254728 . �� ORIGINAL�O CITY CLRRK 25��28 CITY OF ST. PAUL �IOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `'�.,, COMMISSIONE ATF � RESOLVED, That the Mayor, th� City Clerk, and the Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul Amendment to Contract H-1214 between the City and th� Department of Housing and Urban Development, said contract pertaining to the development of the human resources development subsystem and increasing the total obligation of HUD to the City from $300,810.00 to $381, 210.00. , . FOR A R ED r ra ron ounsel �uN 3 0 �9n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �vays ,�U N 3 0 1971 Butler Ga��sen Conway Ap e� 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka yor m ar� —�—Against - ea�i JUL 3 1971 Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED � . _._ .�.,__�__._,_._ _.._.�... _ .. ��t.n`_�. , �F��_.F;,�, io. �V�r t9hc5 � � c�HfF4 }R��c�s AOMINIi1RATION ( AME�dDI�AEtdT Or SC3�.iC��AT(flN/i�'�C�DfFi�A,TlQN �� �C?t�T,���s �-� � ; ffP.. F C�r R�C (�1 CFR) 1-16.101 t.'/�µ[NOMttJ::MO�1HCAl10N NO. 2. EfFEGT1VF. DATE J. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REOUEST NO. <. VROIECT NO. (!/✓/�(�L�dbrr ���� 1 --7� __ llISSUED EY «����. 6. ADMINISTERED BY (/j ulhtr lhua b(or�E S) CODt: 1 epart�ent of :io�ising & Urban � r.. `�—�- Contracts and A�reements Division SAP� 451 7th Street S.W. Room 2132 . Washin�ton, D.C. 20%10 7. CONTRACTOR cone f�sc�Lrr�r co��: a. . " NAME At1D ADORESS AMENDMENT OF �SOIICITATIUN NO. .— �City of Saint Pau1 � �s..K�. «h. A Munieipal Corporation DATED (5ee block 9) �oyRry. Jwfe, Courthouse, 4th & Wabasha Streets MODIFICATION OF H�121L� ���jIP Saint Paul, Mi�x�.esota 5�j107 �CONTRACT/ORDfR No. � � 3/4/70 � DATED (See blak 1 I) 9 T.u•^5......."..S'p���s l:n�tyTn n,u.c..i.^_,!.�,:i�'T_`� OF`-Ql;rtTA"!ONS , ❑r7he erbore numbered solici'atian is amended as se!focth�n bl«k 12. The hovr and date spedfied for receipt oi Or�ers� is extended, � is not extended. Ofierors mvsf acknowledge receipt of lhis amendment prior ro the hour ond dote specified in the wlicitalion,or os amended,by one of the following methods: (a�By signing and returni�g copies of this ommdment;(b)By ocknowiedging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted;or{c)By separote letter o�te�egre� wfiich indudes a roference.to Ihe solicifation and amendment nembers. fAIIURE OF YOUR ACKOWIEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVFD AT THE ISSUING OfFICE PR10R TO THE NCUR At.� DATE SPECIFIEO MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR CFFER. If,by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an oRer already submitted,such chenge may be modr by �ele7rem or letter,provided such telegram or leHer makes re(erence fo the solicitotion ond this omendment,ond is received prior fo the opening hour a�d dafe specified. 10. ACCOUN:iNG AND APPROPRIATION DATA (lJreqnired) � + 861/20108 11. THlS 6LOCK APPlIES ONIY TO MODIFICATIONS Of tOMTRACTSXORDERS � (o) � This Chonge Order is issued pursuant to ; The C}wnges eet forth in 61odc 12 ore mada to the obove numbered confrad/order. � {bj � The obove numbered contrac!/order is modified to reflect the administrative changes(svch os chonges in payin oflice,oppropriafion data,efc.)set forth in block 12. {� � (t) � R+is Supplemental Agreemer.t is er.fered iNo pursuanl to outhority of �1 T'J•S•C• 252 �C) ��5) _ } R modifies the above numbered tontract as set forth i�bixk 12. � 12. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDM.:N7:MODIFICAT�ON � Whereas, in �cco�daxice with the intent of the parties as set forth in the contract, it is desired to ex�end the contract performance period and to revise the amount obligated and available for payment under the contract; and WHER�,A.S, �hese changes have no effect on the total contract estimated cost, and ! WHEREi�5, �''JD:and the Contractor wish to amer�d the contract to reflect the above � descrioed m�diiica�io:� i.� 1��ic.ie lU.A. ancil�siicle V.A. NOW, THEREFORE, Cnntract H-121I� is amended as follows: • 1. In Ar�icle IV.A., the Term ��June 3�, 1971�� is deleted and the term "September 30, 197111 is substituted therefor. 2. In Article V.A., the estimated cost and total obligation axe changed from ' $300,8i0.0o to �381,210.00. City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comptroller . . . . . . , . . . . Eacspf as pas.idrd herre,all terms ond condifiooz of fhe document referenced in b!«k 8,as herebforo changed,mmain�nchonged ond in full furce end eRM. � � 13. QGONTRACTOR/OPFEROR IS NOT REQUIRED � �C����£���EROR 1S REOUIRED TO S�GN THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN � COPIES TO 1SSUING OF'fltE TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT t 1!• NAME Of GON7RACTOR/OFFEROR G'1tV of Saint Pau1 �7. UNITEP sS7ATE5 Of AAkfRICA �/' ^ ! J � > /�/ � //�� 7 6Y BY�ri i��f �!/_��'' tf/��C f!C�,'-r.,`�Js/— I (SigreoNre of penon ovtM1orized N sipn) �Siynoture of:cmtroctmg Of•.ic.�) 1' S. NRMF AND TtT1E OF SIGNER {I ypr or prinlJ 1G. DATE SIGNEO 18. NAME 4F CONTRACiING OFFICER (!}pe or firirif) 19. D.:1E S�v+`l:� Nathan B"lacker --_ __ -. — � - � o�.,�,���� i 254'�28 . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uwca NO j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU�ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESHiTED Elf COMMISSION� DA*G ��I �OLVaD, s'hat j th� ltayor, t�ur Citp Ci�rk, aad t1a Caa,ptroll�r ar� her�by autbosis�d and dir�at�d ir.o �out� oa b�hal! of th� City t 8aint taul l�n�at to Coatravt 8-1214 b�t�n tl� City an the D�p�rtm�nt of Housinq and �sbaa D�wlopmeat, said a ntraet p�staining to th� dw�lopMnt o! th� ht�man resouress dev�lapant wb�y�ts and inas�a�inq th� total obligatioa ot �HnD to tb� City ls�c�a ;300,814.00 to �381,210.00. � ,� JUN 3 01971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conncil 19— Yeas Nays Butler Appmv�� �U p 3 O �� 19..� -_ Gir3eonCo�way �°� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� —Y'e�eSCa— A8'�st Mr. President, McCarty I ��