252304 ORtQTNAL TO CITY CL[RK CITY OF ST. � 2523'�4 , PAUL H EN�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�TSE COl!�I�'i'EE COUN RESOL TIO ENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ,�.� F'ebrues`y' 2� 1971 �pLVEDs 'Phat appliaation for the transfer of ()n S�,1e Liquor Licen�e isetaed to the Blue Moon Bar, Incarporated at 428 South Waba�ha Street tv E. J, Kasprsyk� Inc. Ine. at the at�e addrs�aes and the application of E. J. Ls�eprzyky�or Standay-• 4n-Sa1e Liquor� 8estaurant, Tavern� Off �i,le I�al.t B�v�ra�ge �d Cigarette Liaenses far the s�me location, b e ar�d the s�aae axe hereby granted or� the sondition that within lQ0 daya of thi� dat� s�id E. J. Kasprzyk, Ina. sha.11 comply wit� e►.11 requiremer�te of the Buresua af Fire� Health, aud Police, and the bicen�e Tnspector pursaant to the St. Paul Legislativs Code and all oth�r applicabl• ord3r�an�ea �d l�ws. F E:8 419.7�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays Butler FE�B 4197J �, Approve� 19— Levine °° Favor �e�e�#k � ,.� ��' .� �''o Tedesco ASainat � � ���,.:;���---��.� EEB 619T1 Mr. Vice President MEredith pUgLISHED �� , r t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota c� ���c���4 eUe a�t�ne�t o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commiseioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MERRILL,Depnty Commissianer DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapector February 2, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council 5aint Paul, P�ti.nnesota Gentlemen and Madam: E. J. Ka�przyk, Ine. makes application fax the trans£er of On Sale I,iquor License Na. 8017� expiring Jsriu�ry 31� 1972, froffi The Blue Moon Bar, Incorporated at 428 South W�basha, Street tm E. 3. Kasp�zyk, Inc. at the sam� addre�s. E. J. Kasprzyk� Inc. �,lso make application for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor, Restaurant, T�,vern, Off Sale Malt Bevera�e and Cigare�te Licensee for thea same loc�.tion. The present l�cense� has held sueh lieenses at this location sinc� April 1969. The location ha.d be�n licensed for a �ei�ilar pt�sine�s since 1939. The offieers of the corporation are FdWard J. Kaeprzyk� Pre�ident; and Delores M. zyk� 9ice•.pre�eident, �, ; ; . y�y,,,, " �/u��`,'�yC� �-a� �t�; � .'�`-�E'�- . � ffi 955 to �.969 1�r. Kasprzyk w�s owner and operator of the �lover Club (L3quor eatabliehment) at 501 IIniversity Avenue. Mrs. Kasprzyk ie �. housewifea and ha,s no ot�tside employ�en�. V�ry truly yo�rs� ���G�.w� f��� � -� License I�spector O ♦ � , 21. Number of So2 placea within two blooks None, so far as I know �s 22, Closest intoxicating liquor placse o ���e � Off' Ss16GNL65iR - �s��c. 23, Nearest Churoh St. MBtthew Nearest Scshool St. Mathews 24, Number oP boothe 8 Tablea 6 Chaire 24 3toola 18 25, What oocupstion have you follaared fur the past five years. (Give nanbea of employera '�nd datea so employed.) Operated Clover Club until june, 1969. Have baen employed for Frederick Post Company as shipping clerk since then. 26o Give ne�mes and addresses of two peraona, residents oF St. FQUl, Minn., who can give inform�tion csonoerning you. N� Donald Cherveny �ddreea 1091 £. Minrtehaha 1�ame Robert E. Faricy �,ddreea 900 Minnesota uild Si� ure oP p t E. j. Kasprzyk, Pr sndent of E. J. Kasprzyk, Inc. Sta te of I�dinne e ota sa County of Ramaey E. j. Kasprzyk being firat duly svrorri, depoaes and saya upon � e as rea "e or�go ng s�tate�nt bearing �is sign�ature and knowa the a�ntente thereof, and the►t the �a�me ia true oF hia own �owledge exaep� as to thoae m�tters thmrein stat�d upon in�ormation and belief �nd as to those me►tters he belieeaa them to be truee � r Sign re o pp� aa E. j. asprzyk, President of E. J. Kasprzyk, Inc. gubscribed and swrorn to before �e thia �� day of January �g 71 � o ry a, .R�msey oun , ea o . 5-5-77 �y� Comniasion expires - � � . (Notes Theae statement farms are in duplivate. Both copi�es �uat be fully Pilled out, no�arized, and returned to the Licsense Divis'7iuu.) � , r r C ITY �F SA,INT P$UL DEP�,RT�TENT_C�' PUBLIC SAFETY LICENSE-DNISIt,� i�te janua:y 25 19 71 1 o ApPlicsat ion f or � On-3ale Liquor Licens• 2e Name of applics�nt E. . Kas rz k . yc�as. w 3. Buaineae addreas l��-6e�8�kv+emter Reaidenee 1031 CBSe Avenue, $t. Paul 4 0 1�de �e g �l an� � �r fe/ i � [ �7VC• 5o Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp x Retail Liquor Federal Tex Stamp x will, be used. 60 � �hat Ploor loaated Ist Number of rooms uaed Z'Nrp ?o B�tvveen w2�t csrosa stresta Wabasha �(hiah side oP street East 8, Are pa�emisea naw oaoupiedYes 1�hat bueinessOn-Sale Liquor Hanr lcng 30 yeaTs 9, �re premisea nav un000upied �p Ho�v long vaoe�nt Tj/A Previoua use 10, Are you a new o�►ner Yes �ve you been in a similar buainesa bePore Yes �here 501 Clover Club� Nhen I955 to �969 lla ;�re you going to ope rate thia busineas personally Ye3 IP not� xho vrill opers;te it 120 �re you in any other buainssa at the prasent time No 13, At�ve there been any csa�plainta againet your opsratian of -this type '6P placa No �hen �Ifhe re 14, Have you ever had any lioense revoked No iVhat rea�on and date 150 .�re you a aitizen of the IInited $tates Ye$ Native X Naturalized 18o y�here rvere you born Silver LBke, Minn. Date of birth 1�nuarY 24, 1922 17e T am �rried, I�y (�rife�s� {�) nama and address is Delores M. Kasprzvk� 1031 Case Avenue, St. Paul. Minnesota 180 (If m�rried female) my maiden s�ame ia 190 Haw long havs you iived in S'to Paul ' 19 ye8r� ` 20, Have you ever been arreated No Violation o£ vvhat criminal law or ordinancs nawer u y an comp e e yo ese app ice ona �re oroug y o ee an any a a ica ion �r e aauae Po� en e " X Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul Yes I�TO. AFFIDAViT BY �PPLIC�,FT FOR � RETAIL BEER OR LIqU08 LIC�NSL Re� On Sale Liquor License Na� of applioant__ E. 1• Kasprzyk, � ��Q. Buainesa addresa 1031 Case Avenue, 3t. Paul, Minnesota 4��� S• L.�o�r•,�� pre you tha aole oamer of this businessY yes. If not, is it a psrtnership? csorporatiun4 YeS , other? Others intereated in business, inolude thoae by loan of money, propert� or otherwiaei �G���s � �G 1�ame � I�i��l9 Addres s10�� ��,�, Haw ��jtGj (Potentially Minnesota State Bank, 3t. Paul, Minnesota, as assianee of stock ' a loan.) - If a oorporation, giv�e ite naara E. j. Kasprzyk, Inc. pre you intereated in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor busineae4 Yes As sole oqmer3 partner? 3tocskholderR Other�riae? (Through loan of maney, etc. Explain� I hold coritracts for purchase of fixtures and building �ddraes of auoh businesa e�nd nature oF interest in sams 501 University Avenue "Clover Club" I have no interest in license at that address S gna� re' a p E. J. asprzyk, President of E. J. Kasprzyk, Inc. gtate of Minneaota as County oP Ramse�t E �a z 'k_ _ . befng Pirat duty sarorn, deposes and says upon �Fi�tT`ria�`�"i'a�Fia`s�rea<��orego3ng affidavit bearing hia signa�uro and l�aara tha contenta thereof; that tha sama is true of his own Imawledge, exoept ae to thos• �tt�era therein stated upon infoz�mation e►nd belief and aa to those me,ttere he be— lie��a them to be true. . 3 gna ° PP E. j. Kasprzyk, President of E. j. Kasprzyk, Inc. Subsaribed�nd sworn to before me this y�p -- da of 19 7/ y ics, R�msey oun y, eaots My ov�n.iaeion expirea 5-5 19 77 . � • s�T$ c� Mn�uESar�, ) ) ss cam�TY oF ��� ) Edward j. K�sprzyk being firat duly sworn, doth dep0ae and say that he makse this aPfidavit in oonneotion with appliaatic0s for " On sale" liquor lioense (" �n S�le" malt beverage licenae) in the City cf saint p�ul, Minneaota; that your affiant is a reaident of the City of Se�int paul and has resided therein for Ei9hteen years, f��' montha, arul ia now and has been for the tim� abave mentioned a bona Pide resident o� said Citq and that he noar resides �t Nfl, 1031 Case Avenue �int paul, lMii..nneaota, $ubacsribed and sworn to before me this � %-' day of January lg 71 ary o msey Coun y, eao �r esa�isaion expire� 5-5-77 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPART�:"�NT CJF PUBLZC S�F'ETY I,ICSNSE D NIS IO�T . , �►te �19�� 1. Applioation for ' Liceaae Cr/rL I�S /� 2. Name of appliaant . , sr� 3. Businea� addre�a /a�/ / Residen �Q3� ,--- �r.. 4, Tr�de na�, if any '� �� f �� 5. Retail Bser Federal Tax Stamp '�Retail Liquor �ederal Tax Stamp��v3.11 be ueed• 6. C�i �vhat floo�r loeated I� Nwnber of roc�s used Z/ . 7. Between what orose etraetsl�,L�-�����jWhiah aida of atreet ��T 8. Are premises naw oocupied �S Yiliat buainess Ho�r long „�.d _ ��" 9. Are premises xto� u,nocaupied Haw long vacant Previous Uae 10. Are you a ne�r o�rner Have you been in a aimilar bueineas befpre �� �here �D) t �1Vhen . �.� J �7� ` . 11. Are yon going to operate thia usiness personally — � If not, �o wi11 operate i� , . ].2. Are you iu any other buaineas at he present tima �/ � 13. Have there been any aomplaints againat your o�ez•ation of this type of plaae � , ..._...__,�., 'When �fhere 14. Have you ever had any lioense revoked_����hat reason and date 15. Are you a citizan of the United States��Native Na�uralized �� 16. Where were you born /��'rV QA� Date of bir�h .�'� �'� � y �� 17, T am �rried. My (�t,lb�+�� (husband's) name and �ddress is _ . 0�/ �� /��YJ 18. (Zf married female) my m�i.den �ne is � 19, $ow long have you lived in. 3t. Paul , �� . 20. Have yon ever beaa arreeted�j� Xiolation of what oriminal Iaw or ordinanco �..,�„�_._�_ ..,�.� 21. Are you a regiatexed voter i.n tha City of S�. Paul � Yes ✓ No• (1►navuer full and com letel . The�e a �.iaa�ions a thorou h1 checked Anxi �n f'� aif ioatio�. w��1 be cauae for en3a . (aVER) 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks jj�. . 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. �i Sale � � (3f'f Sa1e , 24. Nea re s t Church PJea res t ScP�o 01 / 25. Number of booths ��Tablesi� �hair9�� Stoola Jd .�,_ 26. What occupation have vou �'ollv�ed for the psst five y�aars. (Give names of employers and date s s o empl��red o) � 27. Gi�e names and addresses of �two peraons, residents of St, Paul, Minn,, v�ho can giv�s infox�►aatiQn concernin you . _ � Name Address Name Address a / � �. � ignature of App ican �ta te af &Iinne s ota� ss County of Ram.sey ) ��I � being f irst duly sworn, deposea and says upon oath that he ha re t oregoing statement bearing his si�nature and l�rna�rs the eontents thereof, an t�a he same is true of his osnm kno�rrledge except as to those matters therein s��t;ed upon information and belief and as to those matters he ba].�.eves them to be trt�.�. L / L r ��. ' Signature of Applicsant � Subscribed and_sworn to before me this � �day of 19��F-- / No ry Public, Ramsey County, esota �y Ca�nission expires�s � � 'C� / �.----- (Note s These statament forms are in duplicate. Both eo�ies mus� be ftally filled out, nota.rized, and re�urned to the License Division.�a � A�FIDAV�T" BY AF'PLICqAT F4R � RETAIL BEER OR LI�UOR LTCENSE � �►���ES �. �/If�it�� Re= �C'�Sale /�VO�.. License Name of a pplie&nt � �s. Business address /O ..� � �/�S� � !/GC', .S T . /�/9�k. L /�� �1/ ti __._.___ r Are you the sole o�umer of thia business4 /J��. If not, is it a partnershipR c orporat ion? � "s , other? Others interested i.n business, inelude those by loan of mon.ey, property or otherwise: Na� L":,T /�As���x�Address io3�- CA� � xo� ��c.s•'c%�/'r �e /o�.'c s /yl. /��P.ez S��i� �/— P�c.s' .--�- �c�. If a corporation, give its name. �. ✓. �{S �2 . _'�_,_,,.T_____ 9re you interested in any way in any other retail beax or liquor business? /�d As sole crwner? Partner? Stvckholder4 Cltherwiss3 (Through ioan of money, etc. Explain) Address of such business and nature of znterest in same � ignature of applican , State of Minne s ota� �ss Gounty of Ramsey � � �CS , �� being first duly sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath t � he has read e foregoin a id�vit bearin� his signature and lrnows the contenta thereof; that �tha same is true of his a�Jn l�.ovrledge, except as to those xnatters therein stated upon information and belief and as �to those m,atters he believes them to be true. � igna�ure of applicant � , ; Subscribed and sworn �to before me this �. day of !�,a�/�.A�Gj 19� . otary ublic, ey County, inneso�a i �Yy co�nission expires .� ' '� 19� s�a� � �rn�sa�, ss CQUNTY OF RAMSEY �D�'C S • �S 2 being first duly sworn, doth depoae and aay that ,she m�kes this aPfidavit in csonnsction with application Por " �/-Sale" liquor license ("��'� Sale" mslt beverage liaense) in the City of Saint Paul, Adinnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of DBinnesota and has resided therein. for 1 �� years, months, and ia no�r and ha a been f or the t ime ab ave ment ianed a b on,a Pide re s ideat of said State and that s he ncyw residea at ��/ �` Addrssa S���'I�' , Minne s o�a. Cit�r or o,�. X Subscribed and sworn to before � � this �day of� ��-�--�-.19� 1� ./ otary blic, Ramsey County, M' neaota M� co�unission expirea � � S 7 � � • . � ,w• ♦ AFF]]��1IT FC� StAJDAY LIQIIOR I.ICEASE APPLICATION �' �at� cL ✓. S � Z Residence Address��,� � ��5� ��/� Lioensee . ,_ _,f�i��/,� �/�G'. � ,E� /////I�Ii� ���' ���__ _���, Addreaa of Busineas��� �i��f�SyS/� .... I hexgby apply f'�r a $peoial 3unday i,iquor licanae. I have a Restauran.t - ��i►1 (crosa oat one) lioenae �with seatiang oapaoity* Por �?i people. Signed St�te oP Idinne so�a) _ _ �S$ C o�m� vf Re►xmeey � - �(�� , ���? � eing -Piret duly s�rorri, depoees anc�aays upon oatb t $ h e r tl�e foregofag a�'Pidav3.t bearing hi� signa�ure an� �l�o� the �a�onteuts 'thereoP; that tfi� same i+� �rt�e oP hie o�m. ]mrnvledge, exoept ae to tlioee ma�tere there#a et,e►ted upon iaformation and belief and ae to tho�e m�►ttere he be],ieeea them �o be tr�e: igna tzra of �li az�t Subscsribed aad sworn to befc�e sie � this dag of� 19� � . • otary io, ey Countq, ata My oam�m.iaeiam e�epirea ) � S 19� e�_ � S� �� � �'��J�j,��P , ,¢� 7�'Z C� , `f - 7�J /i G' CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE .�-- �— f� /� .� Application No ..._...._........_ Name of Applicant.����..�....'!!����� �, J 1.����.___. Ag .._.........._...._ ...... ..._ ..._... e._...,..............._................__G _ _ � Residence Addresa.....�.�..3�..................._�S C„_.l�U�._._...-�-----.........................._............ Telephone No...'�.`�..�..._.S�?--�-�-- Are you a citizen of the United Statea?_._.�..�.�.._._......... Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink paxlor, or business of similar nature? ..._................��------.._....................................._..._..... ..� 5 .............__._---.......__..__.._..._....._..----........._..._..__..._....._.__..._...._......._.._.........._..__.._.._...........__..._......__...��c When and where�.......��C---�...`��..(.,_`�S"S_.�Z2....���-:.�.----.�..�..�...�._.�..�.�_.._.....__...__...�,.IOV,_�,..�..,_ Ju .S r L If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation....._..........__....._._...._...____...__...._._...__._...._.__..._.._.___._.__..._ �• �_.._ ��/-�s �r z ..�5.._ �_N..� .._.— e.� ��c-.t.�:�.........!�_u s..�:��._ v ��s _......._.__.__ ...._. ..............._.._........ . ...-�---�--... �. _ �... �._........1 � ..-.—�' When incorporated?......_...._�.T. .N...:!�i:......�..._..2_.�..._....��_.�`.4...:�.�.-•--•.._......_._............_...._......_....-•----..._...._.___._.... .._... _.........� If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members7....._.__.._.._....._____._._......_..__.......__....___,_, Ho�v many members?................._..._..__..._._......_...._...__.._...._..._.._..._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and na.me and address of general manag^er. . .. . . . . .. . .. f'r es E d w..�...�-.d:...___.?�..�..._-----�:-.�-s-..�'�!�'.? �i.....�'.�.... 1.�.3.1. �-'�+s F - S� ��ce ................................�-- �----- -�--_...._....._ ..___...._...__.__..___�..........._._.._....._ 1�rf�.e.,,...................�el.-`�-2-�-s---.._..��....!..........!�.�:.s...��.�-.�..�:�.....r---!--°--_:�_�.........._.....�s�...._.^_..S�'__P.�!..w�.....__...._ N�mes and addresses of Stockholders:�/ ...............�,� w /�iC c� T �) �S .�'�Z��l.�.r...j..�..J...�...(.-•----_...1.�..�..�._�......!:!..V�..-•----......._...._........_ .........................•••.......•••••-..____._._._. � J .............................................._....___................._......_......_...._..__...._..._...._.._.._.._ �......--..---...---........------.---._...._..._...._....__.._...._...�-.P�.ti.-s.�........__.......------ �-------._...................�--.---............._.........._._._.__..__...� .--�.-�--.---...-�---..........-----�---....._............................_.........._..__------........._._......_......__........_ Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known..w e:S.7::��.'-..�tJ�....._.�S u f'�-:�f �....._.._�..�.......M...._....... Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Waxd � �- &� �Ltf gB�}s/� : Efts� : .��" z'�r�,�a'c�- T��,� �` : . ; l.vf3��-S ?`�`� �✓� (��r d How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured ong streets) ?........��(.f.�_:.� ...._....___ _. ...._ . ... .. How many feet from a church (measured along atreeta) ?.........��.�..............�.0...�%K�..........._._.______._._._.............._._...._..___.._..._ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?..'.`t.�....��....�.a.,�.:.�r.� /��'3 �iTl���-v s Name of closest school....S�.�......---�------•..........___._..._......_..-•--�--•-•..........................-- ..................................................._---._...._.........._---._........_.._. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.............�..:�!...�_!��../..�-.�...,_...:,_...,,...__..._.._..._..._...___.., On w hat ftoor located?......j_s.r......�L p o 2 . ................_...__....................._..._......._......---..............._......---._...._--�-•-�----..........._......_...._..._....................................--��-----�----... Are premises owned by you or leased?..�.e�"5.��..If leased give name of owner..W�...4,:?r_'.........�...1..�?��jo.r� .._ If a restaurant give seating capacity?......................�..v ...-----•-•-�-�---�-�-��.............................................................._...._...._----_._.._.....-•---••---......_._.........._.....__ If hotel, seating ca acity of main dining room7.....__.�..�......1..�:�P�.%r��►-�'�..�.._... .... -�--.. ...._..---- _ _ _........................................__...--•-•-••-•-----._ Give trade name.---.__.�-:f.J.-E ---�.�-0�•---�-�z�----------------------------- --------••----------------------------•------------•--------- ----.._..-----•-- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ....... .................... ................--�--_...._...._...._._.... _. ...............___._......._...._...._...._..._..-------_...._.........._....�...._...._...__.......---.._._-----�-�-- .............. ..................l�.,�....�..:�__.._._._._._..._..._....---.._.........__. ..............._...__..._._...........---_._......._....._..........................._.---......_..._...........__._.�..__ x. ............ ..... ........ ........................................._................---.._............................---......._................---------..........................._._.......---�----------_.......................----......-�----.....----._._._...__ (The i�ormstioa above must be given for hotela and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel Y...._...._.___._....._-----_.................._......................-•-----...._........____..............._._....._---_................._........_......................_._.. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)...._._......._..._......._.__._..._....... Give namea and addresses of three business referencea:_._..___..._.___..........__.._...._...._....._.._.....__._..._...._..._...__.__..__...._...._...__ 1......_._........................_.....-�---.....__._.._.........._.._._.... .._._..__._......._... ..........---•--...__........_.........._..._.......---_...._.__...._............_....__...._.._._..._............_........_ 2......__:.............-------._..._.........._.------._............__.._..__..._....._...._......._.._........... ._........._...._.__.._...._._..._.._.__............._......._..._._........_............----�---...._.....---�•--------• 3.__..--��--��-�-�-�----.........._...._....__._._.._....__.._...._._.... ._......... .__.___.._..._.........._...._.__._.................._...._...._.. ._....__.._._.._...._......._._._---_.. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORP08ATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION I?ULY AUTHOR,IZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE � STATE OF MINNESOTI�, COUNTY OF R,AMBEY, �• ...._..__.__ ...._ �yc����,�-� �_,!��-S P�'z y� _. being Srst dul,y sworn, T deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicstion and knowa the contents thereof, and that the eame is true to the best of his knowledge,information and belief. Subscribed and aworn to before me ��R D �,����_19� thia.._..._....._.__....__..day of___._ ........___...._...__.._.._.... ----......_ . �r._ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mmn. My commission expires....�...:__�.�.....�_.�_�.... STATE OF MINNESOTA, $s COUNTY OF RAMSEY, _..�.....__ ...__......_._. .._. '.� �L�tJ_14;� .� � ��S _.�_� . . being Sret duly aworn, ---. .._...._. �. .._...._.._. _....__.-----`-�•---_.. ...._�_....� 7�"' deposea and saYS tha�..........�L.�._..1.5 th �'���...cl�!�.L.. E, J< < � s �'—��-�.�'C... .._.._. ..___._.___�_. , a corporation; �f....._...._..._...._...._...._..._......................_..----..�._. ..__...P_._... . ..._.. .._. that..............�?_:e.................................._.........._.....has read the foregoing application and knowe the contents thereof�and that the sa�ne is true to the best of....__....�..........__..._..._...........knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application wss signed, aealed and e�ce- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Boaxd of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. I► •--...���,�_ _.,�4�f Subscribed and sworn to before me thia_......� f'� ..day of...�.����.�--xg �� ��`:.�r��....._.,��� ' .. _ � .._...._ ...._......-- ----- Notary Public, Ramaey County, Mi . � My commission expirea_...�5_...._-_ �t'7