252281 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ��/c� , CITY OF ST. PAUL F ENCIL NO. "�`�`�� Lzc�ers� c�u�r� OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� F1��1��Y �� 1.�1 1. COMMISSIONER ��� •� DATF HESpI,'PED: �hat Application L-7282 f0r Poal H�,7.1 ( j tabl�e) and Confeetionery Lieen�es a,pplied for by I,eater Howell, at 684 Selby 9venue, be �nd the �am� are herebg granted. � Infor�nallyapproved by �ouncil D�ceffib�r 29, 197� �ld b�cation �Eg a 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays ��� Z 19?'� Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine / Tn Favor �ec��t�r--1 �l✓�� �� v �tit►g Yor Tedesco Against FE8 6 1971 PUBLISHED Mr. Vice President Nleredith �� � CITY OF 5AINT�AUL �� � . Capital of Minnesota .,,,��c .�G �� � �y� / Q v� �e a�tvner2t o ub�C'c �a e� � � ADMINI3TAATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIftE PROTECTION ro�c� DEAN MEREDITH,Commiseianer HEALTH RALPB G.MER$ILL,Depnty Commiasioner � DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inspector r`ecember 29� 1970 Honorable M�.yor and City Council Saint Paul, P�iinnesota Ger�tlemen and Nladam: Lester Howell m2.kes application for Fool Hall and miscellaneous associ�ted lic��ees (foodstuff and cigaret±e� for 684 �elby :`_venue, which is located on the South side of the street bet��reen Grotto ��nd St. A1ba,ns �;treets. Currently there is no licensed business at this address. There are two 3.2 places u.ith.in two blocks. The closest On :ale Li uor place is �bout three-quarters of a block and the ciosest Off �;ale Licuor pl�,ce is �,lso about three-quarters of a block. The rearest church is two and a half b�ocks and the nea,rest school is four blocks away. T�;r. Howell has been a b�xtende� at the �t, Paul Yilton Hotel �ince it opened four yeaxs a�o. Very truly yours, ��,,� . �.� � � � Licerse Inspector � ;;'� ' �' � , �l �� i...��� --;� �� ,�'�� . . 22. Number of 3.2 places within �ro blocks � " 23. Closest intoxicating liquor p7�aae, �3n. Sale �� ,���,�p,�'f Sa1e � �1�,� � / ��i 24. Nearest Chureh � � 6��5 Nearest School � �loc,s�S 25. Number of booths Tables �.i Chair�s Stools 26. �Vhat oecup�tion have you follo�red fo�r the p�5t f'].46 y+ears. (Give z�mes o�' emp7.oyers and dates so employed.) � �"n �. --- �s� �..� `�- � • �C l> ' . 27. Give names and addresses of' �two �raons, resa.dents of St. 1'au1, �.z3n.,, �rho can g�.� infox�tion cara:cerning you, Name �2_.r� �r �os � � Address cs e� ��' w�^S Name �o h,r... ��.•n�' .Address . �.L�,l � � � �o�.�, �na ture o App i an State o� �tinnesota� )ss County of Ramsey h�5 ?�R 1!�� LL.._, being first duly sv�orn, deposea a�nd aay8 upon oath that he has rea�c�he f'oregoing statQment bearing his signa�ure and knm�ns the contents thereof, and tha� the sam� is true of hi$ own l�,o�arledge exoept ae to those mattera therein statod upon a.n.f'ormstion and belie� and as to those matters he bela.eves them to be �ri�o, ignature of App13.Q nt Subscribed and sworn to before me tnis �,�y�_ a�y ��_�T� .�, �.s 7 Z) � . Nota ry l ic, Ramse y �unty, I�I3.ns�.,�.a�.a �,__ ....___._ ---�. . ,jf_�, `r"1, RYP�N �ST Co�ni88iori eXpix'es �'oY�r-� u�;�c � ~�.����cauntyi l�t• �°-as.iu:y 14i 2977 ► (Notss �hes�, statement forms are in dup].icate. Both copias mus� be fully filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Aiviaicm.� . . . � C ITY OF S�AINT PAUL . ' DEP.�RTB:�NT �1F PUBLIC SAF'ETY LICFNSE DNISION _ . . I��� i 2-�� 19 ?d� _..,..... 1. �,pplica�ion for P o a� � L3cenae 2. Name of a pplicant ��� � o��;(� 3. Business addre$s � �� �e..I, � . �-u Residence 5?�. � - - 4. �rade zaa�, 3.f any ��t- Qe c , 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor F'ederal Tax Stamp��11 be ua�d. 6. t�ti what floor lpcated � �`r-S`4- Number oP roa�s used �ne� 7. Betwean what• orosa-straet��� -�S�,C�,��,Y S _1Nhich s ide Qf atreet �o ��; 8. �,re premises now oocupied�lhhat business Haw long 9. Are premisea n.ow unoocupied�S Haw long vaQant L rv�c5n,"� Previous Uee�ad s �p,-ae _T_�._ 10. Are you a new owner���Have you been in a aimilar buainess befare Yl-o V9he re 9Vhhen 11. Are you going to oparate thia business per$onally ��:5 ,. —..�.. , �.... If not, v�o will opexate it 12, Are you in any other business at the preaer�.t tims N�5 . ... � ...._� 13. Have tY�ere been any oomplaints against your operation of this type oP. place �:o �.........- �ihen 'GYhere 14. liave you ever had any license revoked � �hat reas on and da�te 15. Are you a citizen of the United States�S Native Q S Natural.ized _r._.�.�_ 16. V�here �rere you born �a�1S45���`C�, c+�..r , Date o.f bir�h � -7- /�' 17. I. am �,jos married. My (wife 's) (�s) name and addresa is ��d�,,,h�� �`'���� �`��� - �7 z t� �- v--� _ 18. (If married female) my znsiden name ia \ , 19. How� lang have you lived in. St. �ui �3 rs, � 20. Have you ever been arrested_�Vi�lation of what oruninal law or ordir�e+noe �� c : � �e_�r- S �;�. ��, — 9 � .f ? 21. Are yot� a registered voter i.n the City of S�. Paul �,S Yqa No„ �r , (l�n.swer full and apm letel . These a lications are thorou hl aheoked e►nd e�n laification wi11 be cause for denia . (c�,R) Dece�ber 29, 19T0 Hon. Dea�n Meredith Gbmsr. oP Public 3afety Public 8afety Bldg. Dear :�ir: Att_�ntiont Mr. Daniel McLaughlin Th� City Council today informe,lly approved the appl3cation of Leat�r Hc�w�11 for Poo1 Hal1 e�x�d miecellauleoue e.saociatcd licensea (Pbodstuff and Cigarette) Por 684 Selby Ave. Will you pleaa�e prepe►re the customary rewlution coverizng this ae►tterY Very truly yo�nrs� City C1�ack �