254736 COUNC FI NU.� ���ryc�C
4 t)V
$ A M E N D E D •
Resolved that upon reconsideration and for the purpose of effectuating the true intent
and purpose af the Council, the prior resolution of this Council in the nature of a
Final Order designated as C.F. 254390, approved June 10, 1971, be amended to read as
Init�he�uatter of
__.... .., __ _ �._ ._ . _..o. _�,. - ,.; --- _ _ , � .�:;
Condemnin� and takin� a perrna�ent e:�sem�nt fcir tatiliCy pu�por3�s ot�, c�v�� r�nd acrosa
that part af the Rurlin�tc�ri Nc�rt-hern, Ix�r.4 rL�ht-c��'*way ir1 Che $r�uChea�t '�, o£ 3ectinn
29, TownsFii.p 29 Nortii, Rtin�;e l.?_. West, It.:imgey .r,oun�y, Mirt�le�ota 1y�tng 15 £et't on �
eith�r side of. a line riescri.bed -�as fo]_low;�: except fax Ax'C�d� St�'�eC �nd Mt.nneht�h�
Avenue and except where l�elow d�:.scribed per►nannnC easerneri� enex'o�ches withi.n 8.S £ect
Erom_Che centerlic�� <�f tlie I;�irl in�.±tori Nortlie_rn Rail,road traeka:ox. wher� restr�.cted, Co
6 foot width as atated hc�rein, to wi.t:: ��- -
Commc.�n.cin� mt t:}ae Sout:he���.0 coi�ner�c�-f sai.d Sec��.on 29; Chen�e bearinf� Norrh 0 ,
dQ�;re�s, 13 minute� WF,st alc,�.ti�; tl,c�� I?ast- b�:ine af �aid Section 2�9,' a distance of ,
� 1.118.20 fe�t` to the Poi.nt �f i>c,fr,ir�ni_i��; ca.�.- tile line t� be dese�'�.br_d; thence alon� t�
' strai�;ht line`.bearin�; Nortf� £i/� dc��>rec�g,�. �i.:S �niti�rtea Weat .� di.et�t�c� o£ ?.7'L.30 fE�et ,
to a point; thence alon� a curuc t� the �ri�;ht (radius 6fatJ ��eE.,� ds].ta �n�le equ�le
' 21 degrces, �1 minutes) for. a di s�aricc r�_ ?._42.09 L�et. �a a po�,'nt; tk�ence a'long a
stxaight line trang�nt to l.z�st �lcscrihed :�u'rve be�ring North �°de�reea, /+2 minuCc:�,
West £or a distance o£ 98.7�+ f.c�e� r.o 3,..ppi��t; thence al4n�-�;-eurve fi:o ttxe left (rr.�ciius
equals 300 feet, d�lta t3ngle eyuals 12„ a��rens, 41 minutes) f`ar a c1�fl�IIXtCP_ of 66.41 fec�t
to �z poin�; thence `r�lon�; n curv� r.o t'Fre �i�;ht (radius equr�lz� 2�)0 feet, delta ang'le
E�quals 25 dE�rees, �i'� minizt;es) f�r :i cii��nee aL E�9.$3 fePt �,.o�-�a point; thence nlony,
a c�ixve to the left �r:�dius e�u<�7.s 600` i���t,` delts� �n�le ec�u��s 1Q9 de�,ree�;, 5C)
minutes) for a distnnce of. 11.50, 7.7 feet #:rs a poin[; thence along a curvc� to the left
. �.. __ _a
Era�iius equals �+$0 fc:E��', cielta an�l.e eyu3�e 26 defirees, 0? m�ntares) for �� distat�ce*. ..,. ;
o{ ?1.H,10 fHet to � �oi.x t; thr�ncc� alqrii; +� ��r`�ight line be��in�;`_Sour.h 6 c�e�;xeea, ,, `
27 mi.nutes i;ast tz�n�;e.nC to th�c last de:�c�'3=laed curve �o�' a c3?istance of ll1..45 £�et - -
, to c� point, sairl rc�rmanr�nt ru;sement be�tia�; '��sCricted' to `6 �eet-t�n e�ither si.dr of�
the here3.n described line for thP. .'mst ciescribed 11I.45 £oot -di��ance; thenc� al_onf; •
_ _
` � a straight l.ine t�eari.nt; :Sc�uth 5 d�,��ees, /+2.�r►inutes East,r,� di�tr�nce of 433. 14 fcet �
to a poir�t; t:hence alon� �_str,� . l� l.incr bearitif; Soaath 1,-�`c�egree, 44 miniitea Wc�st
f'or a distance of 330,15 fc�i>t t.¢"/K-+ point on �,1ie South �ir1e of sa3d Section. ?_9,
1.672.40 fc�et West of. the Sout:lieas� carner o£ said Secti.on 29, as measurec3 a1on�; said
So�ztti l.ine of. Secti.on ?_9 and 'the're te�cmin<�ti�[t�. -
Thi� ea,eme.nt i5 necessary f�ir the r.onsL:ruction_ of the PYialen Cr�ek reli_ef nnci
clearwater sewf�r bei,n� bui.l.t under Pui7lic Wcirk� Proje�it 5-1359}3 from Nor.th StreeY tc�
� W�ide Street� � � _ ,,i ; �
� Also, a tempor,�+ry con�;trttc.�i_c�ri ���c�mc�nt°-�n th�t �iarY, of said li�.�r].irt�;tc�n NortheT-n,
Inc . , ri�hr_•oF�way l yi ns; Tl<�rtl���rl y f�nfl G�F�r3tc.�r�l y of the above descriheci pr..rmr�nent �a�;e-
ment- . Saicl tc�mpnr,�.ry r���;c�mcnt t_o t�c�rminatE� �ipon c<�mpleti.on of the Ph�'�len Cr_erk Sewc>r
ron5tr�iction projcr_l or c�n Janu�ry ]., 1973, �thi.ch�ver occure fi_rst.
O.. .._..,� -.. ,_._t.. ., �. t, ...�. � ����i��._�_ �...v�i}; � Cot.i a��t�� tiiir. oeaTlil� 5OUCfI 6 [Ifl�TG'FS�
27 mi_nutes E��st�t1n€;ent to the last descr. ihed ct�rve for a diAta�'ce of 111.45 fee't
ta a potnt, :;aid perm<ment c#ASement being rc�strictr_ci to 6 feet bn eiCher aide ot
th�- herein described l ine for �ithe��l�st �iescrfbec�_ 111.45 £oot d��eCance; thence 'r��long � , _ �
; a straif;ht line bear.i_n�; Soutfi� '�5 de�;ree�, 42 minutes �;ast a d.is�.ance of 433.14 feet:
� �-- -L--
to � Point; ,thence, alon�� a str'aif;ht lii�c� bearin�; South 1 cle�ree, 4�, minuC��s Weat �
f�r a distance af 3"30,]> feer `to a -p�int on the South line of said Section ?_�),
1677_.40 feet West af the Sout.heast corner of_ sai.d S�cCion 29, a� menaured alon�; �;aid
Soiiti� lin� of Section 29 and tl�ere terminatinf;. •
Tt�is e�sement. ir� nece�:sary for the constr.ucti�n of the Ph�len Greek r.elJef= nnd
clearwater sewer bcin}; bui.).t undcr. Publtc Works Project �-7.359Ii fr.vm NorY.h Street to �
Weide Stre�t,
AlRO, a t�m}�ot-:�ry con�;tr�icti.or� easemerit on th�at part of sa.i.d }iurli.n�;t��n Norti��ern, �
� � 'tnc. , ri.Fr,ht-ot-w;�iY lYir�iF; i�inrl:hc•r�J-y »ncl We�t:erly of: thr abov� drscri.bed p�rm�ncnk r�.-+s�- �
� I ment. S��id ternpt�r.�.r�y e�:>��mc�rYr to tcrmin�tp ti�on .r,om�leY.i_hn o� the Phalen Creel�� Sew«>r � �
constructi.on projc�rt: or c�n ,Tanti�ry L, 1973, whtchever occixr� f.ir.st.
. --
for a distance oL- 'i30, l5 fcet �o a point on tl�e South li.ne �f �s�{.d S�'c'Tion �9,
l(i72.40 feet West of th<� Sr���the<�st corner of sai.d S�ction 'L9, as me��ured alonf; �iaid
SotiCii l�inc� of ;ection 2.9 and tlierE� ter.minaYi.n�;.
'1'his easement i� nece�:sarY for the constr�iction of. the Phalen Cr.eek re1 i.eE r�nd
cl.earw��ter sewi�r bei.n�; bui.lt u�dcr Publi.c Works Projec[ S-13591; fr.om Nor.th Street to
Wei.de 5treet. ..
Algo, a tenipc�rary� const-ruct. i��n ��sem��nt <�n thaC l��ar.t of qatd liurl.inf;ton N�rtlinl-n,
]:nc . , rif�ht-�i -w;�y l yi nr; hi�>rtlir�r l y an�l Wc�stcr l y oE Lh�� above descri.bed perm.�ncnt r�n�;c�-
ment . S�ici tc�tnPorary ea�.c�mc�nt to terminate up��n c�>m�lc�tjon o�L' the Pk��l.en Cr_��lc Sewer
consrruction proj��c1• <�r ��n Jan���ry ]., 197"3, whichever occur6 fl.rst,