254787� ��'�GIN6L'TO�TY CLlRK � �tl���� r CITY OF ST. PAUL � couNCa ' + r`� '�" "� FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESO ION EN RAL RM PRESENTED COMMI55 • ' WHEREAS, the Gity Counc il of the City of Saint Paul � _ id, on the 13th day of May, 19?1, adopt Gouncil File No. 25348g, Ordinance No. 14788, granting permission to the Northern States Power Company to use the streets and ways of the City of Saint Paul ; ard WHEREAS, said Ordinance provides, inter alia, for a ing to be held upon the filing of petition for an in�x�ease in ]rates by said Northern States Power Gompany; and Wf�REAS, pursuant to said provision, said Northern States ` Power Company has heretofore filed such �, petition; ,axi.d . WFIEREAS� it i� within the a�zthority of the :C_ity Council to appointr a hearing ��aminer for the purpose of con.ducting a full scale hearin.g i�a. con.r�.�ction with said petition, Now, Therefore, be it � RESOLVED� that the City Council does hereby appoint and name� Robext J. Sheran, 1g88 Summit Avenue , Saint Paul, Minnesota, as hearing examiner, and the proper Gity of�ficials are hereby authorized and directed to enter in.to an agreement with said s Robert J. She ran to aecomplish the foregoing appointment; and be it �--- _ _ � 9,�' FURTBER RESOLVED� that at the specific instruction of this a ►- Council to said above named examiner, a first meeting be called a a�' during the week commencing July 5, 1971, by said examiner for the � a purpose of establishing the rules, regulations , and procedures to p � be followed in the conduct of said hearing; th at during the con- duct of said hearing the petitioner shall be afforded the oppor- tunity to offer in evidence anything germane to said petition; ' that , additionally, the City of Saint Paul, by and through its Gorporation Counsel and staff, together with a rate analyst to be hired by this Gouneil, shall ha ve the same opportunity as COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19- Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Ap 19� Levine T*+ Favor Meredith � Sprafka Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty ,uL 1 Q �gl� PUBLISHED �� . }�w}}}���� .7R161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ��� /x� / ' '�' - � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � 9 � � ' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. • . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. petitioner to present such evidence; and that, additionally, any interested party shall be equally afforded the same oppor- tunity; that the examiner shall begin the eonduct of said formal hearings no later than the week of August 2, 1971� and shall, on or before the 24th day of September, deliver a complete record of the proeeedings for review by this Gouncil, together with recommendations of said examiner. �: COUNCILAREN Adopted by the Counci!'V L 2 19� 19_. Yeas Naya Butler � JUL 6 �i� �;� 1 pprove —19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � ' Tedesco A ga��t ,lUL 10 197� Mr. President, McCarty �LiSI�D - ---- �� • . ���c' � , � __ . V��`' � � A week ago s pA��ti.on w�aa f��.ed wi.�h the c�ty c�.A�k �ak��g �ar s ref�exe�dut� Qn �he ard�an�nce coveri.ng khs �al��t��c ap�rA���g p�xm�� g�a��ed hy �h�s counc�l �Q North�r� Sta�e� Pawer Co. 4 We a�e infa�rmed by lega�. aaurt��a�. tha� th�.e axdiar�Ge �.a ��t �ub�aa� to �he �hartex p�ovi�iana +���Qw�.�q� � x���x��dum . The appaxe�t As1d �n�our�cod ab�e��i.v� a�' �k�� p�ti.��.A� ws� �� have a fu�.� �ca]�A pub�.ic hea��.c�g c��c�xn�.�� �bA ��.m�tri-c x�t�a Ga bm �h�x��d ��r�sum���a Wh�.l� i. may bs di�appo�.��i.r�g ��a �Ame �hA� aa e�.e�G��.a�t wi.�.�. b� h��.d ae a�k�sd �ax in �h• rm��ererdum peti.��,c�t� ��var�hm�Aaa� �he d���.��d �Q�1 0� a fu�.�. eaa�.� publ�,c ha���.rg will be met. accord�ngly T wc�ul.d ��ke �o p��aent the Po11ow�.ng a�ugg��t�ons to �hia cQUncil , . , Th� �ole lsga�. �Nthc�r�.�y �'ox the �ea�Ab�.��h��g �� ra�ee fax r�he N�P re�r..s wi�h thia council., I� �he P��k x+��m hAAri��� hsve b►e�t� ���du�tmd by the cAu .�. ��se�,�. I prapa�e � chsnga in �h�a� ��+a�t�,��, �'h� cnun�i.� m�y �ppourtt � qual�.�i�d pex�o� aa a h��r�.t�� axAminAr fc�x� th� � puxp�ee oP condua�ir�S +� �'u].1 �cq�.� h�ar�.�� �� th� �tm��Ax a� �h� T��c�p�x rate tca be a�lawed �ar ��e pt�b�.�.� �tk��.�.�y prav�-d�.�t� ��.aat��ai�r_y in t�h�.� ��.�y. Proae�luxal�.y the �a7.�.ow�.rg �i.m�t+ala�e aauld ba �dap�ed, Tad� y THtS �Ot1MC� � AAA�'� a ���a��tC�.ar �q�pa�.nking � h�s�i�n� axami�er with �h in��ruc�ion� �o h�l.d s ��-ra�� maa�i.�� ����.ng �h� we�k a� .�ua-y S for th� � �urpo�� Af �Atti�tg the grau�d �ul�a u�d�x wh�ch �h� �u�.l- a�ale h�ar�6ng ie r. h� ec,�nciuc�ed. Ther.A�Cirg q� t����mo�y �a be�i�g �h� weak a�' Au��.��t 2 wi th a c�ncl���i_on A11d repQrt rn �h�.� c!Ptlr4ri.�, b� +nr hPfarA t�►e 24i:h dny �� g^�t . T� will_ be nQCaeeary �c�� �hm a�,ty �d ArgAg� the e�rv�-aA� n� th� la�s� E1VA�.�A ra�� any7.�n�i�t to preae�� t�e v�RW�a��,rt� Q� t=he cQUnei�- qncl C.ifii��na o�' st. pau]. i.n ao�junc��-�a� w th oux �.�gAl depAr�men� �� th�hAsri_n� exam nPr. T�,e he�aring w�ll ��l.ow the NSP to p�eeecl� �ee��ima�y►� �h� ci.�y r.o pr.�s�nt. testimn�y ,�nd �-m�nr�+�r�r�.y wi11 aPloxd ar1 appe�x�u��.�y #ax A�y �.ntex�sted narr_y to he heArd ��t�A