslt ita Cit� Csuaail yyt+���a tla tor�-
�oia� a�itiea �ad� in �ccordasc� Nith tM �p�ailicatioas in t1N s�s ei #6512.3l,
aaid �t to b� ��d to tL� 1� snr aoasid�ntion arad ir tiy oo�tract, kaevn
as C�tsrll�s's Co�+tnat L-�3S4, a� �icY �ao��t is to b� tiaanca� as l�allo�t
9rbaA R�aawl Boads - �2100.00
Capitol Lpso�wnt Bond �ntAd 92i9•�itib • �k212.39
JAH 6197_t
COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Co�in�� 19
Yeas Nays
Butler 5197.�
Carlaon Appro�A�N 18_.
�°� Tr Favor
Meredith ��
Sprafka � Ag.��t
Mr. President, McCarty
Ci'i':` G:' ��1i::T i�'�t;L - DEPr�FT:.�""�i�� OF PUBLIC jdOP.KS
� CC:iF�1CT CHAi�GE aGFE .F',r:EI�'T N0. 2 C_*�ci:�uad
PROJECT ;;�, r," :,-�;7�C CCA'TRACT N0. L-7'�•`> CONTRACTOR i'�.g'�'.:A�°� `,��:w Ca.
FROJECT DF,:�CRIrTI�N �T � ' : 'Y f;i?.f, F'�),I' � (C^:�II-�r��!:o)
In accord�ince with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Corunissioner
of Public 4lorks has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices
for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract,
are the reasonable costs of those itema for additions to,or deductions from, the contract.
Tt�s scopo of vark reyuired to ra�ake tt�e� ronn�ctian to tho e:�i�Cin� e�ar+hole
at Concoraia �nd FiAk c.•na r�t ��^.n�•n c�n .k� �l�ne. F�lrsns �,P t�� e::t�tfng
atrucr.��ra •+�rw Rc+t �v�i4l�?'+lR Prr�s� the� !::ty o� �t. ^st;I. ?'?�Q ��ct�ifrs�
rein_*arc�d ca��rQte bo�s �a�a rs;;.�vr�d ��d a new hQX R•cas conatructssf. T�t�,a
wark �as necoositatod b� t�am rapl�c���nt d� cttfsting 4�" rouAd pip� witb
7Z" arch pipa.
Fr,��i���tnt renCal �2�9.t�
I�ho: ancS ,�cy��ips�e,nt 21b6.31
Kew :zructuro �75.�
''.'otal R3.252.�4
Tho Wator li»h on �i,�k �+vtrean Ne��}�11 and �Aytan wea orcts�Y�+d rea�lac�c!
by the St. Faul t�'mer DepartA@�t. The Cont��►ctor a;reed to da thia wrark
tor s lu�p su� ou�ount ,
Hxcavate tor wc�ter line , �1,7E:0.f}�
Tvoo wacsr strvic• troncher � $20Q.00 40fl.t3{3
Tu;�+L F�JYTItl;�S........:. �6,953.39
St'P,'�,:,F� C{3?"�fiAGi Cf3n*;GE i-.G�..Gt:LgiT �*tZ. 2
Totpl AddiCion�........ ........ ..........Sb�3�2..:�
Tatal A�ductior�s........................ . FSU.Ca
TpTAL NE� r�L1�IT'IUN..................$6312.39
This edditional $mount to �a fis�nncmd cs folloo�st
L+rben P.en��aa� P�:�da . $Y�CO.(3ri
Capitol Impraveroent �ond Fundq ,• 9269-406 $k21�.39
L /✓ �l � `,�i._'��._. Z ��,� �. 3 19 C-' t,unkl�y �a:��c�.4; CQ:.,��;a�ny 19
�• onstru�e:on �g�eer � Contractor
�..._ ✓ } \� �
� 4 � �� 3D{A \ .. ��� _ I
�. � '%! � ' :�` '� t`�/ "�'' 19� By�,�i- •.,� l`: -%%,,-��;,,J /,r- ,�i- 19 7%>
C��-=�—r...-- �
Engineer �
%—�= C� �C`-':r��l—i�v t' i. �J-'a..;��13 F-� � l� �� '��
Com.missioner ,f , . >;,�Comptroller
Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue)
T� �nrit.r:,�tnr T+, �'��t!n,,ri�,in� I3iva '�'�� Gni�ry�z'�'�`t.,>:' Tca ��n�±�:,��:t�t,�r+� �s�ineer
C IT� G:-S„I;�� P„�L - DE��F.T���-� oF P�LZ� j�roR�s 251802
CCb�R�CT CF.�1�'GE tiGRE�✓.EN�T N0. a
PRGJECT i�0. 6r-�_G97IC CGNTRACT N0. L-��`� CONTRt�CTOR p��kley ::u�:f. Co.
FROJECT DrSCRIFTIGN `%T. .+'.i:,..:;Y F3iLL �"L4f: ::�'.:E'.:� �C�tr�Il»G�'otto) _^_____
In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Co�unissioner
of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices
for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract,
are the reasonnble costs of those itema for additions to,or deductions from, the contract.
Tvo 7ypm 1 E catch t�aains �ho�sa� o:� �'l�n aheat �4?41 ��ra not ciolotad
on Contrnct C'aanuca i.�recw�at F;a. 1. Th��� itc:�� c��ro i�ncluc�acJ in
the lattsr f.� Mr. Koani�. dmt@d h�ril 37. I97�.
2 TyFe t 8 catct� b��ins ts 5323 �`�f�•Q�
T'�'FAL F�D'UCTI�i��.......... $ 63fl.Q0
Chnn�o of M�nt�a2� �1 an Fisk St. Eoutt� og Concordia fr�m Typ� I4'
iaovn or► P 2�m 512a3t 4�,i1 to e Typ� V �enh�ts
Cantractot'a uaiC pric� T�pea V y120S1.00
Contractor'a nnit �ricQ Typo TV •350-ti�
t►�t df�f�r+�ncc � E350.On
Conatruct orso Type I srrsh.ole on ��� sanita�y s��::*s at Ch� in�eraectior
of Fi�k c:ad Corroll. '�hi� ��g x����ixQd �i��au�e t�:� QCorra svc��r �ra�de
vss lo�rsrcd to caios t�•e alasctrical canduit �tC �d:��. �:�d Coa:cordfe
1 i'ypo Y ��n��is � ���s.ea • 83a5.00 .
Chongo •treat restoraCion oa� Cor��ard�u fz�� 'ly�� i�I (�;ro�iesd �nS oil�d)
to Typo II (;aved). Tk:€� plan� ia��fcatce� t��t C:ai�a a�r�sc�t wac� �o �u
rest,�rod ns a �zccled cnd oiZc�4 €�re�t re�;s,sgrir; �S" af �.�vol Cs�� aa�d a
2" bltus�inc�ua �st. T►� fall.�w�in� ac"•.c�itlon�I �.��r�c was rayuir+s�:
s4 aq. yds. rc^�ove rancrcta b�v� ;� ;�1.��? ��1.2�
g4 �q. yds. cuncraCa Gaa�a� �" laid ta pl�co Gr ob.25 33:�.��Li