252309 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 252��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVEb� Z'h,at the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Purchasing Ccmmittee and hereby awards contract for furnish3.n,g and delivering MERCURY YAFOR COIWERSION KITS to the Department of P�a.blic Utilities, Bureau of Street Lighting, 1W East Tenth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota - to i�TINGHOUSE ELECTI�IC SUPPLY for the total contract price of $7,250•OOl at unit pric� bid, in accordance with bid specif"ications therefor and the Formal Bid #�+392 of said bidder, such bid being the lowest meeting specifications. F.B. #�+39� CODE: 0550-312C ,z�� APPRmVID: THE PURCHASTNG CO�lITTF�E C W,ER PURCHASING A /� 6(�G_ /���.� � � FOAM APPRWED co�o��oN c�rrsa, 41� FEg COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya 4 �97� Butler ��$ Carlson Approved 19— �-- Levine J�n Favor �� J �j,�� Mayor S�— Tedesco A Sainst Mr. Vice President Meredith P_UBLla1�1.�ll FEB 61971 1�2��71��A�Pranke Reqn. No. 03869 O