252411 ORIGINAL't0 CITY CL6RK /"������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa "��r'•► Lzci�rrsE Crn�+u� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N� NO �, COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f �� � F@�t�81"',y 1.1.� 197� COMMISSIONE ATF W�,�EASs Pro�er nat�.ce has been reeeived as to ahabge �f offi�ers in the St. Paul Athletic Club, 34� Cedar Street, holders of On Sa1e L3qu�r Licer�se ldo. 78}8� expiri.ng �an�ary 31� 197�� �herefore, be it RESOLVEDs Th�,t �he new oYficer� effectiv� J�nuary 26� 1971� Armin P, Brotetow� Pretsiden�; and Kenneth M. Markw�.rdt� Seeretary with inaumbent� Robert E. Sipplt, Treaaurer; be �.nd t�i.e s ame is hereby app�oved. On Sale L3quor Chax�ge Officer� ` Infcrmally approved by Cot�ne31 February 9. 1971 Appn. 755a �Eg �, � 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counca 19— Yeaa Naya But�er �, �, 197� Carlson A ro 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � �y Tedesco A8'au►st Mr. President, McCarty pjJ$I,iSHN:D ��B 1319T1 � y CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � " Capita,l of Minnesota � c� / /� �Ls�",Z. � �� eLJe art�nevtt o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINI3TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION por.ics DEAN MER,EDITH,Commissianer HEALTH RALP73 G.MEARILL,Deyuty Commiseioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapector Februa�y 9, 1971 Honorable I�ayor and City Coune3.1 Saint Paul, Minnesots� Gentlemen and Ma.dam: Gurrently the St. Paul A thletic Club, 340 Cedar Str�et is holder of On Sale Liquor Licens� No. 7858, expiring on January 31, 1972. The officers of re�ord are Walter Norris� Preaident; a�+;n P. Buetow, Vice-president; A. R. Penfield, ,�r., Seeretary; and Robert E. S3pple� Trea�urer. 2'hey have s�bmitted a notice of change of the following two office� as of Januaxy 26, 1971. Armin P. Buetow b ecome: Pre�ident; and Kenneth M. Markwardt becomes Secretary. No mention is made of who takes the place of Mr. Huetow as Vice-president nor of Ms. Sipple who is the Treasurer. Attached is a copy of th�ir notification of this ehange. Pery truly yours! / � .— o � WtW�i�i ��i� r `t��'LJ L3cense Inspector O , February 9, 1971.. Han. Deen M�eredith, Camsr. of Public Safety, 101 E. lOth. St., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: Mr. De�niel P. Irkl,nughlin Deax Sir: The City Council today informally appraved the application of the St. Paul Athletic Club, 340 Cedax Street, hold,er of On Sa1e Liquor License No. 7858, for a ch�nge in officers as Pollaws: Armin P. Buetow beco�es President, arid Kenn�eth M. Me�,rkwardt becono�es Secretary. Ro mention is mad�e of whe talses the place of Armin P. Buetaw aa Vice Preaident, nor of Robert E. Siyple, Tressurer. Wi]1 you please prepare tbe customary resolutic�n? Very truly yours, City Cl�rk hP . . . • , , . LE`I'TE�:R GR�itii'Ii�:G INFO.t.;.�:L� APPiiO'!AL CoT�missioner of Public Safet�r, • Tenth �nd ;�iinnesc�w S�s. , St. Pa.ul, ,,r;nn. . . � . - . ` .