252280 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK ���I�Q�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COE NCIL N�. '� � T,ICENSE COI�IIT'�EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� /, 'A �N�by��y 2� ]_971 COMMISSIONER -� • ;lG��� DATE # � WH�ASa The Ho1y �hildhomd Men's Club hald Licea�e �'o, s933, expiring July 1� 1971� perm.ittim�; tha�a to Qondust B3ngo t�ameffi at 440 A�adi�ori�am Street �aeh �htar�da,y Afternoon, between th� hoara� af ls� and 5a00 p.�. and WHEREASa �he above mrgani.zation ha� req�te�ted the �,mendaent af the da�y ex�d hoqr8 �• �f read "Fridrry �eriing, between �h� hour� of 7s30 aad 11s30 p.m. effinetiw� February 5� 1971 ar�.dcredit for �he three previous �►eekm they did not eanduat suah game�� therefore� be it RES�LYID: That licen�e is�u�d �0 this c�gani$a�i.on be and the same hereby a�sadtd to read "�r�.day Evenings, betWeen tl�� hours of 7 s 30 a�a.d 11 a 30 p.m." effeative February �� 1971� and th� ¢zpiratioa dat� aaend�d to read "July 23, 1971." AMENDA�N T HOURS, DiAY, 8� EXP IRg3'IOAT Tnforxally approved by Cound 1 �anwary 5, 1971 dppn. 714G fmEa a r97�► COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_. Yeas Nays �,�9�� Butler F*E� Caxlsan Approv 19— i Levine > n Favor ��'�✓ d � ' � '(, `'�n�.€ka--..._ J Acting Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Mere th PusLisr�.�� FEB 1971 ��