254743 . OR161NAL�1'O CITY CL6RK ' �. � ��� A�J ' `" CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '� `� '� " - OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO i CO�U IL ESO UTION—GENERAL FC7�M PRESENTED BY I� COMMISSIONE ArF �REAS, The Ca�ncil of the City of Saint Paul.,, by ita resolt�tion, C. F. 229628� approved J�aly �7� 1966� did vacate the alley in Block 10� Rice gtx�eet �'illas� a.nd oth�r alle�s� �nd by r�solution, C. F. 232855� a�rproved Aprit 7� 1967, did vacate a por ion of �Ioc�dbridge Street� said vacatimns reserving:to �h� City of Saint Paul,and other, public;iristrtmi��taliti�s pnblic t�tility , ea,aeueats aoirtained th�rein and thereon; aad " . r W�AS, The Ccr�ncil has been requested to ae�ive aaid retained easements, .and the �,ffec�ed City d.epastments� l�ort�ern States Pc�rer Campa�y� �orth�restern Be11 Telephone Compsx�y,have filed xr3tten cextifia�,tes of intended non-use of s�sezved rights and ea�e�aen�s� xhich e�rtificatea are a�tached he�xeto; ncnr3 therefore� be it � . RE30LVID, That $he Council oP the City of Saint �a�tl� pursv�nt to Section 228.05 of the Sai.nt Pa.ul Le�islative �ode� as amer�ded� does her�aby �raive the retained easements eon�ained in resolution� C. F. 229628� approved J`u]�r 27� 1966� a.nd in resolntion, C. F. 2328gg, approved Apri1 7� 1967� in the follc�ring deacrib�d property: '^ (1) Th� north-�outh alley� vacated� lying between the extension � � across saic� a11ey aP the nor�h li.ne o� Lot 3� a►�1 the-_ext�a- �ion across �aid slley of tMe so�h lin�a of Lot 16; and , .� -o (2) The �ast o�ie-hal.f of' the vacated portion �of� Wocdbrid.ge .3treet -� � lying south of the south line of Hoyt Avenue and 13ring north • . o� ' of the cird].e with a radiu� of 5� feet �rith the radi�.s pc>ixit. � p thereof beiing located on the cenrter line of Wc�dbr3dge �treet at a;point equidistant f`ra�n the sou�h lin� of Hoyt Avenue and � the nor�h'l;ine flf l�ebra�ka Ave�ae; ` c� ' all in �loe� 10�;R�.ce 5treet Villas� City of St. Paul� Ramae�r Ccna�sty� M3.naz�sota � . �, � • , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— � Y� Na�B M Butler ... Caxlson - Approve� _ ` 19— Levine . . • Tn FBVOT Meredith - . . Sprafka Mayor Tedesco � A8'��t Mr. President, McCarty . � ��� OPI�IMAL ZO CITY�CLBRK � 25��4�� . � ... CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � CO�INCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER , DA� I -2- R��erving� haFraver, an easement in favor of the City of St. Pa�1., for se�rer purpc�aes, rrrer �he west lA feet of th� v�eyated portion of Wooclbridge Street aforesaid. Ho canatxuction of ar�r �ype over said easement aha1.1 be accc�pli�hed witho�t agproval by the De- partment of Public T�orks; a�ad be it FUIt�R R�SO�VEp, That the above-mentionecl vaiver of aaid ea��ents ia for the City of Sain� Panl nrid. fcr those persons fbr xhom the City has resrxved easa�m�nt� in a�lid vacated property for the installa�ioa, aaiate- nance and operatian of ar�r sewer, xater� gas or electrical �nain, pipe or Eonduit af pvblic inetz�um�ntality. > JllN 3 0 19T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yea� Naya ��Q 1971. Butler ��. Ap 19— Levine � �n Favor � Meredith Sprafka yor � �„1__Againat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUL 3 1971 ��