252306 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �/523""� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY y�illia�e Fi• Ci8Y1 COMMISSIONE ATF / WHSRBAS, Additions which �ight prove to be �ecessarq in the Isprovement described as Constrc�ction of the JAI�S-MILTON STORM SEfiER, Co�ptroller's Contract L-7323, City Project No. 70-S-1276A, F. Morettini Construction Cospany, Contractor, hsve been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS, It has been found n�eesssry to make the following Additions: ADDITIOKS As per attached Contract Change Agree�ent No. 1 and Attached Schedule $28,763.01 ► � and ► 1�iHEREAS, The total addition is $28,763.01, and the Commi�sicner of Public t�iorks has agreed with the Contractor that the ��ount of $28,763.01 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it RESOLVTD� That the City of St. Fa�l throngh its City Cc��ncil approves the foregoing �dditions sade in accordance with the Specifications in the sue of $28,763.01, said asoant to be added to the lnmp st�� cc��sideration nsaed in the coRtract, k�own as Cosptroller's Contract L-7323, and which asoc�nt is to be fina�ced as folloxs: 197U Capitol I�proveset�t Bond Fand 9270-403 $20,�00.�0 1969 Capitol Imprc►ven�nt Bond F'and 9269-414 $ 8,763.01 � �� � �-n r�n� �1". � . Coi•� r i our�:,�r FE� 4 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �E� ,4 �971 Butler Carlson � Approve� 19— Levine � Tn Favor y�' �V� C��'C/� �rp�;±_` � t�nE Mayor �- A gainst Tedesco Mr. Vice President P�1eredith PuB�sx�v FEB 61971 �� � � . CITY OF SAINT PAt;L - DEPaRTN�ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,��2��6 ' CONTRACT CHANGE AGRE�NT N0. 1 PROJECT N0. 70-fi-1Z�5n CONTRACT N0. L-7323 CONTRACTOR F. M�x!axtini Const. Co. FROJECT DESCRIPTION ConsttuGtlo3t of tl�e1 Jn,".s'.S•r1IL10?i STO^M 5E.L#iR In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the ch�nges described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costa of those itema for additions to,or deductiona from,the contrect. ADDITIOI45 Ad�uststint ot s�wo� sttwic� cannrctions 13 � $1SO.t30 $1�950.00 R�ovQd un�uicabl� n�aterisl (fiArous brasm yoat and w�t marl) tr� , th� limic• oi th• job and ragiac�d it rith C2a4s IY grsvol and p3t �ttn �and Sy�fciAl Provieion Item 29t C1. iV �cav�l �4S ton� e4 $ 4.00 • $ 9AQ.A0 �� per n��,otist�d prices Pi[ n�n •and 5150 cu. yds. � $ 3.50 � $18 0. 5�.00 19,033.�0 Con�truct�d additional 48 lin. tt. o! 12-inch RCP asorar. apscial �oint (23' dsep) in •r�a of lutur� lxoQ�ray an Ja�a 5t. inClnding tb� corist�ructior ot s taapos�rq bypa��s of th� •aAitary s�r�or lusp atm� 1.s47.30 Consttuctsd �dditional 24 lin. !t. ot 21-ipcb RCF a�wr, apacisl �oint (17' da�p) in area o! fatur� trewmy on Jam�� S�. tue+� sura E4�.03 �dditionat cost tor construction ot drep �boFt cb•s�Des in�t�ad n! pip� conn�ction to Kittsondsl� Outtall lumy swa x.S(?0.00 Con+rt��c�eQ sp�ci�l 6•inc�i c�st iron pi� s�wr ;4rvieo Co Honst I�a. 923 Hilton du� to grad• aonflict witA sta�ne �uw�r � b4 tin. !`e. Q $ G.00 31�4.00 Coast�iat�d �tps aapport ysi�rs ad�tr�at io +vstez n�aias 3 d6 $100.00 300.00 , � . CITY OF SaINT PAt;L - DEPaRTN•ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � CONTRACT CHANGE AGRE�NT NO.��,�� PROJECT N0.����^ CONTRACT N0. , _-,��a CONTR.ACTOR,�, � �� FROJECT DESCRIPTION rn*•�{._x•tt�rnx STc��r ��-��ru In accord�nce with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the ch�,nges described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. Constructed lZ-inch cttat iYar Fipe ins►tead of claq pi.ps saw�er to s�n czcevntian sdsacant to kast siCc+ of t`r�n}�ota C. :dditior�l cost af cast iron pipa a�•er tha coxt of cluy pi�e: 11 lin. ft. C� � 3.Sd + lSx $ 44.Z� �ddition$1 str�+�t resurfacinr due+ to ax�r�n 6�c canstsu�tiari and ad juQt�rrnt of s�►war t�rvicr c.cran�ztinns . 27Z �q. yda. � $ Z.Sd 707.20 Cons Cructed on• Bdcitional Type It' t��h:,l� ar.� o�� sddittat�si Tyva III•S e�anl�o2e. On• p2annad Ty�o III �ant�ala va�t not con�tr�cted. :.dditional aost 9fl0.00 F.aconattyct�d catcb baair at 11.F. corn�r of Jaaes �nd ;tiltan •ad r�s�t �xisting eov�r S Ii�. tt. � � 50.00 250.00 TO?AL ADUITIOtiS • $25.763.01 T1� �bov� �ddition ta '�� ti�nanced as Pollows: 197t! Capicol Imoprov��nt �t►nd �us+d 9270-4Q3 ' SZO,tl�0.�30 1969 Capitol I�provoa�nt �Q�d Fund 4769-�1a � e,�63.oi , � � ' r - � 19.� �. !",are►ttini Const. Ca. 19 �Co sttuctio��g�eer '�r� Contractor � / , �_� �%:�f �l-� 19`� By e/ ���,-,�>��,=��,,'�;_�� 19 J � Chief .Engineer � !�;�� �.�.�::� ��-�,�,t, ,., � 1� 9�( _ ,.,,�,�.,...�:�,.�!�� ,_,_�.?9..�. o�r.missioner � '%":"�.; Comptroller Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor Ta Aacounting Div. To Camptraller To Construction Engineer " 25234� . . ou���cwrs ro�R�wme I� - CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� ND , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , r�,p��M�ju p Fp Nt111� E. CtllsOel �ATe �! I W9EREAS. A�iitions Mhieh �ight ps+ov� to ba Mc��aary in ttr Lpro���t d�scribtd as Coratsv�ctioA ot tb� JAM6�i•!liLT0t1 S?ORM 8lWER, Co�ptroll�r�a Cor�traat I L-�3�3. 61ty Bro j�ct 110. 70-S-1Z76A. 1�. lbrattini Cem�tsnctioA Ce■�pany. Coe+tssator. , i�av� bNn provieNd tor in tla 8p�citicatlona� and ' NBERE�S, it 1�aa bNn fonnd n�a�ssar�r to sala tb� lolloMins Additionat j i ADDI?IOIIS I►a p�r attaclyd Contract Clun� A,�r�rt No. 1 and Attaeh�d 8alwdal� �2i,763.01 ' aAd WNEREA�, ?h� totai additien ia $3a,763.01. aed tUs Co■�ission�s o! 1'h�blia '� Worla 1�aa �ar��d �rith tlt� Centractor that tia �noue�t of ;Zi,763.01 is t1N aorstct � a�a to b� add�d to a�id aontract, tlar�for� b� it REfOLV�D, Tl�at tb� Cit� o! St. Paul tbrorsL its City Caun�il spps+o�rts th� � lertsoins additions ud� ie ��cordasice nith tl�e Sp�aiiicstisrs ir tla au o! � ��a,763.01, �aid swoant to b� add�d to t6� lr*p awi conaid�sation naMd ir t� cortsl�ct. icno�+n as �Co�ptroll�r�s Contract L•73�3. and �+hich a�oart is to b� �, fi�wd as follo�rs: ! 1970 Capitel Isprovwrt soed lhtud 9Z70.403 �Z0�000.00 ' 1969 Ca�itol Lps�v�ent Dond �'and 97t6l-�14 g 8,763.01 ' F E8 � 19�1 ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�m�1 18— Y� xa� �E8 41971 '' Butler Caxlson Appro� 19— Levine �^r� Favor ! �fer� v �r � . ro0A7'1'1St ��',. Tedeaco Mr. Vice Presi en er h �� I C TTY OF SA I1vT PAliL - DEPaRTN•EN� OF PUBLIC WORKS ' CONTRACT CHaNGE AGREE"i��NT N0.��y� PROJECT h0.�;,��--,�� CONTRACT N0. CONTRACTOR� • � �� PROJECT DFSCRIPTION y�,,�,.,�,�h ����R+� �rr��_ In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items far additions to,or deductions from, the contract. Constructed 12-incb c�tst itan pipe instr.ed oi Gtnq pip� se*rer to sy�r c:cavntio� ad2acent to wast sida of �'snta2e C. .�.dditior�al cn�t of cazt iron pipa ovsr th�e cast af clay pl�es 11 lia. tti. 4� $ 3.SQ + 1S� $ 44.25 Addltion,sZ str*�t resurtaein� dua to �Ytrr� se++Qr caestrueticn and ad just,n�nt af s�wr trrvic� c.onaeativns 272 �q. yds. � $ 2.bfi 707.20 Construct�d or• +ndditiorul Typ� Il' �nt+nt¢ ac�d an� �tddi�iat�si TyP� III-S anrshate. On� pianteod T�� IIZ �an4�o2� aas no` co�structad. �;dditiansl cast 900.00 rrcon�truct�d catcb ba�in at w.�. corn�r o! Ja�ss and �tilton aad r�a�t �xis�ing covtr � lin. �t. t� $ SO.OQ 250.00 �._�._.__.. r0'fAL KDUITIOMS � $2a.763.01 ttu► �bov� addition ta l�� financ�td as �nllo�rs: 1970 Capitol Iaipro�r�anC �ond ��nd 92�0•409 ' $70.Ot?O.t30 1969 Capitol Iaepsov�a►nt �aAd Fund 4Y69-414 � 8.763.l31 , � - - � . �19� F. N,oraCtiri Cr�r��t. Ca. 19 'Co atxuctios�Engineer Contractor ;'i` r'r � % ����/ �� 19� By %���»� �-- 1-�1 1 1.9 �) � �� Chief Engineer � ` /-��f�; ,, �...�-�: .`�.�:z. � � 9 ,�� � ���,,,�""'�-. _. _r...�,9 .�.�+.. .� rr-�ii� ._.... '�'�li"�� -_ ��••_„.�_�� �w �o�r.miasioner �'.':t�� Co�r.ptroller Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Cantractor Ta Aaeounting Div. Ta Comptxo�.ler To Can�truction Engineer . . . � CITY OF SAINT PAL'L - DEPaRTN�ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 252�!�� � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREII�NT N0. 1 PROJECT IvO. 70•5-1276n CONTRACT N0. L•7323 CONTR.ACTOR F. �!ar�attirii Const. Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION �onstruction of tha Pub�ES-MILTON STO�M SC�;'r;R In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. AQDTf I01�5 Ad�ust�nt ot s�tiros serric� ccnnsetions i3 a sisa.00 ai,sso.oc R�oved unsuitabl� n+ateri�l tfil�roua bso�m pc+at and wat marl) lroa� , th� limics oi th� job and replaced it witb C2aaa IV grsv�l and pit rcttf •and SD�eial Proviaion Itetrn 29t C1. IV Grav�l 24S ten� e� � 4.40 i $ 9�O.t�1 �a pez ns�otiAted price; Pit run •and 5150 cu. yds. � $ 3.30 +� $1� Q. 5,�.00 19,033.00 C,c�n�tructed additioru�l �+8 lin. it. o! 12•incb RC�' atwaar. •pecial �aint (23' doop) ie ar�a ot tucur� lxae�a� an Jmffias St. includins ti� constructior ot • t�rpur�rq bypass ot tho iaAit�ry sawr lua�p sum� i��47.50 Consiructed additior�al Z4 lin. tt. o! 21•iACb RCP aewr. s�+�cisl �oint (17� d��p) !n ares 0� fatur� treao�ey on Jaara� 5�. ��ac� ewn 84).01 �dditional cose tor Gor¢trvetioe af dxop •bo�t cham�ss t�steael oi° pip� conn�ction to Kittsondal� Outfall lump swa 2„SG4.00 Corstructed s�eci�l 6•tnch cxst irvn gip� sa+�r ��rvico to tion�re Ito. 923 Miltc►a du� to grad• aoaflict with stoss �awor � �4 Ii�. fr. � $ �.oa 384.00 ConetsuatsQ rips auQport pi+�rs a��sc�t�t to vster �air�a 3 � 8ioo.va 3ao.00