254727 OR161NAL'ja CITY CLERK ����1' / � CITY OF ST. PAUL COE NCIL NO. ' � 4 ',• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B June 24, 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF ��,. ,� ,' ,RESOLVED, Pursuant to Chapter 321 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the following temporary fee schedules are hereby established effective July 1, 1971, for the Pig's Eye Landfill: $0.40 per cubic yard of capacity of entering vehicle� larger than pick-up trucks. $1.00 per entering pick-up truck or trailer of a type attached to sutomobiles. $0.50 per enterin� automobile. .�'0�►v1 �' ��''�`�� A �o tion ou�7��� �11� 30 4°'�� COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler J U N 3 O 19T� �arr��.��_ / AP —19— Levine �� —�n Favor � Meredith � Sprafka a A gainst �r .lUL 3 Mr. President, McCarty P���D �97� � ..� , _ � -,..��- . ` , � �.�-'' � ,� ;_ ' - �� � ��� June 24� 197I I;oiaar:;t�lc� Gl�Brle:a �. t�e+:`;:rt�r, P��yor FST?C� iit.tt?u@L's c��' (:1.k:} (:i�;1,r;C��, � 347 Ctdy F:AIl, i� t,ct�i t .4csi�r-� � � St. I'�+tsl, Y•iir.:�e=s:;'.-a 551.C;� �entl:c:�ur�n �r=.d F-:u�gc�; r'�E: P K.°�': �F:: y�iw��'x'.LL i::.;'S 1:�; �N;':" 'T i"i;"�� C' '� j`1'1 (^�.��a�rT. i>;.'.r {r. y �� �.t,y °!;! C7`?! �C'T +.� !,'1L. f';_r. c'Stt(� . . �.�.�: . . .. ;� ��..ii�' . . . '.� _ � .. . � • .. _d� s`..',�"t�' t:�i . L.;'iF- l.. .i./+''�=R4 ��.) � _v. �, .,;k' L} �,' . .. �. . ♦ .. . ..:� �. ._.. J. 4.... ' . . .�. _. _{..a. � 6:x 1.s .. � ..,.. ..�� ..'.�. �..'1'�w A�-� �:-. .. �-. L.�.:i.�� � . . } ......�:. ` ' j . . � ` '.- e .. _ ' ...... :. . . . . �?. ; s : :. _� � * � : � r ti : _ _ :.. .. . i c .3 a �. .. i . , _..: �..f .i 3`� -. �y F �w' t � ., .:w r.,� _,: � . � '. .:;. �. ... :�:,?...rcx?.fryd r�:;�L 1_� L� 1:._Ici c,�; t �� y` , ^ . � t,. -�� � ...,.,�,. .�,�..�-..,c-..f �a?c`a`:.1�� �'C�'*d e Resp�c�fully sub�i�t�d� . - � �� P.ich�rc� �. Schnarr Chi�� }:��,in�er Y—s;i t�r � ` . L}::a��..�.'t,�J�i.'.Zfl �.�CGi{;Li11AFj� � ,A'\` '?�, - t ,, , �".:�;:�,' � . . \ �.:y . . � . . . . � .� , ' ` • ClTY ��P ' . ���, i 4 �v� y \ �/. . o •�;•' i C,�,, l' ;� . � �O • � � TY C� F S /� l � T P � IJL ,� C��ital of Min�esota E�ia�'la��"�"::'`"t ��= �`��"!��^ 1�{J�?;a�� 234 Ciiy Hall & Court h{ouso 55102 ��J June 23, 1971 �1 HO��O;:AELE ,'-L1XOP, AhD CO;�:�IISSIO:�ERS: � RE: COUIvCZL HE:�:I�;G U;i LANDFILL �EES t'�ND FINAL YEAR OF � OP�P.AT70�d AT PIG' S EI'E - � The purpose of this report to the Council is not only to furnish � det��.i_led infar�ation concerning the f.ee strueture, bvt also to go inta some � deptti on o�tr op�:.rations at Pig's 'rl;.-e riow that �,?e are appror:irately one year , �;W<'?.ti' fTv:1 C�_O:;l?1�. �rilE'_ 7i.C?SC.i��" ii:��^ Of 3�G ���_'L' Cllh1C }'�iG Of Cc�p3C1�}' Of Ci]tP_T� ing vehicles ]_ar�;er tti,::l E)1C't'.11p tYliC2KS 4ras, as you recall, approved under Council � File I;o. 25165? on Deccm,�er 23, 1;'7:�, the s5G fee to be in effect throu�;h June q � 30, 1971 arid tnen to be subject to Cuuncil review. This was the first fee � a , increase �ince the origi�lal Council Resolution settinc up t}ie fee structure, s . � Coui�cil File t7o. 231�35E approved �'ebruary 9, 1967. The Council stipulated that "l ttie addit�oaal 10� per yard fee 47aS to be kept in a separate fund to be used fo� 1 fina2 �irt cover ma�erial and on1}* to be expended upon app�ovin� resolution by i the Counc�_I. If ttle 35G fee were to be continued fcr the neat year, �ae'd end u�� approximately $107,231 short at the end of June, 1472, tiiereTore, we respect- � fiilly recom�lend that a very r,iinir..tim of 40� per cubic yard fee be adopted effec- ; ti��c July l, 1971, and that the Cot�ncil �ive srrong consid�ration to adopting a i 45� fee. � I'or the first f-ive months of the ycar, January 1 through Nay 31, 1971, , $32,67�+.30 has �tcu;r.ulated in the lUC set-aside caver n�terial fund, 2211 Landfill , i Cover I�;ateri.al. To date no Council Resolution has been introduced trnnsferring � t�ny of this money to pay our cover material costs, i .,,,.r.._._..____.w._.._ � _.._wr..__ _�. _ .__ �... _:_._. _ ._. __. ._ . . ;� , ` � i RE: LANDFILL FEES AT PIG'S EYE - Page 2 6/23/71 � � The Public Works Accounting Department has totalled up all eapenses � for the first five months of tt�e year so that we hav� actual cost fi�ures to � I May 31, 1971. You will recall fror� the previous reoort that as of the end of � i 1970 we had a Cash �3alance in the landfill account of $18,000. Through May 31, ,� 1971, we have a Cash Balance in the 2210 Landfill Account of a ne�ative, or a � mintis $11�,,750.33. (In the red) . In the 2211 Landfill Cover Account which is � the 10� per cubic yard set aside, we have a balance of $32,674.30, and Accounts � � Receivable as of May 31, 1971 in the 2210 Landfill Account of $30,000. If we � subtract the a:�ount of $32,674.30 plus the $30,000 Accounts Receivable from the � . � Cash Balance of a minus $11��,750.33, we come up with a Total Carr��over in the � -� Landf�ll t�,^cour.t as o{ ?°��v 31., 1�71 of r.�zr.us S:?,076. � � ~ How can we �c fr.cr.l a st:r_pJus of $1�,C00 at rl�e beginnin� of ttie year t� to a r.iinus fi�ure o. $�2,07b five months l�.t�r? It cor�.�s about simply because, ti � and I belicve everyone, includin�; the refuse haulers, will attest to that over ,� the pasL five months we have been approaching the running of a true sanitary � landfi.11 at Pig' s Eye. ti�e have been using Iar�er amounts of dirt cover material � . � �o close out the Fi.stl Hatchery site and, `aJ.so, to operute Pig' s Eye more in accord- ` � ance with State standards, atter�ptins� to cover over the refuse at the end of each 1`� � day. You will recall that the Fish I3atchery �aas closed l-o refuse on March 13, ,.::� 6_� ��� 1971. Foll.owing that, from r:arch 15, 1971 through May 7, 1971, a total of 59,358 '� cubic yards of dirt cover mater�_al c:as used to finish off the Fish liatchery siCe. �`?� ( This providcd a 2' cover over ttie refuse as required Uy State Law. A total of �� � $59,352.OG was spent on dirt to finish off the Fish Hatchery after we closed it :a � t� refuse. Si.nce January lst, 94,060 cubic yards of dirt cover material has been � used at Fish H�tchery and �II,O1<< cubic yards of dirt cover material was used at . Yig' s Eye for a total throu�h 24ay 31st of 192,074 cubic yards, a total dollar expendieure of $194,125.33. In our budget that wAS presented at the December 23, ..; f � , � . , � RE: LANDFILL FEES AT PIG'S EYE - Page 3 6/23�71 � 1970 hearin we had g, projected cover material in the amount of 600,000 cubic yards, so we have been proceeding at the rate projected at that time. � Because our operations at Fish Hatchery and, of course, now at Pig' s I Eye, are so inte�ral to the fees that are charged, we would lil:e briefly to �,� discuss operations as they have affected the closing doc•m of Fish Hatchery and i � wl�at we have done at Pig's Eye over the past ffve months, and tiope to accomplish � over the next year. . �� . ( �'It1T5??ING OFF AI�`D CLOSI::G OF FISH IiAT�i?r?�Y SITE �., Refuse ���as first durnped into Lhe Fish Hatc}iery Landfill site as early t.�� as the t;,icl 1930' s. T�ie site co;�orised �,�pr�x.i_mately 38 acres of leased land fro;n ' ��� ; the T:it7nesoLa Conservation D.�p<�rtt��ent, Lhe Port Authority, Cleor� G�'}zeeler, a pri�-�te i ��� citizen, and the Buxlin�ton--,�orthern Railroac;, Over the ensu�n� years refuse �-� I place�:�ent has been acco,;:plished in two 7 1/2 foot 2ifts over the entire area. � Over the years the Fish Iiatct�ery site has been largel1� used for private citizens � � stoppinfi do�on with their own automobiles, trailers, etc. The Fish Hatchery site � FTas perma nently closed to the disposal of refuse on March 13, 1971 khich was approxi- � maCely two weeks before the April lst deadline set by the Minnesota Pollution Control 1 A�;ency. From t•iarc}� 15, 1971 throu�h rtay 7, 1971 (which was when all cover material � hauliiig stopped at Fish Hatchery) a tot�l of 59,35£3 cubic yards, a dollar amount of I � $59,352.06 was spent in cover material to con�pleCe the Fish Hatchery site to State � And acceptable standards, A quick topographic survey was made o£ the entire Fish �� HaCchery site and contours were laid out for the final gradin� so that it would � drain off ro erl • and we would not have an lnr�� � P P S y �e pockets o£ water or serious erosion problems. It follows that if the water drains properly, the settlement � will be less. It can be noted over the past few weeks thnt with tt�e heavy , � � . ��,,,.,,.__.._,_.__.._____._...._._�.___.:.._......,...__�__.__._, _. ._._..__-----. _ _....._.._.__. __...__..�_._..r.__. ..._......... ------ � - __.__...�._ ... � , � . . . � + � RE: I.ANDFILI. FEES AT PIG'S EYE - Page 4 6/23/71 I downpours of r2in that the Fish Hac:chery site has largely been free of water. � , e was seeded and i.t can be The first tieek in June the entire Fish Hatchery sit , � noted now it is startin� to turn green and should not pose as a dust problem , ,� �ny longer. To view Che site now one would find it almost impossible to believe - � thrzt �ust a few short years ago this particular site was operated more or less as an open durnp with considerable burning which the people on Mounds Bluff will . : attest to. Both the SL. Paul Yarlcs Department"and the State Conser.vation Depart- � nent have indicated interest in developing the Fish Hatchery site as a recrea- < ,� �._._y ti�nal area. In our opin�on if it' s used fo� nothing more than open green space, � ; ' `'� i.t ��ill serve to show that a lardfi.11 disposal site can be put to good ultir.-.ate usc. i �. � o,f��aTZO:;s ��•r �IC� s ���: s��r� Over the past fe�a nonths considerable ch�nges }lave taken place at ri;` s � � ' Eye. k'e sti.11 can�t be so bold as to sug��st that Pi�' s Eye qualifies as a r "sanit�ry lanufill", ho;�ever i.t` s finally passed the state of bein,; coasicered I, .� an "open dur.ip" and, i.n our opini.oTi, otller than tne fact that it` s in the flocd �- . i pla�.n of the t•`.ississ9_ppi River, it's approachin� beino a sanitary landfill as �* defined by the State �nu Federal standards. With each passing day the site �,..�� approaches a bit more ta becomin� a landfill. The biggest thin� that' s been accon�plished at Fig' s Eye over the past few months is that we now have a plan, �. .,s something down on black and white, that will guide our activities on the site �-a over the rer:sinin� ycar or so ttiat we have to operate. As a refresher, I mi�ht `' mention a�;ain that the entire Pig' s Eye site i.s 307 acres; 177 acres on the north E, .� � . half is owned by the I•lilwaukee P,�ilroad and leased to us, and 130 acres on the ,; south half is owned by rhe Port Authority and leased to us for landfill purposes. �"� "� � � " .��-;: ...:..� �� . ��� ;. ... .. .. � . ... . , ' . _. . a+t1�c�� .. .A..�. ,..,. �. . :. . . ._.. . .-.,.•�x..�:*,yyr�„:+.:,,,,..��-+�.f.<,w.�..r... ,:, _:. . .�. .�. .i =. . . . . .. -.� �� , ..�. .. , -. . . . �... - ..._.._..,......+..-�....... _ � � ' � � 1 � RE: LArDrILL FEES AT PIG'S EYE - Page 5 6/23/71 ! ' The Minnesot� Pollutiori Control Agency has been insisting for some ,�' time ttiat we furnish ther.i an en�i_neering map showing the Pig's Eye site, how -� the refuse is being pl�ced over the area and how the site will be left once we , close it. Ttie State reauires quite a detailed plan showing original contours, � :� fi_na1 contours, topographic inforr..ation to apply for a landfill permit, however, �; �.�e have accepted the fact that we can' t qualify for an actual permit because it' s � ; �"� in the flood plain, hovvever they still re�uire-that we furnish the drawings. �� Last year the entire City of St. Paul was flown by the Chica�o Aerial }� . Survey Co,^:pany khich also included the Pig' s Eye Landfill site. Early this year .� . �,� we contacted the Cnicaro Aeri�l �urvey and had them prepare a contour map showin� �� ��17. of the e}:istinr topo^�a;,hic i.i�for:�atian �n�l ori�i.nal contours �t Pig's �,ye. t.j t;e then to.�::. t':�is in{o;-::_�:tion r_nci i�' s shown on four standard plan sheets (attached t Y 'p; cri.t:h t:iis r.e�o_t i.s a co��y of the drawings) , and c:e traced ouC, by ta�:in�; socr� I.;:B brief survey rr�easurements, tlle areas at Fig' s Eye that are finished includin�; all �3 � of the final cover and ready for seeding, the areas that have appro>:i:^ately one 6' � lift of refuse o��er thefr, which is �enerally ��est of the creek, the areas that are usable that will take �pproxir�ately tG�o 6' lifts, and finally, those areas that are � total?y unusable az:d unaccessible because of water, trees, etc. We then laid out finished contour elevations over the entire site Co show what the ultimate drain- � ��;c patterns will be once o�e are completed with the site next ycar. Finally we � laid out three stages, I, II, and III. Stage I is the area generally north of the main access road and easterl}� of the creek that we are presently working on which � should be cor.lpleted in the next nonth or so; Stage TI is an area immediately south � of the �;ain access road, and Sta�;e III is an area furthcr south from that point touchin�; up against the forner mining area. Our calculations indicated that on � the basis of the volumes of refuse ttiat we're takin� now, we should have sufficient � . _.._ . __...__ -- .:..�.. .�._....___ _..__..� -- . ,..W_._..w___. .. ._�.,_.�.._.._,. ._ ,. , .r------___..�......,.- - .,.__.. ___ . ... � ; . , , i � � R�: LAD;DFZLL FEF.S AT PIG'S EYE - Pa&e 6 6/23/71 i � room in the area easterly of the creek, Sta�es I, II, and III to carry us through I � June 30, 1972. This means that everything easterly of the creek will be completed � � � havi_n� two Iifts over it and the draina�e �•sill generally be south and east towards I the lake. I � I would like to make some brief comments concerning each of the four j � plan sheets attached; (Please reier to ther,). I � � S1iEE'T ;',=1 The 7-acre area shown on the Sheet '�1 has been completed. It has 2' of i � - � � cover i�l�terial over it and c�e h�;%e to seed it very sh�rtly. The 4-acre ar.ea shown � az1 Slieet -,',=1 has one 1i.f.t on i.t, i�c��.;ever it: canno� be co°,:�leL'ed until the repair ; � � st�acl;s and �ar.'���,es in t:i�e depres.sed ��-er;s �in7 t�i�e fee collection �uilciin�s are ;I razed �:hich wi1J. be done sor,�ecit.ie in ttie early s�:r,L:;er of 197?_. This area will i�� lthen be filled i.n level af_L-er the L•uilclings liave been removed. It �aill take � appro;:imately 6,500 cubic yards of dirt to cover this area. S}?rF:'I' :"2 �� The lar.�e area sho�ti�n on Shect f2 that' s crosshatched, 51.7 acres, has - 2' of dirt cover r�ateri.al over it and it' s ready to be seeded anytime. The area stio�-;n on tlie sheet as 9,3 acres t�as one li.ft placed over it and about 1' of dirt. 1'he finUl cover will take an additional 1' of rnaterial for appzo�:imately 15,000 ct�bic var.ds. It is not unticipated that we will do any fillin� of refuse in this ' area since we feel we have enour,l� space for tlie next year on the east side o£ the cree�:. For all intents and purposes, almost everythin� on this plan sheet has been con�leted and is ready for final �;radin� and sceding. . The arca shown as ��.1 acres of land has one lift on it now and is part • of SCa�;e I that was mentioned previously. (Please see Plan Sheets #3 nnd ��4 also.) � �� • ; i 6/23/�1 ' � � ' h�E - Page 7 �; ,:. RE: I.ANDFILL FEES AT PIG S i � i ' , t 200' stations have been marked out with st1kes both as to at � You will note tha 'm sure th � i an �nd elevati.on alang the south side af the main access roavation stakes give ` pl e ele i� �� �he refuse haulers have noticed these stakes. '� ! many to the specified 703 elevation. '�e k" uide to brin� the fill up i `� �he operators a € ersonnel to chart E erMit the landfill p i � purpose of this staCionin; process was to p 1 ' txansmit the information in to the office, and � � � a �� the�r Pr�gress, marl: it on t1�e m3P� 3 , Co ust how quickly the areas are being filled in. It �''� �ive us some ideas as � � on how much acreage is bei.ng uite accurate calcalat�on.. � al]-owed us to nake so^�e q � roximately b,600 cubic ! � � , and �;;ill be used over the ne�:t year• It wi1Z ta1�:e app � .� u�cd gi_1 T:,.3ter�al to cover over this area. , �� ��ar.d� of: dirt i , `. 1 � ,t f SI?l:?;:. �'�3 � one lift o� ; � ---------- �1c.il stleee as havin� a� � � �e enti rc 57.4 �•cres sho�:� on ttiis 4 �n order to finish this Theretore, reiuse ttas approximately 1' of cover over ir• 000 cubic �� � totallin� approximately 93, � another 1 of co�er c�rill be necessary, with respect ��a� arca, t � � owever, will not be placed until there is more certainty land ; yards. This, h more f � nes of refuse needed on the cast side of the creek. I �� to the actual �olw as e laced in this area aft�r the area on the east s�- �d � 1, �equired re£use o7i.11 b p lace o more land is ne4���, the ertra 1' of cover w�-11 be p � been £inisl1ed. I� n 1�72. The 4.4 acres of land with ' � area durin,s�, the early su:�mex T<<�nths of over thi� 1, of dizt over it and will take another � - le or no fill placed has approximately � litt 000 cubic yards. fare closing. Thi_s would amount to appro%�i�tely 7 , � 1, be e except ; 1 amount of. um�sable lat�d on Sheet ��3 will not chandirt material The tota lo es of re£use to these areas will be covered �J�t din water thar all of the s P � n cican bank and seal the landfill from the surroun � to prnduce an eve , and land nreas. � - _.�_..�._____.__.�..�_..._.�.:_.. .:._._.�..._.�_,._._ ..��,.W._,...�...,.--.. .�.._w�.�,w�__�__. .____ - �,,.�...�..._,,,_�_.__ ... _ _ , r� , ' . � �� RE: LANDFILL FEES AT PIG'S EYE - Page 8 6/23/71 �.A� 4.-� East of Battl.e Cree�:, the 2G.1 acres of land with one lift of refuse � and the .5 acre with na refuse placed are p�rt of Stages IY and III for the �� pl<acement of refuse over the next year. The upper right corner of Sheet �;E3 is part of Stage I as we explained before. The remainder of this area south of it �`� will be filLed in in t�lo passes, Stages IZ and III, with the final grade indicated 1 by the dush contour lines. Approximately II6,000 cubic yards of dirt cover material �� wi1.I be used eo finish off Lhis area. � �� , i ,_:� S1iP,i�T �:l+ - i € °� 'L'tif.� 3,s the l:ey E>Ian sl7eet for the ner,C year' s operations since it � ' � sho::s t:he r�.�'eas ��.'c= w?11_ t;e Frori:i,�^, in over, the next }'ear. Refuse olacement is , .i conri_nuin; r.c:�r in the i.o:-th��esCerly corner oi tilis shent alang the north sic':e of �.,� Che r�ain access road. 1ne ��rea north of the road will be completed a11 the way ' to the creek sometir.le i.n the ne}:t month or so. Stages IT and III separated by � he sur.�-e � line shown on the CIT�WI.I1�' will follow and should coraplete two lifts � t S � over the entire area east of the creek. The 30 acres af finished land has �-.� ' . � appro�:imat:e�.y 1' of cover in place now �.�ith an additional 49,000 yards of dirt �� �� material needed to f�.nish it off. An additional 1G0,000 cubic yards �aill be i ,`� rec�uired to finish o£f 31.3 acres where refuse has yet to be placcd. � ^o sut-.^.r_arize our activi_ties at Pig' s Eye over the past feti� months and i 1 � . �� continuing over the ne::t year, much of the area is now up to final grade now �aith 2' of dirt over it aricl iae �aill be seedin� tliese areas in tlie very near future. � It is our lan, based an e}:tensive study, that c�ith the volumes of refuse that P 1 is generated over the ne}:t year, that we will confine our activities easterly � . of the cr.eek which will put twro lifts over ttiis entire area with the drainage � generally runnin� south and easterly to the lal:e. In the event that we have more � re£use than ozhat is Anticip�ted, cae will have to r�ove into the �rea west of the � i � • � RE: LANDFILL FEES AT PIG'S EYE - Page 9 6/23/71 � � �; creek and on the sot�th side af the site. Those of us w��o have worked closely on � � this feel that we no�a have a workable plan for Pi�'s Eye that will provide a � syst.�matic method of placing the refuse, coverin� i� as we go, then also ending 1 ,� up with a finished product that draina�e-c•�ise and esthetically-wise will be at i �� least satisfactory. It is not our intention to wait until July 1, 1972 to start � � An immense dirt hauling projecti to cover these areas. It will be noted in the budget that is attached ehat we have asl:ed for 75,000 cubic yards of material :� ior day-to-day cell. �onstrucCion to cover over the face nt the end of each day, � : � � etc. , and �ae have asked for 363,000 cubic yards of dirt final cover material which I x �•ras taken very accurately off the plan sheets ttlat cae have just reviewed. We ��i11 . i � st^nd he;,i_nc� t.ilesc.� fi_�ures 4i� rei.n� accurate ��i.t�in at least 1G% of the actual � _ c;iii: valt:r;;es nt�c:dc�d, �•Ie infie.nd �o eont-in�e wortcin� to �;et ?_ feet of dirt over ! � I ns in;iny areas as possible a�i�i tiien to seed them as we go, tlien when k�e are , I � finished in July oL 1°72 for & CGLP1� of months or so we will then spread the � � dirt, final c;rade, atid seed tt�e entire si�e before �ae leave it. � t,� � : ' EST'I.'.-�AT�:r T;?:C:.I°TS C��LCL'LATIO:�S � `! ! You will not:e in the attached budget that we have used actual cost ; � fi�ures tt�rou�h t�fay 31, 1971. Lde tlien projected under "Estimated Receipts" for , the month of Jvne, J_971, 150,000 cubic yards at 35G per cubic yard, then, for the ;•� additi.onal ycar from July 1, 1971 throu�h June 30, 1972, we have projected at the � �' ; dveraf;e rate of 150,000 cubic yards of refuse per month for a total of 1,800,000 ' �� cubic yards at 40� per cubic }�ard. It should be noted that the estimated receipts, j i ;� of course, are the key to this arhole matter of trying to budget the Iandfill f ' �' operation over the next 13 months. 4?e feel ttiat in usin� 150,000 cubic yards per � F: � � � �.� 1. �� month, we are about as close as we can calculute this. I might point out that for � ; the montt� of April, 1971 we t.00k in 167,484 cubic yards of refuse at Pig' s Eye, �� f . T� � 3 s . � RE: I.AI�DI'ILL FEES A'f PIG'S EYE - Page 11 6/23/71 � of dirt cover material at abo�it the same rate as we have over the past few months, in ordcr to complete the site in a manner ttiat it won' t be a burden to the St. Paul �� taxpayers. I'm sure r.iany of the refuse haulers are asking how come we are using � so much cover material. In Man}� ways if we used no cover naterial at all, it would still be too much. �r'e've skimped for so long in the past and I'm certain that the c;hole Pi�' s Eye operation would have a much better image if we had done a better job in tliis azea. Hoc:ever, with the fees that�we`ve :�ad short of running �he whol.e �� operation into a hu�e deficit, �ae've not been_ able to get enough money to do an ac3equate job of coveri_ng, Since the whole operation is based on a user fee, it' s �� our cc;ncltzsi.on f:hat the City Council has a resp�:zsibility to set a fec that ���ill � , � aliv,-7 the lundfill t:o t-�c fi:�i�heu o:f over the next ,ear in a;� acce�table man;�er. �;e c�:r.not ���ait until .��.<l,r 1, 1�72 anc then �ii:d oursel�>es with no n�oney. It' s our E;� �� hote th:�t ��re c1n leave Pi�' s Eye in a condition sir�ilar to what Fish Hatchery is �• now, and so,nething that �ae can put to good use in the future. E:� , Many peop2e have made the comnent that why not cease any final coverir.� � at Pig` s EyE:, then juGt turn the property back over to tlie railroad people and ' the Port �'�uthority. F:e have been leasing it for these many years at no expense t'� 4nd it h�zs been a great convenience to the refuse haulers and, of ceurse, the � citizens of. St. Paul. Not only because the leases require that we place finsl co��er material over ttie sites, but also i_t ��ould appear that the City has a r.�oral � responsibi_lity after the use of_ this land for so many ycars to complete it to a st�ndard tllat' s acceptable. '�' - la out at Pi ' s In conclusion, after veiy careful srudy of the entire y �; � Eye, and very careful analysi.s af. the anticioated volumes of refuse and the receipts over the next year, we recommend th��t the fee be raised L-o a minimum of � 40C per cubic yard effective July 1� 1971 and that the Council give strong con- j � sideration Co adoptin�; a 45� fec. I: the 35� fee were continued, we'd end up �ppror,imaLely $107,231 short at the end of June, 1972. It should be also borne ,� ' � �, . , RE: LANDF2:LL FEES AT PIG'S EYE - Page 12 6/23/71 .� in mind lhat at the December 23, 1970 hearing, we had asked for a 45C fee. ;� Fin��tlly, we must poi.nt out again that our fees are far below � what other � larldfills atid transfer stations are chargin�, t1e have actual information to show that ke're drawin�; fro;l� n:ost of ttie suburbs that surround St. Paul, k'e know, for � inst�.nce, tl�at operators in the s�,burbs south of St. Paul will drive immediately past a trrnsfer station and bring ttlei.r load down to Pig's Eye. Tf we're going � Co continue subsidizi.il�, �ae must insure that ��e have a � _ �ufficient fee to finish � off. the site in a manner that it wi11 be a credit to St. Paul and not an eyesore or a bli�ht i.n the St. Faul landscape. � t�'e sincerely hepe that this re�ort �:�ill be accepted. � P.espc;:tful)_y submitted : .�. � 4� �� (� �� {�� � , . �t i , . , . . . �F ,-�k�:s�s^o"� � Ri.c:;�iru .1. :,c..<<..rr' . Chief- Ei�"in;.er � P.�S/em � . � � . � � j i � , ; : � � � � � ; ? � , i � +• ; � �� . � ' E � RE: LANDFILL FEES AT PIG'S EYE - Page 12 6/23/7`1 � � ' � in mind that at the December 23, 1970 hearing we had asked for a 45� fee. 4 � . Finally, we must point out again that our fees are far below what other ,� landfills and transfer stations are charging. We have actual information to show that we're drawing from most of the suburbs that surround St. Paul. We know, for � � instance, that operators in the suburbs south of St. Paul will drive immediately ( past a trrnsfer station and bring their load down to Pig's Eye. If we're going i � f to continue subsidizing, we must insure that we have a sufficient fee to finish off the site in a manner that it will be a credit to St. Paul and not an e esore � � ' y � or a blight in the St. Paul landscape. � � We sincerely hope that this report will be accepted. + � � `I Respectfully submitted: j � _- . _ --"---� � �,, � ' ���,,,-� ; ,� , ,1.,�: , ; � � t �.-�..F.�.��- . - .�,,L1��!�� � � Richard A. Scnnarr Chief Engineer � RAS/em � � • � • � � � r i � � � � � � I . � � t . , � � 1 t f i � i