254806 � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK . .I'�,[�,J'��;�"� • ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. `� `� . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RES ION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED� That the Counc il of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves lease of the premises located at 1039 Selby Avenue on a month-to-month tenancy for use by the Model Cities Department, and the Mayor, City Clerk and Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to egecute the said lease on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. EORM P V As a ti n Co s �u� s ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays But�er App �e J U L 6 1971� 19r ,��b�,�a�i' Levine Favor Meredith or Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty J V L 1 0 �97� pUBLISHED - � , �►� " �;�.� , � ��:,t��,,.� _ . � I.I�-'�SJ; �^.:;i'T;r:. ��;'�T 'iI'-�S ] 1�����1� AC'�'l?El:'`l'�' , ^ � , � � t � ,,-o t'� + s �__ �,_,. , � f�� , '.i•,7�y li�.��1C. �:t ;: Li:, :Ci'C.CI 1"t:,.. �l:_ .___�.__..�_..._ c;��.�� of_ ._�. .Y,_..__^_._ S 19719 L�r ai�d Lci��•�-c���.�n th��� �:C'T�� Oi? ;:>l.1i�,�: P.''�l�l_,s aci.ing �'r��r.c��;�]-i :its D���:��-t.n�cn� oi 1"lUCjC'.1_ C.Lt.l�s ; hc�-e�_,-i=�f�.c>r r ,r,� ; , �, ci �r > >�� ,� - �c �; i, c_l.:.r.-���� Lo ��:; City y ���d I.oJ?r:1.1 ,�. l,;.�D�,?.�,G'�; :LOl:� . �.�:�� /�,<,>�,_,�zc_ > C` .� `-.y i�.. � - A--,-i^.`. ^i�� �r�(l� �^`'rn-i r�.. �1`,0�-� �^ !'P- '^nr� j-f. :�< ��(�7;.?t`�� '�� �:�. . . . .. . 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TI��:.: C;;-rie�- ��izc'/or Cii�ST n�.,}r i:.e�R�?::�.i��i..i;e ;�i� : �i:ea�.c ai� �r�y t=i_r�:�� �11t� i0i �.;�)' ]'c:�:SC"1"! li�� �:17� t�`-,:i.V1_11� _.� �_)"111:i".j' ��;�;j G�1j'S T ;�';':1.1:i�C.il. -- 1�0i=:;_Ct� t:0 t.i"?c:: Ol�li.C�1 i��t'r.'�.�T ]'�i101" 1�U tl"?C< <i,i�C'- Vi i;E"C::)_;"1�::?�:�O'i?.. • ,. �� . Cl�''it��- s;;��:1_1 .ra5' �l.l�. 11�1.L:J_��r CO�'t:S'� :t.l.l��_U.C37.7;v ����.5 � t:'.i_(.'.Cj:'1':I_C . 1 .' _��,. L � C' ' � (�' i 1?!: � )f? ? '' �il. I7 1 ' 7 �_t, , 1��.:: _ s po-c�cL•; �i���zt_ e:�:c ��•:lii,`, �.�.7 �� �c >, i.: 1. :� �� r:. t.v:,. .i-J ,. _,�, tl��._•�. . fl`,tCc.i� � C1�;�' S�'�?..�_1� T>£.'3�T :.'..�5 t;C'�i����1Q"!;c ._.;�:'���;;(?F . �)'�911"t�:�' :-: lc�.�-��- �.)"�' c�.J_.'. rl-_'c�1 ('.:>;.� .l- .ca � � l�l �.��< �::?� �i l.`� -!�' �1.'.� {- . a���.,�I ry'���(1�� .I l.�)T �a E. i- �°�.s �� .c� ;c r:t: ; .> >. �, �]:c� .e. , c ,, � :;•t,i l"f QLI.^-_ � 7 . !'i:.. 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PAUL F�uNCa NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F4RM PR�ENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER DA� � R�30LVED* That the Counoil ot the Citq oi Saint Psul hereby approva. lea�e oi the premla ea looated at 1039 3e1 by A�enue on a moath—to�onth tenanoy tor nse by t� Model Cities Dspart�ent� and th�s Mayar, City C3.erk and t3�ptroller are hereUy an�horis�ed and diraoted to ezeoute the �aid lsaae oa behsli o! th� City oi 3aint Paui. �, 6 197� COUNCII.�EN Adopted by the Coun 19— Yeas Nays But�er JUL 6 .197� � Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka b Mayor A aainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � •'�- �� �.�� ` ��.