252279 �52,�'�� OR161NA4T0 CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICII►�sE Co��� COUN IL RESO TI. N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �@'by��r `�'� Z�'ll COMMISSIONE � ATF B�DI,YFDs Tha� Applica�ion L-SID05 for "�n Sale biq�or' i�cense, �,pplied Fer by the St. F�.ul HBtel Ca.L�wry Hotel, 339 wabasha Street, be and the so,�e iN hereby gra�ted� that the bond filed by the lieem�e• i�s h�r�by a.pprov�d, and tha,t the City Clerk ia directed to 3s�ue sa3d lieenae. �s Sale L3qucr Establi�hmen� RPNEt�fAZ �Eg a 197a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Naya Z 1971 Butler �g Carlson Approv 19— Levine � Tn Favor ��,�, ��L-�,�C��.� � , Alr., _�_�L �arsc=cua�u -+ �yOP c,o��c�-- �t!t7� A gainst Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith FEB 6�gl� PUBLISHE:D �� a CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � .r Capital of Minnesota yf�� � ��+ :Lj' 9 1 c� /� �� �1Je aNt�ner�t o �b�C'c �a et � � ADMINI$TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PAOTECTION P��� DEAN MEftEDIT$Commisaioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MERBILL,Depnty Commiasioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Licenae Inspeetor J�uarY �9: Z971 Fionorable M�yor �nd City Couneil Saint Paul, Mirinesota G�ntlemea and Madam: D�e to exi�ting circumstances and the time of the y�ar to renew the license for On Ss1e Liquor Lice�.se, expir3.�g January 31� 1971� held by the St. P�,ul I3otel Co.�Lowry Hote1, 339 Wabasha Street, appli�ation 3s made dug the� to renew the license in their n.ame am.d s� "Inactive." �ttached is a copy of th�ir l�tter of application relative to this ffiatter. Y�ry trwly yours, �� ��f, � - /( / i" I,ieens� Insp�etor r����,,,;Q c� ��,J( i r. �� � � 0 ' ` / � ST. PAUL ". //I�TF;d, � ,;. MINNESOTA E�� �, ,lanuary 15 , 1971 . : Honorable Mayor Charles McCarty and Members of City Council , • Attn. : Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin, License Inspector Dear Si r: The Hotel Lowry bar is closed at the present time but we kindly ask approval of license .application as inactive status ; since the fate of the Hotel l.owry �is unknown at this time. . Thanking you, we are • Yours sincerely, ST. PAUL HOTEL COMPANY ��-'�L���u-.��.,� :� �4- � Norman J. Ri � e � ' NJR:es Sec 'y.-Treas . ��161��� Z����� �� �� �' . JR11971 � . � � , . = fiCCE9VED rn �- z�cEr�st o�v. '� � Dept. of Nublic Saf�ty�ti� r0 `9S��Z� ��'�� .r�n. ssf �.�'� ficm. Detin M�redith Ca�msr. of Pe�.blic Ssfat�r Pubiic SaPety Bu�,l.cling Dear Sir: Attentio�: Mr. Daniel MeLatttghlia The City Council today in,f'ormally approv�d the appl�.catic� of �• � iW�l W�wJNJwi-y �Ve�� 339 �tabea�ie, sti� YV r��� their On Sale Liquar Licen�e e�iring J�n. 31' 1q71, in t'�eir n� etid a�s "Inactivt". Wi�.l you pleasa prepare t.he aeea�aary resoiution cover3ng thie ma��t,ar? Very tt�u]y yo�trs� c�.ty a.e�x �