254780 OR161NAL�TO�CITY CLBRK �5��g� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF i�EAS, 4rdi�a�ce �. 325Q, Sectioa iQ (Q� pr�vtdes fi.hat ap�'[icant,� for exa�triattor�s fo� ctassifted Ctvtt Sertrtce posittoas �ust be resideats af the Gt`ty of 5�int P�ut fcr at least six �nths preceding the date of exa�inat�ton antess s�Gh req�trnnent ts naived by anani�us a�ctlon of the City Coancti trhen st�f�cient appticaats are aot aratta6te and tt is de�ed ta the �est interest of the Ctty of Satnt Paut; and �IHEREAS, satd ordinance provfid�s for te�po�rary artd e+�ergency e�aptoy�ent of personnet by appointtng offtcers sub.iect to �he tera�s a►nd condit�ons set forth fin Secttons 26 and 2T of said ordinance; and �EREAS, the Ctt�/ depar�tanents are currentty E�iring te�porary and e�ergency e�ploy�es tn arr tncreased ratio during s�r a��ths; ar�d i�iEREAS, tt appears tha.t sufficte�t restde�ts of th� City of Satat Paa1 are app'tytng for �uch. part-t��e a�ptoy�ner�t; now, t�erefore, be tt . t�ESQtVED, that a11 C�ty depart�ents coafine their htring of � �rary and e�ergency e�playees to reside�ts of the Ctty a�f �int 3 �ac� �n�ess and u��it sufftcient �acts are shown that such qdalified o � resfidents are not avatla�te for e�ploya�ent. w = � o O � � � o p., n 4. p ¢� � �� Q � JU L 2 197i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yea� Nays �97� Butler ,J U� 2 ��, ,� ove 19� � � Levine _�n Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty ,lUL 101971 �B�s�:D - � o�.���►Tr,n.R�� 25��80 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GC-I�IERAL FORM PRBENTED�lf COMMISSIONER DATF -- 1iHEREAS, Ordtnance No. 3250, Section 10 (D) provid�s tt�t appiicants for ex�inations for classifiad Civ11 Sarvice po=itions �ust be r�sidents of the C1ty of Saint Paul for at l�ast s1x aionths prsaeding th� dat� of exaunlnation unless such require��nt 1� r�►ived hy ur�ania�ous actlon of th� City Councll when aufftcient appllcants are not avsitabla and 1t is deeaed 1n the best int�reat of th� Cf#y of S�int Pau1� �nd WHEREAS, said ordir�anc� provldes for te�aporary aRd �aerg�ncy ewployment of peraonnel by appotnting officara sub�ect to th� tern� and condition: set forth in S�ctivna 26 and 27 of said ardtnance; and WHEREAS. the C1ty departments ar� currentty hirigg t�mporary and �rgency anployees 1n an increased ratlo ddring sum�er aantha= and WHEREAS. it appears that =afticient resiaents of the City of Sa1nt Paul are applying for such pa�rt-tia� amploy�en�; rwvr� therefore, � i� RESOLVEO, tha� ail G1ty dep�rtments conflne thelr hiring of t�por�ry and rn�rqency empioyees to residents oP th� C1ty of Saint Paul unless and unttl sufficient facts are shown that such qualifled residents are not .available for e�nployment. - �u� a �97� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Approved 18� Levine Favor Meredith � Sprafka �� A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty