254820 1
a � 254820
Resolution Approving Assesament By ---
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No.___�.Z580
and F'ixing Time of Hearing on the Award
of Damages_ . r..
In the matter of ; �'�� �` '�'
_. _ , _ _ _ -
Gondemning and taki.n� a perm�nent e9sement for utf].ity;purpoeea an, over and acroe�
that part of the Burlin�ton LVorth��rn, Tnc, ri�ht-of-way i�n the Sa►xtheast � of Section
29, Townehip 29 IVortt�, Rang,e 22 West, RxmAey C�unty, Minneeote lyi.nA 15 feet on
either sicie of a line describeci ii� fol.lown : - except for px�ade Stxeet end Mi.nnebah8
! Av�nue and except where h�ic�w de.,cribed permanent eaaement extcroaches withln $.5 feet (
from the centerlin� of, thE� Burlinfitun Northern Railroad traeks or where reeCr,icCed ta
j 6 foot width as stated her�in, tc� wI.L:
� Cornmencin� at khe Southe::�sc corner. of. said Section 29; Chenc� bearinR NarCh 0
degrees, 13 minutea WeaC �►lon�r tl,e t?r�st ].ine of said Section 29, a diatan�e of
11.18.20 feet to the point of l>c�f;i.nnin�; of thc line tA be described; thence along a
strai�ht line bearin�; N�rt_h $4 dcfr,r-eeA, 43 mi.nutea Weat a di.at��tce of 272.30 feet
, to a point; thence alon� a curve to tlie riyht (radiva 660 feet' delta angle eyu�ls i
21 degrees, O1 minuteH) f.or ,� dista►�ce of ?�.�2.09 feet to a poinC; Chence alonR, a -�
sCXai�ht line t:�ngent to l.r�s� descri.bed curve bearing North 63 degrees, 42 min�ites,
West for a di�tance of 98.74 f.ret r_o � poi.nC; thence a],on� a �urve to C�ie left (radiva
equals 300 feet, delta angle eqi�:�l.s 12 de�rees, 41 mittuteaj for a diatance o£ 66.41 feet
L-o fl point; tt►ence alon� a curve ro the right (radius equals 200 feet, delta an�1e
equ�ls 25 degrees, 44 minutes) for a di»t�nce o� 89.83 feet to a point; thence alon�
� a curve to the left (radi.ua e��UAJ.3 fi00 feet, delta angle equals 109 degreea, 54 ;
_, k minutes� r a;,distance oE 115O". 17 feet to a point; thence alon� a curvc to the left I
_..�_.. _ _
Fr.adius�"e'quals �+80 feet, del.ta angle eyual�c 26 degrees, 02 minutes) for a di.etance
� of 21$.10 feet to a poi.nt; thencc �lon� a str�ight line beaXing South 6 de�reeA,
27 mi.nutPS EasC t�ngent to rhe l�st descr.ibed c��rve for a di.stance of 111.45 feet
to a poi,nt, sai.d pe;rmanent easement being restricted to 6 feeC on either si.de of
' the herein descr.ibed l.ine for r.,he l�at described 111.45 foot die[ancP; thence along -
a ACr.aight line bearin�; South 5 degreee, 42 minutes EAAr r� di�tance of 433.1�.� f.eee
to a poi.nt; thence al.on� a strai�;ht line bearin� South 1 de�ree, 44 minuter� Wc�at �
for a <iistance of _33U.15 feet to a point on the Sou�h line oE sai.d Section 29,
]672.40 feet West of the S011tIlE.1SC carner of said Section 29, a€� meaeurNd along ariid
Soukh line of Section 29 ��nd there terminmtin�. �
This easement ia nece��s�ry for the construction of the Phalen Creek reli.ef and
clearwater sewer being bui.lt under Publtc Works Project 5-1359a from Nor.th SL-reet to '
Weide Street. i
Al�o, a temrorary c.on�l.ri�ct:i.c�n c�asement on that par.k. of. 4�id liux'1in�;ton Nortl�c�rn, i
Inc. , ri�ht-of-w;�y ].yin}� hlr�rthc�rly j�nd W��ster]y o(' the 1bnv� d�HCr.�.b�d �c�rmcincr�C c��it,e-
ment. S:�i.d temporzry c�asaernent: ta terminate> upan completion of. the PhR].en C�'e�k Scwer �
constructi.on projccC or c�n ,Tanuar.y l., 1973, whichnver occur.� fir.�t,
Yeas BUTI.E.R Nays . _ �
`��=5����� Adopted by the Co �l ? �971
i�,�ERED�TH p
T E DES('s� In Favor _
McCARTY (� °r
—_lLAgainst JVL 1 0 �97� ;
Form R-3 �
PUBLISHED ._� _ --