254819 ,� —
r � . � � ���V�V
Resolution Approving Aasessment BY --------
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No.___175]_�_—
and F'ixi�g Time of Hearing on the Award
of Damagea
In the matter of
�............. t, � '#�5 � ����, �� � +
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C4a�d�mt�ing and t�king a permanenC easement fox utility purpasee►��.;+��t, o�r�x gnd ;
y ; acxoas Chose percela of ixnc? in the Nc�rthwest �; o£ the Nor�hea����,.o�,.Se�c�ioa 32� ,
'T�wttship 29 North, Range 22 West, dF�scribed As follows: ' A1�1 o��LoC ;1��� 810�1� 2�
� Irvine's Second Additi.on to Saint Paul and th�t parC of La� 13, ��i�pck '�;a:. a� s�tid
addition lying East of a li.ne run from a point on the South 1i�►e {3f. Lot �.3� �0
�pot dietant East £rom the Sauthwest corner of said lot to �s pO�,'nt oa:► the Nor�h
line of said Lot 13, 100 foot ctistant East fram Che Northwas.t aorne� o�. aaid Lot. ;
Also, `a 40 foot strip of ].and an, over and across the Bu7rlingtqir� No�'the'�t� IttG. ' `
right-o£-w�y i.n the Narthwest 'r, af the N�rtheast '� o£ SecC�,p� ���,. Tctwnahip 29�oarth� .�}
Range 22 �est, l.yin� Nartheasterly of and ae�jacent to ''e �ins '�tt�.nit�g #cs�'oBS saii3 � �
right-of-way in � Soutlieasterly dir.ecCion beginnict$- e�"t�xe 5auth carner .o� LoC 14,
Block 2, Irv�.ne'e aecond Additi.on to Saint Paul having an at�gle o� 42:`degrees, 5U
miMU�e�, 'with the So��therly Qxtension of the t�e,�t li.ne a� 'Bloak 2�, Irvine's S�coad ,,:i
Addi[ion �o Saint Paul. Also, except for Minnehaha Avenue, g 2,5' fooC wide strip of
land on, ov�x and acr.oss the Burl.in�ton Nor.rhern, Ir�c.' right-of-r�ay in the North-
. west '� o� the' Northea�C � of Secti.on 32, Towmshi� 29 Nor�h, Rang� 22 .WeeC, lying
' be�ween the Roztheasterly line of tllP. above desaribed-�+U £aot wide str�.p of land
�ia and the North line of the Northwest �r of �he Nor�heaat '� of Section 32� Township 29
North, Range 22 West,, and l.yi.ng Soutl,ea��erly of and adjacent Co thc�. Southeasterly ��
line ot Bl.ock 2, Irvine's Second Aciditian to 5aint Pau1. This eaeement is necessary :
f.or the construction of the Phal,en Creek Relief and Clearwater Sewer being bui].t
under Public Worka Pro�ect S-1359}3 from Narth Street to Weide Street.'
F.esolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved.
Pesolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con-
firmation of the award of damag�es made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as-
sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the
4t� of /l�tgti:t, 1971_________ __, , at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Commis-
sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter.
Yeas BUTLER Nays '�
�-e�t,�se� �;Y,,�,..7 JUL ?
LEVtNE Adopted by the Council. ,
' REDlTH r d
i �DESCO In Favor _
(�cCARTY �
Form R-3 �o JUL 101971