254814 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK �5��./1(j
RES�fLVED, tt�L the [�ror, C�ty Clerk and Go�pl�clter are
�ereby aut�►orfiz�d �ad dfirect�t t� execcr�e on 6eha�f cf the City of
Saint Paut an a�raen�n� for S�ecta� FQOd Ser�ice Pragra� for Ghtidreri.
S�er Ptbgt•a�ns sai'd a�t 6etng entered fintn parsnant to appl t-
Gat�`�n th�erefar �de bX tFte C�fty of Saint Pau1 and approved by Satnt
Pau1 Cfty Cotcncit ResoTu�fion No. CF-254t9T, adopted I�aty 25, 1971.
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays 1971
Butler JV�- ?
� prove 19�
Levine n Favor
Meredith ^
Sprafka U yor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty JUL 10197i
F 22 38a(PAGE 2) �� "�J
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6. For t6e purpoee of thie agreement, the follwing teims 8. TFu terme of thls agrer�ent shall not be modified or
ahall sean� respectively: elunged in any vay o[her the� r� the cooeent ia writing of
♦ both par[iea hereto.
(a) Serviee Inetitution: Meane a privete, ooaprofit inst!- �
tution, or e p�blic ins[itutior, such as a child daq- 9. The reporting and/or zecordkeeping requiremente contained
eare cen[er, ee[[Iement.hwae, or recrea[ion.eenter, herein have been apprwed by the Bureau of the Budgec in
. whlch prwldee day care, or other child care where accordance with [he Federal Reporta Act of 19k2.
chlldren are not maintained in residence, for children
fram areae in which poor econamic condiciona exist or
areas in which there are high concentratioas of working
nothers. The term "eervice inetitution" includea a
private, nonprofit inatitution or a public ins[itution
that develope a apecial s�er program providing for • i
children fram auch areas food service similar to t6a[
available to children under the National School Lunch RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS
or School Breakfast Pzograma during the echool year,
and includes a prlvate, nonprofit inatitution c- a � institution must keep full and accurate records respeet-
public institution prwidiag day-care servicea for 1n8 1[s food service to aerve as a basis for the claim for
Landicapped children frcro such areas._ reimburaemenc and for audit and review purposes. The recorda
to be kept include the follwing:
(b) Coet of' Obtaining Food; Meana the coet of oUtaining 1 Meals.
agricultuzal ca�odities and other foode for coneump-
tlan by children. Such coeta may include, in additioa
to the purchase price of agricultural•caummoditiea and a. Daily number of ineale served to childrea, by type of,
other foods, the coet of procesaing, dietributing, meal.
transporting, s[oring or handling of any food p�rehued D. Daily n�ber of ineals served free or gt reduced price
fot. or donated to, the Program.
• , to children, by type of ineal.
(c) FSscal Year: Meana a period of twelve calendar months
beginning vith July 1 of any ealendar year and ending c. Daily n�ber of ineale aerved to adulte, by tppe of
vith June 30 0� the follwing calendar year. meal.
(d) tte_a�1: Means food which ia served to children during 2 Yrogr� Incame (Receip[e).
their a[tendance at a service inatitution and which
'eet� the nutritional requiremen[e of Schedule B a. Fram children's payments,
attached hereto.
b. Fram Federal reimbursement.
(e) ratin Coat: Heana the coat of obtaining, preparing, �
an aerving food. c. Fraa adults payments.
d. Fram all other sourcea, including loana [o the
7. This Agreement shall be effective for [he period ca�encing
3 Pro ram Expe�nditures. (Supported by invoices, receipts.
the 1�+ day of June , 19 7�' , and or o�v e�d nce oFexpenditure.)
ending the 1St day of Sept. , lq 71 ; a. For food.
!f thia period extends into a second fiscal year (ihat is,
if it begina on or before June 30 and ends on or after July b. For labor.
; 1) the Depar�ent's agreemen[ to reimburae the sponaor ie
conditioned upon the continued availability of funds appro- c. All other expenditurea, including repayment of loans
priated for Special Food Service Yrogram for Children pur- to [he Program.
posea for such first fiacal year or upon the appropriation
of funda by the Copgress for such second £iscal year in a 4 Value of DonaEions to Program.
sufficient amoun[, and no legal liability on the part of
the govertment for the payment of any money shall arise un- a. Donated food, ezcluaive of foods donated by the
leas and un[il such appropriation shall have been prwided. Departaen[.
(Do not complefe this section.)
b. Donated servicea. ,
This Agreement may be terminated upon ten (10) daya written � .
notice on the par[ of either party here[o, and the Depart- c. All donatioas other than food and aervices.
mep[ may teYminate this Agreement i�ediately after receipt .
of evidence that the [erma and conditions of this Agreemen[
and of [he regulations governing the Program have not been .
fully ccmplied with by the Sponsor. My teLmination of thia •
Agreement by the Department shall be in accord with applic-
able lawa and regulations. No te=mination or expira[ion of C i ty C1 er k
thie Agreement, however, shall affect the obligation of the
Sponeor to main[ain and retain recorde and to make such
recorde available for audit.
B7 7�,T `� �°4 �� BY
Charles P� yy(,'C�I�p(A�URE) (SIGNATURE)
xia� MayOr Title
Da[e April 26� 1971 ' DBte