254731 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK �54'�31 t CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE , U O ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS� The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul ha.s undertaken the execution and reha.bili- tation of private dwelling units in the Neighborhood Development Program areas (NDP); and WHEREAS, The Housing Authority wishes to contract with the City of Saint Paul� through its Department of Public Buildings, for the purpose of obtaining Inspection Services in the NDP area; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Agreement for Code Inspection Services in the NDP areas on beha.lf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for a term commencing May 1, 1971 and termina.ting on or before April 30, 1972, for a total compensation not to exceed the sum of $95,000.00; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t the Mayor, Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, City Clerk and Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Inspection Services Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. �� p - �' r n C � JUN3a197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er JVi�13 01971 �r�so�r - e� 19_ ��-�-�,.�� ; Levine � �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J yor �, A gainat Mr. President, McCarty JVL 3 �9T� PUBLISHED � _ ~ . 4 ����' C�� CONiRACT F0� CODL In'Sl'ECTIC��v SI;IZt%I(;ES - NJP A-I. _.\ ; ; THTS AGREEt,GD1T entered into tt�is i�`r day of ` - , ,__ . , 1971, by and bet�•reen HCUS�I�dG AND REDEVELOi�f�'NT AUTHORIT� OF THE CITY OI' SA:IA'T PAl]L, MINI�'F.SOTA, he:eii�after. referred to as the "f��U�hority" and CZTl QF SAZAI7' PAUL, MIN?��SOTA, acting by and throu�h its ;�epartment. of Public Puildings, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractox". WIT�7F.SSETH: t�rIE22EhS, the �utliority has undertakcn the e�:ecution and rehabilitation o� �r.i_v<;�.:.�� ��;elling uni_ts i.n the Neighborhood Develop�r�nt Program Areas, with the finar.cial aid and assistance ai the United States of �r,�rica, under T'itl� 7_ of thc I-iousir�, �ct af 19�+9, as amendecl; and td��Lr�'.�;�iS, thz Autharity is }�r�ceedin� wi.t-.h certai_n activ�_ties under T-�;p \ci.ghbortio�d Develop:_ient Pragram, zncluding the inspectian of dwellin� u�iiL-s �oc� �•�_ wi.thi.n t11e Project A�eas; anrl 11fiERF:�S, the �':t�tho..it5� clesires to engage the Gantractor. to rende•._r cert<iz� tecilrFic�-1 advice, assistance and s�rvices in connection G71.��1 the undertak�n�s oa the Atitnority. NO�d, TH�RT:IORE, the parties here.t:o cAO r,lutually agree as foZl_o�as ; 1. Scop� of Ser.vic�.�s. T'f�e Ca�itractor shal :. �%er.f.orm a�l necessarS� sezti•i_^.e_= t�nder this Contr,ct in conr.iectian �aiti� and reGpecting the r��ighbart.00�; D�����?op_ue.r_� Pro�;Yam Areas, icienf�ified as the Sumr,:i� -tiniversi.t-}� Area, t�linn. !�-1�1, [�?est :-ii_d��:�ti�- Sout'rt Si:. Anti:orzy 1'a.rt: Areu, I��a..nn. A-1-2, ;�'La;�ias-)�,a1e, �-1��, anc� West S<�ven*I� St��ceC Are:3$ i�iinrt, r1-1-7f a�id sY��li. d.aY ne,..,�r,~:>�, ��r,� carr.}= ot�t, irt a r:�annez ^:�L-� __.�.C)T�* �t5 C�F_,;,..C'Yi'.'!._?�(''(7 t::y t:ili.: t>L!�.11iVi.':l.t.y� )_,:t T1i_1`...Ll��}_ inri?C:C;r!'T2t G'Il.i_.. t�?.{.' �:(?I7�:7"�G'fi()Ts ���. )i�Ct'S�. �C' i:C�!1L' �1 :j`nC'.-- Cli7., z'.1Q C'47:�G. 3�=i w �.C�:t: .� ._. =5 2"C°`^�: __��"E.Ci �S� �;��F-t � �,1..- � . ta. . . ufil;i:,, _'ilSz>E'C;�i7_°S it1i��5'f_'}'E.'ii LS" 1"�2G 7� .ti�t'z"ltr4'i2�. ���. l�tEb�_:i,r 1��5r1.�_r�l�z7?;i., r. �7��(',�f�'�F 't, , ^J,� k ::r�c r i(7i� /��'t � �It�t__ �il� � � .� 4�.�� a � �;. �r � 2. Time of Perfoi-mance. The servicPS �f tl�e Contractor are to commence May 1, 1971, and sha12 be undertaken and complc�t_ed ir suclz sequence as to assure the expeditious completion of the Contractor's services in l.ight of the purposes of this A�reement, but in any event, a11 ser.vices required hereunder shall be com- pleted on or before April. 30, I972. Any delay in performance caused by the failure of the Authority to act on any matters requiri.ng decision hereunder shall not be char.�;ed against the Contr_actar, a.�zd the time allowed the Contractor for performance under this t�reemen.t shall be extended a.n accordance with such delay. 3. Com�ensationa The Authority will ��ay to tt�e Contractor on the basis of an l�ourZy rate salary for 'a Field Inspector at t}ie rate of Ei�ht Dolla�s ar.d Six Cents ($8.Q6) pen c��ur, and for a Settzor Inspector, the rate of Eight F�ollars and Forty-one Cents ($8.41.) p�r hour, which amount in no event shall exceed the sum of Ninety-five Thousand �nd no/100 ($95,000.00) Dollars for actu�l work perfozmed, which sum shall constitute full �?nd camplete compensa- tion for the Contzactor's services liereunder. If there is an incr_ease in the hour?}� rate salary i'or a Field Tnspector and/or a Seniox Insk7ec�oi°, chen �he houriy rate salary and the upset. figure shall be adjt�st�d accor.din�ly, The Contr�ctor shall_ be paid by the Authority within fif:teen (15) days after r�ceipt of a requisition specifying work pe.r.formed. 4. Terms and Conditians. Except as otherwise e�pressly px'ovided in this Par� I - t�r.eement, this agrzement is subject to and hereby incorporates by refe?°ence tlzz pravisions attached hereto as Part II - Terms and Conditioszs (Form H-621b) . IN WITA�SS WHi:REOF, the Authority and t��e Contractor have executed, this �areement as of the day and year first above ��aritten. �; ��` . IiOUS�.`Iti� ���T) 1Z�T�;V1�?'.OPMr��� I`i�)THORITS.' In the Frc�sc�nce of• OF ,3�I,�� CIr`T_�, ;:%s"'���< T' IJT, r1li�i�ESOTA • �---„ '`�':' 1 . , /'.J ��/� _, � ,. B�/�'!� '�,4R-''�,�r�.�.' f''..�.T. ___'- t'i c-t _' _., _ ,,_� , ; _ r. __ .s.c�..,� _.....�.._._,_.__...__.--�----------_... _ .�.. .. .. r (� ` ��'� 1 / /� \,l{ I \ . \ ` �1/ '. ���/ f'�,J �. �' ._____.,�,_i;x�?��v�,r.,,�,� ��.____._�_�_��_�� a>,-� ��f�� �..� I3 y�� � .�t� �.,9_F, ., . _ �.__._.� � -�-� ��rr�cK�'] i�s'in �a't-� a:i�i ��.r,:y0u;<� CITY 0;' �ATI�T PAUL, Ii?.I1?vESOTA .cw,.�.� [:<:y �;;.,_._.—a .+-..�-__il �r 's'?, ? �nf`�^ � — a-�e,;�1 � � ;; t,v E ;�:� ,� ,., -�------�-- -_ ____ �.i � f `� �� � .�� _.�..,_ __ � t ;: ..�.....�. �)_ ---___ �. , �avrLtt•Y�f Curt�r��>�' t:uunsrl' , �{�S�'t`. t '�.i101c: i���l �'i# �Ui15i.'.I .�..L,� I�L3�01" K F�1? Cou��r.ersip;ned: B�� . _,.__ _.—_._ -- .� r�,�,;f..�,"�;���;j �_....__..��. _...�_ _.__�.___.._.,_._. �� • ;o�,:,��t,-o�Tct };y.�_._..__._.. ._.�._..__ .�..__..�____.,_._� -- �,.' ._ l:C)�T� I1,;�7 !OTlP-7' :?; '1' ,I.��IC.^+ � :{��CTE i:;s�� ;7n(I :'n�1���1C i>��i �<�� r'��°r; � STATE OF :�1IN�,'I:SOTA ) ) ss . ' COUI�'f.X Or RAMSEY ) i � On this ; day of � = �-- -� • , 1971, before me appeared , ; ,, .; ; , _ _, , �: . and '�' _ , . . , ";, . '-; to me personally kno�rn, who being each by me duly sworn, did sa}� that they are respectively � ,�: � the �, ;' . , _ _ ._, , - and =- ,�. of the �i0'l1SING .�nD REDEVELOPNIENT AUTHORITX OF THE CITY 0?� SF.IlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA, the cor.porati.on named in the iarep;oang i.nstrv_ment, and that the seal affzxed to said instrument is the corgorate seal of said corporation, and the said inst_rument was signed in behalf of said corporation Uy authority of its Board oi Co:m�issioners , � --- : ' ' , -' � , . __ `, and said _ __ , . ,. and .° ; ._._� acknoct*ledged said instr.ument as being the free act and deed of said corporation. � ,,- �, __,_.,. �,� � / �� ! % � Notary Public, liamsey Count3�, T�iinnesota My Commissian Expires � i.n�,�E�,r:� �sc::_<:.�.,, R�«�,� �:,�;:�, �:�,sF�- c��r;= STATE O�T MII�i�FES�JTA ) �;y� �`: �r�. ) ss. �;r �;',;�"��;��t? �:�>���sn o,,�r�i ),� �Gdv>.. � COUiv'TY OF Rl��fSEY ) On this day of �_, 1971, Uef:ore me appeared (;harles P. T1cCarty, F�arry E. Marshall, and Victor J. Tedesco, to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, did say that they are respective- ly the rlayor, City Clerk and Commissionex of Parks, Recreation and Public Ell11CIlT1{;5 of_ the CITY OF SAINT PAI3L, MINI�TESOTA, Named in the foregoing instrument, and that � the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal oi the City of Saint Paul, and that said instrumcnt was sisned and sealed in behalf of_ said City of Saint Patil by au authority granted pursuant to formal resolution of the Council oi the City of Saint Paul, Council Fil� No. ' passed and approved the day o£ , 1971, and the said riayor, City Clerk and Catrm:issi_oner of Parks,. P.ecreation and �ubli_c 13u� ldings ackno�vledged said instrument to be the free act and deed af said City of Sa�nt Paul, pur_stxant to said reso].��tion. -3�