252313 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ��2�13 CITI( OF ST. PAUL �°N�� NO LICEN'SE COI�IITTF,E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESEPITED BY Fe��gry �� 1�71 COMMISSIONE ATF Re�aolv�dz �hat licensea� applied for by the follow3� persons at th� addres��s �etat�d� be and the ea�e are hereby gra�ted. Piggly Wi�gZy Mtdwestern., Inc. i33a IIr�.�erai.ty Ave. Groeery gpp. 68�0 ��x H�t Loc� �� n Bti�CheT n x n n n n � Hdw@. n n e� n n �� p Florist«N�ra�ry " " " " " a n Off S&�le M81t �t n rr n „ n " Ci�azette " " " " " Brady Motorfrzte� Ina. 656 Pelham Blvd. C3garette " 8087 " " " Marsus D. Thomas 665 Portland Ave. Apt. 6 Mtr Veh Dr. " 8361 " Galen L, W311ard 136 �. West�rn Ave. Apt, 348 Mtr Veh Dz• " 836d " F=EB 4197.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya F�g � '97� Butler Caxlson Approv�� 9— Levine ° �n Favor �� � � AC�i�r g, May r Tedesco ASainst FEB 61971 Mr. Vice Presid�nt �b�lered:th pUBLISHED ��