254817 25481'7 co,�a� Fua xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedherebq propoeeethemakingof thefolYowingpublioimprovement by the City of$aint Pe►ul,vis.: Improve WARNER ROAD OPENING (P-0385B2) as fol.lows: Open, widen, and extend Warner Road by condemning and taki.ng permanent easements 2'ox higiiway purpo�es ii7 t:�ose ce�-�ta.i.n ?�n�.s desrrx�7.bed as follows: V That part of SECTION !�, T.28 Nr, R. 22 W. and SE�'TION 5, T. 28 N. , R. 22 ►,tiT., _ bo�anded on the south �y the nor�h line of present i�iaxn�r Road being a monumer,ted line as described 3.n that certain indentur� dated �eptember 1, 193a� �nd filed for record as Document No. 957857 in Book 1.0�+2 of Deeds, Page 399 and bounded on the north by a line described as follows: Cor�msncing at the existing concrete monlunent PFo. 24 as located and de- scribed in said Document No. 957857; tYzence bearing North 65° 50' �+2" West� a di.stance of 799.52 feet to a point; thence hTorth 6�° 06' 15" West, a � distan.ce of' 157.7b feet to a pci.rzt; thence North 64° 4�' 22" West, a dis�ance of 1.203.$2 feet to a point; thence North 67° 25' 33" West, a dista.nce o�' 308.0�+ feet to a pain�; thence North 71° �+2' 23" West, a distance of 30'(.b6 fee� t� existing concrete montunent No. 1.�+ on th� narth . �yn� a� pr�scnt i�'a,����r Ro�,d as located and described in said Docuui�nt No. 957857, a-nd there tei�.r_ating. Also, tha� part �� wECTION 5, T. 28 N. � R. 22TrT. , bo�a.nded cn iche south by the north l-i.ne of pres�nt 'aJarner Ror�d being a monumented line as descr�.bed in that certa.in inden•ture dated Sep-tera�er_ 1, 1939, and filed for reccrd as Dacum�nt l�To. 957�57 in T3ook of 1.0!+2 of �Deeds, Pa�e 399s �d bounded or_ th� nor�h by a Lr.e �escribed as f��.lo•�ts: Co��en�ir.g a-t -the e:�s�ing cor.cr�-te n�onunient Na. 3 as located and de�cri�ed in said Docu�ent No. g57R57; thence ' b°aring l�Tor�th 58° 3k�' 17„ East, a dzstance of 320.00 fee� to a pc+int; thence Nortn 2n° 56' 73" West, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point; thence N�r�th 63° 03' 07" East, a distax�ce of 60.00 feet to a poir��; thence Narth 72° Ol` 12" �ast, a distance of` 6�3�.13 feet to existing ca:crete rr.or�u;n�nt No. 6 an the naxth line of present Waxner Road as located and described in saa.d Docum�nt Tdo. 957857, and there terminati.ng. � line of nresent Zda.rner Road as located and described in said Dacur�ent No. 957857, snd there �erminating. F1so� tua-t part of SECTIOi� 5, T. 28 N. , R. 22W. , b�unded on the south by the nortn line af �res�n� Wwrner Ros.d being a �onumented line a.s describ�d in t�at certu.in indexzt:zre da-F�d S�ptem�er. l, 1939, and filed for record as Docu*�era� T.o. 9,'(85'I irt Boolc of 1G42 of Deeds, P�.�e 399, an� bol?��1�d on the r.oz�h k�y� a 2ir.e cescr3:wed as follows: Co�mcncir.� � the exis-c:;.ng conc-re4e mon��me�1t No. 3 ?s lv�atpd ai�d. descr?bed ir. said Document No. g57857; 'th�nce beaxin�=, T�orth 5B° �4' 1.5" �a.st, a dist3rice of 320.00 feet to a point; thence Ivorth 26° 5Fi' S3�` 4ies�, a distan.re of 50.00 fee� to a po�n�; thencs A'orth 63° G3' G7" �ast, a �.istance of 60.00 fee� to a point; thence I�oz~th 72° Ol' 72" y�,st, a dista�ice o� 6�'+.13 feet to existir� ccncrc�;e monument � No. 6 on thP nox~�h line af p�esent F?arner Road as loc�.t,ed and �lescribed in saa.d Do�u:«Hr�� Na. g57857,��.nd there terriana�ing.