02-89Return copy to: (BJE) Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall �:� �,,,�, , r � � ��; E. �:��° �' .�; ;''i, :� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� i WHEREAS, according to the plat known as Newbridge, City of Saint Paul, a drainage and utility 2 easement was dedicated to the public for public use throughout Ouflots A, B, C, D and E of this plat; and 3 4 WHEREAS, a request has been made by Gupul Contracting, Inc. to release the utility easement rights in 5 Outlots D and E so as to develop the area unencumbered; and 6 7 WHEREAS, based upon the utility easement Certificate of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behaif 8 of the Department of Public W orks for the City of Saint Paul, the City of Saint Paul waives its right to 9 the portion of the above mentioned easement; so now, therefore be it 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RESOLVED, that with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Communicauons, Inc.; Xcel Energy (Electric); Xcel Energy (Gas); District Energy/District Cooling St. Paul, Inc.; MCI WorldCom; AT&T Broadband; and Saint Paul Regional Water Services; made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated azeas mentioned above, subject to the following: 1) that the release of utility easement rights by AT&T Broadband be contingent upon the protection of underground facilities in the existing housing development; and 2) that the release of utility easement rights by Qwest Communications, Inc. be contingent upon the non-existence of Qwest facilities in Oudots D and E. 2 2 Requested by Department of: Technologv & Mana¢ement Services � � P � � � • r Y' Council �le # Oe�. —g'g Green Sheet # 111614 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Fo C ����2� /�����' -- D' c or rm Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date 7�. G� 2�o a� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary o�. - rq T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7anuary 17, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 111614 ntac[ Person and Yhone N�ber: 2 EPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 C1TY COUNCII. Bruce Engelbrekt 266-8854 1 Tr� ^Trox� ccE� UDGETDIltECl'OR FFICEOFFINANC7ALSVCS. astbeonCo�o7Agendaby: ���D).,�z�F€i€�� 3 YOR(ORASSLSTAiAN1') OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To approve tl�e release of a drainage and ul9lity easement on Outlots E and D, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. COMh1ENDATiONS APPROVE (A) OR RE,TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION �p� - x� the person/6rm ever worked under a contract for this deparhrtent? YES NO . Has [his persoa/firm everbeen a City employee? YES NO t3VII.5II2VICE COMMISSION . Does tltis perso�Srm possess a s1uD not norn�ally possessed by any YES NO CIB COMMIT'l'EE <urrent employee? E lain all YES answers on a se te sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? OUNCIL 7 DISTRICT q ARD(S) PLANNING COUNCIL N177ATING PROBLElYI� ISSIJE, OPPORT[71VITY (Who, Whay Wh�, Where, Why?): The developer has previously constructed several new housing units in this area and is in the process of construcfing additional units. The developer is seel�ng a release of the easements in outlots where no facilities are currently located, but where additional housing is to be constructed: VANTAGESIFAPPROVID: � ���,� {°��='t§Cy� The easements will be released allowing housing development to_ o�cur. `� , . a ,,. fs ?��:�� L �°€�S[14 . �;°.c§ .F ., �. �,��. LSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVID: ^ �P�?' , aa None _ ,�.,,, .�.'43� pi� 4 , � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVF,D: _ The property owner will be unable to extend the housing development unencumbered by these easements. The City may not be able to realize addifional properly tax revenues from the additional housing units in this development OTAL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: $O.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ON YES NO u�re souxcE: N/A acTiviTY rtoMS�: N/A NANCIAL ATFORMATiON: (E.1'['LAI1V) G:\USE2S�Hnge1\wpEles\vacate\O1.C.06.Newbridge.FsmtRelltqs[.GS.wpd --�N—I I---------I N� � w -_ = t �=- s„ � � � :_-_ � � � �� � Fo� o�-�'I �� I I ;:; I � gLL I �w„ _r Y ,� '�?�. 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I°o o i � h n so�sot �aors I , M.Z4,L400N ; n � 6 w _ _ U_8Z! 3.Z>,L4005 _ � _ .., I Z!'SO! .', nb � �: .. _ � : _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ oo ¢ � N05WdBf15 S.b3lJtlN'b 10"1 d0 �Nn ::: wm � 153M dNl i0 NOISN31X3 A�b#i180N : I I P_ I N a° � � ..`-. h� _,._. ••• I 02 a I ` � I� '�!� 1` �__ NOISN09fIS 5.�1dWN'OI 101'A 3Ml OZ ti �� _. 0009 `� �--15tl9 ?dl d0 N05N91S3 A�b3N1bON I +'�5,�+ _ J 9PLZ ` 4'CSO! i.S00'Of-,i, 00'0£=� 6['BZI �_ = BY�OZE t `� 'ss�%' G �e`� � 3��OZ.L6e00S 1 ' �� ��.ir.- � �,. - .�-,,,,,-,.. 3 `.-o �1 �.:_�::�_.: �_ ..��:_�::�. :.: ` 1'�' �-° �"-N05NIa9'S 5.3JIJtlH' 01 10'i d0 Vttld '15 'A All� 3H1 Ol N011'40tl . i' .50118 35tl3d "L XNl'19 'L 10� 'A' ' � i^'ti 153M 3H1 i0 Nq5N31%3 AlD?Hl?lON 3M1 153M 3N1 j0 NOISN31X3 1.'ID3M1l105 w CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE oa--d'1 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. OF TFiE In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SAI�i IT PALTL File I�'o. Ol-C-06 The undersi�ned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota except as here noted: IviL�'NESOTA RAMSEY Department of Public Works � � � da of cTANL/�/Q r . 200'J�. Thz foregoing instrumen[ was acknowled�ed bzfore me [his �"�_ Y b � L L EN �T. <51�ET/!� .�ne �Z`/�l //UE� _ _ _ � „ n n n ....� , _ _ . of under thz laa•s of the State of bfinneso[a. BARBARAJ,KO AD Notary p�ypp MinnelWB My Commissan ERMI.W, 31� 1W6 J , � J �� ✓I 6 C..�-C' � No[ary Pub(ic, Ramsey ounty, blinntso[a r � � hlyrommissionezpirts` l i,2f/ii ).�1 "����`� — J ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Ha11, St. Paul, MN 55102'` * Its Gl !Ty ENG/NEE.P �-i�-oz; 3:asam;owest :6s' �ta 669n = 3i CERTIFiCATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �.� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUI3CIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PALJL File No. 01-C-06 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated departmertt or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota except as here noted: s-� -N�e�-e a.re �x��� n� QNtes-f- -�wi t,�res, v✓e wi f f need -fa m,aa�-(a.cw �" ea-se�n.ew�!' rcqk,fis . ��•v✓1s;e, r� J ob�'ccfi.ens MINNESOTA RAMSEY � �� � s ► . -,. ,� � / /l,�.:_ ___ • �- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this � 5 � day oF ��� 200'$ bY �/�u�rL0.� i`�' �d� .the Mwv KL�v N�O�j'(QQ�� of � • S , a WTdt1'lGta tfs � v under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � LINDAA. JUELICH � �-, ��� NOiARY PUBUC My Commissinn fxRtres t37•2005 ■ �/ar.u,-fz u�n.. � �� � �/ ' X J ✓ ,f.� Notary Public, Ramscy Co . Minneso[a My tommission expices � " . � - ;�='G' � *� Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** O1/18/02 FRI 12:11 FA% 330 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST JfW-17-2002 1Z�23 . - I.CtS I IYII.H 1 C UP Irv I CNUCU NUIV�U,t r. �rz�ee� ooz o a -�`I THB �IONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF I'HE COUIVCII, OF TF� CITY OF SAINF PAUL In the Matter of File No. Ul-C-06 fihe undersigned hereby ceriifies, on behalf �f the inditated dep•�utmcnt or company, that it dne,e not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realiy described bclow: Outlots D, B, Ncwbridgc Addition, Ramsey County, Minaesoia except as here noted: No exceptions Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy M(NNESOTA flENNEPIN ���i� rJ Kathleen A Blomquist ItS g Beal Estate Reoresentative ,., �i /D'T"i'//����i; '� ,�x :'�� � - i / The Lo�egoing instivmen[ wus aclmowlcdgcd beFmc me this 1$ t tl day o£ J a n u a r v .�¢aupF, 2 00 2 ny_ Kathleen A Blomauist ,y Sr Real Estate Representativ o [ Northern States Power C undcrUic�l�s�t nc SHHRON M. PRICE � y Notary PubAC Minnesot9 MY Com mhs�oo F�DNn Ju, t1.2006 aLion ���� p No4uy �ublic, R9� 1�Tinu.¢ote My cammi,�iva expins _ ** Pleas� return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** TOTRL P.02 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ��CEIVED aa--�9 OF TF3E COUNCII, OF THE ,; Q�i` � 4 Z�Q? In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SAIlVT PALTL File No. Ol-C-06 REAt ES7ATE DIVfSIOh'. The undersi�ned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota except as here noted: MINNESOTA RAMSEY � n Ce� G Yl� C'� � Its C�0.S u�ST(`� ��/I roc� Gviq2 J 1 % __� Signature � The foregoing instrument was acknowledeed before me [his day of �Ca . 204� by /�O!��2�" ���� JK .the QS �Y�Q 1Y�££� of !V J f .a under the laws of [he State of Minnesota. ■ � �� MARJORIEA. ROLSETH � ^'* NOTARY PUBIIGMINNESOTA ii MYCOMMISSIONE%PIflES73h2005 • � L`�'(��.X�, / CJ1t.� S� � No[ary Pu � �, Ramsey Counry, Nlinnesota My commission expires � ^ � � � � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** � — _ I r '.5/M'd �1/ � . %— SZ4:- � �ivaa. _ _ _�� LLbL� m m - d _ �� A LObI� � N I '" -�t � I .e... _ .. m.�..�., e..= � t s_ .$ 1 __ Z4£l �' E4Et ��'� ci � osm.ad. � I 6EEL _"_X �'�'6 5££L �'_�;.i 7, gsiaiaa osia�ad"s`' - � f 8EE L££L_�__ � �8 N Z££'. � .�i_ _ �5/dl� u I LZ£L-x� 8 ° osiw3d �sid.�d � � X - N _.SZEI �'$ �� 4Z£L tC��X�. �J•_b_�'JS/dA3d �,� -I� O 6l£Li_ 1_ _' ' :x �sie.�d � osia�a+ !/!� �° ,�gia�aa 5��� -s_ � �r- I-' b«� Ll£l� +-,OI� ' �Sid�u °"x � � u-' toEt � � F' ' pai .,�,.,�.^x_�.�_I _y_+ l "� 96EL � L6£L^ 56£L� E6El,� L6£l+ L8EL• E8£L" LB€Lm LLEI� FL£l�^ LLELn L9£Lm 59E1" L9£L" 65£Lm SSEI� £SEL•, 6bEl� £EEI LZ£l � LZ£L Ll£L"� £LEL . i• [ I O I I p iL _:¢nF° ���--� 6 a 0�00 9a>:s� i e � �.: Ti V� Oa�� �-e35 � o I O I y 9 � � O �� E c Y c E �' � �' O � O y C i5='�Q I H I � � _ O O O Z � _- _ _ S � I � 9 5�Bov� �= 86EL � 96E1 „ b6£L e Z6£l " SSEt " tBEt � ZBEI .. 9CEL � bLEI ZL£L A 89Et ° 99£L � Z9£l aarro as e � �b5£l �em� E bb£L NtJH -A 8£EL °��-��� N; � 1�_8lEl T ,�m;� � �L L4EL Q 5££l ; �T _ m mm.a `�- � �L££L , snv� 6 � - x=—i--!— 6�d:- � 60£L 09E1 xwaa ll JqN-15-2002 14�34 �;r,rc � ir�c:w� t ur iN I tivutU NUN-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII. OF THE CTt'I' OF SAII�Tf PAUL P.03iO3 Oa--d'9 In ihe Matter of Filc No_ 01-C-QG The undersigned hereby cerLifies, on behalf of the indicated depar[ment or company, that it does no� intend to exercise its utility rightc in the real�y ciescribcd below: Outlots D, E, Ncwbridge Addition, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota �ECEIVEp .iAt� f ( 2C�t7L except as here noted_ REAL ESTATE DIVfS;O:; DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. f�n f r s J, Q N�a.pe.�., rLs pr� S ; d��- MINNL•SOTA RAMSEY � , � Sl�*IISi.t1IC " � / 7�1�c foregoin�+ instrumrni was aelmowledged l�efr�m me �his '��' day of �1 a�" 20Q. by �T 1�3rs .� . 1� �n Gi � .thc 8� Y' c S � �-�" oi' 1Ji51rl� .i'.V}¢.f9V /JJISIi���Ge��h9._Z 0�-iV� �'lai��11T �-Ofdtl/�er�S � � S'�l undcrNc Iaws of tha Slale oFMmnasaa_ `��`�'' T�?:;DY L. SY.�?,Y4'r <;_..�: �oa ���=y� � ���. ND;;+.;'i F, �':i� -E.{"r'ft�:�TA �:,._. < � s i=;`�CJt<;�:iSSiJrJ �c:��'�i� EX?;Rc5 J'r,N. 51.'1t7C5 ��� `���_ �. 5�..�.w�.� � NM.v�y I'i+bli<, Ranwey C ty, MinnesMu My mmmLsSiun �xpitcs �� � � a00s. t ** Please return this original ccpy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** TOTRL P.03 � MC WORLDCOM oi•�9 National Support / Investigations Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Richardsoq 1'X 75082 RECEIVED OI/07/2002 JAN t (1 2���� REP.E ESTATE DIV!SLf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bruce Engelbrekt Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102-1613 RE: Ol-C-06 — UTILITY SEARCH — CLARENCE ST. AND STH ST. — St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota MCIW ID: 85-2002 Dear Sir or Madam: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not haue facilities within your project area. You should address conespondence concerning any future projects to the attention of National SupporUlnvestigations at the above address. If you need fiirther assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call Charles Welch at972-656-6016. Sincerely, � � Joe Acosta National Support / Investigations 972/656-6016 } H Z Z � �O J �, � W aN N � � � � � � � � � � 1 I � I ' I I ' I Clarence St I I I I � I W w � I � J � t U a '� I � LL � � I Z Z I I ' I �� � � � � � 1_ ' I � � � > ¢ � O E N lL CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE aeai � �� Rt�e; �e� i/�y/�: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ��-�, OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SANT PAUL File No. Ol-C-06 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota �� except as here noted: �����-� �J. �tpc��`��� S�,�GL��� �� � � c w'��`� �e� C������a� o.,s ��zrS��Z '�c.Cl\�'��ej ��, 2cu\ '>r� �e, 1�c��.�S��S c�es-��e�,�\ ��� ����-�`�``' Q,��� , Department of Public Works' �� �t��� � Its �c���,qC�b.f MQ�NESOTA l � Sig ure RAMSEY J The foregoirtg ins[mment was ackno�vledged before me [his � day of �Ct� . '—Q Z_ b .the Y of undec [he laws of the S[ate of Minneso[a. �/a�.t�ln„/ �J/�/G<_C:� 1 f Notary Public, msey County, Minnzsota My commission expires � /��,�-5 ** Please r�tu7n this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102'` * CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COiJ�1CIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL File No. O1-G06 The undersi�ned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota except as here noted: St. Paul Re ional Water Services ����-���� Its General Manaeer ML�INESOTA ��—' � — � ' �� � Signature RAMSEY The foiegoing instrument was acknowledged before me [his 3Td day of JaRUBTy . 20Qk2 aa -r1 by Bernie Bullert .che � nAra� ManagPr of Saint Paul Re¢ional Water Services.a Municipal Cornoration of the Citv of Saint Paul under the laws of the Sta[e of Minnesota. n /� „ /� � � -��� � . , ,e�� . � =3 9c_ , _ �- '"'i..,� �°'' �- _% _:,,-_ _ _�.�.3'��_6r� ;¢ �,--��:7-�-,:.-...-;- �..�-a:.:..�._. Notary My commission ooJ .C ;' V ** Please return this or g,f�al`copy to 1;4f��ty Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" y"_ �`-'�.-��. _ ' � ':i12 � Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Meghan Riley Office of the City Attorney 400 City Hail From: Bruce Engelbrekt Right of Way Manager 140 City Hall Date: Sulijeci:: Meghan, January 18, 2002 .-����EIV�� �n,� � � 2002 �;�T�'' f'� a�o��� oa�-�q TM�:Real �taz� �ivisi�in'S?aeati�u Tile �Ta_ 41-�-i� Would you please review and sign the attached resoluuon for the release of utility easements, then send it on for remaining signatures? If you have any questions or revisions, please call Peter White (266-8853), as I will be out of the office until Friday, January 25'�. Thanks. Bruce G:\USERS�Enge]\wpEles\vacate\O1.C.06Newbridge.EsmtRelRqsLCAOC+rLtr.wpd Return copy to: (BJE) Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall �:� �,,,�, , r � � ��; E. �:��° �' .�; ;''i, :� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� i WHEREAS, according to the plat known as Newbridge, City of Saint Paul, a drainage and utility 2 easement was dedicated to the public for public use throughout Ouflots A, B, C, D and E of this plat; and 3 4 WHEREAS, a request has been made by Gupul Contracting, Inc. to release the utility easement rights in 5 Outlots D and E so as to develop the area unencumbered; and 6 7 WHEREAS, based upon the utility easement Certificate of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behaif 8 of the Department of Public W orks for the City of Saint Paul, the City of Saint Paul waives its right to 9 the portion of the above mentioned easement; so now, therefore be it 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RESOLVED, that with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Communicauons, Inc.; Xcel Energy (Electric); Xcel Energy (Gas); District Energy/District Cooling St. Paul, Inc.; MCI WorldCom; AT&T Broadband; and Saint Paul Regional Water Services; made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated azeas mentioned above, subject to the following: 1) that the release of utility easement rights by AT&T Broadband be contingent upon the protection of underground facilities in the existing housing development; and 2) that the release of utility easement rights by Qwest Communications, Inc. be contingent upon the non-existence of Qwest facilities in Oudots D and E. 2 2 Requested by Department of: Technologv & Mana¢ement Services � � P � � � • r Y' Council �le # Oe�. —g'g Green Sheet # 111614 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Fo C ����2� /�����' -- D' c or rm Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date 7�. G� 2�o a� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary o�. - rq T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7anuary 17, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 111614 ntac[ Person and Yhone N�ber: 2 EPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 C1TY COUNCII. Bruce Engelbrekt 266-8854 1 Tr� ^Trox� ccE� UDGETDIltECl'OR FFICEOFFINANC7ALSVCS. astbeonCo�o7Agendaby: ���D).,�z�F€i€�� 3 YOR(ORASSLSTAiAN1') OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To approve tl�e release of a drainage and ul9lity easement on Outlots E and D, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. COMh1ENDATiONS APPROVE (A) OR RE,TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION �p� - x� the person/6rm ever worked under a contract for this deparhrtent? YES NO . Has [his persoa/firm everbeen a City employee? YES NO t3VII.5II2VICE COMMISSION . Does tltis perso�Srm possess a s1uD not norn�ally possessed by any YES NO CIB COMMIT'l'EE <urrent employee? E lain all YES answers on a se te sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECTIVE? OUNCIL 7 DISTRICT q ARD(S) PLANNING COUNCIL N177ATING PROBLElYI� ISSIJE, OPPORT[71VITY (Who, Whay Wh�, Where, Why?): The developer has previously constructed several new housing units in this area and is in the process of construcfing additional units. The developer is seel�ng a release of the easements in outlots where no facilities are currently located, but where additional housing is to be constructed: VANTAGESIFAPPROVID: � ���,� {°��='t§Cy� The easements will be released allowing housing development to_ o�cur. `� , . a ,,. fs ?��:�� L �°€�S[14 . �;°.c§ .F ., �. �,��. LSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVID: ^ �P�?' , aa None _ ,�.,,, .�.'43� pi� 4 , � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVF,D: _ The property owner will be unable to extend the housing development unencumbered by these easements. The City may not be able to realize addifional properly tax revenues from the additional housing units in this development OTAL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: $O.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ON YES NO u�re souxcE: N/A acTiviTY rtoMS�: N/A NANCIAL ATFORMATiON: (E.1'['LAI1V) G:\USE2S�Hnge1\wpEles\vacate\O1.C.06.Newbridge.FsmtRelltqs[.GS.wpd --�N—I I---------I N� � w -_ = t �=- s„ � � � :_-_ � � � �� � Fo� o�-�'I �� I I ;:; I � gLL I �w„ _r Y ,� '�?�. 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I°o o i � h n so�sot �aors I , M.Z4,L400N ; n � 6 w _ _ U_8Z! 3.Z>,L4005 _ � _ .., I Z!'SO! .', nb � �: .. _ � : _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ oo ¢ � N05WdBf15 S.b3lJtlN'b 10"1 d0 �Nn ::: wm � 153M dNl i0 NOISN31X3 A�b#i180N : I I P_ I N a° � � ..`-. h� _,._. ••• I 02 a I ` � I� '�!� 1` �__ NOISN09fIS 5.�1dWN'OI 101'A 3Ml OZ ti �� _. 0009 `� �--15tl9 ?dl d0 N05N91S3 A�b3N1bON I +'�5,�+ _ J 9PLZ ` 4'CSO! i.S00'Of-,i, 00'0£=� 6['BZI �_ = BY�OZE t `� 'ss�%' G �e`� � 3��OZ.L6e00S 1 ' �� ��.ir.- � �,. - .�-,,,,,-,.. 3 `.-o �1 �.:_�::�_.: �_ ..��:_�::�. :.: ` 1'�' �-° �"-N05NIa9'S 5.3JIJtlH' 01 10'i d0 Vttld '15 'A All� 3H1 Ol N011'40tl . i' .50118 35tl3d "L XNl'19 'L 10� 'A' ' � i^'ti 153M 3H1 i0 Nq5N31%3 AlD?Hl?lON 3M1 153M 3N1 j0 NOISN31X3 1.'ID3M1l105 w CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE oa--d'1 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. OF TFiE In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SAI�i IT PALTL File I�'o. Ol-C-06 The undersi�ned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota except as here noted: IviL�'NESOTA RAMSEY Department of Public Works � � � da of cTANL/�/Q r . 200'J�. Thz foregoing instrumen[ was acknowled�ed bzfore me [his �"�_ Y b � L L EN �T. <51�ET/!� .�ne �Z`/�l //UE� _ _ _ � „ n n n ....� , _ _ . of under thz laa•s of the State of bfinneso[a. BARBARAJ,KO AD Notary p�ypp MinnelWB My Commissan ERMI.W, 31� 1W6 J , � J �� ✓I 6 C..�-C' � No[ary Pub(ic, Ramsey ounty, blinntso[a r � � hlyrommissionezpirts` l i,2f/ii ).�1 "����`� — J ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Ha11, St. Paul, MN 55102'` * Its Gl !Ty ENG/NEE.P �-i�-oz; 3:asam;owest :6s' �ta 669n = 3i CERTIFiCATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �.� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUI3CIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PALJL File No. 01-C-06 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated departmertt or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota except as here noted: s-� -N�e�-e a.re �x��� n� QNtes-f- -�wi t,�res, v✓e wi f f need -fa m,aa�-(a.cw �" ea-se�n.ew�!' rcqk,fis . ��•v✓1s;e, r� J ob�'ccfi.ens MINNESOTA RAMSEY � �� � s ► . -,. ,� � / /l,�.:_ ___ • �- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this � 5 � day oF ��� 200'$ bY �/�u�rL0.� i`�' �d� .the Mwv KL�v N�O�j'(QQ�� of � • S , a WTdt1'lGta tfs � v under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � LINDAA. JUELICH � �-, ��� NOiARY PUBUC My Commissinn fxRtres t37•2005 ■ �/ar.u,-fz u�n.. � �� � �/ ' X J ✓ ,f.� Notary Public, Ramscy Co . Minneso[a My tommission expices � " . � - ;�='G' � *� Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** O1/18/02 FRI 12:11 FA% 330 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST JfW-17-2002 1Z�23 . - I.CtS I IYII.H 1 C UP Irv I CNUCU NUIV�U,t r. �rz�ee� ooz o a -�`I THB �IONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF I'HE COUIVCII, OF TF� CITY OF SAINF PAUL In the Matter of File No. Ul-C-06 fihe undersigned hereby ceriifies, on behalf �f the inditated dep•�utmcnt or company, that it dne,e not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realiy described bclow: Outlots D, B, Ncwbridgc Addition, Ramsey County, Minaesoia except as here noted: No exceptions Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy M(NNESOTA flENNEPIN ���i� rJ Kathleen A Blomquist ItS g Beal Estate Reoresentative ,., �i /D'T"i'//����i; '� ,�x :'�� � - i / The Lo�egoing instivmen[ wus aclmowlcdgcd beFmc me this 1$ t tl day o£ J a n u a r v .�¢aupF, 2 00 2 ny_ Kathleen A Blomauist ,y Sr Real Estate Representativ o [ Northern States Power C undcrUic�l�s�t nc SHHRON M. PRICE � y Notary PubAC Minnesot9 MY Com mhs�oo F�DNn Ju, t1.2006 aLion ���� p No4uy �ublic, R9� 1�Tinu.¢ote My cammi,�iva expins _ ** Pleas� return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** TOTRL P.02 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ��CEIVED aa--�9 OF TF3E COUNCII, OF THE ,; Q�i` � 4 Z�Q? In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SAIlVT PALTL File No. Ol-C-06 REAt ES7ATE DIVfSIOh'. The undersi�ned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota except as here noted: MINNESOTA RAMSEY � n Ce� G Yl� C'� � Its C�0.S u�ST(`� ��/I roc� Gviq2 J 1 % __� Signature � The foregoing instrument was acknowledeed before me [his day of �Ca . 204� by /�O!��2�" ���� JK .the QS �Y�Q 1Y�££� of !V J f .a under the laws of [he State of Minnesota. ■ � �� MARJORIEA. ROLSETH � ^'* NOTARY PUBIIGMINNESOTA ii MYCOMMISSIONE%PIflES73h2005 • � L`�'(��.X�, / CJ1t.� S� � No[ary Pu � �, Ramsey Counry, Nlinnesota My commission expires � ^ � � � � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** � — _ I r '.5/M'd �1/ � . %— SZ4:- � �ivaa. _ _ _�� LLbL� m m - d _ �� A LObI� � N I '" -�t � I .e... _ .. m.�..�., e..= � t s_ .$ 1 __ Z4£l �' E4Et ��'� ci � osm.ad. � I 6EEL _"_X �'�'6 5££L �'_�;.i 7, gsiaiaa osia�ad"s`' - � f 8EE L££L_�__ � �8 N Z££'. � .�i_ _ �5/dl� u I LZ£L-x� 8 ° osiw3d �sid.�d � � X - N _.SZEI �'$ �� 4Z£L tC��X�. �J•_b_�'JS/dA3d �,� -I� O 6l£Li_ 1_ _' ' :x �sie.�d � osia�a+ !/!� �° ,�gia�aa 5��� -s_ � �r- I-' b«� Ll£l� +-,OI� ' �Sid�u °"x � � u-' toEt � � F' ' pai .,�,.,�.^x_�.�_I _y_+ l "� 96EL � L6£L^ 56£L� E6El,� L6£l+ L8EL• E8£L" LB€Lm LLEI� FL£l�^ LLELn L9£Lm 59E1" L9£L" 65£Lm SSEI� £SEL•, 6bEl� £EEI LZ£l � LZ£L Ll£L"� £LEL . i• [ I O I I p iL _:¢nF° ���--� 6 a 0�00 9a>:s� i e � �.: Ti V� Oa�� �-e35 � o I O I y 9 � � O �� E c Y c E �' � �' O � O y C i5='�Q I H I � � _ O O O Z � _- _ _ S � I � 9 5�Bov� �= 86EL � 96E1 „ b6£L e Z6£l " SSEt " tBEt � ZBEI .. 9CEL � bLEI ZL£L A 89Et ° 99£L � Z9£l aarro as e � �b5£l �em� E bb£L NtJH -A 8£EL °��-��� N; � 1�_8lEl T ,�m;� � �L L4EL Q 5££l ; �T _ m mm.a `�- � �L££L , snv� 6 � - x=—i--!— 6�d:- � 60£L 09E1 xwaa ll JqN-15-2002 14�34 �;r,rc � ir�c:w� t ur iN I tivutU NUN-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII. OF THE CTt'I' OF SAII�Tf PAUL P.03iO3 Oa--d'9 In ihe Matter of Filc No_ 01-C-QG The undersigned hereby cerLifies, on behalf of the indicated depar[ment or company, that it does no� intend to exercise its utility rightc in the real�y ciescribcd below: Outlots D, E, Ncwbridge Addition, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota �ECEIVEp .iAt� f ( 2C�t7L except as here noted_ REAL ESTATE DIVfS;O:; DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. f�n f r s J, Q N�a.pe.�., rLs pr� S ; d��- MINNL•SOTA RAMSEY � , � Sl�*IISi.t1IC " � / 7�1�c foregoin�+ instrumrni was aelmowledged l�efr�m me �his '��' day of �1 a�" 20Q. by �T 1�3rs .� . 1� �n Gi � .thc 8� Y' c S � �-�" oi' 1Ji51rl� .i'.V}¢.f9V /JJISIi���Ge��h9._Z 0�-iV� �'lai��11T �-Ofdtl/�er�S � � S'�l undcrNc Iaws of tha Slale oFMmnasaa_ `��`�'' T�?:;DY L. SY.�?,Y4'r <;_..�: �oa ���=y� � ���. ND;;+.;'i F, �':i� -E.{"r'ft�:�TA �:,._. < � s i=;`�CJt<;�:iSSiJrJ �c:��'�i� EX?;Rc5 J'r,N. 51.'1t7C5 ��� `���_ �. 5�..�.w�.� � NM.v�y I'i+bli<, Ranwey C ty, MinnesMu My mmmLsSiun �xpitcs �� � � a00s. t ** Please return this original ccpy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** TOTRL P.03 � MC WORLDCOM oi•�9 National Support / Investigations Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Richardsoq 1'X 75082 RECEIVED OI/07/2002 JAN t (1 2���� REP.E ESTATE DIV!SLf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bruce Engelbrekt Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102-1613 RE: Ol-C-06 — UTILITY SEARCH — CLARENCE ST. AND STH ST. — St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota MCIW ID: 85-2002 Dear Sir or Madam: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not haue facilities within your project area. You should address conespondence concerning any future projects to the attention of National SupporUlnvestigations at the above address. If you need fiirther assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call Charles Welch at972-656-6016. Sincerely, � � Joe Acosta National Support / Investigations 972/656-6016 } H Z Z � �O J �, � W aN N � � � � � � � � � � 1 I � I ' I I ' I Clarence St I I I I � I W w � I � J � t U a '� I � LL � � I Z Z I I ' I �� � � � � � 1_ ' I � � � > ¢ � O E N lL CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE aeai � �� Rt�e; �e� i/�y/�: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ��-�, OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CTI'Y OF SANT PAUL File No. Ol-C-06 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota �� except as here noted: �����-� �J. �tpc��`��� S�,�GL��� �� � � c w'��`� �e� C������a� o.,s ��zrS��Z '�c.Cl\�'��ej ��, 2cu\ '>r� �e, 1�c��.�S��S c�es-��e�,�\ ��� ����-�`�``' Q,��� , Department of Public Works' �� �t��� � Its �c���,qC�b.f MQ�NESOTA l � Sig ure RAMSEY J The foregoirtg ins[mment was ackno�vledged before me [his � day of �Ct� . '—Q Z_ b .the Y of undec [he laws of the S[ate of Minneso[a. �/a�.t�ln„/ �J/�/G<_C:� 1 f Notary Public, msey County, Minnzsota My commission expires � /��,�-5 ** Please r�tu7n this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102'` * CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COiJ�1CIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL File No. O1-G06 The undersi�ned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: Outlots D, E, Newbridge Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota except as here noted: St. Paul Re ional Water Services ����-���� Its General Manaeer ML�INESOTA ��—' � — � ' �� � Signature RAMSEY The foiegoing instrument was acknowledged before me [his 3Td day of JaRUBTy . 20Qk2 aa -r1 by Bernie Bullert .che � nAra� ManagPr of Saint Paul Re¢ional Water Services.a Municipal Cornoration of the Citv of Saint Paul under the laws of the Sta[e of Minnesota. n /� „ /� � � -��� � . , ,e�� . � =3 9c_ , _ �- '"'i..,� �°'' �- _% _:,,-_ _ _�.�.3'��_6r� ;¢ �,--��:7-�-,:.-...-;- �..�-a:.:..�._. Notary My commission ooJ .C ;' V ** Please return this or g,f�al`copy to 1;4f��ty Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" y"_ �`-'�.-��. _ ' � ':i12 � Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Meghan Riley Office of the City Attorney 400 City Hail From: Bruce Engelbrekt Right of Way Manager 140 City Hall Date: Sulijeci:: Meghan, January 18, 2002 .-����EIV�� �n,� � � 2002 �;�T�'' f'� a�o��� oa�-�q TM�:Real �taz� �ivisi�in'S?aeati�u Tile �Ta_ 41-�-i� Would you please review and sign the attached resoluuon for the release of utility easements, then send it on for remaining signatures? If you have any questions or revisions, please call Peter White (266-8853), as I will be out of the office until Friday, January 25'�. Thanks. Bruce G:\USERS�Enge]\wpEles\vacate\O1.C.06Newbridge.EsmtRelRqsLCAOC+rLtr.wpd