254877 � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 25�g►�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � AT� APPROVAL OF PLANS . RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Blk. 7 Merriam Park 2nd Addition to the City of St. Paul from Cleveland Ave. to Wilder St. (G-1g84) under Preliminary Order No. 252g68 approved March 10, 1971 and Final Order No. 253967 approved May il , 1g71 be and the same are hereby approved and the Canmissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to order said work done under Public Works Contract No. 71-G-1985 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement including engineering and inspection expenses be assessed against benefited property. �ORM � `� r ion C nst�t JUL 9 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �� 14 �97� Butler - �����" A ove 19� Levine �� Tn Favor �eredith' � Sprafka � yor A gainat Tedesco � PU��D J U L 1 7 1971 _ - Mr, Vice President Meredith �� o��,�,�,�.�,� 2548�7'7 CITIf OF ST. PAUL ��uNC�� NO " OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�IERAL FORM ����r COMMISSIONER ^A*� APPROVAL OF PLANS � RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for grading and surfacTng with bitu�ninous matertal the altey in Blk. 7 MerrTam Park 2nd Addition to the C(ty of St. Paul from Cteveland Ave. to Wilder St. (G-1984) under Prolimi�ary Order No. 252968 approved March 10� 1971 a�d Final Order �• 253967 approved May 11 , 1971 be and the same �re hereby approved and the Carimissioner of Public Works ia hereby directed to order said work done under Public Works Contract No. 71-G-198�,and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improve�e�t inciuding engineeribg and inspection expenses be assessed against benefited property. JUL 9 19T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mcil 19_' Yesa � Nays `�� Butler A v� JUL 141971 19� \ �- �° ��, Levine Favor 1►a,..._a:a.L— Sprafka r7 =_w ��r ro�iliist Tedesco �� Mr. Vice President Meredith ��