02-881CouncIl File # �'�. ^ $ Q", �Rf GlNAL Presented By Referred To RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Public Housing Agency Board of Commissioners. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date GreenSheet# '�}.Oa �. 0(� �� APPOINTMENTS Name Representin� Term Ex�ires Stephanie Slaton John Wilking resident commissioner non - tenant commissioner September 1, 2004 September 1, 2006 REAPPOINTMENTS Name Representing Term Expires Katherine Hadley non - tenant commissioner September 1, 2007 Mayor's Office 9-18-02 GREEN SHEET 6a.- �Y) "° 202306 Rurt Schultz 6-8512 3E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7t7 September 25, 2002 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �,.R,� � u aTM�,.� _ ❑ anwnoras� ❑ anaaat ❑qwsyuaonxFSOw. ❑w�xu��mnm�tcro � rwvaatatwsxsturtl ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Stephanie Slaton and John Wilking to the Public Housing Agency Board of Co�issioners. Approving the reappointment of Ratherine Hadley to the Public Housing Agency Board of Commissioners. u7nnorv approve (a7 or tte�ec[ PIANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE C1VIL SERVICE COMMISSION (Who, IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION Why) Has fhis pe�soMrm e.er xroriced uMer a contrsd forthis depaM1ment'7 YES NO Fias this persoMrtn erer been a city empbyee9 - YES NO Dces this persoNfirm possess a sltlll rat normallypossessed by any curterR city ¢mployee? YES NO Is Mis personfirm a targetetl vendoR YES NO �lain all ves answeis on sena�ate sheel and atlach W areen sheet COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO ACTMTY NUMBER JN (IXPWN) ba - �'F1 CI'I'Y �F SA� PA�. 390 Citv Hall Telephone.� 651-266-8510 Randy C. Kelly, Mayor IS WestKeitogg Boulerard Facsimile.� 651-266-8513 Saint Paul. MN 55102 To: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lanhy Councilmember 3ames Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor Date: September 18, 2002 RE: Public Housing Agency Board of Commissioners Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Stephanie Slaton and John Wilking to the Public Housing Agency Board of Commissioners. Ms. Slaton's term will expire on September 1, 2004. Mr. Wilking's term will expire on September 1, 2006. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappoinhnent of Katherine Hadley to the Public Housing Agency Board of Commissioners. Ms. Hadley's term will expire on September l, 2007. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications of the two new appointments. Please remember that certain informafion on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any questions regarding the appoinhnents and the reappoinhnents. Attachments cc: Jon Gutzmann, PHA Executive Director � 09�13i02 13:05 MC DONOUGH HOMES 3 16512985666 �y c•. �. 6 �•— d'Sr 1 Applicatian fnr Committee, Board, or �ommission Pl�ase return ta Mark Engebretcon Mayor Office, Raom 390 City I�all 1 � WC3t Kell4gg �lvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Ph6ne;6j1-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 The M�nn�,u�� Go�an�m�ni Dnea proceiccs Ae� (Minnexom Sia[ntee ChnF[cr 13} go�erns tAe Cily'4 usc of lhc lnlurmauun cunr.��ned i.. tgfs Jtf�fliealian. Same aC�he inCarmntiun SaugDt (n thiz oPPticotion i5 P�ivnic dnra undcrthc a.e� The reqar.�eJ inf�rmi.rin�t wi11 ye ueatl by [heuppuinliug nuthnnty m corry out Ihe Ci�y'S olFiciel nppeintmen� r.st�ens�h�l,ue; Ye,i nre noi requireA �a �rovitlo ony �nFormnlian. 1'Inu'evef, failurc m nnnwer �hc applicn�inn questions ieny cause ihx sppnin[�ny iiueUoniy w re)zn yoor npplicutian. Thc majori,y oFi�ems contnined in lhis npplica�ion nro pubfie. incluefny nnnte, sddress. empluymeil�, ski�lc, vn�ning sinU cxpcntnce, and a�c ihcrcPorc ��vuilnule [p apy011c aquest�ng n. 717e remnining items on ihc npptiuuiuu fann arc ctnssiiica ns vnrni�, The privn�c dr�a iS OYM1iInb{e ap(y m yau nnd io niher personc in the Ciey wha, bcniusc �f �+O:IL OiSjy'n1YCn15, t[hSU�JUIY ��9��}«. CSC55 fa Ih2lpformation. Name �710 � {�L►,YIAp� i � � (:,�� Home nddrtss C� � f.� j�/,p,y/� �' �_� '1'elcphones [����-�S �t- �y�2�r�) �a ^-- � — ! - - - �f � �� - N � Clu�P1� �� �IeW[inNudCA�pp 0 05 � � r lea E-mail address ���'�1� C� ��ry}(] pr��( Planning District Council Yrefcrred mailing address Qccupa�ioa Place oFemployment Employment address Cummi�tcc(s) applied Ci[y Council Ward 51@vl n ' , c er et¢ie 9�0 Whai skifls/training �r expzrience dn yoi; posscsa fur lhe committco(s} f4�' wh;ch you seek appoin[ment? � 11 CL� I��-� ��2.i 127tt�h �'�l� !(J f?2a'l �'��l!/Jt e,�. � page 1 aF2 , 99�13�02 13:05 MC DONOUGH HQMES 3 15512985666 N0.094 093 p�.- �l YersonalRcferences N��,� � ^�;� I�i,r , D1Z- b� /� .��t�lrc,. �.,`�� � ��CLL IG1JY-L.l'7T.L� - - - Telephones (0,� ��1 c� ��.�(o � ��l � 1 C� `C`�' �P _ Plcasc �ncluds a Qn� hflm� 7 wark o16er Name ��r�2-Q-[L J !Y �.��—• nda�z55 , ��5 � .�'� Telephonzs � � � - � �� �10.�1� Gj � ' o �} Please inc�uae areo CoJea home work oahcr Namc Addre Telephones _ �/�7� ,�'�{- � fGj�% _ P{S80CIOCILLA4'Af4PC0�49 hame w0ll( p[hCf Reusons f4r your interest in this particular commit�ee ��`�k}�L ,�_ J �• ,,,,,,, ...,, . .,, . #rn /.�_ I l .. . ti „ � Huve you had previous contaec witl� the committee for whitlt y4u are malSing apQlieation? !f so, when, nnd under whal clrcumsza�sces? ln nn nttempt to ensure that committee representation reffects the makeup of our communiky, pleasc chcek the 6ox applicable to you. Thi5 inCormntion is strictly vuluntnty, � Whitc (Caucasi�n} � Hispanic [f�Blacic (AftiC9n-Amcricaa) � asiun ar Yacific [slander � American Indian or Alaskan Gskimo � Male Pemalo p Disabled: � Yes Nop If.�pec'ral accommnd�tions are needed, please specify Data of b�*th � r �l -- (p � liow did you hear about this' opening? `7�� ��[rY[��(� � t�,"�' .- 1 , page 2 of? f. . 6 Applicatian for Committee, Board, or Commission Please zeturn to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Aall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 ba-- �i�( RFCFniFn AUG 2 s zao2 MAYOR'S ��-riC� The Minnesota Goverament Da[a Practices Act (MinneSOta Statutes Chapter 13) goveras the City's use of the iaformation con[ained in this application. Some oFthe iaformation sought in this application is private data uader the Act. The iequested iafocmation will be used by the appointing authority to carry out the City's official appoiatmeat responsibilities. You are aot required to provide any information. However, failure to answer the applicatioa questions may cause the appointing authority to reject your application_ The ma,}ority of items contained ia this application are public, iacluding aame, address, employment, skills, training and experience, and are therefore avaitable to anyone tequesting it. The remaining items on the application form are classified as pri�ate. The private data is availahle oaly to you and to other pezsons ia the City who, because of work assignments, reasoaa6ly require access to the informatioa. Name JOHN WILKING Homeaddress 1238 MAYWOOD STREET ST PAUL MN 55117 street city state 2ip Telephones 651-489-8297 651-647-9920 651-647-1566 PleaaeinduCeAreaCodes home work fax E-mail address �Wilkina@loca1455.com Planning District Council City Council Ward 5-11 Preferred mailing address 1238 MAYWOOD STREET ST. PAUL MN 55117 stxeet city state zip Occupation PIPEFITTER STEAMFITTER Placeofemployment STEAMFITTER/PIPEFITTER LOCAL 455 Employmentaddress 700 TRANSFER ROAD, ST. PAUL, MN. 55114 Committee(S) applied for PUBLIC ;HOUSING COMMITTEE What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? .� � . • •� e�� _u I HAVE BEEN A CITY MECHANICAL INSPECTOR FOR THE ST. PAUL FIRE DEPAI2TMENT FOR APPROXIMATELX 3 YEARS. I HAVE DONE BOTH MECHANICAL AND FIRE INSPECTIONS ON MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. I AAVE WORKED IN THE BUILDING TRADES FOR 33 YEARS. I HAVE BUILT 3 HOMES FOR MYSELF OVER 30 YEARS. page i of 2 a :rsonal Refereaces Name T. JERRY BARNES aa.- ��-� Address 6824 SHERWOOD RD WOODBURY MN 55125 Telephones e 51/714-0689 651/647-9920 Please include Area Codes home Name DICK ANFANG Address 411 MAIN ST Telephones Please inc]ude Area Codes home Name RICHARD WILLITS wotk ST PAUL MN 55102 651/224-9445 work other other Address 3251 BIG ROCK DR ELY t4PJ 55731 Telephones ���/365-6507 PSease'snclnde Area Codes home work other Reasons for your interest in this particular committee I�M INTERESTED IN THE QUALITY AND SAFETY OF PUBLIC HOMES SN OU12 CITY. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? NO In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X❑ White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �Male Female � Date ofbirth 3-17-1949 Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? RICHARD WILLITS, DICK ANFANG page 2 of 2 0