251799 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � /_���l l� . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO. "� `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 6,iilliam E. Carl n Decenber 30, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF WHSRAAS, in the �atter of Comptroller's Contract L-7087 for the RANDOLFH AVENUE - MISSISSIPPI RIVER TO DAVSRN STORM SEWER, City Frojeet No. 68-S-0991, Orfei & Sons, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of coepletion is November 1, 1969, and 1�1HBRBAS, The Contractor did not co�plete the contr�ct by said date of completion, therefore be it RESOLVBD, That the proper City Officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amend�ent to seid contract extending the tisne of cos- pletion to August 7, 1970, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractoris bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Coeptroller, and be it FURTHSR RESOLVSD, That the City of Saint Faul hereby does not waive any clai� for liquidated dae�ages or engineering and inspection cost� on this project. � ,� � Ro�Eo �../\`� ,�1� ORM Pp uns �� � ora��o � „ . rp r� Psst. \ �� JAN 51g��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya �a� � '�97� Butler Carlson 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith yor Sprafka U Against �. Mr. President, McCarty �'LJ$LISHED �A� 91971 �� . DYTLICATi TO rRINT6R • CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �,�,�DU,HE. Wiliia� B. Carison ,,,,,� D�caber 30. 1l70 WHERTSAS, In tha satter o! Coaptroll�r'a Cortract L-7087 for tl� RANDOLPH AVL►INB - MISSI88I!!I RIVBR TO DAVBRtI STORN SBfiSR, City iro�tct Mo. 6�-5-0991. Ortai 6 Sons, Inc., Coatractor, th� ap�cifi�d d�t� of coapl�tion ia Nov�ab�s 1, 1li9, �n1 itBE�BAS, Th� Contractos did not c�o�pl�te Che o�atract by said dats of oorplttion, tb�r�ler� b� it RESOLVED, Tbat th� prop�r City 0l�laials b� ,and tlay �►rt lrr�by satiMris�d �nd dis�ct�d to �xscut� a� u�ea�nt to aaid coatiact sxt�wdi� t1a tiM oi coa-. pl�tion to llusust 7� 1970. provid�d l+ow��r, that tbis r�aolutioe� sLall Lav� ao tora� or �lt�ct uaitsa t1r� sus�ti�s aA tb� Cortsaatot's bood oona�t t1+�s�to and til� such coas�t in �+ritin� �ritb th� City Co�ptroll�r, �Ad be it FORTHEx AESOLVED, That tl�e City of �sint Pwl l�tr�by do�a uot Msi�� any clsi� !os iiquidat�d ds�aq• or en�irNriu� and i�ap�ction coata on tbis ps�o��ct. ti JAH 519� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conn� 18—. Y� xa� ;l�1H 519T1 Bu�a� Caxlson � Approv� 19_ 5d �°�e T*+ Favor Meredith �aY� Sp17�lIIii `� ro0A3Y1At . �Z CIiC�GV"-� � �T. PI'C8l(�P,nt, MCCiATt� �°� .