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252399 r
, � ' COUNCIL FILE NU.___—.�___ ������
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In tbe metter oI Chang i ng the g rade of the a i l ey i n B 1 ock 23,, Auerbach and H��d'g g��j t i on f ra
Cook Ave. to Jessamine Ave. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Departmen�
of Public Works. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes cuts
and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject lared or remainder thereof,
occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with
bituminous material the alley in Block 23, Aaerbach and Hand's Addition from Cook Ave. to
Jessamine Ave. (G-1967)
under Preliminary Order �5�4�6 � 25�422 , approve� Dec. 15, 1970 £r Oec. 4. 1970 �
Intermediary Order �5�94�+ , approved J anua ry 12, 1971
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having
heard all pereone, objections and recommendatione relative thereto, and havimg fully coneidered the eome;
therefore� be it
RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be made by the eaid City ie
Changing the grade of the alley in Block 23, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Cook Ave. to
Jessamine Ave. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of
Public Works. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts
and filis, including �ight of re�vai of lateral support from subject land or remainder the�eof,
occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with
bituminous material the alley in Block 23, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Cook Ave. to
Jessamine Ave. (G-1967)
e�ud the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made.
I�ESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or eaeemente thereia be and the eame are
bereby ordered to be taken,epproprinted and condemned for the purpoee of makiag ee�id improvemente, via.:
Cl�anging the grade of the alley in Block 23, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Cook Ave. to
Jessamine Ave. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of
Public Works. Also condemning and taking an easement in the �and necessary for the slopes, cuts
and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof,
occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes i� the grading and surfacing with
bituminous material the alley in Block 23, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Cook Ave. to
Jessamine Ave. (G-1967)
R.E90LVED FUR,THEB, That the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and ie hereby inetructed and
directed to prepare pla,ne and epecificationa tor eaid improvement, and the proper city oS'iciale are hereby ,
suthorized nnd directed to pmoeed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance t6erewith.
Adopted by the Counc�� FEB 1 Q�,Q . �9
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FE6 1 0 1971 - �., __ c�c,. c��rk.
Approve�— , 19 '�� -
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� ��`O����May6r:�..;
ea�lso� , FEB 131971
Lev i ne v PUBLISHN=ll,_�----_—
Mr_ President. McCartv
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December �0, 1970 ,_
To the Caranissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul :
The Commissioner of Public Works� having had under conslderation the pretiminary
order of the Council known as Council File P�. 251476 approved
December 15, i9 70 relative to changinq the arade of the allev in _
BLK. 23, AUERBACH S HANDS ADD. from Cook Ave. to Jessami�e Ave. to conform to _
the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Pubiif Works (G-1967) �
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports:
l . The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is he�eto attathed and �. ^
v �
� made a part hereof. �
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Pubi ic Works �� ' "`'�
4. Improve�nt is asked for upon petition X �
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� O O V Commissioner of Public Works '
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December 10, i9 70�
To the Commissio�er of Fi�ance of the City of St. Paul :
The Commissioner of Public Works� having had under �onsideration the preltminary
order of the Councii known as Council File No. 251422 appraved
Decembe� 4, �9 70 relative to condem�ing and takina an easerr�nt in the
land necessary for the slopes, cuts and filis, includin9 ri9ht of removal of� late�al
support f rom subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by axcavations thereof_
or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bitumi�ous material the
alley i� BLK. 23, AUERBACH b HAND'S ADD. from Cook Ave. to Jessamine Ave. ✓
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports:
l . The estimated cost thereof is $ �
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is herete attached and r ^
`J J
made a part hereof. �
3. Initiated by the Canmissioner of Public Works
4. Improvement i s asked for upon pet i t ion X •.�s;��=
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