254742 � OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK . � �O ���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �Nca � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � U ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF RESOLVED, that (�ordon Schmitz be paid the sum of �3,150.Ob out of the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul Yor compensation resulting from his injury of February 27, 1969, while employed by the Department of Public Works, whereby he suffered a 15% permanent partial disability to his back; that of said sum, �3,150.00 is now due and payable. �n A P v 1 < : � Asst. Cor oration Couns JUN 3 01971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naye Butler � ,�0► 1971+ rarlcn�,�1�� / Approve� 19— / Levine `J In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor ..�Againat Te�esea- Mr. President, McCarty JUL 3 �S�D 197a1 �� � DU}LICATt TO�RIN7�t 254`742 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO. ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION--G�IERAL FORM PRBENTED�Y CAMMISSION A� ��soLVrn, t�t oraoa sobsit: be p.�.a th. •u. os �3,igo.00 out o! the Wor�►en'o Co■pen�a�tion Acconnt o! the Gensral Fund in iull settlevent o his clai� e►�,ainst the City ot 3aiut Paul ior eompen�atioa res lting lrov his in�nry oi Februitry !�?, 1969� xhile employed by tb Departa�ent of Pablio worl�e, whereby he �u�lered a 15� pe nt partisl di�ability to bi� baQk; that oi �aid sum, �3,150. is now dge aud payabie. � �... JUN 3 0 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coundl 19— Yeae Nays But�er A JUN 3 0 197118— �• ppr°°� Levi.ne � n F r —� avo Meredith �y� Sprafka � Aaninat Tee�Ceee— � Mr. President, McCarty ��