254812 OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK ���� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �IOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WI�REAS, Pursuant to Section 203.3 of the City Charter, The Comptroller has reported to the City Council that there are presently funds available in the General Revenue Fund Balance - Dedicated Health and Welfare Program, and WHEREAS, The Council finds that it is necessary to provide an additional appropriation for expenses being incurred in activity account number 0900, Health and Welfare, therefore, be it RE80LVED, That the appropriation in the 1971 Budget for Health and Welfare in Charter Fund 25, Employee Benefits, is hereby increased as follows: General Goverx�m.ent Accounts Appropriation Charter Fund 25 - Employee Benefits 0900 Health and Welfare 112 Salaries - Clerical $ 2,000.00 431 Health and Welfare Premiums 23,000.00 Total Additional $25,000.00 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the item in the_ 1971 Schedule of Fund Balances Applied - Schedule D for Health and Welfare be increased in the amount of $25,000.00, and be it FURTHER RESOZVED, That th� 1971 Revenue Summary, Fund Balance - Dedicated - Schedule D be increased by $25,000.00, and be it FINALLY RESOZVED, That this resolution shall not be adopted by the Council until after a public hear3�iig has been held, and for which five (5) days public notice shall be given once in the official newspaper of�-the City, and the approval of the City Comptroller is endorsed on this resolution. � Approved: , Appr gd: � Co'rporation Counse � Ci Comptro ,JUL 7 gl ;. '� COUNCILMEN �` Adopted by the Coun 1�— - Yeas Nays - Butler �9T� ,��. A rove J ? 19` Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � Lis�n JUL 10197� ;�?�,.��,.� PUB �� '� �1 � NOTICS OF PIIBLTC �N . I�NgC$BBASING}-XFPitAT 1�'OR i9� PAUL. r, :' .,. — I PUSLIC NO'FLCE �s "�� that ������ t Ctt7 ter. wili;hol� ii �h O11 ��aa�au � ?���tr P ��, +. t �� � � �� ; !u� �i h� �p� 4 1 � t•. I�=� b�d�st !0i 1Y41,k xti: � � �� � �� �� yy G`!f7 � "� '~' a` � , � :,(� , 1�� J- ��� '- , • � ' . r �� � , � `' J ,� � NOTICE OF P'UBLIC HEARING ON ING`REASING APPROPRIATI�TS IN THE SAINT PAUL CITY BUDGET FOR 1971. � PUBLIC NOTIC'E is hereby given that purata.arit to Sai.nt Paul City Charter, Section 203.3, the Saint Paul City Council will hold a public hearing on the 7th day of July, 1971, at 10:00 A.M., in the Council Chambers in the City Ha11 and Court House Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of consider3.ng ad�ustments to the adopted budget for 1971� to increase certain appropriations in said adopted budget. Dated June 21, 1971. HARRY E. MARSHALL, City Clerk. (June 26, 1971) � t ," \ . , DU}LICQTi TO/RIN'RI! . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�N�+� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM � .�p�r�.,r COMMISSIONE� �I�*� WE�RBAS, PursuanC to Section ZO�.� of tha City Charter, The Cc�troller has reported to the City Couacil that there are preaentlq funde availsble in the (�uaral Rs�renu� Fund Balance - Dedicated Hea1Ch and Welfa�� Progr�, and WHSRBAS, The Council find� that it is necesaary to pro�idm an addition�tl , appropriation for e�cpenses befn� incurred in aativity sccount numb�r 0900, Health and Welfare, tharefore, be it . RE9flLV8b. Tha� tl�e appropriatioa in the 1971 Budget £or H.ealth and Wel£ara �n ChartQr Fund 25., $mployee Benefits, is heriby incrsased as follo�ss � . . General Gaver�aat Accounts Appropriation Gharter Fund 25 - B�nploqee Bauefits 0900 Seatlth aad Welfare . 11� Salarims - Clericai $ 2,000.00 431 Health and Welfare Prrai.um� Z3.OQO.QQ , Tot�l Additional $25,fm0.00 and be it FURTt�R RBSOLYBD, T'hat the it�m ia th�e 1971 Scludule of Fund Batlancas Applied - Sch�dule D for Health aad Welfare be increa8ed in the mnount of $25,�00.00, and be it ' BURT�it RB50LV8D, �st t1u 1971 Ra�vernu Siammtsy, B'und Balanc� - Dedicatad .. Schedule D be increased by $2S,b00.00. snd be it FINALLY RBSOLVBD, That this rasolutian shall aot be adoptMd bq th� Couac3,1 until aftsr a public hearaieg hae been held, and for which fivt (�) daqs public notice shali be given once in the cfficia! ar�pap�r of thi CiLy, and the approval of the City Comptroller ia endorssd on thia r��olution. Appraved; . Approveds orporat on ounae Z'�L�ro �r �Ul � �97�_ COUNCILMEN • Adopted y the Coun�� Yeas Nays But�er J U L 7 197� ..� ; � Appmv� 19— Levine rn Favor Meredith Sprafka (� ��r A gajIlgt Tedesco ' Mr. President, McCarty ��