252408 � 2524�8 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO LICENSE Cfk�LT�EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATE F��D�&�Y 1'�� �'971' RESOL�EDs That appliQat3on f0r 8e�tat�raar�t, ma axd 4ff Sa].e Ma1t Beterag� a�d�tg�,rett• licenses, a.ppl3ed fcr by Wil13e L�rri� at 925 Selby 9ve�ue� b• and the eame axe hereby granted oa the aoMdition that within _��da.y� �f thia date �aid Wi11ie L�wie ahall cmmply �rith all requirements af the Bureau� of Fire� H�elth, �,nd Po1i�e, and the License Inspector purffivant to the St. Paul Legiglative Code and a11 other applicable OrdinAnncea. FEB 111� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler �E� 1 1 197� Carlson 19— Levine n Favor Meredith / � Sprafka �� yor Aga�st F EB 13 t971 Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty pU�iLla�ll�—� �� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���a��1� Capital of Minnesota �e aHt�ne�t o �,c��Gc'c �a et ��L � � ADMINI$TRATION TCritll anCl M1rineSOta StTCetS FIRE PROTECTION ��� DEAN MEftEDITH,Commissianer HEALTH RALP'H G.MERRILL,Depaty Commisaioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Licenae Inspector February 11, 1971 Honorable Ma,yor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Mad�m: Willie Zewis makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sa,le Nlalt Beverage a,nd Cigar�tte licenses for 925 Selby Avenue whieh is on the North side of the street, between Milton and �hatsworth Streets. This location has been lie�nsed for a simil�.r b usiness sinc� 1933. The last licensee� Lyma.n H. Myers� held the license� until the� expired �cember 1970. 3'here is one other 3.2 place within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor Plce is five hl ock� and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is three blocks. The nearest ehurch is three blocks and the nearest school is one block away. Mr. Y+ewis has been a laborer and crane operator for the Minneapoli.s Moline Co. for the past seeen y�ars. Very truly yo�ars, �� P�`� License Inspectar O CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEP,A,RTb�I+TT UF' PUBI,I� SAFETY L�CENSE D 1V TS IC/1+T Da�e. � - 19��� 1. Applica�iun fox � �-- `� � ��'4 Liceaee � c , 2. Name of appl3.ca�.t / L° � GG l,S -� ,. j / � 3. Busineas addresa J� d� cS °� ,(� G Resid�nae �( 6/� 4. Tre►de name, if �ay �! 0 �-�' 5. Retail Beer Federe�l Tax Stamp �tail Liquor Federal Tax Sta�np��vi11 be used� 6. t�i what floor loeated .� N Number of roa�s used i ��/f �_ . /� -� 7. Between vvh�t arosa streett�r bG� �__/__S,�p�'1�hioh eic3e of street D '►��/��� 8. Are premises novv oco�ed��l�lhhat busineas � ��" Ho�rv long .� �� w 9. Are premises now unocoupiec���liaw long vacant � ti�os_ Prev'3.ous Use- 3.eZ� �_ 10. Are you a new owner�Havs you been in a aim3.lar busineas before � O -.r c_.._ ��_ �the re When 11. Are you going to operste thi� busine�s persox�ally � Z°S � � � r �. ► w w If nat, v�o �rill operate it �-,-�—' 12• Are you in any other business at the p�eaent tim�s ,�� 13. f?ave there been any aomplaints againet your o ration of �hia type of plaoe `P�_. _ _-----� ........_.._T 9�hea "�'—' Where 14. Have you ever had any lioense revoked t reason and date 15. Are you a csitizen of the United States�J� Nat3.ve/�����Naturslized �� �_�.,�,._._ .,.,..........., 16. qPhere v�ere yau bo �- te o� birth �..�__ 17. I� am married. �y (wife's) (huaband's) name and addreae s -e �� � 18. (If married female� my u�siden rlame is , 19. $ow long have you 13.v�d in St. Paul 20. Have you ever been arreate e Xi tion of' what riminal 7.a�v or ordinanoe .......�.._ �- `�- .S � -- � 9 -� : 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. P�ul ..P�.� Yes No. (Answer fully and oompletel�r. These a lioa�ions are thorou hl cheoked and sn f's►laif ication ro�ll be aauae for dena.a . (UvER) 2�. Number of 3.2 places within �ro blocks � 23. Closest intoxicating liquor plaas. �n Sale-� (� c�, Sa1e �j � �, � S' 24. Nearest Chureh_ � ��( � � � Nearest School �' D`1( � S`E � � � Z5o Number of' �booths � Tables�� C�air� �� Stools_ /`7 __ ��f�,�- 26. What occupe,tion have vou follo�med f or the �st fxve rs. (Give names of employers and date s s o empTo�ed�, �. � a- `l� � � � � �7 � � , ..- �� 6 � a- � , . 2l. Give names and addresses of two �raons, residents of St. 1'au1, 1�6ibn., yvha c,e,n gise infor�,tion concerning o , r.` N�.me �-�v� � � � �p/ Address � �° .�-_ � � �(/� � � � � I�Tasne e Gt '�- ' G�( .Add re s s �'� b �.- Q k.� ..�(%�. ✓ . ' Si ure o App ican "�`�` Sta te of MS.ru�.e s ota� ss County of Ramsey � �.UI`L.j f ��c wr s be ing f irs t duly sworn, de poses and sa y�s upon oath that he has re�the foregoing s�tatement bearing his signature and irn.ows the contents thereof, and �;hat �he sam� is true of' lhis ov�m knowledge sxcapt as to those mattera therein sta�ed upon information and belief and �s to those matters he be1 �.c�ves them to be tr����o 4. Signature of App iaant Subsc�ibed �.r�d svaox� ta before me tnia (d aay of ti�y� ls� o c.�C� [ D �� ota�y Pu�lie, Ramsey County, M�.xmesota �y Commission expires l / f ?�� (Notes 2hese statemen.t forms are in duplicate. Both cop:iQS must be fully filled out, no�;arized, and returned to the License Division.�� AFFIDAV�T BY APPLICAATT ` �FOR ' RETAIL BEER �R LT�IIOR LTCENSE Re a ��Sa7.e���„3���License Name of applicant �,f�. "L� � S Business address q> t— ,��L �_�1�� Are you the sole owner of this business?_�/. If not, is it a partnarahip? corporation? , other? (�thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name Address How If a coxporation, give its name. Are you interested in any v+ray in any other retail beer or liquor business? /�/p As s ole avPner? v Partner? St ockhalder? QEherv�ise? (Through ioan of money, etc. Explain) Address of sueh business and nature of a.nterest in same G��2 5� lSG /� . � irJ �s �� 3, $_c.c o�+ Signature o app ican State of Minne s ota� �ss County of Ramsey � �,�� f�C G� � S being first duly sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath 'tha�t-h-e�has re d the foregoin� affic.��,vit bearing his eignature and Irnows the contenta �hereof; that the same is true of his avin l�iovrledge, except as to those ma�ters therein stated u�on infozznation and belief and as to those mstters he helieves them to be true. igna ure of a pp icant 3ubsaribed ar�d sworn ta efore me this�day of G,�R,c�.�i r 19� G �L � �� G' h s�- �,s No�a� ry�ublic, msey Caunty, innesota My ca�nission expires � 19� . . ' , . STATF OF MIl9NESOTA S3 COUNTY i�F RAMS�Y [�f� .�//�' e � � , � being Pirat duly sworn, doth depoae �nd aay that he mskes this affidavit in csonnection with application for " Sale" liquor license ("�$ale" malt beverage lirsense� in the City of 5a�nt Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of �dinne soi� and has resided thers�n Por 7 years, _ 7 moa�ha, � . and ia now and ha a been f or the tim�s ab ov� ment ioned a b ox�a Pa�de res ident of said State and that he norov residea at � � / �'?'_ .%.,� ���f,� W W � ddresa T— S' .z�d L , �[inne s ota. City or �v� � �,�,�� :���� $ubscribed and sworn to before me this�r a day of 19�� G C�� �� � o�ary blic, ey County, inneaota �dy connnissrion expirss �Q. / /�`!� � /