254788 Oslsinal to Cit7 Cierk � T . . � �� � � OR�DINANCE ����8� UNCIL FI NO PRESENTED BY I NO � v �� t� y � w • An or a ce establishing the salaries of • � the Mayor and Councilmen pursuant to Laws 1971, Chapter 473. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Pursuant to the authority provided in Laws 1971, Chapter 473, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby fix the compensation to be paid the Mayor and Counailmen to be as follows: Mayor: $35, 000.00 per annum Councilmen: $23, 000.00 per annum Section 2. All fees, inoneys or remuneration of whatever character accruing to the Mayor or Councilmen, other than the compensation fixed in the preceding section, shall be reported to the City Council and paid monthly into the City treasury. Section 3. The annual eompensation fixed herein shall be payable in semi-monthly installments. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� ,�` 2 O �g� Butler f � �� Tn Favor Levine Meredith gainat Sprafka� � Tec�es�° ,lUL 2 0 197� . President c ) Appro At C' Clerk May �� Form approved Corpor��on Counsel By ,PUBLISHE� JUL �� ��1� Otl�inal to City Clerk , , � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � � ORDINANCE NO � An ordiaance establishing the salaries of the Mayor aad Councila�an pursuaat to Laxs I971, �hapter 473, and establishing a Citizen Advisory aad Review Co�ittee. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectioa 1. Pursnant to the authoritp provided in LaMS 1971, Chapter 473, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hercby increase the compensation to be paid the Mayor and Councilmen to be as folloxs: Mayor: �22,840 per snnu� Councilmen: 16,600 per annua Section 2. All €ees, �oney or re�uneration of whatever character accr�ing to the Maycr or CouncilBen, other than the coapensation fixed in the preceeding section, shall be reported to the City Council asd �aid �onthly into the City treasury. Section 3. The annnal co'pensation fixed herein shall be payable in seei-�osthly install�ents. Section 4, All salary increases, s�bsequent to t�e one contained herein, voted upon by the City Council pursuant to Laws 1971, Chapter 473, sha11 become effective .upva the commence�ent of the tarm of elective office next following the tera of office of the Council voting upcn the salary increase. Section S. There is hereby establisbed a Gitizea Advisory and Review Comoittee xhich shall consist of five voting �e�bers to be appointed by the Mayor asd appro�red by the Council. The Co�ittee me�bers shall be represeatativos from the St. Panl Chamber af Co�erce, St. Paul Leaque of l�a�en Voters, orgaaized labor and other responsible civic groups. Section 6. All future proposed increases in co�pensation �ade p�r�uant to Laws 1971, Chapter 473, shall be presented for study and review to the Citizea Advisory and Review Co�ittee. The findings of said Co�ittee shall be considered by the City Cvuncil before actiag upon a proposed salary increase. Section 7. This ordinaYtce shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passag�, spproval aad publicatio�. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor�,�ion Counsel By _ a.�.�'''r� � ._ ����'? � � � � � O1�'DINANCE COUNCIL HLE NO PRE�NTED BY ORDINANCE NO- Aa ordi�saee �stabliabing �h� sa3aries of ths �ta�r snd Conatcil�es p�rs�t ta L�s 19T1, Chapter 47'3, aad establiahiaj a Gitizen Ad�isor�r au1 Rs�►i�+r � Co�aittee. '!'f�B Ca�C 2 L OP ?f�E C I3`Y OF 5llINT PAUI. �k'18� 4R?�1I Ii s S�ction 1+ P�rsuast to th� a�therix�r pra�idsd f.a Laxs 19?ls Cksptfr 4T3, t�a Co�cil of the City of Sai�t Pan� dass kerab�► iacrease ths t�pensition ta b� gaid tha Maror �a� C�►mtcilseg to be as foiloxs: I�a1ror z $2 2,a00 pe►r �na�e Coe�cil��n: I6,60A peT anxm� Sectioa 2. All fs�s, �osey or �eanaara:tion +of r�a�rr�r chsracter acer»i*g to ths Ms�os or Conaei2��o, oth�r thsa lGhe cv�p�asatioa fized in the preceediag sec�Efo�, shall b� �p4rt�d te the C3�ty Ca�ati2 aad �aid �on�hly iato tho Citp treasnr�►w Ssctio� 3. ?he auaasl co�peasation fized berefa shall tis Paiyable ia s�ai-aontht,p iastallaents. S�ctioa 4 A11 sa2as� increases s�abseqnsat t.o �� aas co�tained hsare�, rot+ed upoa b� ths C�ty C��iI pa�stis�tt t�o Laxs 197I, Chs�t�r �73, ��a11 bec�e effecti�re ngoa tht� �ta+cs�est _o# the ta�ra vf electi�e v£fir� ae�ct foli�rls= th• tfzs of offi+ce af ths Co�acil totiag a�a the sslar�r iacsess�. Ssetioa S. These is b��b� estabiishsd i Citissn Adirissr�r snd R�riev Con�#tt�e rhie� shall cassist of fi�s v+otia` ae�ers to b� appoiatsd b7► the 1Kay0r a�d appr�rsd by tl�e Camscii. ?ke Coasitts� �eib�xs shs31 be repres�atatfres fro� tl�e st. Pa�l ChaRber of Ca�rrCS, SL. Psnl L�iqne of 11��n qoters, oraaais� lsbos asd ot�er respo�sibls ti:�i� �ro�ps. S�cttoa 6. All fgt�t� proposed #icr�sses #= caspens�tian ude parsuaat ts I�uxs i971, Ckapter 473, sl�ail b� gr+ese�tsd far st��jr snd rer�i�r to the Citissn Adv�sOr�r �ed A�rie+r Coa�ittee. The f3aadin�s of safd Couittsa shall b� �nsidmrs�l i�� the Citj► Cot�cil bsfere actia� �n a pro�wssd saisrp is�reass. � S�ctiea 7., This ordiaaaee sh,a21 tslce effect and ba i� forco thirtt�►► da�rs fyn� aud after its �►as:�gs, appro�sl aad pnblicatioa. Yeas � Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coun�;� Butler ��On Tn Favor I.eviwe ' M81�dith A aninat sp� Tedesco Mx. President (�cCarty) Approved: Atteet: City Clerk M�►or �� '. Form a��rov�ed Co�poril�o� Counsel By . a ' .' ~ � ` � • ♦ � . � f � . • • .. ,j. . �� ... . . . . . - . ' �`- j�''::. � -� � . r ` '_ ; aV�`18r � ��.�.�w�� � �,�, , WE, ?� i�D�lRSiGNED PBTITIONERS, are residents,+ ; � �itiaens and tax�ysre of the City of Saint Paul, and affix our , ,,� �iqnatures to this document for the intent and purpose of goinq - ,�'�> , �`� �' � �n zecord and declar�ing our collective protest, grievance, ob- a�. ,r. �� �-�I° ��ctioA nnd o�position to th� recent legislative action of the � , , ;... -. �1 c�f; the Ci'�y of Saint Paul, in increasing their salari�s �.. N`' ` �! �h�-an astrcmomical aum of �noney, over the existing levels , :, ' ."� , � ��! s�wue is 4ne of utter golitical irresponsibility, uq1�` ��'$ ; x ,. z� , �'���1+� ,,�d u;n,conscionabl�. The' undersigr�e�d cannot re�aaie "` �sn such•an zibho��ent legasla�ive action i+� taken b� �� !��' , �`,*? , -:��'�#�'It�.:of f ic ia l s. , �� �*, r �'�' '" ,j��$ .. "�he �tndersigned, who have laborid` miqht#ly u�! '!� �}�G . � 'A:}y t �. � . .. . .' .. . .: . .. . , ' f�.� . r�, , . ;' _ c '���s tait �urden of tAe eaisting go�xarnment, !i� "� ,7 � "�- ,� .,:����, R?;�, a {, , 4. `` �`Y'`'���� � � City �incf l, an� the .rec�nt pay rai�w, ��.�r , � � �� T�� sI �� J`4d 4 J .. ' . . ' ' } , y�. .. . . . . � 'R� �, F�„ ` �� � pablic outcry has to be made by thia _ ti.�� ,,. ;. fi. ,}� , • �.��A��� `� �.r= s 4 '. � +. ' ,. , . .'.,� 9 t.'', Y � =��loilab�.� inflation, it is only ca�M; �'� M j� . r, �e� ftYt��� ��� ' y �� '` � �.. � �,��ti�lidt 4�ttfciala set an example for the �11�� r ,� s, ` ;� 4� [+ r�'i�`, � , . . . •���� �',�! k � p $ �•�" �.� �: .' . . , i:. d f'� ��� � � Y Ly t I :,x S 4 " .. � f1Y. P �� , ' ,� ����.�t l��dt»g dowr� the eost of goder�aent tc a !��`� � I�r� � w., , . F x k , &" {y�a t..t �, „ �3 : � � ���� �1 adiq�ate levsl, so that the undersiqaed, � �1�' ° " � ,;�. � , ;� . � ,.; , �; ' SP ,.' , � a � , ; a �:'� t,�� � ' ;���� s�an litr� Kit.h the +cort of th� qovernM�t vti�t fi�+! � �,n�t ;� � �� �Yy, cLtprivmtioa an�d �eqradatio�. � � � �,.�!',� �� �, � .��. . . . . . S. .. �� . . . . ' pvX,.i '`� T't►e undarsigned =esptet�ully ��q�pest that the `��# � ' a,��• _ � �.: �, ' ' �1 s�co�siQer the l�gislative, action ta�ea �n t.h��= p�� �' � ,��� ; ; ; �M�c+l�i� as�d xes���d the �a�e, or a�aend the laq�2ativ� ��� ,� , �; �: J _ _ x t� ` aMi► ��as+M� �t is fair, s�aso�ubl� � �l�� �At �v� ��' ' �'� ,_, � � � w ���� �� , a�i��i� 1*#� �ha� �at l�a b�n Ii{g��i ��A�x n y��x. �: �_ ,,� ' , �� ; t � b� � ' �� �' ' �1! ���0� by t���@CYM1��i '� �� '� ._ ,�,�*+ �r � �� . �, ,,�� ��,�,r� ���s, , t �ri� #.�M�r ��ected ,•' y�, `n'� � � , � �� � �i���� �#�wr �a �Y �+N� #� .� " � '' � � �t �� �R� �' � � ��}�`�_'� �' w� �� � �Otiibl! QR ��'��J 4����� °��� �f� �� . ���� ��� ,� �� • ` ti .9 - ' �+,�'c+e";�pt �,��, . .i�� . . . . . . .j � �rr � .e ,,��• ���. � � i+. i•'� �g�t1�t � � �.� K . . . . . ' . . .. .. � A .. � ����}� ��' . . . , . . . ��}' Y � tr E. � ' yt�,'�>., s Y �� � . I�:. .. t . � . � � r�, R��� � �y�- � y )p� "T'� . � '-'�- � . t :1��. � � _. , � � � � . . . , .���.+c..� .�i.R.3n . _._..,.._ .d ,�� "'� ,�.e�`'�.}.:i., .�i .. . .__. , _ _ �. .. . _ . . .. .. ... . . � r � . .. ... • . • � ,, � t .. . the electorate, but they abhor and deplore unconscionable and , extravagant expenditures by the officials from the public purse. The undersigned desires that this document be incor- porated in the Minutes of the City Council, as a public record, and a declaration of their protestation to the facts and circum- stances to the pay increase legislation of the current city counci . � 1 13. !� ��� ti ���� s a. i� . ��.�--�-� G�. .��� -�,� ao6i � � 3. � 15:�� � �D 3£�' ��.;ti �? �� �/�� �� " , � � ' � _ 4. - 16 . ' � � ( � �� � 5. W � �►�Ca��. 17. � ��o f_ Gl�'-sc�C- �. .s�� �-�_ C�'-�'�-< , __-_� 6. , 18. ' �� �1..3 �' � � __--- 7.. 19. l�L/ � / �� r �J ���9`'�%Cr � a3 ��°�°.� �, � _ - _ v - . _ 20 �t �. �� I��� .� ��'� �fi�� 3 ��� . ���{//�.C��/1 V 'r ' . 2 1�• . � . w: . . ,�.�.'�m�L��r.�� . . -� 0 3 ��,�,,��Zo-�- -�s� 0 3 � y� ; � � � � io. . . /'� , 22 " 9a � ,�. � g�fi � � � . - - � � ii.. . ; ,� .. . �_�_ a3. _ ` 9°23 ��� � � 1 (� . �S 6 G 111 � 'i. � ':v . la... . . . . . . . . . . . . a4. �-3�S � �� . _ . , - "��x: . �:�.:;�,�� s� , � �., � . � _ _ � . 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M, t they ebhor and deplore unconscionable and � 9x�.., -� extzavagant °x��tures by the otficials trom ths puDlic purs�. � w. � . , ``� �'h���re�iqned desires that thia document b� incor- � �,$ ; porat�d in tb��`i��+�tsis of the City Council, as a public record, r and a dsolaratioa o! th�ir `� protestation to the �acta and cirawa- �; �taA�� to tha pay incraase laqislation of th�a current city ` counci � .�; l. .., 13. . �,�: 1?� . � ' ��y � � �QirG�+�CCi ���a . .�� l �'- SS%d 15. ,, ,�:., , ,:: � � � � 4.� s G ����Oe�.°. 7d,,��/1�1� �.3�/�16. � � � � , �' . . � . � � . � . �iN 5� ,/�,f 17. ; � � � :��, ° a- ia. . `' ��'�'°„�.. � �� ' �- r �1 . 19. .� � � I � �� �/�. '" , ���' � ,�. 1• ZO• � �: �.��Y�`�� �. � �i . 9• r � i Z 1. . � �: . s � . 10. 2��-� 2Z. ,i^` v ' � �. 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'f . . � . . . .. � � � � -.y'�, . . � . . .. � . . � � �. � � � . . � 'j:; ,��t , i:: �"��;. . �� � ��+�=�s� p���/? �' ��f+�n�f� � � . . . . . :�� �� . .� � � 4: 3 kA ` , c►l.tis�ns a� taxpay�ss ot the Ctty of SaiAt.'gsul,� aa�d aliix +oWc �� .. .p�k � : . . .. �� � ' t:.. ��'��� siq:►al�uc�r �! +thi� dtaenwaent tor t� iAt+att �'! p�s�pc�w of gotnq � `�` .� , ,�� on r�cord and d�elar#.�� our ca�ls��•iv�s p+i�st,� +y�riswnc�; �b� 1��' � �� ' j�atiaa a�d +a�posltian to the rao�t 1����ati�s .�ton oi th+s �;. � ;. ` ° ce�tins��i o! t.h+s, City o� Saint Pa�l, in �syrMinq lh�ir sa�aa�c�,�r � �: ��� �4 0 . . �. - � . . � . . .. � . . . . . . . ' , . , � ��.� � suc� a�► u�tironomical su' of nros�y cyv�r 1� �cistin+q lsv�sla ; , °� . �r� ' t�et �l1s� aaM is one o! utter pol�tics� i�*���aa�ibillty, ts�a- � ;, ��: , �°' �sb�.a �d uncoaecionable. Tha und�tA#g��! Qa�►� =+�etiA � :�-: R 7 :`' t� �►han� �ucA an abhorrent 1eqi�iat�ivs aQtiou is tak�n by � ° t .'' _ . . . , . . _ . , ° � o�r elecated �r�ficiala. ' . > , �: ,�.- , � ,'`,� 3'�a" undersiqn�d, Mho haw labor�d aiqbtil� w�idsr t� < �,: � l�orren�Elons tex� burden of the exi��q ge�v�e�nw�t, fi�• th� � � �io� o! the City Ccuncii. and� tha r��t WY sai�e, �uch a �x that a pvhiic outcry ha� to bo � by this doowaent. . ��- . _ � � Ia ti�es of uncontrollasble inl�.ation, it� i� only oo�ecsn dscss�cy . ± ' th�t our elected of�icials sat aa �za�pl� !'or tba geairal •l�c- � � . : � tor�te ia holdinq do�m the cost af goverr�airnt to a lair, r�a- �nable �►nd adequate level, eo that ttu uudersigt�ed, a�nd a21 ' � �: � � par�one c�n live with the cost o� t2�a g�oves�sat Mithout finan= � 4; � aial misery, deprivaticm and diqzadation. � ;, The undersiqned r�spsctfnlly rsquest that th� City �; . � Council �econsider the legislative action taken� on their pay � iacrease and rescin8 the same, o� a�snd t.he lsqislation to give ,.; an incr�a�e that is fair,. reaaonable and adequate, but sub- � � stantially less that what has be�n leqislated hereto�or�. �' �� � T'he undersigned, by th3a document, do not Nish to ' e ted olticfals to not bs � in���:�or inter that they wish t.t�eir el c � ;:_r ;. gaid a fafr and reasonabie coa�n�ation tor their ssswieas to . � ;- �;� �. :,��E.�'""� . � ��" ,� � ° ; ' ,� � 6 k � � ' the electorate, bu�` they ehhor and deplore unconscionable and � �xtzavaqa�nt expenditures by the officials �rom the public purae. ' The ur�dersigned desir�s that this docwnent be incor- porated in the Minutes of the City Council, as a public r�cord, and a declaration ot their protestation to the tacts and circwa- stances to ,the pay �increase legislation of tbe current city . cctur�ci , _ � ,�� r � 1. - - h_ :s 13, � G��! . �-v��.��..:�-�-' 2. , ' 14 . �5�����`,,���°"`Q`I � _ � ��,� �` �� — . . b� t� ,. 3. 15. � ' `S �" �r���J.fj� 1 � . �, . �' ls, ,��- � , �;;. S. 1 . � _ a �. � � 6, 18. -- '; � �O/O � �-�-�� � �• f ' 19. 8= �• w�� 20. ' � �S?3 �- . � �: �z: . p 9. 7 � -„n 21. � . , � ` I� . ���- ,, � � io. �z. � . `� �: a , � 11. 23. . � 4� } � ! ; � �, . t ✓ , �i =� iZ.,� , r ,�.; �w��,� .x 24 �� ' • . ��3 9'' � ����� - � �� �.�. s. . 5..� ,t,_� S � - . . . . .. . �. � j.:.:. . . . , . . . . e,. . . . � . . � . � . . . .. . ' . � � . . . ���K 0 � . . . . .. .:. :� �. � � � � ���'�;y_ .. .. . .. � � � � e;:a _ ti. . , . ._..�.z..,rY...��._�.��,<x:.> . . .. � � . . � . . . . , ..,.... g ; + ���:`�.. / � � �,. �� ;�,` ;,; ,"-� � E ! I T I O N WS, THE UND�RSiGNED PETITIdNSRS, are residents, citissa• and taxpayers o! the City of S�int Paul, and af�ix ous sigaatur�s to this doama�nt for the intant and purpose oi �oi�q > ��-- on r�cord and deelar#�ig our aoliective grot�st, qrievance, ob- j�ction and oppo�it3on to the rsctnt leqislatiw action of th� �:� ccun�l ot the City of Saint Paul, in incraasi�►g their salari�� ':,:� to suah sn astrono�ical sua� of �acn�y ov�r the �xisting lsvel� n. �� � that t�s sa� is oM ot utter polit3cal irraspo�sibility, uan- � ' � ��sorisble and unconsaionable. Th• undarsigned camnot r��sib ��` ' sil�nt rhan �och aa abhosreat Ieqisiative action is takan by our ale�t�d o!lioials. �.� ��< . �'ku und�Ir�iqt�t�, �o havs labc�td mightily� und�s t� �� 3�o�criai�o�as tax burd�a at �e sxiati�q gov�r�sent, �f�ls tho �. actlos� of the City �omr�cil, and the r�wnt pay �aise, wuch a � ' � �l tb�at a pvhiiac o�at�ry ha� to bo ead� by tkis dotsu�rrt�r. `� Is� tfia�a o!' ���xoilal�la� 1Atlation, it is ouly t�osmon d+�n� fi�at e� a�le�t�d o!f ieitls a�t an •xa�rpla !or th� qe�ntrtl �i�a- � tor+�t�r 3�a �a�.d�.�y � #.�►�e c�rst of g�v�srmrnt to a lair, rrra�- - w; �aabia� ��d ad�q�#� 2�1, s� that t�s �nd�ssign�d, and aii �:� pe��s csm �it�r w�.t� �� �aoat o! thi q�rA�nt �fthout lia�ti- < . : ` � oiai �s�t�ry,,'�.+l1�ps�ra►tiere and d�grad��.fcr�, �M �t+�t�d �,'+RSptctlully s'�q'��t tha� ths City Ca�mu�r�l swr�pinsidlr tb�s l�gt�ati�ne aati� t.alr�n on their .p�[y , �aivs��!�s�a�d s� tl�s ��, or as� t�r �aqisiaticc�ann to qi�rw� an i�cr� �ha� i�r ��►i,�c. ��o:sable a�ad ad�q�iab, �ut �ub- ` _ irta�nt,ially l��ra �h�t w�t� `�# b�+n lsgi�lat�d hsr�to�orr. �he mQQersi�rlyd, b� this c4oc��, do not Mish ta � t,��o�c ial�r tha� t�wry xi�+ thsis sl��fird ol�icial�r to e�e�►� � � . : � p�tid a t�i►s �ad na�c�abl� oc�ap�r�stio� �or t3�ir s�rvio�r �t� � • #. � � y . ,� � � � - :z . � _ r _ .,. . ..... . .. � � ,. ' "� , ' . : ., :: _.. ,a,et��,.. �. ��1. ' ; �tr 'j ���' r�ir � � . . � � � . . � ., � . . �.� '{ . , . , . . . . - .. -?� � �et � r� �t �. � � ��.< � s_..�.:s.�,..a .. .. . .w, ....__..,o=.`�,.,..a;a�.4�:.`� �'3�:.,.... __. ... _._. . . . ..._.... . . .. .. . ._ .. __ � t � � � � tlse electorate, but they abhor and deplore unconecionable and ; �xtravaqant axpenditur�e by tha otticials from the public purse. The un8ersign�d desires that this docwaeat be incor- � poratsd in the Minut�s of th� City Council, as a public record, and a dsclaration ot their protestation to the facts and circwa- . atances to�the pay increase lagislation of the current city ' counci y ,�,,,. j2r�.� G�--f�^^' ' 3 i y 71. �� 1. �� 13. � /f�.L� :�.�✓_ �s'°3'` �' - ,� �.�::�, c�_--C� ��Il.� ��+�M�r-� � 2, �I �'3 �'�%1�,C PQ� � � 2� 7; S �,QK'G�a� -J : . . 1 . ��T)`�— ��=i,�,, �_, � J � . �: 3. 'y3 hc�- 1 S. � qy�O �� d��� c.5�� �- -�i-�'� , S-sr�c�� ' � � �• !� 16. / � t ��"' - ' S�.T�/� r �„ � . � �� � , . �, �i � � ��. �� �� �a���.. � ' �� �� � `��� zQ Z ;.� " �. � �� ��` - � 6. `J � v � `���t�k�� is. w . � �'..�„-v�� � SND � �� ? �. �3 °l7 ��,� r 19. 3� � � ^ �_ � /,�Y.I' �v�- . ���� 3� 5 °"�`t`"-d-�. � s. ao. �$; ��..�, N u.-,.. k� ' .�� �e�.�;,,�d',,.�,t�.�-�. . E . �� � � ,,�. �'�f�;, 1�u.�.- f�►..�-�.,.,,'� . 9• ����G e�,`y�c.��,sT7a 5� aT. �9�' � . � �����ii . �,f-�;,, �.�. C�C%.,.�-�J . � . 3 �s �� 3�� �• ��-�..- ,: 10. � %�;,,�., S.s��a2 22. �! �,k.�,�f , 5 � �---� ,--..-......_.^ ��� :�..,...._., `�-�G�,��� !� - /�a G�!��c�. 3 � N. 8����v�r� _� 11• � `�� .���s��!,�,,,..._ 2 3.w�t . /��...T.�_ � . _. TGz�_�_ � .��- ��'-�-� � '�-�a,u : 3G u i✓• �.;-�s.y�.. / 9 / � � GL',�,C„�_ ��• �' �"'�� �"'" Z+. �.. ��,� �, t ��.. i ,� k . .. � . . .. . . � � � - , �� h�� � : � . � _ . . � � � � �, . ,�. . . . . , . .;:. . , . .. � . ., M. { . �� k . . � � � . � � �� . � �;D f I , . . . . �' .. . d,� . :, . :. .` �L.. - .' : . . . •. : �' �w ' � r '�H A .��.. 5 � : , ..r..a� 1; . •� �a ' ''�,m.SYI�i�C.��= '--`�'&;3a�� � � `' ��' .. .... >,...� :.r.. .....:�e�stevs r .. �.e;�.� . .. -.y.: .. . , .� . F} . .. . . ���.'� � . � . .. * ��� � � ��_ �':. `� �; .E , 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . �... . . . . . . . . . . . '�� TTION f�t . �:; � • � � �. � � � � �� �`i 108, TSffi tR1DBR8It�t80 PETITIONBRS, are rssidents, aitit�nr ana tazp�pera o! tha City of Satnt Paul, and al�ix ot�t �� . riq�►t�s�s. to this, doovs�nt tor the intant nnd puspose o! �olnq � , .,, +an r�vord atid dec�as�irng our c411ective prot�st, qri�vanaa, ob= ,, �.;.. ��c�ion a�d oppositicm to �et r�csnt legislaLiv+� actios� o! �h� ' r��.. ` eo�a3�l of ths �ity ot Saire� Paul, in incraaaiag thetr sa2�uc�s. ` , � u,�;� ;,, t.�p s�h an a��it.a��i.cal ar� of oon�y ov�r tlse e��tinq ls�re2� s � n ; ` . �hat � sa�o� is ca�s of ut�a►= political irs�spon�ibility, wd�- : :. � � �� . x x� � ,� : � ,' lt.� ��, .. .. : �+�bl� �d u���f�n�b1�� T'h� undas�ig��d asa�t r�sia ;,� ..... � �� , . . :���; � �;�;��..wh�a, �nvA �a ab3wrrent- ieqislative a+ct#v�a is taica�r 1�* . .` � �� � . } �: �� ,> . , .. . . � ; ; . ,r }�'F,� i�'� .�� �)� �������Z�♦ ' . � , � � k iA � � . . . .. . . . ���� ��`:�� �, `'. ' �� ��iQn�d• �o haV�s la�td ��ti�.p��x �, , ` �-� � ���, �'#��S �c �� +�! �► ��ci�r��nq q�arr��s�e�, ��E�, t.�i� '.� �, � �<. , . �� ;�. f , �, : �,` °���"',�� �#! +�tp C+a�c�#.,1� iY'i!! 't�1!! t'�c�l�tt �rt',�" �'a�#�"h� s��! 1M►, -; ;;} ', . . . . . .. � . . . . , r.,, ��:�i�r�. e�►t a prai��� ��Jr .h�. cc� h. a� 1�► ti�i� a�1�. ��r ��; .:� �, .: , x .4, �`_ �� � �#.�i1+�3s ial3�ation. :it i• �3� ao�e�oa� d#�'''� r„`�,�� „. � , . .. .. . . . . . . . . �:y ' .,:�:: � " "" , ' � a s fs�a . " � '� '�.,: � ., a,� - ���!��c��E+rd #a�'��s Nt u� Oxa�1A =4r '�M �t!!'�l �►I �� ,�'� 'i, k�,+ V j� `C{�ri(���.. '.- "�, . . . . � .}Y� . -.x �y, , k��.�'��� � �r�� �..��'� vr�fi of g��a�` to s tair, icr�ul►*� � x G'i r S.7T�Y45..� � .. �..! ,.. . .' - . � . J � /'�;'_ �1 . • � .•.. . � -.. . �� �A �-,�,, `,�.� '� 1�!�� ��� i!� �t '�!� 1�1df1'/���r i�� �� u� � ., �- ��.. ., ';f ' � ' � ' '� ���� .. � : �' ` �'�t�-�t ��1� �,� t�r �it�o���i� 'qo�+t�t rithaut !� c�" � ,. . ;s�� , . _ � � � ; `���'<< :�, ��'���;�'���� ,,� �sQat�at. F�,b � �.�» �'` . 'MN '� � . ., , .. . . . ..� � . . . � � �'�� �'�n'��x' .�!QI�#ti '��.' �� C�:�` ; d� � ' � � : fl, , � . , ' � . , � r,:: � �#�3� �;�i� � .l+�,i�,�3�i� a�e�ti�` t�rlc+� +as t�t�.�c p� '_`� � . - : ''� �. : u �� � ���►;;a� �� :!� ��ir� �►ac � �s �isYatibn t�. -r��' ,;'°` � .��*��.�� ' . . . ' . r4 � �,�k"+�',..:r,. :'� ��0�'�i�+� � ;+�M� �"�.'� ��I��i �''�.�,�'�i!'� bil�' S��""":;��. �r � ;��� �� ` ,��f ..y I ..�1�{�� '.�- ������ ���4�� . 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Nri�► .1tiw�r�► .Iirrt �+�t�t �i�cM, 3� � �rt±st�4+M sr�etiM. si�1l�' �Ilr� i��'I�+rrr1 . . �r �. ci�r cro��.�t � �a ro�.�► �ate t�. aim� �s�r».. ., . ;. : - a�#as �� '�► �E .a�o.�sat#�a �'i� 'ir►�i�r .l+�.il .�r ` pw�►��• iia► +r�i-�o�r�l� �dtN�lls�ta. � � . , � , li�+tti�t #. �e ,�i�uisc� rbt21 ta�r slt�t a�4 �wr �s lf�s�s . ; - l�tfsti�►=� ls+o� a�d af�t #.�t+r pa�, �o�r�l s�wi �iri�i���it. _ , . , � , - a , , , _ _ , � - - ° , '� � - _ , � . - � . � ; , . - ` , � , . ; , ' � � ; . . ��� ��� � � �21 3C�3 g�tt Road Floyt Lakea, Mi�esota 55750 au�* 23, 197i Mayor MeCarty - St. Patil Citg Conncil M3.nic3.pal Office Bnilding st. Pau�., rnr�nnesot� 55�.c�o C�tleaien: (And I questioa t�hat....) Aren�t you ashaased? I read ia our local paper that yon cotmci]�en raised your salarie� an add3tional $9,000 and gave l�asyor I�Carty � raiae of more than double his preser�t salary---fro� �7.5,200 to �35,400. Li.ving expenses HAVE gone up, bn.t nat any more fbr you people than for evers►one elae living in your same city. It really �eems a �mste of �,y time to write this letter, because I am snre yon reslize moat evexyone else feea.a the same � I do. �'on must be the kind. of inen that wovld teacZi yo�.r own children to TAKE TgS BS(�F,ST PII�CI� w�i�n they break a pieee of canc�r or grom xhen shariag with �heir friesds, also. You must think notfiing of' all t.he people xho work for a fe�w dollars an hour (ye�, there are many of us) and support our o�m familieg withcrat asking for a handout froa welt'are or the governmeat. I feel x� m�st f'3.nd a better xa.y -- an honest way -- for those in office to have salaries ad�usted. I'� not aaying elected officials are never entitled to pa� raiaes, bat wb,X not keep it in line with the raises of �o�t other bt�sinessess? (That's arz easy one to answer, but doesn't it make yon feel rather small?) This is the mc�st selfish, inconsiderat,e, �uvenile t,bing tbat I have ever read or heard abont -- ao, let me t,alce that back. When Congress raised the3.r own �alarie� to aore thaa double, that xas the xorat thin�, because they set a poor exa�ple. Bnt only t� aa�e kind� of people xonld follo� that example of greed. Wt.�y do xe keep on electiag these �o-called F�leaders��? -- ughl I Or has the po�rer of the ballot been lost, in a11 reality, to the crook- edness of politic�? S3.ncerel�, ��� �,� �� 1�. c.i�. YerHey letters to: 1�lesabi Dsily Ne�s Sen. Walter MoYxiale It�p. John Bl.atnik S`t. Panl Pion�er Preas {;f::QN: IiF:iZTfi3.'�(J111'; Gi;OZf.':JLIfiG?::;�i'�l::i }'i'iCHf:R13 :U''.NSON F'.ccret:arp-'1'rersn.e- }'.�•,i3tLt ltecox^ain� fier.ret�iry 7'� rtret x r7tN-s�r�A�8tI�"� t t';r.r� �� -7 r � -ti�1�«��, , �-�-; �T 1'i:e Prelid e;rt� '�iI:!�ri PY� "'r.?11Y.°tV1+,.� �j��4<1.A l3�lYl�1�� �i:����e � ���.i � ��lt_I..���� �� � .�AULt�`io.�� PJALI,ACT,'CIILJL T":tEt? .. _<.,TJ TEiOS:AS IfAi'StiI;22 JA.�i3::. ���:v�`'A5' I�I2"F'sP.l`�i:i"t���A?. P.SS�:�l�'I'iC��? OF 1�i:LT� l?IGri1':iRS •.. Ser,rca;:;t at�.:,^.:.r I:x�crrtiY�a���a^�d�'��9F:n�rr�t �,l_���� _ FRANK 'iiT£I 2dAIS"'IN SCIii LitTl?G j�` v, TI30,i.A5 I3IL,E,K 1�Ft}�:li \V 1;T.'1'f: �`M,;� ��,I �� l=,� A.tvP.RE1V .1fARGL . �/�`-�-!/� �VF.I,LIA.Ai OAI.TtOI.T. "' � Gx. �n @s �i��;� St. Paul, Minn., July 12e 197� Thc.� Ho;iar.�s.ble P•.ayo� C�lRT°188 F. Mc C��_z�4�r and , Her..or�h�.e r:F•r�b�t•s of St. �'aul City O�un�iY �ii.��� H�.I.:, r,rtd �rauxt��QU�a "��. ;�r.tll s f�'lriy:��OtB: Dear t�.�zyor I=�c C�rf,v at�d Council Ri�bers: The �Ci�� lz�s co�re in th� interest of justice and f airness rr?��� a,'W b�cc�tne� �secessary to speak out on be���].f of au� �hayor and �City Of'�'ic-��ls. ;;e h�.`=e lorzg rscogbized tl�e duties an� dema�ds � e:ncv,-w�b��a•e� �,y �he�e xnG.ividuala. �dhile they ha.vE l�borcc� cn t�rt����.:." of' t;�� +�e�fi, in�ere:�t� o�' the Cif.y oF Saint Paul infla�3.ar� iz�ra ca�-ti±��:�tl. theee pcop�e muet; pa� tl�� ateadily �2'iCY'e881I1�; cos�ta �3�' �.:�v'ir�g: �.�z.�cES, e�tce� jttst as well as any ather ci4.azen. 5�7� cennot expect to keep the ofiiaialu presently ifz �f'f'ice= lev alone �.ttr�.�� praspec�.iv� candidat�sa, at the preEant, a�lar3� Z�:v�el�. ACCOTa122gI�f'f we of �'ire Figl;�ere Local r�umb�r 21 i,n r�co�ni•�iaxa o£ f.he need, lnng ov�ra�e, @T1dOT'38 a salary incre�ae �`ar �he�ze r�os� de�e�vzr.g Clty Of'f'i.ci.als. We wov�d Y�iopc tNet thia c�.n be brou�i�t �.t,o«•� �� �,;��a �a�•ii���. Peasible o�p�rf.uni�yo CJaGJ Yours Veg°y Trulys c.c. t;os ; Cc�rEi��Uior:e�s �1,f , �. i ✓ -'`'J ' 'C ;....�?1,Z,',L i�!ere�i�.!a tt-�.;, :� � > Levine Geoe �tf�er�s�n, Fresidex�"L Can��a3r On Eehalf of St. Paul Fir� ied�sco Fighfi�r:a Lc�cc�A 21 �nra�"�,.r� �ut.I�: - �;ity C��.x•k �Fa��h.�].1 �1.�i � � nln ���,�Q SAI N7' pwu � �° �►� o — ,j ars, � saxo'A ` � °� �' � �� d � d� ?°�ye. �`°' ra e� an a or ��e�n t� LABOR TEMPLE, 418 AUDITORIUM STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 • PHONE 222-3787 � July 8, 1971 Honorable Victor J. Tedesco City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Commissioner Tedesco: We would like to bring to your attention a Resolution passed by the delegates to the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly on February 24, 1971 , which stated - "The St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly does support salary increases for the Mayor and City Council of St. Paul . " We are aware of the dangers of a part-time Council on which only people with business interests, or people of independent means could serve. Our intent is to preserve a form of City government in which a working man or woman can run for office and, if elected, serve full time without financial penalty. We feel that the duties and responsibilities of the office are such that they require full time effort, and the office hold- er should receive a salary which reflects his position as an elected official of the community. Very truly yours, �� -� > iy� �-;'.,,, � < <�, ,�_, Anthony J.ii ,�Ziel -! Business R�iresen,`�ative opeiu-tc12 b • � � • • :�� � �� ��i�P� ���yy�iyyz��iyu�� ���zQyi � July 13, 1971 Tc the Mayor and City Council of the City o£ St. Paul: We address ourselves to the matter -- "Raises for the Mayor and City Council." How nice of the legislature to pass a special law to allow the City Council of St. Paul to set their salaries and that of the Mayor. Very likely an investigation would reveal that such special laws are contrary to the Constitution of the State of Minnesota. Who is there, however, to raise this question? Will our Bar Association take issue? Will our courts speak out when they themselves are seeking at the hands of the le�islature? Will the Attorney General speak a�ainst the Governor of his own party who si�ned the le�islation to remove the control of the people over their elected officials? There is apparently only one so far who has protested. That one is a State Senator. --- author of the bill. He publicly registered "shock" at the excessive salaries that are proposed. A great many citizens of St. Paul are also "shocked." We call upon the Mayor and Council to vote down their increase. Show the way, hold the line on expenditures. Look over your campaign promises and literature. Live up to your promises for economy. Think of the people forced out of their homes by excessive tax increases. Where were the elected city officials to protest these high taxes? Think of the hu�;h sewer increase. T�Jhere were the elected city officials to protest against the "takeover?" Where were the city officials to demand rules that would protect the citizens of St. Paul? We request on behalf of the citizens of St. Paul that the proposed salaries be defeated. Let us all take another look at our so called representative Rovernment. What voice are the people to have? Does our council and mayor today actually control the city government? How about various bodies -- Welfare Board -- Hospital -- Port Authority -- Housing Redevelopment Authority -- Metro Transit Commission -- Metro Airport Commission -- Pollution Control Agency -- State Board of Education -- etc. , etc. , etc. , etc. Where, Oh where is our local government goin�? Right here we take a stand for the people. Defeat the salary increases. Let us return local government first to the citizens of St. Paul. Drive out the State and Federal bodies which are taking over. Just recently we have ha�' a charter co�ission which revised the Charter of the City of St. Paul. This was put to a vote of the people in a referendum election. Many people would protest the make-up of this Charter Commissionv Never the less, the proposed revamp of the charter was adopted by a close vote. The new Charter adopted, among other items, set the salaries of the mayor at $ 15,200, and it also set the salaries of the council at $ 14,000. Is the adoption of this charter by a ma,jority vote of the citizens a farce? We agree that it is. We agree that the action of the legislature has in effect nullified the entire City Charter. We demand that the present city charter remain in legal effect, the new charter has been nullified by legislative action. Let us have a ruling by our City of St. Paul Corporation Counsel to the effect that the recently adopted city charter is null and void, by action of the legislature. �! .Xr/i J i �, fJ .;r-.._•!� l l�: .. f�- �` Charles A. Rauschnot President � t . _ .� .,.y .i.: ik a?' r . �� � 4 �i . � .. .. . ° � .,, '�, �b * tr " 'r .i 3 - 9 :�' £ � f ,�. t �' ��t �Y � +c`. . -� ! ' � {�` ..' L�: . , ..r �-.�n�'� �. �:_ y � #�' . f �{ „�'*s; . 'x�`,"�,,a± - � �. " �' � `� ` 4�` - _'.,xiYY 1� t � - - . ',� rl�^ �•. rs"}a�',.� � u k . 7fi� k��, ri. `,� i� .y�. t �_ � _ i' J '�. �F � n � r # � � � T �� - u. '��- �� k .. �' . 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J;��'- '7 '. .. ," r ' . . � , . . �e.,� -. .,� ;:. n" .. 1L .. - :_. . t r. �y'S K �3 i�-� _ '�yi�.:�'�{ " . � ���� - .y 4�•4 � . - y :� .Y ����, u `x.. . :� � �:; � t. - x ` i•� � � ' �',-. , � �� , � . P ��: � _ r x _ 'r.: . '� r :� ' - -. ��.��' $ 1 4� y'� • ' ' , 4 `�'.{,'�r . - . � ''4ee' ^v �f, +'�i .�. . .''; � _ ..,' �.,, �, . _ : �r' � �: ,.. ..,. �... . :e :;;..�. :' ..-3 . . . S 3 jr, .Pw.�a�..3' • GENE BERTHIAIIME ' ' ' GEOR(iE JIIR(iEN9EN $ICHARD JOHNSON 3ecretars-T�i'er Presideat $ecordin�c Secretars r,uf"`J UNIFORMED FIRE FIGHTERS OF ST.PAUL,No.21 vf��p'e.rrdenu THOMAS GELBMANN �VALLACE THIIL �� �L� THOMAS KAPBNER JAME9 CONWAY INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OP FIRS FIGHTERS Sageanu at Asm.r Executive Boasd Memb�rf _ �aArrx T�7xI MARVIN 3CHUBRING A THOMAB BILSB FRED WELTE I mO�F ANDREW MARGL 20 WILLIAM OARROLL �� St. Paul, Minn., July 12, 1971 Th� Honorabls Mayor Charles P. Mc Carty and Honorable Membera of St. Paul City Gouncil City Hall and Oourthouae St. Paul, Miz�nesota Dear Mayor �Ic Carty and Council Memberss The timo has ca�ne in the interest of 3ustice and fairneae vrhen it becomea necessarq to apeak out on behalf of our Mayor nnd Oity Officiale. We have long recognized the duties and demanda � eneumberod by these individuals. While they have labored on behalf of the beet intereate of the City of Saint Paul inf'lation haa contirnxed. Theae peopla muet pay the ateadily in�reasin� coets oP livin�, taxee, atc., just sa Mell aa any other citizen. Xe Qannot expect to keep the officials presently in oPfice, let alone e�ttract prospective candidetes, at the preBent salary lerels. Accordingly, we of Fire F"ightera Local Number 21 in recognition of the need, long overdue, endorse a salary increase for those moet deaerving City Ufficials. We would hopo that this can be brought about at the earliest Pee.sible opportunity. (iJsGJ Youra Very Truly, c.c. tos Cca�miseioners �i�jL� '� Meredith Levine Geo. J ben en, President Conway On Beha1P oP St. Paul Fire Ted�sco Fightera Local 21 Sprafka Butler City Clerk Marahall . . ' July 20, 1971 Formal written motion is hereby �aade to introduce an amended form of the proposed ordinance establishing the salaries of the Mayor and Councilmen pursuant to Laws 1971 , Chapter 473, Council File No. 254788. The proposed ordinance, attached hereto, sha11 cvmpletely replace the proposed ordinance contained in Council File No. 254788. �� Victor J. T sco Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Bublic Buildings . as � � � . 1r � July 14�� 1971 Saint Paul Cit,p Council City of Saint Paul,Minnesota Bear Members of the City Council, I would like to offer a few comments I have regarding the proposal ,you have made for increasing your salaries. It is with great hesitation that I make these comments due to the fact that I can see justice on both sides of the controversy. I also feel somewhat at ease because I have had the pleasure of ineeting most of ,you personally - and feel Saint Paul is being served well for the most part. TrTe can recognize that elected of.ficials often step into positions that carry pa,y levels not up-to-date with the times. Recent exaznples that were somewhat rectified were the offices of president of the United States and the gover- nor of M�.nnesota. People often assume that these are sup- posed to be somewhat "honorary" positions that only rieh men (and women) aspire to fill. Therefore the.y feel the official �ets what he deserves. It is also very difficult to publicly declare and decree that you �eserve better - particularly when you are vested with the pc�eer to satisfy your wish. Realisticall.y looking at the facts shaws us that on all levels of �overnment (the city most usually) men of modest resources d�e aspire to and hold publie office. Without a fair and attractive salary we might indeed find only poorly qualified and onl,y the wealthy will run for office. This we seek to avoic�. It is m,y opinion that the Legislature was wrong to put the responsibilit,y for increase on you. It should hane been that bod,y to set the scale. Qr - more democratically - it should have been �blaced as a refererxtum to the people prior to it becoming law. I also feel, as many obviously do� that ,you have gone to high in your raises. It would put ,you well above men with similiar positions in more populated cities. It would put you well ahead of inen who hane spent years on their ed- ucational requirements for positions with far less fringe benefits. It would also be out of step with the curaent cris�.s in employment, inflation, and the average citizens lack of faith in the government. It is a fact of life that a large segment of the community (not to say in addition to the city newspaper) feel the city government is not as at- tentive to cit� neecls as it should be. Also� many can re- call how one gentleman, while in private life, was quite willing to attend to the public business because he felt it was not representative. This was done as public service without stipend. Have we lost that spirit somewhat? . It also is disturbing that public opinion was not more actively sou�ht prior to the formulation of the ordinance. It seems to me that it might have been wiser and certainly more diplomatic had you not given the public the impression that it was being forced on them. Finally, it was disturbing to me (and I only say this after much thought) to observe the puhlic attitude of the Mayor. I can vividl,y recall the days when you presented the public with an image of efficiency,happiness� and dedication. Your image appearec� to be one of irritation,ruthlessness� and 7_ack of public feeling when you appeared on the television to say that you felt the raises were fair. You even said that the raises would not be reconsidered. Perhaps .your feelings are different� but you reall,y do appear as a wholly different man than before your elec-tion. I think the peq�le deserve more re- spect than you have given them in this matter. Is it different for you now that you fill an office you had previousl� been a watchdog of? Can't you accept criticism for your public acts as your predecessors did? Please accept my gratitude for considering my comments on this whole sub�ect. Nothing I have said is meant viciously. It is because I have a high regard for the council that I go to the trouble of writing. Sincerely, U t� Ronald Hennes 1017 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul�Minnesota 55102 � � � ��iiw� . i � t �1�� , - i / 1� � __ , � � t ' � ' ` . Plague y�" �' o� •� `�`'rl BZ ���GO� ���, � �iY'1,t J � ` - • � _ '+ �� ,- Sir: They are acbitrari- � � � �,�j" `'� l,y telling us and harassing ����til/ � the citizens of this great � coiultry. You cannot btu�n f� your rubbish. You cannot �. `� •. � � �iC� �� incinerate your �arbage. ��./`� � You must pile it out in the ��'" "�l 4��� ^,,.� alley or on your bo�levard ��G�"*'�h �i to be picked up. In the in- �j� �n � ° � > terval that it lays there it �l.tJ ,�r����i, �� �� � � 1e �tiill smell and �tink and � � � � � �� � draw;ats that will spread � f �ilf?��, � `���p� „ �J��J� � e � disease and ma5-be a , 'v(�Y... �r plague. � �` � -`' .� � We are retrog:'essin� ����`iY�'1� � ������� .�i �ai'�/(,� ��iQi�,i thc ans to med evlal tin�es } ,�,�{,�., � The B u b o n i c Pla�ue /����'�i� � !�1✓i � swept England when tlle � e /J � � populace piled their �;ai'- �L �// �d`� L�LlJ� � bage in the streets. �� ' ' Fire purifies. P'or ahc� ���'� 'I`e /,��C� � it has been used as a Z��� '�' /q iJ � means of purification, i t fC��� � � 0� Why in the name of coril- v 7 f � � mon sense stop the citizen � ��Z/f/f,� � �� �/l �j��Q� from burning his garbage I c � or refuse? Maybe the po1�- �� �/�.,�� � � �� ,� i ticians would rather hav� I �'�/ /�G a plague sweep the coun- I �1����J G�?� � try. The pollution from what �� � � the average citizen burns � is so minute it is negligi- � GZ�iG� +� ble. Let us get away from � garbage and refuse and �j�,� '/,� get on to the real prob- ���� .�v� TX � lems that are facing our � ` � /��', A n co��ntry. L����'�� FRr1NK E. VANEK � i i St.Paul � � �t� �� ��� G�yt� G�Yy1 ,/G� �O�i+�.� �,c.� a� ,��,�� �j � �.D ��'!,L � ��r�t,� X1 � -- �l'f�o . .����,� � ,�� �� ,�o , �d2:�" , ��,e�r,� a.�.� `�''yl �-1.L ' ' tii�t. ,�'� - ���� �.�,�`�. � �� .R'� ,��a� o� a1 ,� �a,u� ����, e��Qve �e�. � �,/W,�/V ,il��'�/l�- i C/�/ �� � � ��G��`�°'V G ����i�� ` G�(�/�"�G� �I��� r i c ����� 1 / � ��C�� /�GX� w�'KJ� �i���'�L(.[iC� /��/G(iW ♦ .�I�l%[Tw �����Z/�/�. �/• ,� ,� �.�',� ,��� � ���� �w ai� a ` d-�?,���-o a�uaC ,�.1'` , � � ; , � ' ��. �v-� � k�e�e•� Q,��e ,�o -a�,��co �� , . . .• �` ' a�.o� ��- �� - ,��� ,�-e'�n i����.Gl- i�'���� �`T�'�� ' �Q� ���e � � , �'�� � . �,. � � < < . � `Q� ,�-��� `��`�'� `����� .,���`'-�-� °�r,� �.c o� .� � ,,�,� 19�ti G�w� du� ��,�� ��' .��0 G?�l� � � � �,,,� ��� ,Z� � Q� _ .�` ' ,� � ; ,� � .G�r�e � %��v a� ,����� ��,�� D�v�e � � �ti� � , e��� �d�o �xo •V V �4 ����� , _ ,� w e . I / ��� �f�K`. L.(J"v`-' � � � . � - . . . 4 . � ` Y � , , ` . Gs y � �� . !,� � • . �� � .�c� -�+ . . , � � , ,. �� .�' r� G� O � . ' , � �o �c� �-n - L"� '� , � �,�y t-ct "i t A F F.F w , ����{..� . 1 `� L � � '� I T I O N WE, THE UNDERSIGNED PETITIONERS, are reaidents, citizens and taxpayers of the City of Saint Paul, and aftix our signatures to this docunient for the intent anS purpose of qoinq � �� on reeord and declar�ig our collective p=otest, grievance, ob- . � jection and oppoaition to the recant leqislative action of the counes�l of the City o! Saint Paui, in incseasing their salaries to such au� astronoanical sum of money over- the existinq levels that th� same is on� of utter political irresponsibility, un- rsaaonable and unconscionable. The under�iqned cannot remain silent when such an abhorrent leqtslative action is taken by �; our elected officials. � �- The undersigned, who have labored miqhtily under the ;. .� �_ � horr�ndous tax burd�n of the existing government, find� the c ? action of the City Council, and the r�cent pay raise, such a scar►del that a public ou�cry has to be made by this dxument. In timea o# uncoAt�ollable inflation, it i� only comanon decency t�at ovr electe8 otticiais set an example for the general elec- torate ir► holding d�n the cost of governn�nt to a �air, rea- sonable and ade�quate level, so that the undersiqned, and all psraons can live with the cost of the qovernment without finan- cial misery, deprivmtion and deqradation. The ua8ersiqned respectfully request that the City Council recon�id�= the legialative action taken on their pay increase and rescind the sams, or amend the leqialation to give an increase that is fair, reasonable and adequate, but sub- staritially 2ess that what has been leqislated heretotore. The undersiqned, by this document, do not wish to impm��or inter that they wi�h their alected otficials to not be gaid a fair and reas.onable comp�nsation for their services to � � � 3. � � the el�ctorate, but they abhor and deplore unconscionable and extrmvaqant expenditurea by the officials trom the public purse. The undersiqne8 deeires that this document be incor- porated in th� Minutes of the City Council, as a public record, and a d�claration of their proteatation to the facts and circum- stances to the pay increase leqisla�tfon of the current city counci ��,��� � l. 13. �- .. . �� �,d,�'i �� �" � 2. ` l� . . �► �M► ,,� . _. ,.. .�'�..,,,,�� 3. ' 15. � �� ��� � , � 4. 16. 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