252412 : OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ���`��}(, � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N0, f,; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � LzCExsr Cor��� COUNCIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Bl' - �Y t 9T COMMISSIONE � prE g8� 1'1' �' 1' W�iEASs Propsr r�atiee has been reseiv�d as to chan�e of officers ia The tTniver�3ty C1ub of St. Pa�al, Ine., 42� S�m3t Avenu�! holder� ef 0� Sale Liquor L3.cense re �o• 7981� eapiring January 31� 1972� therefore, be it 8F50LYIDs That the offic ers eleated at their a�in.ual �leotion� �.'hommnd �lBrien! Pre�ident; Thoma�a Pry�r� Yice+�:president; Ha�y Walah (incua�be�.t) Secretary; arui Arnold Im�edahl (3ncumbe��) �'reasarer; be aad the same are �iereby approved. �n Sale L3�uor Chang� Officers Infor�aally appro�md by CounaLl February 9, 1971 Appn. 8109 F B 111971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays Butler F.Eg 11 1971 Carlson PP�n 19_ Levine ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka � r Tedesco Againat Mr. President, McCarty FEg 131971 PUBLISHED � G �- , t � CITY OF S�I1�T �AUL Capital of Minnesota � c� ��� / /� oL.Je art�ne�ct o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECT'ION roi.IC� DEAN MEftEDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPg G.MERHILL,Depnty Commiaeioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inspector February 9, 1971 Honorable P�ayor and �ity Cou�cil Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota G�antlemen and Madam: Curr�ntly The UniversityClub of St. Paul, Ine. axe holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7981� expiring January 31, 1972, at 420 Summit Avenue. The officers of r�cord are Thomas Pryor� President; Thomond O�Brien, Vie�••pre�ident; Harry Walsh� Secretary; �,nd Arnold Imsdahl� Treasurer. Notic� of changeof officers has been received as follows. Messr�. Pryor and OfBrien �xehange office�. Mr. O�Brien now is the Pres3.d�.t and Mr. Pryor now is the Vice� president. There is no chan e a.n Seeret and �T'reasurer. �' � Attached is a copy of their letter of notification. Very truly yours� ��� ���� Lieense Inspector O TELEPHONE CA 2•1751 ._ • . .r . , • , D • ' � of taiat part! , �20 ta��nit av�nu� • ,raint paul 2, minn�.rosa . � Mr. L1�nie1 P. PIcLe�ughlin ' 202 Public Safety Building , 3t. Paul� Minnesot� . ' Dear Mr. Mclaughlin� '_ ' � ' This to inform you� as you requested� the names of the current officers of the Univereity Club oP St. Paul� Thomond R. 0'Brien . . . . . . .President • Thomas A. Pryor . . . . . . . . . .Vice-Pres. � � Hs�rry M. Walsh . . . . . . . . . . .3ecretary - Arnold J. Imsda�hl . . . . . . . .Treasurer Mrs. George Conroy . . . . . . .Consultant Sincer , �i�w,. ,�,.�'C. �t�h� � ' . ., Mrs. George Conroy " Co�sultant _;,`223'L425`�s� ' � tioti � ' � ' ✓R/y�y�' . � �'<< l�� E/ 1�oep� ��F� �� a b���s�` . l�' t�y �`��1�Oi f g�' � � : . . : . �. February 9� 1971 H�. Dean Mezedith, Coonsr. of Publie Safety, 101 8. lOth. St.i St. Paul, Minn. Attn: I�r. Daniel P. McLaughlln Deatr Sir: T2ye City Cauacil. tode�y info�atly erpprored the applicatio�n o! Tba Univ�ersity Club of St. Paut, Inc., holdars of On 3ale Liquor Lic�asa I�o. ?981, e�cpiring Je�nuary 31, 1972, at 420 Sum�it Awnvoe, for a cbet�ge in otficers sa �olla�ra: Thaeas Pry�or and Thomoe�d 0�Bri�n ezchange offi�es, so that �Ir. 0`Briea nvr is th� Presi�eat and �. P:y�or aar ia tLe Yice- presi�t. There is no cbs�e in Secretary and Trsasurer. Will y�n please prapare the c.wstaa�y resoluticnY Very ts�ul�► y�o�ura, City Clerk �