Council File # O � � ��$ r'(
Crreen Sheet # 00 G 'l
Presented By
Refesed To
Committee: Date
2 Whereas, Khalid Effendi, in zoning file No. 02-130178, made application to the Board of
3 Zoning Appeals (hereinafter, "BZA") for a variance from the strict application of the provisions
4 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code for property located in an RT-2 zoning district and commonly
5 known as 449 Portland and as legaliy described in the said zoning file; and
7 Whereas, The purpose of the application was to vary the standards of the Zoning Code for
8 minimum lot size, side yazd setback, rear yard setback and lot coverage so as to construct an
9 addition to an existing two-car garage at 449 Portland, containing three additional parking spaces
10 and a one-bedroom apartment, which will be the third dwelting unit on the lot, and will have the
11 appearance of a"carriage house" structure; and
Whereas, The BZA conducted a public hearing on 7une 24, 2002 after having provided
notice to affected property owners, and the BZA, by its Resolurion No. 02-130178 dated June 24,
2002, decided to grant the application based on the following findings and conclusions:
The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of
the code.
The house on this property is currently being used as a duplex. The applicant states that
when he purchased the property in 1991, there were three units in the building and that he
has since removed one of the units. He further states that the existing two-car garage is
not large enough to provide the needed parking. Since he needs to construct additional
garage space, he would like to have a carriage house type structure that would fit in with
the historic character of the neighborhood. A third dwelling unit is permitted in this
zoning district, however, the lot is not large enough to meet the current standards. The
project is further constrained by the desire to incorporate the existing brick gazage into the
new building.
The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The size of t}�e lot and the location of the existing garage on the site limit the design
options for providing additional garage space and are circumstances that were not created
by the applicant.
R���� broposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is b�' �-S 7
o s�tstent with the health, safety, cotnfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the
City of St. Pau1.
The proposed variances will allow the applicant to provide additional off-street parking
which will ease the pazking congestion in the area. The proposed one-bedroom carriage
house will also provide an additional, modest priced dweiling unit in the azea. This
property is located in the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District. Provided that the
applicant obtains design approval from the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC), the
proposed project will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably
diminish established properry values within the surrounding area.
The proposed carriage house will incorporate the existing garage into the new structure
and will maintain the same side yard setback on the west side and the north side. The
building will be set back about 8 feet from the east properry line. The increase in height
and the slightly reduced setback on the east side will not significantly affect the supply of
light or air to adjacent properties.
There aze several other carriage house type structures and lazge gazages in the immediate
area on similaz sized lots. The HPC review wiil ensure that the proposed building is
compatible with the character of the house and the neighborhood. There will be adequate
off-street pazking for the new dwelling unit as well as the existing dwelling units. The
requested vaziances should not have a negative impact on surrounding properties.
5. The variance, ifgranted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the
provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located,
nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property.
A carriage house and a multi-family dwelling are permitted uses in this zoning district.
The proposed variances, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of
the property.
6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or
income potential of the parcel of land.
The applicant states that he needs to provide additional garage space and that he would
like to provide a structure that is compatible with the house and the historic character of
the neighborhood.
44 Whereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Leg. Code § 64.205, the Ramsey Hill Association,
45 together with Thomas Dazling, JoAnn and Richard Erickson and Carol Barsness duly filed an
46 appeal from the determination made by the BZA and requested a hearing be held before the City
47 Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the BZA; and
49 Whereas, Acting pursuant to Leg. Code §§ 64.205 - 64.208, and upon norice to affected
50 parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on July 24, 2002 where all
51 interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
��������s, The Council, having heard the statements made, and ha�ing considered the � yr �� �
3 variance appiication, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the BZA, does
4 hereby
6 Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby upholds the decision of the Boazd
7 of Zoning Appeals in this matter there being no showing of any enor in the facts, findings or
8 procedures of the Board of Zoning Appeals as set forth in BZA Resolurion No. 02-130178; and
9 be it
11 Further Resolved, That the appeal of the Ramsey Hill Association, together with Thomas
12 Darling, 7oAnn and Richard Erickson and Carol Bazsness be and is hereby denied; and, be it
14 Finally Resolved, That the City Clerk shall maii a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey Hill
15 Associarion, Thomas Dazling, JoAnn and Richard Erickson and Carol Bazsness, the Zoning
16 Administrator, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals.
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City Attomey
s ��WL/�- �l—ro- oz
Approved by Mayor for Submisaion to Council
Adopted by Council: Date � ��O'�.�
Adoption C�tified by Council Secretary
��._ �s�
Sept. 12, 2002
oa.n�r owECra�
No 200697
❑ crtrwnowEr ❑ mrttmK _
❑ n14YJGLfER1iICCFiOYL ❑ Ni011lJt1.iFRY/ACCf6
❑ W1VR(ORAi9fTAM1� ❑
Memorializing City Council action denying the appeal of the Ramsey Hill Association and ot
to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting four variances in order to construct
a carriage house structure at 449 Portland Avenue. (Public hearing held on Suly 24, 2002)
Has this peiwNfirtn everxrorked urider a conUact fw Nis department?
Has Mia peisoNfiim ever been a ciry employce?
Does this peisoNfinn possess a sidll not rro�mallypossessed by any curterR city employee7
Is this pe�soNfirm a farge[ed vendoR
Randy C. KeZly, Mayor
September 9, 2002
Nancy Anderson
Council Secretary
310 City Hal]
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
ManuelJ.Cerv¢nles,CiryAitorney 6�..��
400CiryHall Telephone:651266-8710
IS Wut Kellogg B[vd. Facsimile: 657 298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnuota 55701
Hand Delivered
Re: Resolution memorializing the City Council's decision in the matter of the appeal of the
Ramsey Hill Association, et al. from a decision of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals granting
variances for the construction of an addition to a two car garage and a one bedroom
apartment on a third dwelling unit at 449 Portland Avenue.
City Council Action Date: July 24, 2002.
Deaz Nancy:
Attached please find the signed original Resolution memorializing the decision of the Council in
the above-referenced matter. Please place this resolution on the City Council's Consent Agenda
at your first opportunity.
Please call if you haue any questions.
Very truly yours,
� ��./�
Peter W. Warner
Assistant City Attorney
Randy C. Kelly, Mayor
Roger C_ Curtis, Director
350 St. Peter Sbeet, Suite 300 Facsimile: 651-266-9I24
SaintPaul,Minnesata55102-I570 A'eb: mvw.cistpauLmn.us/liep
ROTi(� Oir POffi,IC HEABi[iG
July 9, 2002
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Council Reseazch Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN. 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
1Le Saint Panl City Coimdl wtiL con-
duct a publlc hea=iag oa Wednesday, Juiy
24. 2002, at 5:30 p.m. 3n the GYty Councti
chamners. 21�a Floor city xan-
Cuurthouse, 15 West Ketlogg Boulevaid,
Sa3nt Paul. MN, to conskla the appeal of
the Ramsey fi171 Hssociattoa and Otheas to
a dectsion of the Hoard of Zoning Appeais
p�ant3ng four varSances 3n order to c»n-
sfrvet a_cazxiage hovse sMch�re at 449
Portland Avenua .
Dated: Juty 10, 2002
Asslstant qty Council Secretazy
Fru�r isl
8'C PeDL 78GAL I�
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 for the following zoning case:
Zoning File #:
District 8:
Ramsey Hill Association & Others
Appeal a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting four variances
in order to construct a carriage house structure.
449 Portland Ave
Recommended approval
No recommendation - Ramsey Hill Assoc. recommended denial
Approved on a 6-1 vote.
I haue confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Jerry Blakey. My understanding is
that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your eazliest
convenience and that you wili publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger.
Thanks !
S' erely,
� y
John Hardwick, Zoning Specialist
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
�,..� - .
Randy C. Kel1y, Mayor
July 9, 2002
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint PauI, MN. 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Roger C. Cvrtis, Direttor
LOWRYPROF£SSIONRLBUfLDL\'G Tetephone: 651-266-9090
3i0St.PererSo-eet,Suite300 Faaimi(e: 65l-266-9124
Sain1 Paul, hfinnesom 55101-]i16 �Yeb: �nvied.stpav! mn.��s/!
would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 for the following zoning case:
Zoning File #:
District 8:
Ramsey Hill Association & Others
Appeal a decision of the Board of Zonin� Appeats erantin� four variances
in order to construct a carriage house structure.
449 Portland Ave
Recommended approval
No recommendation - Ramsey Hill Assoc. recomtnended denial
Approved on a 6-1 vote.
I have conf rmec! this date with the office of Council Member 7erry Blake�. My understanding is
that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest
convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger.
Thanks !
S �erely,
K /
John Hardwick, Zoning Specialist
pA-ADA•EEO Employer
Department of Planning and Economic Development
Zoning Secfiotr
IY00 Cir}• Hall,4nner
25 Yi'est Fourlh Streer
Saint Paul, M1V 55101
APPELLANT Name�A/yl.Sc�� f fy °rL 6T/Y�,C�
Address �/C�C) S�L,By /}UE. �Ct�T.E l/
City �$7, p%�L St/yl/�Zip S�/UaDaytime phone�_ /�/ G
Zoning File Name_/''H/��ILJ ��F�E/YrJ.Z
Address/Location �y9 I �if117 f�f/vc
S�i.vr �f1�1�
TYPE OF APPEA�: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the:
� Board of Zoning Appeals L� City Council
under the provisions of Chapter 64, 5ection �a� Paragraph i�' of the Zoning Code, to
appeal a decision made by the aQf1QII o� z0�/N�' ,�faP�/'iLS
on �u,r/6 ,� y,�OO a ,�_. File number:_ (},� —/ 3rj/ 7 g'
(date of dec�sion)
GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Exptain why you feef there has been an error in any requirement,
permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative offcial, or a� error in fact, procedure or
finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
S`L� ,¢rT.�CN�"/.�
�� "-
Attach additional sheet if necessary)
Applicant's sign
�� /�C�
City agent
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Ramse�� Hill Association
TELEPNONE: 653.221.0200
July 8, 2002
To Whom Tt May Concern:
The Ramsey Hill Association and Thomas Dazling, JoAnn and Richard Erickson, and Carol
Barsness (the Appeating Parties) and others hereby appeal the decision ofthe Board ofZoning
Appeals (the Board) granting variances to construct a carriage house on properiy located at 449
Portland Avenue. The basis of this appeal is, among other things, that the $oazd's decision is
contrary to the law governing such decisions, and is not supported by eithzr the proposed plan
or the testimony presented. Section 64.203 of the Zoning Code prohibits the Board from
granting a variance unless each of six separate requirements are mef. A review ofthe proposed
plan, the applicant's testimony and the current and historic use of the property demonstrates that
the requirements have not been, and cannot be, met.
Requirement No. 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict
provisions of the code. This parcel has been used for many years by the applicant, and previous
owners, as pernutted under the code. In addition, fhe applicant can construct an appropriate
garage that exceeds off-street pazking requirements without the requested vaziances. The
applicant has acknowledged this. By the appIicant's own admission, the use under the strict
provisions is clearly possible. The appiicant simply does not desire to comply with the code.
Requirement No. 2. The plzght of the landowner is due to circumstances unrque to his property,
and these circumstances were not created by the landowner. As stated above, the property has
been used as permitted by this owner for a number of years. Further, no c'scumstance has
changed that would prevent or restrici the use of the parcel as permitted under the code. There
is nothing unique about this property. It is a lot of common size and shape for the azea. To fmd
that there aze unique circumstances here is tantamount to saying that vircually ali tots in this area
are unique.
Requirement No. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirii and intent of the code
and is consistent with the health, safery, comfort, morals and welfare of inhabitants of the city.
The proposed plan is directly at odds with the spirit and intent of the code. It is an attempt to
avoid the density requirements that are an integral part of Yhe zoning classification of this
Requirement No. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air
to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surroiending area or
unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. Testimony �vas
introduced indicating that the height and mass of the carriage house would significantly reduce
or impair the amount of light and air on the neighboring property and create an urban "canyon°.
The applicant concurred with this assessment.
Requirement No. 5. The proposed variance will not change the zoning classification of the
property. As noted above, the variance will result in much greater density than that permitted by
the code and effectively change the classification.
Requirement No. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the
value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicant stated that the upscale gazage he
desues is not financially feasible for him. The only reason the applicant needs to build the
carriage house unit is to provide the increased income/value he needs to give him the financial
wherewithal to construct the lavish gazage he desires. However, a high quality structure that
would complement the design and features ofthe house yet not require variances is possible.
Moreover, the applicant has acknowledged that he may sell the carriage house.
Thus, the requested variances do not meet any of the six separate prerequisites for issuance of a
variance and the decision of the Boud was enoneous.
Moreover, but equally important, this matter was improperly before the Boazd of Zoning
Appeals in the first instance. Section 60.204 (D) of the Zoning Code defines a carriage house as
an accessory dwelling above a detached garage. This is the most appropriate definition to be
applied to the proposed shucture based upon its design and the plan both as submitted and as
described by the applicant. Section 60.433 ofthe Zoning Code states that carriage houses aze
pernutted uses subject to special conditions. As a result, this matter should first have been
addressed by the Planning Commission.
For these and other reasons to be developed and presented aY the heazing on this appeal, the
Appealing Parties request that Tbe action of the Board of Zoning Appeals be overturned and that
the vaziances be denied.
Randy G Kelly, Mayor
July 9, 2002
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Council Reseazch Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN. 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Roger G Cur[is, Di�ecmr
� a-8�57
LOWRYPROFESSTOi\'ALBUILDL�'G Telephone: 651-266-9090
350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Facrimife: 651-266-9724
SainlPaul,Mirsnesom5510?-UIO Web: x���v.cislpa:d.mn.:�s/(ie,
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is schzduled for
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 for the following zoning case:
Zoning File #:
District 8:
Ramsey Hill Association & Others
Appeal a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals erantin� four variances
in order to construct a carriage house structure.
449 Portland Ave
Recommended approval
No recommendation - Ramsey Hill Assoc. recommended deniai
Approved on a 6-1 vote.
I have confirxned this date with the office of Council Member Jerry Blake} My undersfanding is
that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your eazliest
convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Leeal Ledger.
Thanks !
� � . �
� �
John Hardwick, Zoning Speciahst
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
Department of Planning and Economic Dwelopment
Zoning Section
I�I00 Ciq� Hall Annex
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MA' SSI01
APPELLANT I Name,� �'}/y/,Sc'"� f/%LL �sso�ii�'ia� � 6T ,(f
,4ddress S�Od S"�L,B}� �}!/E. �Ct�T.E !/
City �T, �iS�i�L St,/1'/lV`Lip SS/OaDaytime
Zoning File Name_ f'/f/���CJ � �FEN,D.Z
Address/Location__ ��/9 1 f�d�.
,$'ff/NT PF11G
TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the:
� Board of Zoning Appeals L� City Council
under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section �a� Paragraph f�' of the Zoning Code, to
appeal a decision made by the ,(�Qi4�I) O� z(J(Jit//N� f�f���1�LS
on �-U,v6 .� yaoo a ,�A File number._ (},� — /;n/ 7 8�
(date o dec
GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement,
permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative offcial, or an error in 1acf, procedure or
finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Pianning Commission.
S°�"� �rTlfCHE%
Attach addrtional sheet if necessary)
City agent
��� oa-gs
„�„�� ��
s, �-
� ,.,%�►�'�
°�_ , � ;�- :-.-
Ramsey Hill Association
400 SELBY AYENUE, SIIITE Y, S0.1NT PAUL, MN 55302-4500
TELEPHONE: 651.221.0200
Jlll}' 8, 2��2
To Whom It May Concern:
The Ramsey Hill Association and Thomas Darling, JoAnn and Richard Erickson, and Cazol
Bazsness (the Appealing Parties) and others hereby appeal the decision of the Board of Zoning
Appeals (the Boazd) granting vaziances to construct a carriage house on property located at 449
Portland Avenue. The basis ofthis appeai is, among other things, that the Board's decision is
contrary to the law governing such decisions, and is not supported by either the proposed plan
or the testunony presented. Section 64.203 of the Zoning Code prohibits the Board from
granting a vaziance unless each of s'vc sepazate requirements are met. A review of the proposed
plan, the applicanYs testimony and the current and historic use of the properiy demonstrates that
the requirements have not been, and cannot be, met.
Requirement No. 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict
provisions of the code. This parcel has been used for many years by the applicant, and previous
owners, as pernutted under the code. In addition, the applicant can construct an appropriate
gazage that exceeds off-street parking requirements without tIie requested variances. The
applicant has acknowledged this. By the applicanYs own admission, the use under the strict
provisions is clearly possible. The applicant snnply does not desire to comply with the code.
Requirement No. 2. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to his property,
and these circumstances were not created by the landormer. As stated above, the property has
been used as pernutted by this owner for a number of years. Further, no cucumstance has
changed that would prevent or restrict the use of the pazcel as permitted under the code. There
is nothing unique about this property. It is a lot of common size and shape for the area. To find
that there aze unique circumstances here is tantamount to saying that virtually all lots in this azea
aze unique.
Requirement No. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code
and is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of inhabitants of the city.
The proposed plan is directly at odds with the spirit and intent of the code. It is an attempt to
avoid the density requirements that are an integral part of the zoning classification of this
Requirement No. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air
to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or
unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. Testimony was
" II 3
introduced indicating that the height and mass of the carriage house would significantly reduce
or impair the amount of light and air on the neighboring property and create an urban "canyon".
The applicant concurred with this assessment. �
Requitement No. 5. The proposed variance will not change the zoning classification of the
property. As noted above, the vaziance will resuh in much greater density than that pern�itted by
the code and effectively cl�an�e the classification.
Requirement No. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the
value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicant stated that the upscale gazage he
desires is not financially feasible for him. The only reason the applicant needs to build the
carriage house unit is to provide the increased income/value he needs to give him the financial
wherewithal to construct the lavish gazage he desires. However, a high quality structure that
would complement the design and features ofthe house yet not require variances is possibie.
Moreover, the applicant has acknowledged that he may sell the carriage house.
Thus, the requested variances do not meet any of fhe six separate prerequisites for issuance of a
variance and the decision of the Board was erroneous.
Moreover, but equally important, tYus matter was improperly before the Boazd of Zoning
Appeals in the first instauce. Section 60.204 (D) of the Zoning Code defines a carriage house as
an accessory dwelling above a detached garage. This is the most appropriate definition to be
applied to the proposed structure based upon its design and the plan both as submitted and as
described by the applicant. Section 60.433 ofthe Zoning Code states that carriage houses aze �
pemiitted uses subject to special conditions. As a result, this matter sbould first I�ave been
addressed by the Plauning Commission.
For these and other reasons to be developed and presented at the hea,;� on tlus appeal, the
Appealing Parties request that the action ofthe Board ofZoning Appeals be overturned and tt�at
the vaziances be denied.
Major Variance
Khalid Effendi
June 24, 2002
7une 17, 2002
August 6, 2002
FTLE #02-130178
BY: John Hardwick
DATE RECEIVED: June 7, 2002
A. PURPOSE: Several variances in order to construct a carria�e house addition to the existing
garage. 1.) A minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet is required and 8,586 is available, for a
variance of 1,414 sq. ft. 2.) Side yard setbacks of 15 feet are required and a setback of 8.8
feet is proposed on the east side, for a variance of 6.2 feet. 3.) A rear yard setback of 25 feet
is required and a setback of 5.9 feet is proposed, for a variance of 19.1 feet. 4.) Lot coverage
of 30% is allowed and coverage of 34% is proposed, for a variance of 4% (304 sq. ft).
B. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: This is a 56 by 144-foot lot with alley access to a
detached garage in the rear.
Surrounding Land Use: Mixed residential uses.
C. BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to construct a carriage house addition to the
existing garage.
1. The properry in guestion cannot be put to a reasonable :�se under the strict provisions of
the code.
Page 1 of 3
File #02-130178
Staff Report
The house on this properry is currently being used as a duplex. The applicant states that
when he purchased the property in 1991, there were three units in the building and that he
has since removed one of the units. He further states that the existin� two-car garage is
not large enough to provide the needed parking. Since he needs to construct additional
garage space, he would like to have a carriage house type structure that would fit in with
the historic character of the neighborhood. A third dwelling unit is pernutted in this
zoning district, however, the lot is not large enough Yo meet the cunent standards. The
project is further constrained by the desire to incorporate the existing brick garage into the
new building.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circz�mstances unique to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The size of the lot and the location of the existing garage on the site limit the design
options for providing additional garage space and are circumstances that were not created
by the applicant.
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit arccl intent of the code, and is
consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the �
City ofSt. Paztl.
The proposed variances will allow the applicant to provide additional off-street parking
which will ease the pazking congestion in the area. The proposed one-bedroom carria�e
house will also provide an additional, modest priced dwelling unit in the area. This
property is located in the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District. Provided that the
applicant obtains design approval from the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC), the
proposed project will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
4. The proposed variance wi11 not impair an adegz�ate supply of Zight and air to adjacent
property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably
diminish established property values within the surrounding area.
The proposed carriage house will incorporate the existing garage into the new structure
and will maintain the same side yazd setback on the west side and the north side. The
building will be set back about 8 feet from the east property line. The increase in height
and the slightly reduced setback on the east side will not significantly affect the supply of
light or air to adjacent properties.
There are several other carriage house type structures and large garages in the immediate
area on similar sized lots. The HPC review will ensure that the proposed building is
Page 2 of 3
� `E�
File #02-130178
Staff Report
compatible with the character of the house and the neighborhood. There will be adequate
off-street pazking for the new dwelling unit as well as the existin� dwellin� units. The
requested variances should not have a negative impact on surrounding properties.
5. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the
provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located,
nor would it alter or change the zoning district classifzcation of the properry.
A carriage house and a multi-family dwelling are permitted uses in this zoning district.
The proposed variances, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of
the property.
6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or
income potential of the parcel of land.
The applicant states that he needs to provide additional garage space and that he would
like to provide a structure that is compatible with the house and the historic character of
the neighborhood.
• E. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: As of the date of this report, we have not
received a recommendation from District 8.
F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends
approval of the variances, subject to the condition that the applicant obtains design approval
from the Heritage Preservation Commission.
Page 3 of 3
300 Lowry Professional Building
350 St. Peter Street
Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-1 Sl0
(65l) 266-9008
Name ,F�1 s�X +`��NALi�I �f��'"D/Company.
c�ty 5� ..�-e.�c� st. r9/�z�P 5 S"/aL Daytime Phone GS/ -��5� • e /3<
Property Interest of Applicant (owner, contract purchaser, etc.) � w/�£./'�
Name of Owner (if
PROPERTY Address /
57�. � ., 1 /'�i",S� .
Legal Description
(affach additional sheet if necessary)
Lot Size O� ��� Present Zoningr�/!� �resent Use ��/� X
1. Variance(s) requested:
�t: �oL2�
2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used for any of the permitted uses in your
zone? (topography, size and shape of lot, soil conditions, etc.)
�e� k zf A-��L �
3. Explain how the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would result in peculiar or
exceptional practical difficulties or exceptional undue hardships.
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4. Explain how the granting of a variance will not be a substantial detriment
to the public good or a substantial impairment of,th�tent and purpose
of the Zoning Ordinance.
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Proposal to build a Carriage House at 449 Portiand Ave, St. Pau3, MN.
• Currently at this property we have a two-caz gazage off the ally. We are proposing to
build additional three garages and build an apartrnent above them.
We have been committed to building gazages for some time but want to build a structure
that would be complementary to the existing house and neighborhood. After some
consideration we feel fhat a structure that is similar to a carriage house would meet this
objective. This is the third and final phase of the project that we started in 1991. In 1991
when we purchased this property it had three separate living units in it, one unit per floor.
This building had three units in it for approximately 60 years prior to our purchase. We
have reduced the number of units to two in the main house.
The physical chazacteristic of the property at this time has a two-caz garage, which
restricts design options for a carriage house, and these conditions were not a result of my
We are located with in a historic district where carriage houses are common place and
this design while not meeting norxnal zoning requirements, is in keeping with the turn of
the century design concepts and practices.
, This type of a design solution is in keeping with turn of the century desib practices and
there fore should be considered with in a historic district. This carriage house provides
three more off street parking spaces in a neighborhood where the streets aze already
congested with parked cazs due to a lack of off street pazking.
Thank-you for your consideration.
Faezeh and Khalid Effendi.
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John Hardwick - Proposed variances for 449 Portland Ave File No. 02-130178 __
• From: "Tom Fitzgerald" <tfitzgerald@carbonair.com>
To: Uohn.Hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 6/13/02 3:06 PM
Subjecf: Proposed variances for 449 Portland Ave File No. 02-130178
CC: "Mary FitzGerald" <ftzmry@msn.com>
Dear Mr. Hardwick:
My name is Tom FitzGerald and I live at 458 Holly Ave which is across the alley and two houses to the west from the subject
We have already stated our opposition to this project on another occasion, not specifically because of vaziance issues, but �
because the subject structure is slated to have residential uniu on the 2nd floor. We are opposed to additiona] renta] units in
the neighborhood based on increase traffic and pazking hassles.
I will say that I don't want to deny Mr. Effandi the right to build a large garage, but in my opinion the structure ptoposed is
too large for the ]ot and would potentially denegrate the quality of the immediate block and potentially have a negative effect
on property values.
Thank you for your considention,
Tom FitzGerald
file://C:\WINDO WS\TEMP\GW} 00012.HTM
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John Hardwick - 02-130178
From: Sarah Stonich <sarah@e-zone.com>
To: <John.Hardwick@ci.stpaui.mn.us>
Date: 6/12/02 1034 AM
Subject: 02-130178
Dear John Hardwick,
Please include these comments in the hearing for variances
for file number 02-130178 As a neighbor most directly
affected, visually and by proximity of Mr. Effandi's
carriage house, I hope these comments will be read aloud.
I've seen fhe plan for fhis structure, and design-wise it
stands out as architecturally sensitive to the location and
the surrounding structures.
As for zoning concerns, the four variances do not request
unreasonable allowance for square footage and setback.
Similar variances have been allowed throughout the
neighborhood, so Mr. Effandi's requests lie within
perimeters of established precedent.
I vote these variances be allowed.
Sarah Stonich
446 Holly Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102
file://C:\WIND O W S\TEMP\G W} 00012.FITM
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Pet�tion for CaPiia¢e House at 4d� Portland Ave. �a" �
We the undersigned �ave reviewed the Carriage House proposal at 449 Portland Ave and believe
it is an appropriate and sensirive addirion to our neighborhood. We believe it has properly dealt
with our concerns about pazking and the historic environment in which it is sited.
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Pefition for Carria¢e House a4449 Portland Ave.
� We the undersigned have reviewed the Carriage House proposal at 449 Portland Ave and believe
it is an appropriate and sensirive addition to our neighborhood. We believe it has properly dealt
with our concems about parking and the historic environment in which it is sited.
Name Address
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Petirion for Carriaee House at 449 Portland Ave.
We the undersigned have reviewed the Carriage House proposal at 449 Portland Ave and believe
it is an appropriate and sensitive addition to our neighborhood. We believe it has properly dealt
with our concerns about pazking and the lustoric envuonment in which it is sited.
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Perition for Carria2e House at 449 Portland Ave.
! We the undexsigned have reviewed the Carriage House proposal at 449 Portl2nd Ave and believe
it is an appropriate and sensitive addition to our neighborhood. We believe it has properly dealt
with our concems about pazking and the historic environment in which it is sited.
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Petition for Carriaee House at 449 Portland Ave.
We the undersigned have reviewed the Carriage House proposal at 449 Portland Ave and believe �
it is an appropriate and sensitive addition to our neighborhood. We believe it has properly dealt
with our concems about parking and the historic environment in which it is sited.
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Pefition for Carria¢e House at 449 Portland Ave.
� We 8�e undersigned have reviewed the Carriage House proposal at 449 Portland Ave and believe
it is an appropriate and sensitive addition to our neighborhood. We believe it has properly dealt
with our concems about pazking and the historic environment in which it is sited.
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Pefition for Carria¢e House at 449 Portland Ave.
We the undersigned have reviewed the Carriage House proposal at 449 Portland Ave and believe
it is an appropriate and sensitive addition to our neigltborhood. We believe it has properly dealt
with our concems about pazking and the historic environment in which it is sited.
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Petition for Carriaee House at 449 Portland Ave.
• We the undersigned have reviewed the Carriage House proposal at 449 Portland Ave and believe
it is an appropriate and sensitive addition to our neighborhood. We believe it has properly dealt
with our concems about pazking and the historic environment in which it is sited.
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Thursday, June 06, 2002
To: John Hardwick, Amy Spong, and other interested parties .
Re: Request by Mr. Khalid Effendi to build a carriage house in his back yard (449 Portland Ave., St.
Paui, MN 55102)
From: Dr. Jay Samuels, 39 Arundel SL , St. Paul, MN 55102 (651222 6368)
P[ease file this [etter because there is a good chanre tha17 wi![ be aut oJtl:e country when there is a communiry
hearing on Mr. Ejfendi's requuL At that time, please read this letter to ihe group in care l can not do sa in person.
I have long believed that a gnnd corttract war one in wl:iclz all parties are in a win-win situation. IjMr.
Effendi's request to bui[d a carriage house in his back yard is approved, I see it as a win-loose situation,
a win for {tim and a loss for me. T/tere are no advantages for me, on[y losses. I tlterefore urge you tn
deny leis request for t)re follnwing reasons.
Mr. Effendi's proper[y line touches mine and is located to the West of my property. The location of
his property is important because the afternoon sun shines across his property onto mine. My back
yard wnsists of a small brick patio and wood fence that I built one summer with my own hands. It is
a patio that my family and I have enjoyed over the years because we have sunlight, and air, and
patio furniture for relaxing.
Several months ago Mr. Effendi first approached me about his plans for building a carriage house.
At that time he showed the plans to me and asked for a letter of support because his plans violated
several building code and he needed the support of his neighbors because of the several variances
required in his plans. His original plan was for a structure that would tower over my back yard,
would almost touch my wood fence, and would impose the very tall wall of the carriane house over
nearly my entire back yard. I explained to him that I could not support what he contemplated �
because his proposed building would have a serious negative environmental impact on the quality of
my life in the following ways. 1) His proposed building would cut the afternoon sun from my yard .
and cast it in shadow at a time of the day when I spend time there. 2) It would severely restrict the
circulation of air to my yard. 3) The carriage house tvas to be bvilt so close to the wood fence that it
would seriously impede proper maintenance of the fence. 4) The wail of the carriage house �could be
so tall that I would feel like I was living at the bottom of a canyon. 4) Going from the rear of his ne�v
building to the front, it would hide 90% of my yard in its shadow. In essence, his planned structure
would have a serious negative impact on the quality of my life, and judging bp the negative sentiment
expressed by many other neighbors in our area, it would have a negative impact on their life quality
as well.
There were other factors that prevented me from supporting Mr. Effendi's request. There w�ere no
plans for a path that would go from the front of the structure to the alley behind, the rain drainage
patte�n would change and I did not want his drainage to go on to my back yard, and the area is
becoming increasingly high density housing.
Mr. Effendi then asked me why I had supported the carriage house built by bir. Lou Sudheimer. My
reasons for supporting the Sudheimer structure were that it was so far away from my home that it
would not cut down on my light and air circulafion, would not leave me Feeling as though I were
living at the bottom of a dark canyon, and whatever he would put up would be better than the
broken down garage he had for me to look at From my window.
Mr. Effendi has a new plan, and I told him that from my position a117 want is jor al! the buiiding codes
to be lionored, codes suck as tlre re[ationship between the keigltt of Hre building and t1:e setback codes
from t/ee alley and tlze distance between his s[ructure and my property Zine. I am not in favor of
supporling a�ry variancu that ltis new structttte miglet requirz Any variance that is given to him
reduces the quality of my life and the value of my property. �
Thank you for taking the time to consider my position on this matter.
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Ramsey Hill Associarion
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TELFPNOHE: 651.Z21.0200
June 20, 2002
Mr. John Hardwick
St. Paul Zoning
350 St. Peter St. 3�d Floor
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Mr. Hardwick
Please include this complete package in information to be given to Board of Zoning Appeals
Re: 449 Portland Avenue—Application to construct an addition to a 2 car garage to make a 4 car
garage with 2 story living unit above.
Attached please find:
1. Community issues meeting held by the Ramsey Hill Association to collect neighbor input.
10 votes in supportoithe variances
3 votes to deny the variances
2. The Ramsey Hill Association letter to the Historic Preservation Commission 3-19-2002;
properfy owner pufled the appiication prior to the HPC meeting at issue.
3. 1 petititon with 16 signatures in opposition to granting these variances.
4. 4letters in opposition.
5. A zoning cotle review
Adding the 16 petition names to the 3 votes at the Community issues Meeting for a total of 19
in opposition surpasses the 10 votes in support at the meeting. The letters in opposition
include names who were not at these meetings, adding 1, for a total of 20 opposing, 3 in favor.
Taking neighbor input into consideration, a special meeting of the Ramsey Hill Association (RHA)
Board of Directors was convened to review this application.
A quorum was present, and votetl unanimously to oppose the proposed construction at 449
Por�and Avenue.
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Ramsey Hill Association
TEIEPHONE: 651.221.02�U
Community Issues Meeting Ramsey Hill Association
Re: multiple variance request for addition to existing 2 car garage, to create 4 car garage with 2
story living unit above. Address 449 Portland Avenue.
Attending: Refer to attached sign in sheet.
Meeting conducted by RHA, Jim Keane, Land Use Chairperson
Notes — presentation of the plan by owneN Khalid Effendi.
1. Kal and Faezeh Effendi bought the property in 1991; it has been a family project for 11
years. They have wanted more garage space; this proposal addresses that.
2. This is nat a single `sussei' style garage.
3. They coutd build a 3.5 car garage with no variances, hut need at least 4 car.
G. The proposal places the new structure 11.8' from the east property line, 2.1' from the
5. The lot is 2 to 2.5' higher than the alley elevation. �
6. They need a variance of only 4% for lot coverage, 34% instead of 30% per code.
7. Many nearby lots are over 30%, 60% in the house to the east, 100°/a at Summit Court, SE
comer of Portland/Arundel at 85%. (Note: these figures were not verified)
8. Re: Density, height is an issue, the footprint is no different.
9. Holly homes across the ailey wiil suffer the most, they have signed a petition to support.
10. House to the west was sold last week, new owners are in support per Kai.
11. This is not being done for profit
Questions/Comments from Neighbors, names are not given in the notes.
1. Neighbor #1: Zoning for Highiand Park and suburbs shouid not be used in aIi of the city.
Shouid not apply to Ramsey Hill. We shouid wefcome more density. The direction of the
Ramsey Hill Assoctiation with regard to zoning and density should be re-examined.
Jim Keane, representing the RHA, stopped the commenter at this point to ask that he not
address his concems to Mr. Keane personaliy; that if he had issue with current zoning, he
need take that up with the city. Mr. Keane reiterated that the RHA encourages observance of
all existing zoning.
2. Neighbor#2 aiso favored more density; stating that the city councii was encouraging
peopie to tum their attics into rentais. No comment was made as to the zoning
ramifications and safety codes.
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Ramsey Hill Association
TELEPNONE: 651.221.0200
3. Neighbor #3 stated opposition to increased density; saying that sometimes `downsizing is
good.' This person went on the point out that a precedent will be set, and has already
been set that altows 2 houses to be built on one lot. In fact the main house is already 2
condos, so this make 3 houses on one lot.
4. Neighbor #4 asked that the variances be stated, which was done.
5. Neighbor #5 asked if the city had codes for air and light rights. His land is the east will
lose light and air; he is in opposition.
6. What height is the new building? 29 to 30 feet.
7. Neighbor #1 added that the proposed building is better than what is there now.
8. Neighbor #6, to the west, added that the owners of 449 have made many improvements
over the years; ihat there were at one time many police calls to the address.
9. Neighbor#7 agreed.
10. Neighbor #1 added that this alley is worse visually now as older carriage houses have
been replaced with Sussel style garages.
11. Neighbor #8 staled ihai ihe design was nice, the 4% variance for coverage minor and
that he would support.
12. Neighbor #9 agreed that the design was nice, but ihat he had issue with unfinished and
partialiy itlegai new carriage houses ai 420 Portfand, and 439 Portiand.
13. The owner stated that his house was once a 4 plex.
14. RHA asked if he intended to connect water and sewer through the side yard into Portland
per code, or into ihe system in the main house. Response was that he had not decided;
� preference isthrough the side yard.
15. RHA will monitor this. The connection at 439 Portland should not have happened per the
sewer department.
16. RHA aked if undue hardship needs (per zoning code, a hardship must be demonstrated).
The ower again stated that he was not doing this to make money, but when asked would
not say whether he intended to sell the living unit as a condo.
17. RHA asked if he would consider changing the proposal to just garages, no living unit;
reply was no, due to cost.
Motion to Vote
Chuck Goenner made motion to °Support the variances needed to construct the building as
10 votes yes
3 votes no
Note: A petition to oppose the request was circulated in the neighborhood; original copy in the
packet given to John Hardwick; contains:
16 signatures in opposition
2" Note: 7he owner referred to a petition in support, we do not have a copy to include here.
End of notes
3 �-
7 PM
Martin Luther King Center, 270 Kent St.
Library Room
Issue For Action
449 Portland Ave.
Application to Board of Zoning Appeals for several Variances to construct a carriage house
addition to the existing garage. Variances are for setback requirements at rear, both sides,
andforlot coverage
Sign In
Monday, June 17, 2002
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7une 14, 2002
To Whom It May Concem: �
My name is Cazol Clazk I live at 415 $namut Avenue and wo d like to take this opportuniry to express
mq opposirion to the proposed project submitted to you by Mr.�l�'endi.
I believe the project he is proposing is too dense for the site and that there will be drainage issues
associated with its constiuuctian.
Cazol I. Clazk
umn�it Avenue
5ain , Yv1N 55102
J 1
Thursday, June 06, 2002
� To: Jobn Hardwick, Amy Spong, and other interested parties '
Re: Request by Mr. Khalid Effendi to build a carriage house in his back yard (449 Parfland Ave., St.
Paul, MN 55102)
From: Dr. Jay Samuels, 39 Arundel St. , St. Paul, MN 55102 (657 222 6368)
Pfease file tl:is letter because there is a good chance fhat I wi11 be out of the country when there is a community
hearing on Mr. Ejfendi's request At 11tat fime, please read this IeKer to thegroup in case I can not da so in person.
Iliave long believed t):at a good conlract was one in whic)r al[pariies are in a win-wirr situation. IfMr.
Effendi's request to build a carriage I:ouse in I:is back ya�d is approved, I see it as a win-loose situation,
a win fo� him and a loss for me. There are no advantages for me, on(y lossu. I flierefore urge you fo
deny /:is request for Ihefol[awing reasons.
Mr. Effendi's property line touches mine and is located to the West of my property. The location of
his property is important because the afternoon sun shines across his property onto mine. My back
yard consists of a small brick patio and wood fence that I built one summer with my own hands. It is
a patio that my family and I have enjoyed over the years because we have sunlight, and air, and
patio furniture for relaxing.
Several months ago Mr. Effendi first approached me about his plans for building a carriage house.
At that time he showed the plans to me and asked for a letter of support because his plans violated
several building codes and he needed the support of his neighbors because of the several variances
required in his plans. His original plan was for a structure that would tower over my baci: yard,
would almost touch my wood fence, and would impose the very tall wall of the carriage house over
nearly my entire back yard. I explained to him that I could not support what he contemplated
because his proposed building would have a serious negative environmental impact on the quality of
my life in the following ways. 1) His proposed building woufd cut the afternoon sun from my yard
and cast it in shadow at a time of the day when I spend time there. 2) It would severely restrict the
circulation of air to my yard. 3) The carriage house was to be built so close to the wood fence that it
�vould seriously impede proper maintenance of the fence. 4) The wall of the carriage house would be
so talt that I would feel like I was living at the bottom of a canyon. 4) Going from the rear of his new
building to the front, it would hide 90% of my yard in its shadow. In essence, his planned structure
would have a serious negative impact on the quality of my life, and judging by the negative sentiment
expressed by many other neighbors in our area, it would have a negative impact on their life quality
as fvell.
There were other factors that prevented me from supporting Mr. Effendi's request. There were no
plans for a path that wouid go from the front of the structure to the alley behind, the rain drainage
pattern would change and I did not want his drainage to go on to my back yard, and the area is
becoming increasingly high density housing.
Mr. Effendi then asked me why I had supported the carriage house built by Mr. Lou Sudheimer. My
reasons for supporting the Sudheimer structure were that it was so far away from my home that it
rvould not cut down on my light and air circulation, would not leave me feeling as though I were
living at the bottom of a dark canyon, and whatever he would put up would be better than the
broken down garage he had for me to look at From my windotiv.
Mr. Effendi has a new plan, and I told him thatfrom nryposition all iwant is for al[i/ie brrilding codes
to be hor:ored, codes suclt as fhe re[ationship befween dee heigGt of tlte building and the selback codes
from ihe alley and t/te dislance between his slrttcfure and my property line. I asn not in favor of
suppotling any variances Aiat his r:ew strucfure might require. Any variance that is given to him
reduces the quality of my life and the value of my property.
Thank you for tal:ing the time to consider my position on this matter.
. - ] ��
_ �
W II I_ I f I M&~ Kf i T H R YN B. 4 B C O C K
SaintPaul, Minnesara SS012
Phone- 6SI.222.4636
May 3I, 2002
Heritage Preservation Commission Chair
350 St. Feter St., Suite 300
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: File #B02-I32
Deaz Mr. Bellus:
We strongly urge you to oppose the proposal at 449 Portland Ave. for the construction
of a two and one-half story cazriage house with a four- to five-stall garage and one or
more residential units.
We live nest door at 453 Portland Ave. Our 1889 home and vintage carriage house (m
use as our gazage) aze located west of the proposed site.
In the 12 years that we have lived in what remains one of the few single-family homes, we �
aze ttoubled by a neazly three-fold increase in density and Ioss of gteen space in the
majority of properties neaz ours.
We seriously question the wisdom of a project of this magnitude. It is inappropriate for
this location; the building is sunply too large for the siie, and the azea is already saturated
with mulriple-family dwellings (including 449 Portland Ave. and all but one sunounding
house). Light and views from �vithin our main structure aze also unpaired by much
recent construction, including two garages to the north and an asphalt pazking strip to
the west property line and the potential of another garage on the west sid�
Another troubling aspect of this proposal would negatively impact the historic carriage
house at 453 Portland Ave. The proposal uses the existing west wall and setback of the
current 449 Portland Ave. gazage. These two neighboring structures aze alreadq so close
that the present roofline of the 449 garage lies within seven inches of our 1889 carriage
house roofline.
In addition to drainage and design issues, the height and location of the new building
would eclipse the view of and from the east side of the historic carriage house. A prudent
and conscientious design must consider the impact of new construction on our historic
� 3�
� March 19, 2002
Historic Preservation Corrunission Chair
350 Saint Peter Street, Suite 300
5aint Paul, MN 55102
Re: File Number B02-132
Dear HPC Chair,
I am writing with concems regarding 449 Portiand Avenue and the owners' request to
construct a two and one-half story carriage house with five garage stalls and residential
units above. I am strongly opposed and deeply concerned with the message that this, if
approved, is sending.
I live a half-block down from this property, at 436 Portland Avenue. In the last few years,
we have seen in this neighborhood serious disregard for both city ordinances and the
city's unresponsiveness to these concerns.
This is a proposal which should first go before LIEP for the determination of whatever
variances will be required, once the complete plan is presented. We have seen in the past
� when a design appears before the HPC and gets approved, that this approval is then used
as leverage with other city departments to get the project built, irrespective of other
considerations which have to be made. The HPC approval should not be seen as an
approval for the go-ahead of a project by those who wish to build. It is one step in a city
approved process.
There is very serious opposition on these blocks to this project. Irrespective of design,
there are monumental issues to be dealt with; lot coverage, density, drainage, variances,
and of course, the answers to the questions necessary to grant a variance. This is a project
being proposed solely for monetary gain. The e�cisting condominium of two units does
not "need" two or more units added to its Association. These units wiil be sold. Building
garages for the e�cisting condominiums is one thing, adding more units and a five stall
garage is another in an area that is already crowded.
This is a historic district. Please help protect it and its integrity. This matter should be
referred to LIEP, and follow through the normal process, one step of which would be to
appear before you later as other issues resolve.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.
� Laurel Frost
" 3�
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Ramsey Hill Associarion
TELEPNONE: 651.221.0200
March 19, 2002
Ms. Amy Spong
Historic Preservation Officer
300 Lowry Professiona! Building
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Ms. Spong,
Please include this lefter in information to be given to HPC members.
Re: 449 Po�land Avenue—Application to construct a 2 YZ story carriage house for living units and a
five car garage.
At the regular monthiy mee6ng March 94, 2Q�2 the Ramsey Hill Association (RHA) 8oard of
Directors voted unanimously to oppose the proposed construction at449 Por�antl Avenue. In
general, the RNA has historically opposed zoning variances. It is obvious that th+s project witl
require multiple variances and as such is opposetl. s
The RHA desires to point out to the members of the HPC several areas of concern with this
pa�icular proposal:
1) A recent simi(ar carriage house projecf under construction for over iwo years at 439 Portland
has utilized a methotl of connection to city water and sewer utilities that is contrary to building
codes—the connec6on is made fhrough the basement of the neighboring fiistoric house rather
than at the street This was done to save on cosf as there are no utilities under Arundel Street
and making a connection wouid fiave required the appficantto excavafe info Arundel to make
the connection to Portland. City sewer officials have expressed to the RHA thatthey are
concerned aboutfuture problems with this method of connection.
If 449 Po�land is connected in the same way, the same concern repeats itself.
2) This area is already highly congested with living units, secondary structures and cars. A
simple drive down the alley behind 449 Portland provides fhe evidence ofthis congestion and
makes obvious the impact that a structure the size of the one proposed will have on those
living nearby. The RHA is concerned about further congestion being added to this part of the
�� �� � 3�
3) Several recent carriage house construction projects have sought HPC approval priorto dealing
� with the city building officiais and such major code issues as the utility connections detailed in
item #1 and lot size concerns detailed in item #2. Alfhough we know the mission of the HPC is
to endorse design concepfs, the RHA views the above activities as an attempt to use a HPC
design approval as leverage to strong arm other city agencies into approving projects that may
not be in the long-term best interests of our neighborhoods. This should not happen.
Thank you for your consideration of these points. The Ramsey Hill Association has a{ways taken
into account the impact of such projects on this Historic Hill District and look to the Historic
Preservation Commission to lead and protect the district.
Rod Richter
Historic Preservation Committee Chair
Ramsey Hill Association
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Ramsey Hill Associarion
400 SELBY pYENUE, SUfTE Y, SFINT PAlit, MN 55302�q500
TELEPNONE: 653.221.0200
Zoning Review
Submitted by: Mark Voerding Vice President, Ramsey Hill Association
June 19 2002
While some residents in the community voted in favor of the project, strict and fair
application of the Zoning Code must apply. Therefore, based on the testimony from the
applicant, the site plan presented, the testimony from neighbors and the applicable
portions of the Zoning Code as outlined below, the Ramsey Hill Association requests that
the Board of Zoning Appeals deny the application for variances in order to construct a
carriage house on property located at 449 Portland at this time.
(1) The applicant stated that an appropriately designed garage only was not financially
feasible for him and that he needed the income from the carriage house unit in order to
construct something other than a"Sussel" garage. Additionally, the applicant stated that
he may, at some point in the future, sell the carriage house. This is not consistent with
Section 64.203 (b) (6) of the Zoning Code which clearly states that the request for
variance cannot be based on the desire to increase value or income potentia( of the parcel.
(2) The applicant stated that he could construct an appropriate garage that exceeds off- a
sYreet parking requirements without the requested variances, thus the request for
variances and the carriage house proposal is not consistent with Section 64203(b)(1)
which requires that a property cannot be put to reasonable use under strict provisions of
the code as a condition for a variance. By the applicant's own admissio;� the use under
the strict provisions is clearly possible, but not desired.
(3) One neighbor stated that the height and mass ofthe carriage house « significantly
reduce the amount of light and air on his property and create an urban "�canyon". The
applicant concurred with this assessment. Section 64.203 (b)(4) requires that the
variance(s) will not result in impairing an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent
property nor diminish property values in the surrounding area. This cor:dition is not met.
(4) Sections 60.433 indicates that the proposed carriage house is not zn accessory
structure but a principal use subject to special conditions as required under Section
60.413(14). This requires that such a unit (1) had space originally built to house domestic
employees, (2) requires a petition with two-thirds of the property o��ners within 100 feet
consenting and, (3) requiring that the number of existing off-street pazking spaces not be
reduced and that additional of£ street parking for the carriage house unit be provided.
Conditions 1 and 2 cannot be met while condition 3 appears to be met ifthe requested
variances are granted.
"1 �
(4) Section 61.101 of the Zoning Code states that a distance of 18 feet between buildings
� is a mandatory requirement. Based on the information presented, it appears this
requirement may not be met.
(5) Section 61.101 also states that the total number of rooms shall not be more than the
area ofthe parcel, in square feet, divided by 1,100. The applicant provided no
information to deternune whether or not this condition was met.
!� �
� A 4 � tj
John Hardwick - Variance sought for 449 Portland Avenu 0� 1,3 `
From: Tim Pera <chadacook@yahoo.com>
To: <John.Hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn,us>
Date: 6/i 9(02 2:58 PM
Subject: Variance sought for 449 Portland Avenu
June 19, 2001
TO: Mr. John Hardwick, LIEP
RE: Board of Zoning Appeals File No. 02-130178
Dear Mr. Hardwick,
I am writing in reference to the variances sought for proposed
construction at the site located at 449 Portland Avenue in St. Paul,
Minnesota. I wish to register my objection to granting the variances
sought, since the effect of all variances would, in my view, result in a
building that substantially deviates from the standards that exist. It
appears that the lot is undersized for the proposed building by a not
insignificant amounY, that the side yard setback would be abused by 50%,
and the rear yard setback would be abused by 80%. I do not advocate blind
adherence to standards and believe that thoughtful granting of variances
is often useful if not necessary, for example if a family situation is
such fhat denying the exceptions wouid resuft in severe economic hardship
or decreased quality of life. In the absence of such compelling reasons, I
argue against granting the exceptions since it appears to me thaf the
resulting building would insult the "look and feel" of the surroundings in
a way that the standards are designed to prevent.
Timothy J. Pera
475 Holly Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55102
651 225-4510
Tim Pera
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Page 1 of 1
l �
file:!/C:\ WIND O W S\TEMP\G W} 00012.HTM
DATE: June 24, 2002
WHEREAS, Khalid Effendi has applied for a variance from the strict application of the
provisions of Section 61.101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to 1.) Minimum lot
size; 2.) The east side yard setback; 3.) The rear yard setback; 4.) Lot coverage; of a new
carriage house addition to an existing garage in the RT-2 zoning dishict at 449 Portland Avenue;
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on June 24,
2002 pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of the
Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the
public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact:
1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the
The house on this property is currently being used as a duplex. The applicant states that
when he purchased the property in 1991, there were three units in the building and that he has
since removed one of the units. He further states that the existing two-caz garage is not lazge
enough to provide the needed parking. Since he needs to construct additional garage space,
he would like to have a carriage house type structure that would fit in with the historic
character of the neighborhood. A third dwelling unit is permitted in this zoning district,
however, the lot is not lazge enough to meet the current standards. The project is further
constrained by the desire to incorporate the existing brick garage into the new building.
2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unigue to this property, and these
circumstances were not created by the land owner.
The size of the lot and the location of the existing garage on the site limit the design options
for providing additional garage space and aze circumstances that were not created by the
3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent
with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul.
The proposed variances will allow the applicant to provide additional off-street parking
� which will ease the pazking congestion in the area. The proposed one-bedroom carriage
house will also provide an additional, modest priced dwelling unit in the azea. This property
, -� - Page 1 of 3 �/)
File #02-130178
is located in the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District. Provided that the applicant �
obtains design approval from the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC), the proposed
project will be in keeping with the spirit and intent ofthe code.
4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, nor wi11 it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably
diminish established properiy values within the surrounding area.
The proposed carriage house will incorporate the existing garage into the new structure and
will maintain the same side yard setback on the west side and the north side. The building
will be set back about 8 feet from the east property line. The increase in height and the
slightly reduced setback on the east side will not significantly affect the supply of light or air
to adjacent properties.
There are several other carriage house type structures and lazge gazages in the immediate azea
on similar sized lots. The HPC review will ensure that the proposed building is compatibie
with the chazacter of the house and the neighborhood. There will be adequate off-street
parking for the new dweliing unit as well as the existing dwelling units. The requested
variances should not have a negative impact on surrounding properties.
5. The variance, ifgranted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions �
of the code for the property in the district where the affected Zand is Zocated, nor woz�ld it
alter or change the zoning district classification of the property.
A carriage house and a multi-family dwelling aze pemutted uses in this zoning district. The
proposed variances, if granted, would not change or aiter the zoning classification of the
6. The request for variance is not based primariZy on a desire to increase the value or income
potential of the parcel of land.
The applicant states that he needs to provide additional garage space and that he would like to
provide a structure that is compatible with the house and the historic chazacter of the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the
provisions of Section 61.101 aze hereby waived to allow: 1.) A minunum lot size of 8,586
square feet for a variance of 1,414 sq. ft; 2.) An east side yard setback of 8.8 feet for a variance
of 6.2 feet; 3.) A rear yard setback of 5.9 feet for a variance of 19.1 feet; 4.) I,ot coverage of
34% for a variance of 4%; subject to the condition that the applicant obtains design approval
from the Heritage Preservation Commission. In order to construct a carriage house addition to
the existing garage on property located at 449 Portland Avenue; and legally described as
LINIT N0.2; in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan on file with the
_ Zoning Administrator.
�/ r Page 2 of 3 ' ��
File #02-130178
A MOVED BY: Morton
SECONDED BY : Duckstad
MAILED: June 25, 2002
TIME LIMIT: No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permitting the erection or
alteration of a building or off-street parking facility shall be valid for a
period longer than one year, unless a building permit for such erection or
alteration is obtained rvithin such period and such erection or alteration is
proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Board of Zoning
Appeals or the City Council may grant an extension not to exceed one year.
In granting such extension, the Board of Zoning Appeals may decide to hold
a public hearing.
APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the
• City Council within 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Building
permits shall not be issued after an appeal has been filed. If permits have
been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended
and construction shall cease until the City Council has made a final
determination of the appeal.
CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned Secrefary to Yhe Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing
copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and
correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved
minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on June 24,
2002 and on record in the Office of License Inspection and Environmental
Protection, 350 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
� P �
�� v ��� � �
Debbie Crippen
Secretary to the Board
Page 3 of 3 ' � 5
PRESENT: Mmes. Maddox, Morton and Otteson; Messrs. Duckstad, Faricy, Kleindl, and Wilson of
the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Hardwick and
Ms. Crippen of the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection.
ABSENT: Vincent Courtney*
The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddox, Chair.
Khalid EfFendi (l102-130178) 449 Portland Avenue• Several
variances in order to construct a carriage house addition to the existing garage. 1.) A minimum lot
size of 10,0�0 square feet is required and 8,586 is available, for a variance of 1,414 sq. ft. 2.) Side
yard setbacks of 15 feet are required and a setback of 8.8 feet is proposed on the east side, for a
variance of 6.2 feet. 3.) A rear yard setback of 25 feet is required and a setback of 5.9 feet is
proposed, for a variance of 19.1 feet. 4.j Lot coverage of 30`/'o is allowed and covera�e of 34% is
proposed, for a variance of 4% (304 sq. fr.).
Mr. Hardwick showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for
approval, subject to the condition that the applicant obtains design approval from the Heritage
Preservation Commission.
One letter was received from the neighbor at 475 Holly opposing the variance request.
One letter was received from District 8, who's communiry issues meeting approved the variance
request. However, later the Executive Board met and recommended denial of the proposed variances.
Ramsey Hill included a petition with signatures of 15 people in opposition to the proposal.
The applicant KHALID & FAEZEH BFFENDI, 449 Portland Avenue, were present. There was
opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Effendi commented that they have lived in the neighborhood for
the last 15 years as property owners and before that as students. Both sides of the condominium is
owner occupied. According to the Effendi's in conversations with their neighbors the noimal boxy
garages ("Sussel Garage") that have been built in the area are unappealing. They would like to build
something that is more in keeping with the area and the building they live in. The consensus reached
with their neighbors suggested that the garage should look like a carriage house and yet be a garage.
The building they live in is 50 feet tall and the roof has a 12/12 pitch. The current garage is a two-car
garage that is 15 feet tall, with a hip roof. Mr. Effendi claimed that they need the income from the
carriage house in order to make the garage/carriage house design affordable. It will cos[ between
$40,000 -$50,000, to design a compatible gazage incorporating the current garage, verses a plain two-
stail boxy gazage at a cost of $15,000. So in order to incorporate the carriage house design it is
necessary to include the carriage house living space, providing the necessary income to pay for the new
garage. They had filed their application, with the Heritage Preservation Commission and were about
to file their Zoning Variance application, when they received a letter from the Ramsey Hill
Association. Prior to any public hearing on the request, Ramsey Hill sent them a letter denying the
request. At this point the garage was reduced from a five-stall to a four-stall gara�e. They also
lowered the height of the proposed carriage house/garage from 38 feet to 29 feet hi;h.
.�" y � y, t'
AA-ADA-EEO Employer �t
File #02-130178
� Minutes June 10, 2002
Page Two
Mr. Effendi claimed that they have spoken to neighBors even if they ogposed the project. He
submitted a petition signed by 52 of his neighbors that support the project, each signature represents a
discussion the Effendi's had with that neighbor prior to Lhem signing. Many of the neighbors wanted
to stay neutral because of past issues in the neighborhood. They contacted District 8, so they could
have a public forum to get more of neighborhood involvement. However, at that time the district was
in the process of reorganization and did not schedule a public meeting.
Mr. Effendi explained that their variance request was only asking for a variance of 4% on the lot
coverage. The structure that is being proposed is not uncommon to the area. On either side of the
proposed building are large structures one being another carriage house and a garage. The 12/12 pitch
of the proposed garage will eliminate the runoff water going between the two buildings improving
drainage. They are asking for what has been allowed in the area and i ts in well. The owners of the
three properties to the north have signed the petition supporting the project and they are the only
neighbors that could be affected by the new structure blocking light or air to their properties. His
mother is near retirement and he would like to have a p]ace where she could have her own place but
still be close. This would be a perfect livin; arrangement for her.
Ms. Otteson questioned whether there was a condo association. Mr. Effendi replied that the land in the
back is wha[ is called an air ground unit, which allows a third unit to be built there and the Effendi's
• hoId the rights to thac space. Ms. Otteson questioned Mr. Effendi's intent to seil the carriage fiouse in
the future. Mr. Effendi claimed that any[hing is possible but tha[ is not the motivation for this, nor is it
the plan.
Marvin Houghe, 436 Pordand Avenue, stated he has ]ived in his building for [he last 3l years. Most
of the changes have been for the better reducing the number of living units in the neighborhood.
Sixteen unit buildings have been reduced to 8-units. Noting that some additional housing units have
been added to the neighborhood but very few. The alley behind 449 Portland has declined in qualiry
over the last few years. In 1971 it was a charming alley, it is no longer charming, Heritage
Preservation has neglected the alley in ffie neighborhood. Aaving people live on the alley will
encourage people to improve ihe alfey.
Brigitte Bachmeier, 459 Portland Avenue, stated she has lived in the neighborhood for 22 years.
Before the Effendi's puzchased the properiy at 449 Portland there were problems with the property.
Noting that there seemed to be dru; dealing and vandalism taking place out of the properry. Also the
properry was not maintained causing properry values to drop in the neighborhood. She commented that
friends that visit her always comment on the carriage houses in the area and how wonderful they look.
She fully supports the Effendi's project knowing that they will do a superb job building their carriage
L.eaetta Houge-Dunnette, 370 Summit Avenue, noted that she had lived in the neighborhood for 25
years. Having been a guest of the Effendi's she testified to the fine quality of the work done on the
home at 449 Portland both inside and out.
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
File #OZ-130178
Minutes June 10, 2002
Page Three
Linda Salway, 467 Porfland Avenue, remarked that her home is three houses wes[ of the Effendi's and
unfortunately has a view of "Sussel Garages," 46 feet of roof shingle in a straight 1ine. She would
much rather look at a carriage house structure. She believes that bringing new people into the
neighborhood, whether by single family ownership or by rental makes the azea interesting and diverse.
Mr. Louis Slidheunmer, 439 Porfland Avenue, remarked that many of the neighbors who were
opposed to his own carriage house addition, are now very supportive. There were over 14 caniage
houses in his block, which is immediately adjacent to 449 Porfland's block in 1888 according to the
Sandbom Fire Insurance Map. Though he did not check how many were in [he Effendi's block, he
thinks the number was similar. He thinks it is unfortunate that so many carriage houses were lost over
the years. He wants to encourage those who are willing to take the abuse offered by those who do not
understand the loss of historic buildings.
Joann Erickson, 21 Arundel, remarked ihat she has lived in the neighborhood for 29 years. She does
not think that densiry is the answer to problems in the area. Sandbom's had a lot of carriage houses
but they also had a lot of horse bams as well. 3ust because a Sandbom map says there was a carriage
house on a site it still could have been a regular horse barn, Sandborn's did not seeing the distinction.
She noted ihat the Mr. Effendi had stated that the new owners of 453 Portland would be ok with his
plan. She presented the Babcocks[sicj who just purchased 453 Portland.
Donovan & Darlene McCain, 2656 Goodrich Avenue, stated that they are long time Saint Paul �
residents and have a signed contract to purchase 453 Portland Avenue. Mr. McCain noted that they
are excited to be moving back to the area. They first heard about the project the previous Thursday,
June 20, 2002, when Mr. Effendi called to ask for the McCain's support. He stated that he and his
family are strongly opposed to the Effendi's project. The above ground building is 26,000 square feet
and the height off [he a11ey is 31 feet which is about the height of a three-siory building. The propased
cazriage house gazage will be 4 feet from their new residence, and he disagrees with Mr. Hardwick's
opinion about the light and the air issues. The view from their back yard wiil be of a large biank wall
approximately 32 feet wide by 31 feet high, and is not an appealing prospect. He notes that the
Effendi's are proposing to add another 2,600 square foot house and a four-car garage where there
already is a large house. He requested tha[ the Board denies the Effendi's request.
Tom Darling, 445 Summit Avenue, stated he lives the block over from the Effendi's block. He thinks
it is very difficult to speak against this issue because the Effendi's are very nice people. He thinks
finding number one is incorrect, and a garage can be built on the site which is a reasonable use of the
property. A three-car garage could be built and a fourth stall would not be necessary, if there is no
living space above the garage and it would not require as large a variance. He thinks that the
applicants are trying to get as large a building as possible rather than building a three-car garage. The
plight of the land owner due to circumstances unique to the properry. Again anyone in the
neighborhood who wanted to build an extra housing unit could say they have small width lots and need
significant variances in order to build as ]arge as they want. There are many large carriage houses
being built in the area and it is not unique, it is the desire of the land owner to build a carriage house
and the situation was created by the land owners. He thinks it is not in the best interest of the City. •
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� Minutes June 24, 2002
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Mr. Darling continued that he thinks that preserving green space is important to the neighborhood and
is worthy of preservation. The Zoning Ordinances provides predictability although the variances limit
that predictability. The net result of this will be an increase in the value of the piece of property. He
does not think that the findings that staff came up with are valid. The number of units is going down in
the area, there were too many units in the past, it is not that there are too few now. Duplexes were
brought back to single family homes, they no longer have rooming houses and that is positive not a
Mark Voerding, 113 Farrington Street, remarked that he is the Vice President of the Ramsey Hill
Association. Stating that he is noi familiar with the letter mentioned by the applicant that was received
before the Effendi's applied to the Board of Zoning Appeal. The Ramsey Hill Association did not take
any position until after the community issues meeting on June 14, 2002. Some of the residents oppose
the variance and others support it. However, zoning matters, variances and other decisions regarding
development and land uses are not decided on popularity. They are based on fact and a set of
standards that have gone through a public process for review, comment, and adoption. The Ramsey
Hill Association has consistently asked for strict and fair application of the codes. Based on the
testimony from the applicant, the site plan presented, the testimony from the neighbors and the Ramsey
Hill Associations review of the Zoning Code. The Ramsey Hill Association requesu that the Board of
Zoning Appeals denies this application at this time. Mr. Voerding stated that Mr. Effendi had stated
� on June 14, 2002 and again today that it is not financially feasible for him to build an appropriately
designed garage only unit, unless he has the income from the carriage house/garage, in order to create
something other than a"Sussel Garage" as he called it. This is not consistent with Section 64.203 of
the Code which states that the request for variance cannot be based on the desire to increase the value
or income potential of the parcel. Also the property owner on the east stated that the height and mass
of the carriage house would significantly reduce the amount of light and air to his property and create
an urban canyon, [he applicant concurred with this assessment. Sections of the Code require [hat the
variances not result in impaired an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties nor diminish
property values in the surroundin, area. By the applicant's own admission this cannot be met. Section
60.433 indicates that the proposed carriage house requires a special condition use permit. In order to
get this permit there are three conditions: First the space had originally to have been built to house
domestic employees. Secondly it requires a petition signed by two thirds of the property owners within
100 feet consenting to the request. Third that the number of off street parking spaces not be reduced
and additional off street parking spaces be provided. The third condition can probably be met, the
second condition may be met but no petition was submitted, the first condition cannot be met as the
proposed carriage house will be a new space. He argues that the special use permit should have been
met before the variance requests are considered. Mr. Voerding submitted a copy of the letter from the
Ramsey Hill Association.
Mr. Effendi questioned Mr. Voerding's not knowing a letter sent from the Ramsey Hill Association, of
which he is the Vice President, to the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC), where Mr. Effendi first
filed his application, then withdrew it. The first letter from Ramsey Hill Association stated that if HPC
were to review the matter it would place undue pressure on the Board of Zoning Appeals. He offered
. to provide a copy of the letter for the Board's review. The applicarion was withdrawn in order to
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Minutes June 10, 2002
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participate in a public hearing. Mr. Effendi stated that he had called the Ramsey Hill Association to
request a public hearing, at the regular monthly meeting of the boazd, to explain his project before the
board and the neighborhood to get feedback. At that time the Ramsey Hill Assceiation denied him the
opportunity for a public hearing. The new neighbors are buying a property that is similar to the
proposed project with the same size foot print. The garage/carriage house will be two and a half
stories one of which is a garage. Part of the height comes from the fact that the house on the properry
has a 12/12 pitch and the garage is being designed to match the pitch of the house. The McCain's had
tried to sell the Effendi's a rental property a block away with the promise that a carriage house could
be built there. Also the McCains will not be looking at a flat wall, but at a dormer and the wall
between the garage and the carriage house will be a flat wall because City Codes do not allow a
window there. Mr. Effendi stated that they wani to build something that blends in and enhances the
neighborhood, there is a precedent to build a new carriage house. The ]etter sent to the Historic
Preservation Commission was sent before any open meeting. Mr. Effendi noted that he had called the
Ramsey Hill Association the day he filed, he was told tfiey would have a public hearing. However,
two days later they received a letter noting sewer issues, making profit issues. Properry value does go
up when nnprovements are made to the house.
Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Maddox closed the public portion of the meeting.
Ms. Otteson questioned whether there was a way to compromise.
Mr. Hardwick stated that the property is zoned RT-2, there can be more than one principal structure on
this properry. Anything that is first permitted in an R-4 Zoning District is also permitted in a RT-2
District. So anyone who wanted to build a carriage house on the properry in an RT-2 can do so if they
get a special use permit from the Planning Commission. However, a second principal structure can be
piaced on a properry without going through the Special Use process. This is a second principal
structure and the term carriage house is being used to describe the design principles of this principal
structure. So an applicant in property zoned multiple family such as RT-2 has two options: One they
can apply to the Planning Commission for a Special Use pernut and develop a ffue carriage house that
meets the definition of a carriage house. Second they can apply to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the
necessary variances to construct the second principal structure. Here the applicant decided to apply to
the Board of Zoning Appeals and for putposes of describing the structure, its relative size, and
characteristics it will be similar to a real carriage house. That is a struciure that is built to
accommodate domestic servants. Mr. Hardwick noted that in a historic preservation district there are
no height limits to an accessory structure such as a carriage house. The height limits are determined
by the Heritage Preservation Commission as to a height that is deemed appropriate with the principal
structure and the other homes and buildings in the area. It has been noted that the house has a steep
pitch and so the carriage house should be compatible with the principal house to maintain the character
of the neighborhood and the property. That is left by the Zoning Code, up to the Heritage Preservation
Commission. The application before the Board is accurate and complete as far as the variances needed
to comstruct the second principal structure on this property. The height issues are decided by [he
design experts with the Heritage Preservation Commission.
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Minutes June 24, 2002
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Mr, Wilson questioned wheiher another name for the second structure would be a"Mother-in-law
house." Mr. Hardwick stated that is certainly another term that has been used to describe a small
accessory dwelling unit. Which can be either another uniT built inside The unit or in an accessory
building. Mr. Wilson questioned whether because the struciure is considered a carriage house, the
height restrictions are nullified. Mr. Hardwick noted that a true carriage house is an accessory
building, not a second principal stmctuze. An accessory building the Zoning Code says that the height
restricaons for an accessory building in a Heritage Preservation Area shall not apply, that height is
determined by the Heritage Preservation Commission. For a second principal structure on the same lot
in an RT-2 Zoning District, even though they call it a carriage house, it is not really a carriage house it
is a second principal structure, ottlerwise the applicant would have to go to the Pianning Commission.
The Height restriction is the same as it would be for a principal structure which in this case is 30 feet,
which they measure again from the midpoint between the peak and the eave of the building, down to
the grade.
Mr. Faricy questioned mention of a Special Use Permit. Mr. Hardwick res[ated that in a multiple
famIly zoning district, everything fhat is permitted in an R-4 district is also permitted in this multiple
family zoning district. There are two options: First, a structure called a carriage house can be built,
because a carriage house is permitted use with a special use permit in an R-4 zoning district. Tt�is
would be done through the Planning Commission. Second, because it is a multiple family zoning
district more than one principal structure is allowed. In a residential town house zoning classification,
• someone couid build town houses on this properry, that is two separate buildings with two unites in
each. If the standards are not met for two separate buildings on a single zoning parcel the necessary
variances can be applied for. Which is what the applicant has elected to do. Mr. Faricy remarked that
than there is no reason to apply for a special use permit. Mr. Hardwick stated that is correct.
Mr. Wilson moved to continue the req¢est for two weeks to give ttie applicant and those in opposicion
time co meet and come to a consensus. Ms. Otteson seconded the motion.
Mr. Kleindl remarked that even if the matter goes back to the Ramsey Hil] Association, it appears that
the applicant has done a lot in meeting with neighbors and going over plans and he has spent a lot of
time doing this. The peopie that are against this project are going to be against this project no matter
what che applicant comes up with. It sounds Iike the appIicant has already moved from the original
vision, to what they have today in accordance with what the neighbors. Since [hey have done
everything they can with the neighbors and the Ramsey Hill Association, and the question before the
Board is that they are within their rights, according to staff the Board should vote on ihat issue.
Otherwise the Board will be in the same position in two weeks that they are in now.
Ms. Otteson remarked that the purpose of this project is to provide off-street parking for the residents
cars. If down the road they sell the carriage house, the parking provided for the current duple�
residents wi]] no ]onger be available. Mr. Faricy stated that they could work out a parking aareement.
Mr. Hardwick stated that the carriage house could be sold, but it would be sold as a condominium
association and as such the parkin; agreement wouid be written into the lan;uage of the associauon.
Ms. Otteson stated that the Effendi's actually own the rights to the land not the association.
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Minutes June 24, 2002
Page Seven
Mr. Hardwick noted ffiat they cannot sell the carriage house separately unless they sell it as a
condominium. They would have to go through a subdivision to split off part of that lot which would
require a lot more variances. So the only way that unit could be sold is if it is part of the condominium
The motion to continue the matter for two weeks failed 1-6(Morton, Faricy, Oiteson, Kleindl,
Duckstad, Maddox).
Ms. Morton moved to approve the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6, subject to the
condition ihat the applicant obtains design approval from the Heritage Preservation Commission.
Mr. Duckstad seconded the motion, which passed on a roll call vote of 6-1 (Wilson).
Submitted by:
Approved by:
John Hardwick Jon Duckstad, Secretary
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