252421 ���t��.� Couaoll Flle No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINI�RY ORDER. T6eundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimpmvement by tha City oi$aint Paul�vis.: �...Y��St144B��c�_the,.sidevalk,on,.the„west_side,of Curve. St: fram .. .._Clear Ave. to Sherwood _....Qat�e.._.aasl,.h�t..dp�u�.�]...Qtth��.T�14�1�.�t���..�:s--necessary.and..incidental to co.._............_.... „ ,. mplete .......s��..�a���t���s....................................................................................................................................................... Dsted thie...._.....11th...daq of.........................................��x�3�l�y....._.......-..._....19 71.--.... .....,.......____...._.... ........................•---..Z��.��_�_�_ .N.'/.....� . ......�... ... . ..................... Counoilmsn. IPRELIMINAR7� OItDER. WHER.EAB� A written prnpoeal for the making of the following improvemeat� vis.: .......���Vm&t�C�.,��A�_,_��dg�al�„Q�..,�he„�oest_side,.of Curve St. froaa Clear Ave. to Sherwood .........................................•---..........._............_ __....A�te.....aad..h�c..�a:Cng..a].l.azh�x...rrm.xk..�tri�h..�.&..m��e�13&�y--�#�d-•���dg�}�a�,..tQ.��Plete...._.. .......sai,d..jmprauemeat..................... •-•---••...................................................................................._ , •-•--•-•----•----•----•---•-•-•....................... .................... huving been preeented to the iCounail of the City of Saint Paul..................... ._..-•.................................................. t4erefore, be it '°�"" R,E80I.VED, That the Commiaeioner of Publie Worke be and is bereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvemenE. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extemt and estimated coet of eaid improvement� and t6e total ooat theteof. 3. To furnieh a plan� profile or eketch of said improvsment. , 4. To atate whether or no8 eaid improvenxent ie askedl �or ox► �t,he petition� of three ar mor� owner�. 6. To report upon all of Bhe foregoing mattea�e to the �mnnyeeioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the Counoil.....................................F E B .1..1..1971.....�.. Y�►e Councilman Butler FEB 1 1 1971 Ca�1 son Approve�....................................... ..................................... Levine Me red i th `� Sprafka Tedes co ....._.._. Mr. Pres ident McCarty ��`�� " or. �000 �.a� � FEB 13 1971 � ,� PZIBLLSHED _ ,✓