254746 o�a cxa c�.�t , � ' , � C� R � INANCE 254'�46 * COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� �� �—'S AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY tiF SAINT PAUL TO CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC STORM SEWER IN A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AND IN PLATO BOULEVARD I THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That �ermission a�d authority are hereby granted to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to construct a public starm sewer in the public utility �asement described as follows: A dedicated perma�ent utility easement twenty (20) feet in width for the purpose o� constructing, operating, and maintaining a public storm sewer and other utility purposes, on, under, across and through a stri:p of land twenty (20) feet in width i� Lots 5 and 6 of Block 4, Riverview Industrial Park No. l , according to the plat theredf on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, said easement being theieasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot 5 and Lot 6 of Block 4, Riverv!iew industrial Park No. i and to connect said public sto�m sewer to the existing storm sewer in Plato Boulevard. Section 2. That the Comnissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul for the construction of said pubtic storm sewer upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: _n,,.�,_..,......,.��.�,.,.,._,.,...,._..�,:, �._..,... _ g� ,_. „_ __. ,._„� .._. .�, - . . �.5�.'�.»,�:b> ., ..�.,.,z , .., .,r. . . a. That said p�►r�n;�ee�sli�11` e+�i�s`��r�'�sa�d stonn sewer entirely at its own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Cominissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the approved pians and specifications of the Pqrt Authority of the City of Saint Paul on file in the Department of PubiiC Works; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and alt resolutions passed i� relation to said ordinance; c. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration, engineering, and inspect'ion incurred by the Depa�tment of Public Works because of this undertak;ing; said costs being estimated at a sum of $500.00 to be accounted for undeir Department of Public Works Project Number E-1102; d. That said permijttee shall properly, as approved by the Construction Engineer of the Departme�t of Public Works, protect all excavations made in the streets, sidewalk�, and boulevards both day a�d night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp said streets, sidewalks, and boulevards to avoid settling and shall resto�e said streets, sidewaiks, and boulevards to their original condition; Yeaa Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine � Meredith ' Againat Sprafka Tedeaco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk �� Form approved �orpor�,�,'ion Counsel By o�mch,c� � , . • 4RDINANCE �j , �:C��'���� ; COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO �����--� -3- 1 . That said permittee shall submit insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works; m. That said perm�ttee shail , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinanc�e, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. I Section 3. This oldinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and afte� its passage, approval and publication. � I JUL 16 197ti Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlsan Fs�z-� .�--�_� Levine � n Favor Meredith � Against Sprafka , T���° 16 19.b1 r. President (Mc arty) Approve J u L At t• I �ity er c � �� orm a�proved Corpor��ion Counse By .�W�..�4��9�'1 �UBLISH�IS � ----� ri D�to?e�e.: . '\ RDINANC � 2���4s COUNCIL HlE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ���� AN GR�tMANCE �RANTIM6 �ERMISSi4N TO T�E �ORT A�1'M�1'fr Of T�E C 1 TY SA i IIT �At1l TO ClMISTRttCT A Mlel.1 C ST�1 SEWER IN A P LIC UTILlTY EASEMENT AMiI IN PLAT4 ea��r�aa n�E c.�u�rc�� oF rw� c� oF s�irn �� ooES oao�►iN: S�etie� 1. T�t n�issi� sai artlw�lt�r an lanh► �t�d Lo tt�a lbrt Anttw�t tr of th� i ty �of Sai+�E Parl te oo�strrct a prbl te sterw s�rsr in tbe �ubiic dtili�y s�t �sserib�d as follo�rss A ���� /f L Mt 1�1 Ly II�SMd11L LMNII� �ZA� �M� I A MI dtfl for the Mrpos� o coastrnct�ug, oN'ati�g, aAd �ai�taisiwg s prbi ic stor� saw� aad otl�sr vti I ity wrpos�s, os, w�d�r, ac�ross a�d thr�w� s st� p of land twrwtp (20) fNt iw wi�tt� 1� t,ots 5 a�d 6 of tlock , Riv�nriwa t�strisi Psrk Ns. 1, �i1�g to the plst tbs f on f i ls a�d of noard in tM Aff tq ef tt�s Rsg i stsr af D�is l A a�d for R�awselr Cae�t�r, M i�assota, :s i d �as�wt b�t� ast��iY t�ww�r (20) feet of tAt S a�d irst 6 of itoak �i, �ih {w+ I�drstrial rsMc Ne. i' a� to os�et said 1 ic stsr� sawar to tbe �ctstia� st+o� s�er in Plato Be�l nrard. Sa�ctia+ 2. Tb�t Co���ssioa�r of �b1fc M�ks is b�nby »ttNrissd te i ssee s psrwi t to Port liothori t�r of th� �i tp of Sat�t l�hwrl foir tl+a ca�stnictf�a of sat� 1tc storw sawer rpow �d s+�Jact ts the fetlowing tsrws u+d coadittaas: a. TNat saii ps itta st�il co�strrct said sto� sa+e+r Mtir�tr at i ts aw� a�y�u, �ier ia supsn i s ion snd co the sat t sfact te�n of ths Ge�issia� of bb11c rks and i� sccord�acs w1t� t�e apprw�d 'la�s a� s�cificatieas of the t Authorit� ot tl+e Citr of 4�iet hri on fils tA the Deps�t�t of lhtbii M�rks; b. Tbst sai� pe tt�s sbsli �r tha e�si of p�►licatton of tbis ordinmee aAd a�1 nsot tlons psssii ia ntatton to said ordiaanes; c. Tlr�t satd tt�e shsli ►sy tha costs of ad�inistrstioa, t�gi�art�g. aaA iws iaa #uenrnd by tl+� Orpart�t of �1ie Morks b�csase of this dndsr ia9; said oosts �s1ng estiant�i at a suw of �500�0@ to bs acoow�t�d for r Ds�rt■.�: ot r�t�c r�.rks �oj.�t Na�r E-��02; d. Th�t ssid pa Lt� shal i Prop�riy, as appr�wd bp the Ca�sthat.h� Ea�ia�sr of tb� 8�sps t of Peblit i�rks, �rot�ct a11 �acesvalloRS � ia tbs stsMts, s1As+w1� , a�d bouls�raNs iieth � a�d �t�ght so as to a+�id al i da�agr► or iajory► parso�s or pe�rtp; shsi 1 ��ro*arly f i 11 a�d ta�p said str�#s, si�wiks a�d bwirn�: to arroid sattl iAg a�i sbat i �tsbn ssid stn�ts, stdM�wlks aAd boMlsra:�s to tbsir orisfAal oawttion; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun�;� Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith a�;r� gprafka -� Tedesoo Mr. President (McCarty) Apprnv�l: Atteat: City Clerk Mayor �� �ort�t a��roved Coxpo `� a Couasel Bq. , . �',.��"` � 254'746 ' � RDI�NANCE ���� ��� PRESENT� BY ORDINANCE NO � � � _3_ i. Thst said p�n�i tss shali sub�it iawranas doc�ts Lo tb� 9ff t�s E�i rsr of O�prtMnt of hbt ic Yorks; �. Thst said p�irni ta sliall, Mitbi• tbirtr ��) �s sfbc tMs p�ssa�s of this ordi , file a wrttt� aECeptanoe thsreof �ith tfi�e Ci tr Clerk. Sectioa 3. This o ina�os shail tait� e�fs�t aN i� i� force tl�trtr �30) days fro� �d sft�r its pssa�, ap�rawa-1 aAd prbl icatfow. � Yesa Coundlmen l�ays Psased by the Coun�;l JUL 161� Butler . ��e Favor �CT@f�l�l .f� ro�n{IlBt Sprafka �. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: J U L 16 1971 Atteet: - - - - Gity Clerk �ayor �� Form a$�roved Corpo �on Cou�el By � 1 � . �I'_.:� ��.'. .... � . �.,_ � � �.1 '�. . � ._ � ,�i . ,. . ._, ;,,;i;�. I I I Saint Paul� Minnesota July 26, 1971 To the Hon�rable� the City Council Saint Pa.u1� Minnesota Gentle�en �nd Mrs. Butler: We, the undersigned� do hereby accept and agree to abide by a11 the teitms and conditions of Council File No.2�+'��� being Ordir�ance No. 1�+855, ad.opted by the Council on Juty 16, 1g71. .-' PORT A , I2'Y 0, CITY OF SAINT PAUL,NSINl�S4TA. � C� ��� '+ BY ` .�°e �--t , � Grege� Beckett Chief Engineer i � 6 t! F� `/ �u.ty' 26, �.97a. Part Autlxor3ty a� the C:Lty oP Saint Paul Minnesa+�, Buildin� St« P�.v1, I�linn��ota Gent2emen; Sae enclase a copy o�' �rdizaance No. l�+$55' granting you permis�ior� to construct a publie s�orm sewer in a public util�ty easement r�,nd �.s� Pl�ta Bc�ulevard; also bill �u the 3u.m of �3�+.�+5 � �5.� ta eaver `�he cost of publicat3on of �th�s a.r3inr�.nee a�nd the enclosed resolution� Council File Nc�, 2�+7�+7� �erta.iix�in� �to the same matter. iti'e ca11 your s�cial. a�°tentiQn to Yar�a�raph m of Sectiofl 2 which requires the filing of an acceptance of the t�rms of th3s ordinance. The acce�tana� muat be filed in this office, Room 3$6� Ci�y Ha11, within 30 dt�re. If not so filed� the ordinance becom�� v�oid. Very truly youre� City C1erk ra� '.*'"^' ,'�'i P.xt9 "�] .'1i. „ �r .7.. ��1 r�_ � . .. , . . e. That sai� p�rmitt�e ex�r+essly agrees and undertakes ta fully indemnify, hold h�rmless, �nd d�.��nd the �ity o` Saint paul , its �agents, c�ffdcers, �nd em�loy�es fror.� arey and all da�ag�s, claims, losses, �udgments, �ufts or expPnses arising out of or occasioned by tha construction of satd publlc storm sewQr and by the permi�sion and authority granted herein; f. That sa3d' permittee, after th� inc�pt6on of said work, shall pros�cute the same c�ntinuously, wlth diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaetian and �pproval of the Carimission�r of Public �Jorks on or before hlovein��r � , 1 Q71 ; q. Th�t sald �a�rmittee shal l !�urnish the Department of Publ ic �dr�rks a�11 decuments of �eccard that are a part of the contraet or incident:al to its executi�n including but not limtted ta, addendu�as, aw�ard af eontr�et, �um of contract, '1as butlt" plar�s and tracine��; h. That s�id �c»rmittee st�ail nntify th� Cunstructian E.ngineer of the Department of Public Works arhen the constructian at�arts and notify ths same said Construction En�ineer when the proJect ha� been completed to �llow for° a �inal inspection; 1 . That �aid permitt�e sh�lt notify the Traffic 9ureau of th� Depart,n�nt of Pu�lic �plarks if the constr�ctian of said storm sewer shall make necessary th� clo�ing of Plato Boulevard or any part thereof; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau tn furnishing, installtng, nr r�moving nf barricades� s��ns, and other cantrol dsvtcps sh�ll �e paid by tne permitt�e; �. That �aid p�rmittee shall , during the term of this permit, re�tore and reoair alt nro�erty, whether public or �rivate, damaqec! �r which may be damaged due tc� ths construction of the storm sawrer pro�rideci for herein; k. That said permittee shall nmt �roceed with constructic�n unless �nd until satd permfttee sh�all hav� fully complied with the provisions rec�ar-�+is�c� insuranc� and indemntfication contained ln the �ity csf S�ir►t �a�l , �►e�artm�nt c�f Public Warks Specific�tions fo� Stre�t and Sewer Construction, d�ted April i , 1�59, Se�tic�n numbered 1 .44 of �aid speci- ficatlons, as amended, apaltc��l� t� contraetors, For the pur�►�se af this ordinanee, the �foresaid 5ectlon of said s�aectfTcatEons, number 1 .44 as amend�ci� sh�ll a� rsad as though the word "permitte�°" v�as sub- stitut�d for the �r� t1contrac�or", whenever th� same �r�pears in the afore° said section 1 .44 as amended; satd Section 1 .44 �s amended, of the �petifications for Street and Sew��r Constructia� in Lhe City of 5aint Paul is hereby incorporated h�rein �y referencs �s fully ��� �,�� ,;,;n�ple�ely as if set forth ��rein vsrb�tim; Proo� of campliance with provistons of' the a�Qre�aid s�ctton shall be 1n such form a� the Corpc�ration Caunsel af the Gity of Saint Paui may dlre�t �nd tt�e doeuments required �y fiti� �fore�aid Section 1 .b4 shail , after submission to th� Corporation Caunsel , be f�led in th� affi�� of the. Camptraller of th� Ctty of Sa�nt Paul ; �t ti,., `j i ,v �2� r,.."� .. � .,� e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers, and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the canstruction of said public storm sewer and by the permission and authority granted herein; f. That said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approvai of the Canmissioner of Public Works on or before November 1 , 1g71 ; ' g. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works alt documents of record that are a part of the contract or incidental to its execution including but nat limited to, addendums, award of contract, sum of contract, "as built" plans and tracings; h. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works when the construction starts and notify the same said Construction Engineer when the pro,ject has been completed to alloHr for a final inspection; i . That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works if the construction of said storm sewer shall make necessary the closing of Plato Boulevard or any part the�eof; ali expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing, or removing of barricades, signs, and other control devices shall be paid by the permittee; j . That said permittee shall , during the term of this permit, restore and repair ail praperty, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction of the storm sewer provided for herein; k. That said permittee shal ) not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insuran�e and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction, dated April l , 1959, ���tion numbered 1 .44 of said speci- fications, as amended, applicable ta contractors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said specifications, number 1 .44 as amended, shati be read as though the word "permittee" was sub- stituted for the word "contractor", whenever the same appears in the afore- said section 1 .44 as amended; said Section 1 .44 as amended, of the specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim; Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shail , after submission to the Corporation Counsel , be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul ; I st � . � ° t 2nd � �� Laid over to 3rd and app. `1 __Adopted / Yeas Nays eas Nays Butler '$utler Carlson � \�ackaa_ �.�-,Z���t Levine ������ �evine Meredifih �eredith Sprafka �. �Sprafka `,. Tedesco ��� �edesco �`� Mr. President McCarFy fvlr. President McCarty 65