254850 ORIGIN/�.TO CtTY CLERK 25.�g�.■ CITY OF ST. PAUL F��NC�� NO. �' ZICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLU N—GENERAL FORM , ` C MM SS�IONEQ r � �ATF July 8, �.971 R�;SOLVID: That application for the transfer of On Sa1e Liquor License issue� to Ragogna, Inc. at 413 North Robert Street to Myles, Inc. at 369 Cedar Street and the applic�.tion of Myles, Inc. for Restaurant, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for the same loc-:�tion� be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that wzthin /�� days of this date, said Myles, Ine. sh�ll comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the Zicense Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and a11 other applicable ordin�,nces and laws, JUL 8 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeaa Nays Butler JU�,,, $ 19�� ����.V�_��—z A •ove 19— Levine n Favor �,., Meredith D Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty . �v�aLis�b ,J�L 101971 � � CITY (�F SAIi�1T PAUL � • Capital of Minnesota '�.'�.�,�;��,. . �a� eUe artrnev�t o u��'c �a et p � ADMINIST$ATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION rOt.[cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERBILL,Depaty Commissioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieenes Inspector July 8, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesot�, Gentlemen and Madam: Myles, Inc. is joined by Ragogna, Inc. in making applic��tion for the transfer of' On Sale Liquor License No, 8015, expiring January 31, 197�, from Ragogna, Inc. at 413 North Robert Street to Myles, Inc. at 369 Cedar Street, which is located on the ground floor of the Skyway Building. Myles, Inc. also make applic�tion for Restaurant, Off Sale Malt and Ci�arette Licenses for the same location. This is a new loc:Ation for this type of bu.:iness and a new building. The sole officer of the corporation is My1es F. McDonough who is the President of swme. �j�he sole stockholder is �,].so Myles F. McDonough. The nearest On Sale Liquor establishment is about a block, away and the nearest Off Sale Liquor est�,blishment is about two blocks. The nearest church is about four blocks and the nearest school is several miles away. From 1962 to 1969 Nrr. McDonough was employed as Finance Nana�er for the Grand �venue For�, and from February 1969 to Februax}r 1971, oti�m.er and licensee of the Depot Ba.r. Very truly yours, . �� � , License Inspector 0 . ` ' aza-4345 aIOHN E. DAUBNEY ATTORNEY AT LAW 73B MINNESOTA BUILOING ST. PAUI, MINNESOTA 55/01 June 30, 1971 Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin License Inspector City of St. Paul lOth & Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. McLaughlin; - Please be advised that Mr. 0. E. Rago�na, President of Ragogna, Inc., on-sale liquor license at 413 Robert Street, St. Paul, hereby consents to the transfer of the said license from Ragogna, Inc. to l�yles, Inc., to be located on the west side of Cedar Street in the Skyway Building between Fifth and Sixth Streets. The exact address is not yet ascertained because the building is not numbered, but Myles, Inc. has entered into leasehold negotiations with the Skyway Building Management. The attorney for the applicant, Myles, Inc., is Mr. Smith Eggleston. You may use this letter as authorization on behalf of Ragogna, Inc. to present the transfer of the license to the License Committee a.nd to the City Council. Very trul�y yours, n, �l }�-�'���, E. DAUBNEY Attorney for Ragogna, Inc. JED:pr The' foregoing is hereby approved and consented to. RAGOGNA, INC. � B � -C%'. /l/��J�-��f�`�" �L 0. E. Rago.gna, i�,t�' �esident % 1... J. SI�F It,i DA�T `.�' ��).. I�C. �eal�la,le�ca�ur�e»zeirt�1'�Pt1Plc.�rnr.�irl NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK BUtLDING . 58 EAST FIFTH STREET . ST.PqUL, MINNESOTA 55101 � ' � . 612/22�-8749 . July 7� 1971 Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin License Inspector Depaxtment of Public Safety 101 East Tenth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: Njyles F. McDonough ' On Sa1e Liquor License Application Deax Mr. McLaughlin: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we have this day signed a lease with Mr. Myles F. McUonough for space on the west side of Cedar Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets for the purpose of operating a cocktail lounge so you may act on his license. Yours truly, L. J. SHERIDAN & CO. , INC. � r , ��� � ����, �-;����' W. P.�ohnson, Vice President WPJ/3 d I • y s � , C ITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPART9�NT �F PUBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DNISION Da te► �.s�, Z Y 19 ? / � �.....�. ........., 1. Applica�ian f or Licens� 2. Name of appliaan,t , 3. Businees address S� , ,St. ��. Rea idence /Z S(o �C,�-C. S� �� �-�_ . �iJ� - , , —.-,...... 4, Trade naime, if any 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Ftetail Liquor Federal Ta� 8tamp���ri„��, be u�a�d. 6. L�i what �loor located �o1'T�� ,��`rq�, Number of roa�ns used p-,,�,�, �/� , - .r..... 7, Betwean what arosa etraet�s �Q�„ ,�}�q,�.��'�a�(��lPhich eide of atreet (�� ,.....,,_ 8, Are premisee nrna ocaupied IJ D 111hat busineas � . �, Ha�r long /110 �}• 9. Are premises nov� tir�.00cupied �'S Iiaw long vacant J'��r,�,/ Pxevioua Use �ajJC 10. Are you a ne�r owner�Have you been in a aimilar busin.eas before�_i� Where ,V �. ,.�..�t.��G�,,,�9Vhen '���.� / �l0 9 .t,� �.t-e-�,.....�,_ l .�7 I� .�.�..�.. T, 11. Sre you going to operate thia bu$iness peraonally �.o. �� � If not, vah,o xri11 operate it iJ� �- . 12. Are you in any other business at the present tiara J�O -- ...._.._,.._..... 13. Aave there been any aomplaints againat y�ur operation of this type oF p]ac� �W �..�,� When /`�• �. Where y� � /� - 14. Have you ever had any license revoked j�.�0 What reason and date /J��7• 15. Are you a citizen �f the United Statea �� Native Na�uralized �J r ..j�_._._ � 16. Where v�rere you born��� .��, �� - D�te o� birth ���� 8`, / 3� 17, I am�`� i�rried. My (wifs?s) (husband's) name and addresa is /J i� � � �. • 18. (Zf married Pemale) my msiden n�ame is /J . j4 19. Hvw long have you lived in St. Paul � Z �,-�,Q.�„� • -----�D. .. , ._...,..r.,._.. 20. Have you aver been arreated �„� Vio3.ation of what orima.nal la�r or ordinanoe __-.,_..., 1�� �1- ' 21. Are you a registered voter in the Oity of S�. Paul Yes �'o* (Anawer fu11 and aom 1ete1 . Theae a lica�ions are thorou hl aheoked and r�n aleif ication v�11 be cause for deni.a . (OV�'R) 22. N�amber of 3.2 p].aces within two blocks � ' . • 23, Closest intoxicating liquor p7ace. �?n. Sale �si,�%1-�-.l�u-w A Off Sa1e 24. Nearest Chureh �j'-f, /L.9��. ��� Nearest School s�, """�, 25. Number of baoths����p Tables 2� Chairs z0 `Stools`� /00,�e-�.�.aL,�.L� 26. YYhat occupe�tion have you follovued for the past five y+ears. (Give names of emplayera and date s s o employed.) ��r�.— — �s--L 2 � -� Z / .,,r • . , -�— G� / G 2 "�".� /9 6 � 27. Give names and addresses of two psraons, reaidents of St, Paul, ll$inn„ wha c=ax� giv�s inf'ormation concerning you. Y�ame Gl/�,;�4.e�,,.�, /� - Addre s s Z/S�� �I,w-( ,Srt . P��, . IvTame ��, S. ��� Add re s s Z 9�� 5�,..Q ' �� ,/� S� P.e...� r i�-..._.-.,_ _ i na ture App iean S�ate of Minr�.esota� � �,e SS County of Ramsey , �� being first duly s�rorn, deposes az�d �ayss upon th that he has rea t foregoing statement beaxing his signature and lrnows the con-�ents .thsreoP, and t?Zat the sama is true of his own knrn�vledge except as to those mstters therein stat�ad upon �nformation and belief and as to those m�ttera he believes them to be �rt.e, � � ignature App iaan� Subscribed and sworn to before me i�`� � this 28'7e� day of 19� Notary�Milr�'t� Ra�nse� C� �y, TS�.xm s ota y y c. s .�.� �dy Couun,ission expires �0 /97Co (Notes These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copisa must be f'u11y filled out, no-Earized, and retux�ned to the License Division.�� .. � _, AFFIDAVYT BY APPLICANT � �F4R ' RE�AIL BEER DR �,T�UOR LTCENSL Rss O•� Sale L, 1Q �JO� License Name of applicant /L� �/LFS F, /�c '��,✓�+ �c�F/ , Business address ,SJ�S/_(,�/��/ �GD�, ,S, ,�vL , �i�/�, rri�i , �' .Are you the aole ownar of this business? �s. If not, is it a partnershipR /�/o corporation? �/`cs' , other?_`� � _ `_'7 �hers interested in business, include �hose by loan of money, property or otherwiaes Naatie j,, t�✓. /i1AT�L. ��ri1�( Address /V.�/, gA�/� �L.i7�C� How G, oA � S�� �-9-��., !"t t.�� ;i J'l D � , ..�J, sM��.��,�,� w ��. ��� E, .,�''-'`s;. p.e�p��T�� ST P.�-r/�, /�1,,-,i.,�. ,i.3'd o. ..... If a corporation, give its name. /✓���/ L �S ,Tf'� G ��,, /✓1 t�1nI�SVT-�� CD�ep,L,` Are you interested in any way in any other re�tail beer or liquor businesa? �S As sole awn.er2 � ,�} Partner? r— Stockholder? , C?therwrise? (Through ioan of money, etc. Explain) /l� � � . Address of such business and nature af interest in sams /�. � , x Si natur of app ican n�.Y� � r�C baN���.K� state of MSnne s ota) �ss County of Ramsey ) /Vl yLG"-� �, /✓IC �D r�ov�-� being first dulyT sworn, deposes and says upon oath t t ha has read the foregoin�; a�fi.davit bearing his signatura and knows the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his avm l�ovrledge, excspt as to thosa matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he be isves the o be true. JC Signatur of applicant ��L�S � /�,c � �.J v u�. Subsaribed and sworn to before me this z �"` day of ►�U�� 1��l Notary ublic oun� , inne�ota S/rJ /7'6� /�-'i �.lv C��S�a ��J My aommission expires ,�UN� 3 a 19�� ^ , . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS C4UNTY QF RAMSEY __ _ /'/ yL�S � /1���,�v,;►��( baing firat duly awor�a, do�h dep�ae and aay that he mAkes �this affidavit in oonnection with applicati.on for " Qn� Sale" liquor license ("v` nJ� 9ale" mslt beverage 13,aanse� in the City af Saint Pau7,, Minnesota; that your af�iant 5.s a resident of the State uf Minneso�a and has resided thersi.n Por ,3 Z. years, y��montha, and ia naov and has besn f�r the ti�s abo�ve mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that he naw �asidea at / Z S-� S�c,Q /�dLC.J c�C � A dresa �-r. p�v � , Minn.ea ota. S'�� �� 4� C it y or ov�. k � i✓l y � �. nz� a��p�y � Subsaribed and sworn to before � this �� r� day of �vnf E 19�( , � � � z�� �otary blic, Ramse �9,xine�sota S'.�,�-r�� �: ��'c,� F"st.v�'' My coffin.iasion expirea �"✓�✓E 3�� /9�?/ tl S'�� PA,Ul� �171T1AS0'I','& J�y em�.971 M'vle�� �nc_ 369 Cedax St. To the AppliQant= Y�ur application �'or liaenses has bean inf orm�lly approged by the Lioenae Committee and the City Coun.cil. This favorable action means that �ou may naw caQnpleta negotiations for tranafer of title to praperty and proeeed with i.mprovementa you �y have in mindo Y�u should now go to the City C1erk'� Uf'fice, 386 Court House, and pay the fesa required for licenses liated below, You w�ill receive a blue receip�, which you must bring t o the License Inspector's �Jffice, 202 Public Safetq Building. The licensea will be granted by the City Council when all requirementa o£ the Palice, �ire a� Hea1tY� �n:spectors have bsen met. L�GENSE CUA�IITTEE On Sale I�.iquor Second Half DuP 875.00 (before transfer is made) Trfr. Fee On S. Liq, 437.50 Restaur�nt � pending on sq. foo+age (�. Sale �dal� Off Sale l�alt � 15.00 C igarette 12.00 Total � ** depends on above items. N.B. If you are applying f or &�It Beverage licenses, please read carefully �he "Rsgulations Governing the Sale of t7,n. and t)ff Sale 3.2 D�alt Beverage" whieh haue baen h�nded to yotx, Violations of any of the regulations vv:il7. be aause f or revocat ion �of all of your licensea. 7�23-69