254768 � �5�'��8 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LU —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ro e r M. Conwa COMMISSIONE ATF in the matter of constructing storm sewer in PHALEN CREEK-North St. to Weide St. (5-13598) , heretofore approved for advertisement for bids on June g, 1g71. WHEREAS, It has been determined that a revision of the Special Provisions is necessary to bette� define the work to be done and to insure a more uniform procedure for preparation of bids; now therefore, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works , be it RESOLVED, That the specifications for the above named improvement, as approved by the Council , are hereby amended with Addendum No, l , which is attached to and made a part of the above mentioned contract, and that further, all interested parties be notified of this addendum. a� � c � 0 U c � O :=. m � CL a ¢ o U �.+ � N � ¢ li. JUL i 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �` � �g?` Butler e 19— Levine Favor Meredith � Sprafka ayor A gaivat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty J�l 3 �97,� �'tiTBLISHED �� � � . G� ' ADDENDUh1 FJO. 1 � /c/ �� � 5 T TO THE • S P E C 1 F I Cl1T I 0t�1S FOR PHALEPa C'rtEEK-North St, to 1•!eide St. 71-5-135�R DESCRIPTION The intent of this Addendum to the Specification is to clarify and add to the requirement for the alternate bid of corruaated stcel pipe in /�rea 1 and Area 3. The intent is also to include additional requirements and changes. Contractor shall note r�ceipt of this Addendum on I�is bid pronos��l . LIST OF APPROXI�-tATF��U/�NTITIES The fo11o4•�ing lengths of pipe shall be substituted in their resrective piaces in the listof approximate quantities : " 780 Lin. Ft. Construct 1�1" f,lass IV R.C.P, with RA!t-P1EK �asl<ets or R-4 joints. 232 Lin. Ft. Construct 72" Class 1 R.C.P. �•�ith RAPI-;JFK oaskets or R-4 jo�nts. 7�� Lin. Ft. Construct g4" Class I R.C.P, r�ith R11t1-"!�K c7askets or R-4 joints. 27 Lin. Ft. 12" C. I .P. . 31� PROPOSAL The bid proposal shall be modified by the Contractor as follows: l . The quantities of 1700 yd.3 of c�ranular borrow should appear or b� 1Nritten in by the Contractor on the formal bid proaosal . 2. 41e are asking the Contractor to supply us with a unit price f.�r rock excavation using the approximate quantity of 4200 yd,3 as a base. This shall be written in en the formal bici nroposal , �AGES FOR SF100TH-FLO STEEL PtPE The gages for steel pipe shall be as follows: a) 1�2" diameter steel pipe within AREA 3 shall be suppiied in 12 . gage minimum thickness. b) �4" diameter steel pipe within AREA 1 shall be supnlied in 14 gage minimum thickness. c) 72" dianeter steel pipe within t�REA 1 shall be supnlied in 1'F gage minimum thickness. " � � � � � ! PdSTALLAT i Oi! SPEC I F I C�`;T!OPiS FOR St+ObTH-FLO STEFL P I�E � ; lJherever steel pipe is installed the Contr�3ctor shall use extreme care �in y handling, placinc� and f;acicfilling such that the finished in-place product shall have no more than a 5°; deflection or elon�ation from the norm. Steel pipe that is found to he huckled or deflected beyond the 5i allo�r�ahle maximum shall be replaced 5y the Contractor at no cost to the City. The bottor� of the trenc�� on e,rhich steel pipe is to hP placed sh��ll be comracted to obtain a �niform density of '?;; and shall be carefully shaned and rounded to the sha�e of the lo����st ', of the outside circutar portion of the pipe for its entire length. Each section of pinc: shall be fully inspected immediatety prior to being placed an� any section of pipe d�naqed to such extent that the Enaineer ( - determines that satisfactory repairs cannot be made the pipe will be rejected. { 1111 injuries or defects in bitur�inous coating of the pipe or connecting bands f and branches shall be coated ���ith at least t�-�o coats of hot as�halt of the � tyoe used far the ariginal coatinq. � . �� Steel �i�e shall 6e placed with the circur�ferential joints pointeci upstream ancl with the longitudinal joints on the sides. Ali jo+nts and seams shall be double riveted, After steel pire has been placed on a suitable foundation the fiil materia) � shalt be placed uniformly on e�ch side of tha structure in 6 inch l�yers. ` The 6 inch layers shall be continued up to 1 foot above the top of pipe. Equipment travel over the structures aaill not be permitted until the backfill � has reached 1 foot above the top of pipe. f All Si•1QQTH-FLO steel pipe installed shall not have less than 100% of its bituminous paving intact at time of final acceptance, DRA4di;�r, �f436o - This drawing should indicate 35 L.F. of 5G" RCP Class IV at 1 .43�. � °ROTECT 10�1 QF P I PE AP!D FI LL I W P,OCK EXCAUATI Q?� AREAS All rock er,cavated on this project shal ) be used as a top dressing on backfill in all areas oF rock excavation. This imp� ies t� the neneral area from Transition Structure "[3" to �tanhole ;�7. In atl cases , the final �rades within this area shall have sufficient rock placed on top of fill material to proect the newly placed pipe and fi 11 material fror� k�eing �washed a�•�ay during rainstorm. SPECIFICATIOtJ �#26 The last sentence of the last paragra�h in Specifi�ation ;�26 shall be eliminated in its entirety. This means that the Contractor will �;�T have to backfill up to the top of pipe elevation and then re-excavate for the pipe. -z- , , . , SPECIFICATION ;{36 The basis of award shall be arrived at by totaling bid item 1 , ?_, 3, 4 � 5 to arrive at the lowest TOTAL SU�1 E31D, SPECIFICATION ,�3� � The area referred to as AREA 1 in Specification �3�3 is AREA 1 under Eid Item ��2 and the area referred to as AREA �2 in Specification ;`39 is Area 3 under Qid Item �4. SPECIFICATION �f4�� The area of restor�tion calling for Class 11 seeding shall be reduced to the � - general 1 imi ts of between t4anhole #7 and t1�e 102" stub at 'Jhi rlpool . + STRUTS i � � Struts of steel-rod and turn-buckle type may be used for maintaining tne � shape of steel pipe. Noti•�ever, strut of any type if used, shall be subject ; to approval by the Engineer. I i �, � � ; . 1 ; s � � j � ; � 1 � � j . _3_ DUrLICATi TO►RIt7TtR 254'768 , � CfTY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�IERAL FORM COMMI�SSIONEQ Roger M. Ccnway DA� In ths m�ttar of constructing sto� s�+sr in PNALEN CREEK-North St. to Ireida St. (S-13598) , heretofore approved for advertisem�nt for bfds on June 9. 1971. MHEREAS, It has b�an det�raiined that a revision ot the 8pecial P�o�visia�s is necessary to batter define the work to b� dona and to insur� a aiors unifota� procedure for proparatlon of bid�; naw thsraforo, upon the racan�ndatian of the Coa�tasionsr of Publtc Wo�ks, be it RESOLVED, That tb spsalfTcattons for ths above namad ia�ro�snt. as approved by tM Council, ar� he�eby amended with Add��dum Ilo. 1. whtch is attached to and wada s part of tha abov�a �ntloned eontract. and that fu�her, sll int�rest�d parti�s bs notifl�d of this sddendum. JUL 119�1,1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�m�� 19_ Yeas Naye , Butler � � .. '� �9� � Appro� 19— Levine _ln Favor AZeredith � �� Spra.fka Tedesco A S�t Mr. President, McCarty ���