254735 OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK CITY OF ST. PAUL �UN�I w1O 254'�35 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �,� C UNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed properties and as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeal.s dated June 9 , 1971, a copy of which, marked EXHSBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: C se No. PropertyJ Appellant� . 97-70-H • 2176 5cudder St. � Harvey Kapl.an > by Irving Rein . 33-71-B� 1819-1821. Mechanic Ave.� Darrell C. Iverson� € j:� :� ; 'i � i:.� _ '1 � c� ;> �„ f :i � �,� '� (.� i-% « � � �uN 30 �91� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Butler JU N 3 0 197� �artson.C�'�,�__���-� � Ap e� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor . �Againat �esee-- Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED �U L 3 �9 7� �� 6/9/71 , Meeting No. 53 ° � 25�'�e�5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, June 9 , 1971 Room 210, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1:30 p.m. Members present: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman Raymond Grove Estyr Peake Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Members absent: Mitchell Kamin Agencies present: Building Department - Sam Blue Glenn Erickson Bureau of Health - Dr. Paul Cox Frank Staffenson Fire Department - Walter Shimek HRA - Ken Gauthier Phalen Area Neigh- - Jim Johnson borhood Improvement Program Others present: Thomas Anderson, Robert Shea, Irving Rein, Janet Morris , Donald Luther, Darrell Iverson. Mr. Tieso became acting chairman. The minutes of the meeting of May 26 , 1971 were approved as amended. 25-71-H 1977 Marshall Ave. Gordon R. Struck � Robert Shea PRIOR HEARING: May 12 , 1971. SUBJECT: Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate dated April 2, 1971, from the St. Paul Bureau of Health to Dr. Gordon Struck, 441 Lynnhurst West, relative to the property located at 1977 Marshall Avenue. EXHIBIT "A" 6/9/71 , Meeting No. 53 APPEARANCES : Robert Shea. PROCEEDINGS : A discussion was had as to the Tegal and procedural aspects of administrative and court hearings and as to whether or not a full-fledged court hearing is a necessary step before a court hearing may be had. . . . Mr. Shea said there are a total of eleven units in the building. There is one unit in the basement and three on the third floor. Two stairways exit from the third floor. Three apartments share one full bathroom on the third floor. Five units in the building have their own bathroom. ACTION: Motion by Tieso to remove the placard and to continue the matter until the June 23 meeting on condition that Mr. Struck make immediate application for a Certificate of Occupancy. A complete survey of the building will then be performed by the Building Department and its findings are to be presented at that meeting. Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE : Ayes : Tieso, Grove , Peake , Sommerdorf, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . Mr. Wozniak became acting chairman. Mrs . Sommerdorf suggested that the board explore the possibility of amending the rooming house ordinance to permit cooking facilities in dwelling units containing a maximum of two adult occupants and no children. 97-70-H 2176 Scudder St. Harvey Kaplan � Irving Rein PRIOR HEARING: December 9 , 1970 . SUBJECT: Decision of board on December 9 , 1970 to permit continued occupancy of the basement apartment on condition that the existing bedroom be converted to a bathroom; that the wall between the kitchen and living room be removed; and that additional and con- tinuous window space be provided between the present kitchen and liVing room. APPEARANCES : Irving Rein. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Rein presented a plan to install a complete bath- room with mechanical ventilation. The door leading from the pro- posed bathroom to the furnace area is to be sealed off and a new door is to be made between the present bedroom and the proposed bathroom. - 2 - 6/9/71 � Meeting No. 53 ACTION: Motion by Tieso to permit continued occupancy of the base- ment apartment on condition that the construction of a new bath- room be completed in accordance with the plan as submitted. ; Seconded by Peake. THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak , Grove, Peake, Som�erdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0) . 30-71-P 113'7 Edgerton St. Janet E. Morris PRIOR HEARING: May 12 , 1971. SUBJECT : Letter dated September 29 , 1970 , from the Phalen Area Neighborhood Improvement Program to Janet Morris , 1137 Edgerton St. , indicating code deficiencies on said property. APPEARANCES : Janet E. Morris . PROCEEDINGS : Mrs. Morris stated that general conditions have , remained the same since her last appearance. Mr. Johnson explained that if the home was placarded, the Phalen Area Neighborhood Improve- ment Program would assist Mrs . Morris in finding housing. Mr. Blue � said the Building Department is preparing to placard the building due to its defects. ACTION: Unanimously agreed to refer the matter to the Building Department in order that it may placard the building as proposed. Mr. Johnson said he would contact legal aid to assist Mrs. Morris ' when the building is placarded. 36-71-H 452 Edmund Ave. Donald A. Luther SUBJECT: Letter dated April 22 , 1971 from the Bureau of Health to Family Properties , 1158 Forest, itemizing Housing Code deficiencies at 452 Edmund. APPEARANCES : Donald A. Luther. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Luther is an undivided one-half owner of the property. His co-owner died approximately two months ago. The property is presently tied up in probate and therefore he cannot secure a loan to repair the property, he cannot make mortgage pay- ments , he cannot sell the property and he cannot rent the property - 3 - � 6/9/71 Meeting No. 53 in its present condition. The estimate to make repairs averages between $1,500 - 2,000. Renters live upstairs . The building was purchased for $10 ,900 . There is a $10 ,400 G.I . mortgage left. Present payments of $110 per month are about to go up to approxi- mately $135 per month. ACTION: Mr. Wozniak said he would contact Mr. Luther' s attorney to see what type of assistance can be provided. St. James Housing Mr. Blue 's letter of June 4 , 1971 was discussed. The board re- quested Mr. Blue and Mr. Erickson to discuss the possibility of providing fire retarding treatment for exterior wood surfaces of buildings like St. James Housing with the City Architect and report their findings at the next regular meeting of the board. 33-71-B 1819 - 1821 Mechanic Ave. Darrell C. Iverson PRIOR HEARING: May 26 , 1971. SUBJECT : Letter dated April 21, 1971, from the Building Department to Mr. Darrell Iverson, 1921 Mechanic Ave. , indicating necessary improvements for issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. APPEARANCES : Darrell C. Iverson. ' PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Iverson suggested he proceed to request a variance of the 7 '6" ceiling requirement for the basement unit. A couple presently live in the unit. Mr. Grove left. ACTION: Motion by Sommerdorf to waive Section 34 .01-1b of the St. Paul Legislative Code requiring a minimum ceiling height of ' 7 ' 6" in dwelling units to permit occupancy of the basement dwelling unit which has 6 ' ll" ceiling height. Such waiver is granted on , condition that the basement unit be vacated to permit correction i of all other code deficiencies and that all code deficiencies be ' corrected at that time. Seconded by Tieso. - 4 - � 6/9/71 , Meeting No. 53 THE VOTE : Ayes: Wozniak, Peake, Sommerdorf , Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . Meeting adjourned at 4e.15 p.m. - � � �.�,r�-�[.�t��r,r►� Thomas W. Anderson Recording Secretary - 5 - • i o���,TS.���.� 254'735 , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO IOFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUI�CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��n � COMMISSION�R � DA*� � � RESOLVED, That e Council hereby ratities a=td approves the mction o� the Sai t Paul Board of Appeals and Revi4w for tt�� gousing, Building�and Fire Prevention Codes pertaininq to the follariag list prop�rti�s and as shown by the official�miautas of s d BoarB of Appeals dated June 9, 1971, a copy of which, mark d EXHIBIT "A" is attaah�d hereto and made a part hereot by referanaea , Case No. Pr Appellant 97-70-H 2176 Scudder St. 8arvey Kaplan by Irving Rein 33-71-H 1819�1821 Mechanic Ave. Darrell C. Ivereon � I� COUNCILIKEN �' Adopted by the Co»n�il �� �� ��9_. Y�as xays JUN 3 0 1971 But�� �,(b � Apprnvect 18— Levine Favor Meredith ' Sprafka I � ��r m�a����� , rodA3Tst • 2YMCDC� � ' � Mr. President, McCarty i ' ��