251794 ,_ • CUUNCIL FILE NU.____�__ - � 25l'79 , �� 4 IIY � In the metter o! o�en i nq, wi den i na a�d gxtend i na JESSAM i NE AVENUE by tak i ng and condemning the South 60 feet of the North � of the Northwest � of Section 27, Township 2g, Range 23, lying between North Snelling Avenue and North Albert Street. � under Preliminary Order 2469�9 , approved •lanuary 8, 1970 � Intermediary Order 251493 , approved December 15, 1970 � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eamg; therefore, be it RFSOLVED, By the Council of t�e-City o[ 8sint Paul that provement to be made by the eaid 'ty ie Open;�ng, widening and exten ' taking a�d demning the h 60 fee th � of the Northwest � of Se ' n 27, Towns Range 23, lying between Nor nelling Avenue and North Albert Street. A�! e���_:- , � � �.,� r tt,� ,�;Q �;�d�rn hereby c�;�ce;!ed annuiled and rescinded a��� a;: �Uc,L;:ir„� r� sai� mai�er b� cJisc�nti n sud the Council hereby ordere eaid impmvements to mac�e. • ? R,E60LVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande eaeemente therein be an the eame are ereby ordered to be tsken, approprinted and condemned for the pu of making eaid impro emente, vis.: Opening, wi en ng an ex e SSAMINE AVENUE by taking a� einning th South 60 feet of the North � of the hwest � of Section 27, Towns 9, Range 23, lying between North Snelling Avenue and North Albert Street. , a ommiseioner of Publie Worke nd ie hereby i ructed and ditected to prepare plana and epecificatione aid improvement, and Lhe prop 't oS'icinla a ereby . suthoriaed and directed to proueed with the maki of eaid improvement in accordanc erewith. Adopted by the CounciL J A N 5 �9 7_� � � 19 JA� ; ���� - City Clerk. Approved_...— , 19 . � s Councilmen: �Z .� Butler JAN 91971 � Ca�laon � Lev i ne PUBLISHLD Meredith �L� � Sprafka �/ so�p,�,� Mr. President. McCartv " � . - . � -� , . � � � ' �5 _ . ��94 . �r_ r j, ; . . . �, �� J�; �:�� ,Q '�`�.. 7� -�_ OFF ICE OF THE COMM 1 SS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKS s� d�G��i 19� �w�, �� �� r��� _ � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '�•�`, ��� � ���f �y, -�u._.n%� � � � �� FebraarY 10, 19_ 70 __ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commfssioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary orde� of the Council known as Council File No. 2�9�9 approved January 8, 19 7� relative to opening, aidening and extending JESSAMINE AVE. by taking �nd co�demning the south 60 feet of the N� of the IiW�, Sec. 27, T. 29, R. 23, lying betwesn N. Sneiling Avenue and N. Albert Street. '� and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ma de a pa r t he reof. 3. Initiated by the Comrnissioner of Public Works X ' � � , 4. Improver�nt is asked for upon petition , � �;.� ; � _.,!--� �� � � �' a� �i!/-/s��/l � rrxnission r of Pubt.ic Wor(<s � % ��.� ���� ����� ; � � ���� � � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5�17 Valuation Engineer ' ROYE. BREDAHL, Jr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hell $eint Paul, Minnssota 55102 '��� To: Com�issioner Rosalie I,. Butler From: J. �iilli� Do�odaa, Val�aation �ngiaeer Date: da.niuu'y 5, 19'Tl �. Sub�ect: Opesiag of de�sa�ine Avenue f5rom Albert Str�et to �ttelli�g Avenne ?his order ca�es befor� the City Cmnacil based on a petition of C. �. A�in ➢evelc�p�nent Cc�pany by C. �. xeis, I�res. and Coluffibia Tran�it C�rparatio� by Martin E. Wa1sh, Pres. The o�nership of the vari0us prc�perties �.butti�g the proposed iaprorre�ent a.a of this date are as s}aan�n on the attaehed plan. �rders for the openiag of the sub�ect portio�a oP Jessaaine Aven�a� and related ord�rs hare previously been before the City Gouncil. Infor�ation on the�e ordera is coatained in �y report dated �eceaber 31, 1970 give� you. I �.ve �ade a, thorough st�dy of tkia current praposal. Informational meetings were beld rith the various inter�sted or affected property oxners and I xish to note particularly the follm�ring facts: 1. The 60 Pt. ride strip petitioned. to be opened is entirely c�xned by the C. G. Rein Developffient Cc�rpa.ny. Ro e�,scmeat na�exi at s over this la�d which did exist When opening �s originally petitioned in July, 1966. 2. Tl�is strip ot land is currently fiproved vith a� roadway snrfaee of very minitial design and aerves aa pri�e a0�ree of aceess to th� Colvffibia ?ran�it terxina,].. 3. The exi�ti�g roadbed surface does sot �eet the Hep�rta�eat of Public Works �inimum staadard� and therefore Put�are i�provement orders are aaticipated. �he eost for said i�proveaents wonld be aasessed again�t a11 abutting o�rners in proportion ta benef its r�ceived. 4. The Railroad prc�perty along the portion propo�ed. to be opened i� approxi.aately 19(� feet in xidth or depth and this lauid is preaently served by street naae].�r 3chroeder Road. Baaed oa the varicus facts and circwmstaace� as eited above, it is my recom- mead�tion hat this order e di�coat m�ed. Should the petitioners of this order require ssid street it is auggested that they dedicate said l�nd to the City for sgch a pnrpoae. Co�ni.ssioner Rosalie I,. Butler January 5, 1971 Page 2 Two alternate proposals to proceed yrith this c�rder are as follo�rs; Proposal No. 1 Damages to be paid for the land taken based on the values used in 1969 with f'u.]_l assessment back against the properties abutting the subject street on the north in proportion to their frontage on said street. This will result in following estisna,ted assessments or payments to owner. Columbia Transit - $38,08�+ assessment C. G. Rein Compan�r - $38,�+68 payment to owner Maxtin E. Wa1sh - �3$1+ assessment Burlington Northern Railway - -0- Proposal No. 2 Dama.ges to be paid for the land taken based on the values as us�3d in 1969 with fb,l.l assessment back against properties abutting �he proposed street both on the north and the south. 2'he assessment would be in proportion to the property frontage on the street with the exception of the property on the south where a reduction of frontage should be allowed because of the shallow depth of the property and because of its elevation �th respect to proposed Jessamine. Z'his will result in. the follc�w-i.ng estimated assessments or paymen� to owners s Colwnbia Transit - $21+,175 assessment C. G. Rein Company - �#8,850 payment to owner Burli.ng-�on l�orthern Railway - �2�+,1�20 assessment Martin E. Wa1sh - $21+1+ assessment Yours ver truly, � `� � � � J. William Donovan � Valuation Eagineer JWD`i'lo File No. 17�+6�+ i • ' . �BURLINGTON �� ' � NORTHERN F���D ��� � Burlington Northern Inc. / BN Building / 176 �,ast�;FiftF�S�r'�e�f�'�/���S�. Paul, Minnesota 55101 �;,�:, � --��'�; �'�,�.���` �;��{ Gt,:-. .;, S�I 'r';;UL� i il;�il. The City Council Januaxy 4, 1971 City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: The Burlington Northern Inc. is the o�mer of certain real estate situated in Section 27 T 29R23, lying between North Snelling and North Hamline, along what would be West Jessamine if the street were opened. The railway company objects to the proposed opening of this street and to any assessment for 1a,nd ta.king. Si.ncerely, � � H. �Y. Knudsen Director Property Taxes VJO:kj tE-° �-. �� ��" ��' ^^ , .� ,,� G,� CQ �'�i....J �..r ��'��� t' . ,.,r�' '�`�%' .� � �. . ����1 �J-.' ' . � '. � • � � �..�. , .NG �- - - — — -�- — — -- � — — = �-- — — — — �-- — — o i � b y ' � i i � O A � C 7•'M. 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