254737 COUNCIL FIL U.� �c��n� Al[ E � HED J t� BY • F�NAL ORDF# IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS tesol�ed at tipoa recoss erati� sad fer the gnrpo�e •f �ffectaati� the trre ia�te�t aa�i par�ose of tL� Conncil, the prior ,�e�ol� ea o���ou�cil ig �e utxre of a Final �risr iesigaated as C.F. �54392, appro�r�l Jaae f�19�1, be•.a�en�e� ta raa�i as fallo�rs: Ia the matter oI , � ---_ _ _..__ _ - . � a ���� `, � ��'` ,_�.." .. �� = ��� . Coade�sning aad takiag a ps�anent easement for �tili�p pnrposes on� over �ac� acrQ�s �'liose parcels of land in the North�uest � of the Northeat�t � pf Se�tion``32, �'�ovnship . 29 North, Range 22 Fleat, described as folloWa: , e;'. ;a All of Lot 14, Block 2, Irvine's Second Addition`` to Saint Paul: nnd C�at'part of Lot 13, Block 2, of said addition lying Eaat of a litte run from • �o3.n� on-:the Sonth line of Lot 13, 70 foot distaat East from the Sout�ae�t'� c�+rner of said��ot�" to a point , on the North �ine of said Lot 13, 100 foot. diBkanE' East from �he Iio�tMr�est corner of , said Lot. Also a 40 foot �trip of land on, ovar aad across�`the B�bingtoa Northsrn :�a►�, right-of-waq in the NorthWest � of .the Northe�ast � oi Sectiori,°�2;� Towns�►ip 29 ; North, 8ange 22 Gle�t, lqiag Northeasterly of and ad�acent to�a line runniag across ! said right-of-way in a Southeaeterly directioa beginning at �he 3osiith cotner of;�Lot 14, Block 2, Irvine's Second Addition to 3aint Paul haviag ain-:angle of �r2 degrees, � 50 minutes, with the Southerlq extension of the �lest Liae of $].ock 2, Irvina's ' Second Additioa to Saint Paul. Also except for Minaehaha .Aveaue; a 2S foot wide strip �, " _ of laad oa, over and across the Burlington North�rn, Inc._,�,ght-of-Way in the North- � west � o£ the Northeast � af Sectioa 32, To�*nship 29 North, Range 22 WBat, lying j between the Northeaeterly line of the above described 40 £oot Wide atrip of land and . � the North line of the Nortl�west � of the Northeast '� of Sectioa 32, Township '29 North, � � Rang� 22 West, and lying S atheasterly of and ad,jacent to the 3outh�asterly line of � - �' Block 2, Irviae's Second A�dition to Saint Paul. This eaeennent ie neceesary for Che ,��.�J -. I ,' construction of the Phalen,Cr�ek xelief and clearwater sewer beiag built under ��___ Public 6iorks Project S-135�B fr�om North Street to Weide Street. C � �. _ � ; � � � � , ,;;-. i � ' ' �" ' � �;, __�,. __ .._, �.. ,....� ,..,i a„�:.:+��i, t'.":"v1 �,ne nvr[[I�asL � OT '�i'aCC10llA.3"L; TOWl18hi(f Z9 � North, Range 22 Gieat, lying �t�artheasterly of and adj�c�nt to a lin$ running acro�s I aaid '1Cight-of-way in a Soutt�easterly direction begi�iniag �t th� So�th cornnr of'�Lot j 14, .Block 2, Irvine'e Seco�c�.<Addition to Saint Pau�`°haviRg an angli� of �►2 degrees� " ' S0 �inatea, Wi�h the Souther�y extension of the W4�t Lins of $lock,� 2, Irvine's Secoad Addition to Saints�a 1. Also except for �f�.naahaha Avenu�; � 2S foot wide strip ot land oa, over and ac��►sa'�the Burlington Nortk��rn, Inc. xight•o�;-iray in the l�orth- west � of Che Northeas��'� of Section 32, To�msl�.p 29 North� xange;'22 We�t, l�ing ,� ' beCt+een the Northeastes�'�y l�ne of the above d�cribed 40 foot �►l.d,A st�cip of land end . the North line of the„�torth est � of the Nort�ieast � of Sectian -3�, Toanship 29. porth, "' flang� 22 Weat, and L:yimg So theasterly of an� adjacent to thn $ou'the�asterly lina� of Block 2 Irvine's Second Ad ition to Saint P�aul. Thie eaeement �e nece4ear for the . y ; conatructi.on of the P'halen reek relief an�� cleaxwatex eawer ba►ing built under Public Worka Project S-1359B from North St�re�t to Weide Street.�: , . � _ � � ._ , _ ', Mayor. Councilmen: &a�}ser►- Ba.LgLis h �d � � , � � _ � G �,� Mered i th JUL ,3. �9T� P.�,r��n PUBLISHED T�. ---'-----•.�� Mr. President� �e �'1����,,.�� /