252342 OIjIGINAI.TO CITY CLBRK (� � , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNU� �c��+c� a�.= . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY % COMMISSIONE ,,rF WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared prelimi�ary pians for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 125 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 51 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul from St. Anthony Ave. to !(ewitt Ave. ; and L 0 � WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the � Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, �� and identified as Layout No. 1 , S.P. 6215-27 (51�125) from St. Anthony �, Ave. to Hewitt Ave. ; and [� � � � WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled, � and identified are also on file in the office of the Canmissioner of a- Public Works; and � 4 - WHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed arad intended to mean, refer to, and to incorporate the preliminary plans as in the foregoing reci- tals particularly identified and described; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED t�t said preliminary plans for the im- provement of Trunk Highway t�umber 125 renumbered Trwnk Highway Numbe� + 51 within the limits of the City of St. Paul be�and h�ereby are approved. � °o O � o. .-• �, .� ') � a, �, Q C�q FEB 9 ���1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Naya But�er �E� 919T1 Carlson Approverl 19— Levine V Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � � yor A gainst �ec�es�.6 Mr. President, �Carty F EB 13 �g71 PUBLISHED �� DjIPLICAR TO lRIN7=R ���'CtLiL� CITY O� ST. PAUL �ur�� NO� „`� . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-6ENERAL FORM ����.� COMMISSIONER DATG I�IEREAi th� Co�wt ss lon�* of H 1�hrwys han pr�pa� �r i�i�ta�r p ians far tta ispraww�nt af a part of TrvaAk Ni�lwrry N�r 13S �t�itttd �is Trwik M!qM+rr�r NuMb�r y 1 M!th 1� th� aArpa►�ata 1 i�i ts of th� C i ty of s t. raul frw� =t. Mthony Aw. to H�+�+ttt. llw.s �d MNERLA� said pni tn�iru�ry pi�� ar�r on f i i• in th� off iq of th� Osp�Plw�l�t �f 1119�Y�• �Ii l�t }��u�l� N i�IS#pt��, bt i11q �Mi"Ica�, IMIt 1l11� w+d tiii�nttfl�d 1is i.ay�ut No. 1, �.N. 6318-t7 (51�tZ5� frsw �t. Mtla�r A�. to li�w i t t Av�.j and 1�t��Ai �I�s of sa i d p��t i�t nr�► p�+�ns �s to �rk�d. i#w 1�1. +a�d i d�nt i f i a ar� a 1so on f t 1• i�s th� of t 1 q di th� Coa�w 1 ss tonirr of h�1 t c 1lbrks; and YiiEREAi dN t�� "sa 1 d pra l iw 1 nary pi�" as h�h i na1't�r. ws�d i a �fis bo�y of this r�solutiori shali bo d�sd and tnt�ndsa !o �Mn. +k'�tsr to, and to i nosrperat� th� p��11�a iMe'ar plaeK a�s i n th� far�No i n9 r+�i- �als p�rttcula�ly telp�Ri�isd �d dssc�Ib�Nz N�[f THENo sE IT RE30LYE0 that satd pnl ta�in+�ry p1�ns for th� ta�- prov�nt of T�unk H i�My Mu�� 12� �1'�d Trunk H i�aray M�t �1 r+ithin th� ifa�its of th� City �f St. ►aul b� snd h�r�aby �rs �pprowd. FEg 919�1 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�in�l 19_. Yesa Nays Butler 9 19� Carlson Appm�1 F E� 19— Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka �r �� - � Against Mr. President, McCarty / �9