254869 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK !��/��� �: CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The City has entered into tri-party Agreement No. 56394 (S.P. 6201-39) , Co�tract No. 138U3, Public Works Project No. 70-M-0320A, with the City of St. Paal , the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paut and Pacific Railroad Company, and the State of Minnesota for the engineering and con- struction of an overhead separation of West Seventh Street over the railroad company's "Short Line" tracks, and WHEREAS, The prope� city officers were authorized and directed to execute this agreement by Council Resolution 247860, dated March 12, 1970, and - ' WHEREAS, This agreement directs the City Council to � approve Supplemental Agreements to the State of Minnesota Highway Agree�ent No. 56394, and * WHEREAS, The Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paal and Pacific i � Railroad Con�pany has requested that a sixty inch chain link ' fence be extended to prohibit pedestrian traffic fran cross- ing the tracks at certain dangerous unsignalized locations which is concurred in by the Project Engineer and the Minnesota Highway Department, NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, that the City of St. Paul approves Supplemental Agreement No. 11 (to Agreement No. 56394) providing for approximately 820 feet of sixty inch chain link fence north of the tracks easterly to the west line of Western Avenue and westerly to the east line of Erie Street. JUL 9 197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Butler . App J U L 14 197_1 _1s- -� r so �' Levine n Favor –�Fer�edt�� ^ Sprafka L yor Tedesco - ASainat � � . Mr. Vice Presid"n# n,qare�!°+h PUYL���i�:i�,,,aIUL 1 ? 197� � �° oupucwr�ro net�rne 2548�9 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO OFFICE OF THE ClTY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� C�OM�M�IS9AIONER DATE. MIEREAS, The City has antered into tri-partr A��eew�nt Mo. 5b39� (S.P• 6201-39) � Contract No. 13$03, Public Wbrkt Pro�ect No. 70-M-0320J1, with the City af St. Paul. tha Chica9o. Milwauk�e. St. Faul snd Pacific Railrwd Cc�panr, and th� Stats of Mine�esota for the �ngin�sring anA con- struction of an ove�haad separatlon ot Hest Seventh Straet avs� the rallroad caapsny's "Short Lin�" tracks, and YNEREA8, Th� proper city offic�rs r+�ars anlhorised and dir�ct�d to eacecute this a9reea�ent by Council Re:olution 2k7860, dat�d March 12� 1970. snd WFIEREAS� This a9�eaaant directs the City Council to apprave Supplea�ental Agreements to the State of Min�esota Nlghwsy A�ra�aa�t No. 5639k, and MHEREAS. Ths Chica9o� MilMSUk�a. St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Caupaey has �equasted that a sixty inch chain iink fence be extend�d to prohtbit pedastrta�n trsffic fraa cross- in9 ths track; at certain dangarous uasignslizad locations Nhich is concurrad tn br tha ProJ�ct Enginae� and the Minnesota HigMrsy Dapartment� NON, TNEREFORE, B� It Rssoived, that tha City of St. �1adi spprovas Suppl�ntal Agraea�nt No. il (to Agr�ement �• 5b39�►) p�o�►idiny for approxiaatsly 8t0 fset of sixty ineh chain tink fenu north of th� tracks asterly to ths Nast lins of Mastern Avenus a�d v+sstsrly to th� east line o1' Erim St�e�t. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mcil��' 9 �T� 19_ Yeas Nay$ But�er ` JUL � 419?I Approv� 19_ Levine Tn Favor � Sprafka d �� Tedesco A��t Mr. Vice President Meredith �9',