02-853Co,�� File # ba -�s 3 Green Sheet # 203458 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, N�VNESOTA Presented By: �-O Referred To: j Committee:Date: 1 WIiEREAS, the U.S. Department of 3ustice has awarded a COPS Technology 2002 grant to the Saint Paui 2 Police Department; and 3 4 WIIEREAS, the purpose of this grant is to provide a reliable ordnance disposal unit to meet the communicafions 5 and transportation needs of state wide response to calls for service and provide reliable communications 6 equipment to officers; and 7 8 WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Deparhnent needs to establish a 2Q02 t"mancing and spending 9 plan for this grant; and 10 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter oC the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are availabie for appropriation funds of $210,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends Yhat the following addition be made to the 2002 budget: 15 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 18 19 436-Police Special Projects Fund 2o FINANCING PLAN: Z1 34060-Cops Technology 2002 22 3099-Other Federal Direct Grants in Aid 0 210 000 210,000 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Totai Changes to Financing SPENDING PLAN: 34060-Cops Technology ZOQ2 0380.Communications Equipment and Supplies 0822-Trucks and Vans 0851-Radio Equipment Total Changes to Spending 1 til 60,000 60,000 110,000 110,000 40,000 40 210,000 31 32 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award and approves the changes 33 to the 2002 budget. 34 .,.�o�wp� �..w,���..�..yy.��...��a,�.......,.,... sns�oz GREEN SHEET No. 203458 wmnuon wmnwa� fr � r�c���3 � � X/ l% !"9 � f� - .� H //l/��J"X�f/l� l � !�/jy/�� �� ■.a •. �'. �'����£r' 0 � �' f '� � � �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQUES7ED Apprwal of the attached conncil resolution accepting a COPS Technology 2002 grant and establishing a 2002 financing and spending pian for the grant t. Has this pefsonKrm evu worked under a contract tw ihis departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES No CIB COMMITiEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? CNIISERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this pereoNfifm possess a skill rrot normaily possessed by any cwrent cRy empioyee? YES NO A. Is ihis persoMfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attech to green sheet The U.S. Departmem of Justice has awazded a COPS Technology 2002 grant to the Saint Panl Police Department for updatSng ordnance disposal and communications technology. A 2002 financing and spending plan needs ta be establiskied for this gcant. Attached is a copy of the grant awazd. Without tlus federal funding the Saint Paul Police Department will be unable to replace equipment and supplies necessary to continue statewide calls for ordnance disposal and will be unable to comm ef�ectiveky during critical incideMS. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOiAPPROVED : ��� o � �� Inability to use grants funds to update communications and ordnance disposal tech�iology.' - e <, .r�_..� . .. � _ '07AL AMOUNT OF iRAN5AC7�ON $ $210,OOO.DO UNDING SOURGE F2LIeI3�. GIAIlt COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUPAeER E,�[��CTS1711] INANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) . 9 d 1100VemwntAvowe, NW Washiag:on, DC20530 Memorandum U. S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) To: William Finney, Chief St. Paul, City of From: Robert A. Phillips, Assistant Director, Granu Adminisuation Saza Wolf, Grant Program Specialist, Grants Administration Judy 3ames, Staff Accountant, Finance Division�;.��`�� Re: COPS Technology Inipative Financial Clearance Memo aa _b'S� A financial ana]ysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this awazd appeaz reasonable, allowable, and consistent with existing guidelines. Exceptions / Adjustments aze noted below. Vendor # 416005521 ORI #: MN06209 Grant #: 2002CKWX0090 �d2et Cateeorv Pr000sed Budeet Aooroved Budeet Adiustments Disallowed Reasons/Cumments $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $0.0� $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $0.00 Cos[s; $210,000.00 $210,�00.00 $0.00 t Costs: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ! Total $210,000.00 $210,000.00 $0.00 Grand Total: Cleared Date• Federal Share: July 23, 2002 $ 210,000.00 Overall Comments: Maintenance agreements must be purchased within the one year grant period. ��� �� � ��.: !O� ~ � i . �✓ .,..���� bZ-8S� li.S. Departmenf of Tusfice Office ofCommunity OrientedPoZicing Services Fina1 Checklist Please check j�] each box to verify the appropriate section has been completed. Please reium checl�list to the COPS Office with ail accompanying documentation. Prior to mailing,-please en that all boxes are checked to ensure timeIy access to yow funds. If you haz-e any questions, pl contact your Technology Coordinator at 1-80D-421-6�70. I. PI20JECT SUMMARY: �.] A. Has the `Assessment ofFxistingProblem(sf " been addressed? � B. Are the `Project Goals and Objectives° cleazly stated? [�y] C. Is your `Implementation Plan" outlined7 �-� Is the 12-month timeIine fully completed (no blanks)? � D. Are the `Evaluatio�s Plans, Outcomes and Effectiveness of the Program"described? � E. Is there a descriptSon of your `�urrent/Planned Crime Prevention Activities?" � F. Did you complete the `Frecufrve Summaiy" using o� the enclosed fonn {250 words or less)? IT. BUDGET NARRATNE �] A brief description (2-� sentences) for each item or group of items. One descripiion is necessary for logicaily grouped items. All indi�ridual items must be included in the `Budget.DetaiZ LPorksheez" � Ifnecessary answers to the `Sole Source Justification" form on deparknent Ieuerhead. III. BUDGETDETAIL WORKSHEET � The Tota1 Project Costs matches the Federal Request in the Bud�et Summary section. � Please mail all 6 pages of the `�udgetDetail Worksheet.' IV. FORMS NEEDING SIGNATITRES � Both the Law Enforcement and Goveznment Executives need to sign the Certifications. � Both the Law Enfozcement and Govemment Execuuves need to sign the Special Condition: Criminal Intelligence Systems/ 28 C.R.R. Part 23 CompIiance form. � Both the Law Enforcement and Government Executives need to sign the Supplemental S'sgnature Form: Notice of Grant Requiremenfs form. �] Eitherthe Law Enforcement or Govemment Executive needs to sign ihe Assura.rcces. � Either the Law Enforcement or Govemment Execufive needs to complete and sien the Disclosure of Lobbying Activifies. V. STANDARD FORM 424: � Boxes r1 - 18 have been wmpleted (no blcrnks). � An authorized representative from your a�enc}� signed the form, Please send all malerials i>ia overnight courie�- to: COPS Office <Technology Coordinator Name> 1100 Vermont Avenue, I�'.W. �T'ashington, D.C. 20095 oa- ��3 T. PROJECT SL�MNt.ARY - Saint Paul Poliee Aepai•tment - 2002 Cops Technology Tnitiafive A. Assessmeat of Exis(ing Problem(s) X The Saint Pau1 Police Departrnent has invested s �anificant funds to staff, equip and train officers in ordnance identification and disposal. The Saint Paul Police Depaianent Ordnance Disposal Unit is h in the handling, dismantlin� and disposing of bombs, explosives, and ehplosive packages. The department is one of only four and responds statewide to incidents as needed. With the increase of bomb squad relafed calls since Septembex 11, 2001, it has become apparent fhat our equipment and specifically our bomb squad vehicie, is unable to continue to respond to the volume of calls without being replaced. Wifhout this federal funding, the department will be unable to replace this equipment and may be unable to continue to respond to state wide calls for assistance. In addition, these federal fwids will enable us to update the commuxucations technology in the bomb squads' transportation vehicle. X Officers reporting to a scene that requires a multiple agency response are in most cases unable to communicate directly with one another. This is especially true in the event of a significant natural or man-made disaster. The inability of all personnel to receive critical information immediately can significantly endanger the safety of those responding to the scene. The department will purchase an interoperability interface system to solve this communicarion issue. Without this funding the department u�ill not be able to purchase this equipment and will cotttinue to be lundered in communications duriiig critical major incidents. X Approximately one-fourth of the department's handheld radios ue more than 14 years old. These radios require frequent repair to maintain reliability. The purchase of new handheld radios with these funds would ensure stability in these hand-held as well as give enhanced feattues such as channel scan and channel display. There are no funds to purchase these replacement radios with these federal funds. B. Proiect Goals and Objecfives The department will purchase an ordnance disposal truck with updated communication abilities, replace our current outdated hand held radios, and purchase an interoperability interface system. The main objectives of this pzoposai are to: pro�ride a reliable ordnance disposal unit to meet the communication and transportation needs of our state wide response to calls foz service, provide reliable commurucations equipment to �ose officers that are currently issued obsolete equipment and purchase an interoperability interface system which wi11 allow the department to tie together dif£ezent}urisdictions with different radio systems including LTHF, VHF, Analog and oa _�rs� 800 Megahertz. C. Implementafion Plan Month 1- Prepare request for proposals for all equipment purchases. Month 2- Prepare bids for purchase of equipment. Month 3- Choose vendors from bids and order equipment. Month 4- Receive handheld radios from vendor, beain pro�ra**�m;ng equipment. Month 5- Receive interoperability eqnipment, b boin operatoz training and field training. Month 6- Distribute handhelds to officers for service. Month 7- Complete trainiilg on and field testing of interoperability equipment. Month 8- Accept delivery of ordnance disposal vehicle. Month 9- Test vehicle and put into service. Month 10 - All equipment operable and in service. Month 11 - Month 12 - D. Evaluation Plans, Outcomes, and Effectiveness The purchase of the up�aded bomb squad vehicle will allow the departmenf to ensure continued out-state coverage as well as enhance our ability to communicate with other jurisdictions. The response of the ordnance disposal unzt is critical to the prevention of crime related to bombs, suspected explosive devises, and explosives. Tlus crime prevention tool has become increasingly lmportant since September 1 l, 2001. Communications are at the very heart of effective crime prevention for law ettforcement. The purchase of modern handheld radios as well as the interoperability equipmenf wi11 provide a more reliable means o£communication for officers in the fieid and a11ow officers to more effectively deliver services to those they serve. E. Current(Planued Crime Prevention Activities The deparfinent has ongoing in-service training as we11 as mock trauung for disasfer events planned for 2002-2003. The equipment purchased kri11 be used in these planned training events as well as any unforeseen event wtuch occurs in fhe city. � . � _ �;a �. , ,, �, ` w�� � py-rs II.S. Departmenf of Jusfice O�f ce of Community Oriented Policing Services Executive Summary Age�cp Name: St. Paul, City of State:� Point of Contact Name: Point of Contact Phone ATUmber: 651-292-3507 Award Amount: $ 210000 Briefly summarize how your agency will use this a ant funding. Please include how you expect this grant to impact public safety andlor crime ptevention in your community (250 words or less). * Please ivpe o� ur response beloiv * The Saint Paul Police Department will utilize this funding to update its bomb disposal and radio technology. Updating tlais technology will enhance both our public safety and crime prevention e£forts in the areas of communication, explosive handling and responding to calls involvin� weapons of mass destruction. The Saint Paul Police Bomb Squad responds throughout the Sfate of Minnesota to handle all incidents involving explosives, suspected explosive de��ices and weapons of mass destruction. We are one of oniy fourpolice departments trained and equipped to respond to calls ofthis type. The deparfinent currently utilizes equipment to respond to these state wide calls which is 12 years old, unreliable and techrucaliy outdated. These a ant funds will allow us to purchase new equipment to ensure a reliable response to these calls as well as allow for expanded communication technology. The entire law enforcement and ci`�lian communities of the State of Minnesota benefit from our department's commihnent to respond in this important crime prevention and disaster mitigation service. Critical to the department's crime prevention and public safety efforts is communication equipment and technology which aze reliable and current. These funds wili be used to purchase updated radios as we11 as an intexoperability interface system which will allow the department to tie to�ether different jurisdictions with different radio systems including TJE�', VF'�F, Analog and 80Q Megahertz. This type of equipment is critical when responding to major incidents including incidents of domestic terrorism. p a.�s� II BU�llGET h9RRqTTVE SECTIO�` Poz Hand Held Radios The proposed portable zadi os are fhe Motorola model HT-1250. We ha�e been purchasing tlais model for the past several years and have been ��ery satisfied a�th the reliability of this product. Radio Interoperability Interface The proposed equipment is a JPS Communications model TRP-1000. The TI2P-1000 Transportable Radio Interconnect system provides radio interoperability during missions requuing communications beiween diverse organizations using different radios and different frequencies. Ordnance Disposal Vehicle Proposed purchase of ordnance disposal velricle to include following specifications: GVW of 17,500, 4-wheel drive, V-8 250 hp, custom compartment able to fully intea ate commurucation technology. oi�s� � - F�� . � ; � = u, .,. e_ � �� L1.S. Department of Justice O�j�ce Oj COYRiYti.tYu Or ienfeC Po?icin.o :So)YiC�S Budge� Detail Workshee� Please return a{I 6 pages � ORI: MN06209 Legal Name: St. Paul, City of G� List nonea�pendable items that are to be puzchased. Nonexpendable equipment is tangible property having a useful life of moze than two years and an acquisition cost of $�,000 or more pe: unit. Bx�pendable items should be included eithez in the "SUPPLIES" or "OT�+I2" categories. Applicanu should analyae the cost benefits ofpurchasing versus leasing equipment, especially for hi�-cost items and those subject to rapid technical advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed inthe "COt�rTR4CTS/C4NSULTANTS" catesory. Pursuantto Seetion 607(b) ofthe 2002 Appropriations Act, be advised that, to the greatest extent practicable, a7l equipment and products purchased ��ith these funds must be American made. Ptease incIude a detailed descriprion for all items Izsfed below in the Budget Narrative. # of Units: Item: Cost J Unit: Subtotal: _ _ ------ _ __ .............. ............._........._......... _.................... _................... Ordnance Disposal Vehicle $110,000 $110,0�� GVW of 17,500, 4=wheel drive, V-8 250 hp, custom compartment able to fu11y integrate communication technology Inter operability interface $ 40,000 $ 40,000 JPS Communications model TRP-1000 Equipment TotaI: � _ o�-s�s� ORI: IvLV06209 LeaaI i�ame: Sf. Paul. CitF of R��lri��l.� Purs�ant �o S�Caon 607('0) oi the 20�2 Appropaaaons Act b� adv�:sed that to the �atesc e��n� practicable a11 eq_uipment and produ��s purchased ticiih these iunds mnst be Am�rican-made. PIease include a detailed descrzpiion for all items listed below zn the Budget ?�arzative. � # of Units: Item: Cost i Unit: Subfotal: - -- - Other CosYs Total: � � 2 � -- Oa-�ss� ORI: IvLh062Q9 C. SI��PPLIES LegaI ?�ame: St PauI. Ci�p of L1Siw°T_1S ��`�� �O�G� SIl7D1°S� DOSL2�.°.; i'���ci�ii�; C017j'.u1F�cD.',_; �3C�i �.S"t �IlQaDl� ea :���a� i ces`cu� Iess `� ��,000, such as booi;s, h�c �eid �zpe _eco=d�s, etc.l. Gene=alls, Si1�yli°S SuCl�uc'cuj'i'�i�il"a�[.i iG2t dic �iTj��G2ui� OI COa�ic� QII27I1�?.L�c COt_rSu Qli:i� DIOjE:`�. PIease include a detailed descripfion for ail items iisfed below in the BudQet I�arrative_ �= of Units: 76 10 Item: Hand field radios Motorola model HT-1250 Rack Chargers Cost / T1nit: SnbtofaI: _...--. __.._._.._. $735 $55,860 $414 $ 4,140 SuppIies Total: $ 60 000 D. T'RAVEL List itemized travel e�-penses of project personnel by putpose (e.g., staffto training field interviews ad«sory group meeting). Show the basis of computation (e.g., six people to 3-dap training at $X airfaze, $X lodging $X subsistence). Iu fraining projects, travel and meals for trainees should be listed separately. Show the numbez oftrainees and the unit costc �volved. Idemify the locallon of travel, if knoR�n. ' Please include a description of the reason whp travel is needed in the Budgef Narrative. Purpose of Tracrei: � of Staff: Item: Computation: Cost: Subfotal: .......................................... ---........- _.._...... .._....._...._.._.._...._ _..-- _........._....... Travel Tota1: S O�-_8'S2 dRI:?VLV06209 Le�aI 1_`ame: 5t Paul Czty of F_ ���TTR.acrsico��svZ,�rA��rs Con�-acts; P, a descrintion oi the pzoauct or se-c�ce to be procu; ed b_ conuacz and a:� ��u�ate Oi i�l° COS�. APj7�.1Cd1YtS 37e eIlCOL:3Q�Q"f0 PTOTROw ��� 2.1T d Op�Il COIDD. lIl 2A'ZrLIlIlj C04`u2.CS. PFease incIude a detaiied description for all contracts lisfed beIow in the Bud�et Narrative. Contract Description: Contract Bid Type: Cost: .................. -.._....- --- - - ----..........- -.............- _....----...__....._... ...._....... .._.._ Subtotal: $ 0 ............................................................................................................................................................. Consultant Fees: For each consuttant enter the name (if known), service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees in excess of $450/day require additional written justification in the Budget Narrative and must be pre-approved in wzitin� by the COPS Office. Consultant Name/Title: Service Provided: # of Days: Cost I Day: Subtotal: ...................................._......._. ......_....... _... Subtotal: $ ...............................•--°------- - - ---- Consultant F�penses: List all espenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants which aze in addition to their fees (e.g_, travel, meals, lodging). Z�pe of Eapense: Description: Cost ! Day: .._.._..._........_......_ ............._. _........................._........_....................._........._..._........__.........._.__..._ _........_ Subtotal: $ � Contracts/Consuitants Total: $-- -�— 4 oa-�s� ORI: lYiN062Q9 Legal?�ame: St. Paul Cii� of R. PERSO?�T�EL Lis� each pesiuon bc ti`a� and name o.` e*_npIo,•ee, ic a�-zila bls. Show the annual sata:-;- rate and fne P°iC?Ilt3�Z Oi'tL'T1� i0 b� Q� z�oted to the proj ��. COri?��IIS^�IIOA �21d I07 ETi�lOG��S �II�2��C11Il �i 3I12 3Ci.iS7uc5 1Tfi�� tIC CO�I��:.Il? �T1ia i.t1"a� f.c1�i iOT S1T�i:u R'O�� tt1`�1llTi tjl� d� 2 �^�iZdh011. PIease include a deta�ed posi�aon d:scripfion for alI positions Iisted beSo� in the Budget 2iarrati�>e. ATame/Position: Computation: Cost / Unit: Personnel Total: $ G. FRINGE BENEFITS Fri�ge benefits should be based on lmo�n actual costs or an estabIished £ormula. Fringe benefits are for the personnellisted in budget cate�ory (F) and only £or the percenta�e of tizne devoted to the project. Please Iist FICA and Worker's Compensation, if applicable. NamefPosition: Computation: Cosf / Unit: . . ....... ... .. ... ... Annual Fringe Benefits � FICt�/Social Security � Health Insurance $ Life Insurance � Vacation � Sick Leave $ Retirement � Worker's Comp. � Unemployment Insurance � Other � Fringe Benefifs TotaI: � � oa-�rs? ORI: 1_VLN06209 Legal I�ame: St. Paul, Citc of H. tSUt)ts�l JU!VLVIP,.KY �?hen «ou ha��e comple�ed the hudge°� c,-or'a.sheV`,� �arsier �.he tot�s ior each ca��go� to �.he spaces beloa%. Please compu�e the iofa? pzoject cos and p:ace that amount on fhe ap�licab7e line. Totai Project Costs should equal �.he ezact amount 1_isted on �he Federal Request line. Budget Category: A. EQL'1PME1vT B. OTHER COSTS C. SITPPLIES D. TRAVEL B. CONTRACTSICONSU�,TANTS F. PERSONNBL G. FRINGE BENEFITS Subtotaks: $ 150,000 $ $ F�,nnn � $ $ $ * Total Proyect Costs Federal Request $210,000 � 210000 • Ifthe Total Project Costs and Federal Request amounts do not equal please contact pour Technology Coordinator at 1-800-427-6770 prior to the submission of your proposal. End of the Budget DetaiI'VVorksheet 6 ���� O6i,U5iGX NhU Ld:Oi raA . , �J � 3 U.S, j�epn,rtr¢ent af Justice 0�'� �' I Office of Cuwm�mitY Oxientcd Folicia6 ser.�ices Certifications Regatding T.ob6yino Dcbarmen�, Suspensinn and Qrher Resporuibilitv Ma¢cn; Dzug-Pxce'Woticpiace Reqiremrna uid Cnosdinarion with Af£ccccd Agencies Alrhough dac Dcpar¢nen< oF Jusvee hu mnde a•ery efForc ro simplif� nc� applicsaan procas, ocha pnn'itinm of fcda�il 3aw �cquuc us ro seek ynur ceru6cation re�rdmg cuwn maccets ApP1�a�+� sAould zezd she [eguhuoac a[ed 6doW an�1 �he iasuuaions f+>r arti Gmuoo ineluSed in ehe xguL+dnn< m �ndennnd'he requirements and o�he[hez tfiej appl? m s pamc�lac appSicaac Sigru:u¢ af �hia foim Qtrnidcs For co+npli�oce �vi�h cerafieanun xy�icemenez un�ler 2R (:Fft Put L9. "Neiv Aenricvons on I-o6byiag;' and 26 CFTi Fuc �7, "C:��«'nmeae- wiSe D<6aztn�ne anJ S�+spention (Noapmc�xemen�) wci C:ovetnm�nc•��ide Reqwremm[5 for D[ug-F¢e Workplact (C'riaau);' zne! the ctu,rdinodrn� mq�irca+ene of �he Publu Sa&e� Paimecsltip and C:�rnmuniry• Polivag Aa of 19�}4.'Ih< cemficacoas ahaU bc acated �i a marcrial 2pregcntaunn nC htt upon mhich td'1'ane� � il16c pl:tu�c1 wk�o �he Oepar¢ttm[ nf Jusuee decetm�nes co aaard the mvertd �Hn�� t. Lnhbying As rcquiccS by Sceaqn 1352, Tldt 3i oE akie U,S. Code, and Imqkmcnmd ac 2P CFR Pnra LY, fnr ptrsnns mmnng inm a gnnt oc c�pcnri�'c agceement o.er S)IIp,Q00, as �lefinni av 29 CFR Pu� L9, 1nc spplirans ctxrifics thac .L No Eedcral appmpdwced fundt fia��o bccn pmd or �vN tu ptid. Ay or nn be6dF of �he undenignnl, co aey� p¢s�n fbr inEluencing nx apeenpting m inE]ucnce an nffiat nr cmploqcc nf any ageneV, v membec nf C.ongsess, an aEEuer ac employee of C<iq�,rusi, ox s�� ' �mpinjec nf n memUer n( ('.angeess in cnaneciion wuh �he mxUny nf enp Fcderol gmnr, �he en¢iins in[n of any enopmv.'e agfsemenc: aod [hc cx�c.nsinn, cnnunmcnn, rrneual, amcndmm[ or mixlifirndon oE any fedezal grenc ur a�prnu.�e ngrcemenq D. ]F any Funds o�hcr �h+n ful�rn! npptopnn<e1 f�[uk Ita�•< heca pzid or �v�71 bc p,id m ang pcnon For mflu�ncing �r mcanpuc� m influcncc an nF6cci or cmpinpa uF anc a(¢ncy, e membu of (:ongrest, ao nfticer or emplo� of (imgress. or an empingeo nf u mnnbei oE Congc<ss tn ennuccna ie�d+ chis k.icxal grrne nf, ce�,nperanrc agrttmenc, r}re undenigncd shall cnmplet<anci Submli ticnnSdrd F�rm - L1.L, "Dutloswe nt' Lnbb;ing.lcdcines;' in aemednnm wi�h i[s insaue[intss; C:. The undu�i�ed sFall reyai�< <hat dm l�nguage nf r}ua eemEicaoon be iodaded �n ilu n�vned dcuuinrna Et�r all xu6iwu�1 ae all aere (ndud'u�g subgnnu, concncc undcs �canu anJ mnperari�c aAfu1P[q[S, Md 9uUcnn[saa< nnd diac all suhacupimu ahall cexnf�+ and �Usclose accocdinpJ7: 2. DeH.xmenc, tioapension and O rhec Aetprmsibtliry Muteerg (A�ree[ Reelpicnd Aa reqwxcd by Laccurire On{cr 12549, Dcbarmrnc an3 5u5Pen�i��n. aeui unplemweed a� 28 CFR Parc 67, foe pmapeeuve �tda(xnes in pximnrc rn.tted snasscunnt, as Sehncd ac 28 CI•Ti Pus G7,Scaa�n 67.St0- A. Thc applieaac wvfies �hac 1c and ��s prind�nls: (i) Ace nnc pteteady deharred, euspcnded, psopnaed for tlebazmmc, dalaeeel meUp}6(c, senceneeJ en a de�ual af Eu�al 6eaeEca !n� x arare M fcdcmt cnurr, or cnlun�anh' c�dudcd fmm crn'ucd tr�nsacti�m5 4�g any federol dep�evneac nr agenn: (uJ I-Ia�'c noc +vichin a fitte-peat �[lal ptcGnding dSs applinrio¢ been com•icted of nr had a eni( j.�dgneao �en.dceed agvns� rhem for mmmissinn of Enud oc a cami¢al ofEcnSa in cnaneconn unch obmining, x�unpring u> obnin, oz perGnmrty; a pu6llc (f�daol, ss�ce �r lneal) tean6amon or enneaec mdec a publ+< cansastiOn; riolad�sn uE fcdrnl nr smie anavua� am�u�cs ar commi�Eion of cmhczxl=mcnG +6�F6 ��ry. hriAcry, hki5cai?�n oc dcsaucdon ��E tccn[dy� tnnitirtg h!s� S�atcmmcs, o� [cYU��ng amlcn pmpac�; (ui) Acc nnc preRrnd,v indittcd fnr nr �n6ctwir,< aimin+lly o* uvilly chargcd by a gnvernmcnml endq• (FuleRal, spic ��t lonl) mi�h cnmmiasinn of any nF du nFfrnEU murmnsrcd in pangreph (A)(ii) �f dux «cri6caunn; and (1.�) Ha.�c por .vi�+in � dxecyca� pmoS pxtt:xl+s+F �hss uppLeavon twJ �ne nr mnre public cxansaccoiss (£edetal, ana nz G,eel) «rminamd Foe ra ce ox de6Wr, and S5. Whete thc applicanc is unahlc u� ccrafv co na}• af �hc swccmrncs in rhis ccrtificminn, hc o� she shall acwch in capt�van m rhiE applicauon, ;. Orug-F�ce \Ylotkploce (Gtan[ttF Othei T}un Ioc4�aduals) A5 rcquir<.16y rhe Dr�gF:ce Woskplau Aa nF 198A, aMi implemcnccd �� 2H (:FR Y�ur� 67, Suhpaa F, For granvccs, a� depn=d m 2A CFR Pnn !7, Secuons h7.6i5 and fi7.(2D- A. The zpp6capr aKi6e5 �u< ic wJl, or will u�ndauc ro, pmvide a dfug�ft<c �ptkplaee Fry: (j PubLshJn� a swcemmc nouFying cn+ployccs ��c chc unlewCvl manufac�ute, divtobudOn, d�sp�adog. passcSS��n of uve nF n mna�ticd sub3pna it ptnhihirtt4 in chc gsnotee4..ntkpl�tt aod apeeif;:.ng �t,e acrioas *hzs v�ill he akcn againac ecnplayeca fnr �•inlaann of su(h prohihivnn; (u) &tablisMng aa nn-Em�ng drug-Cxx a�wareiievs �mgnm �o tnfncm eatp4rvas a6ouc - (a1 The dangc�s nF drvg zbvse in ehe �rtkpla<e; Q') Th� gr+n�K'x p��lity of m�inesseung a deug-ftee woekpfaee; (c) .in}� -��y7a dsu¢ rnuaseLng, tetu6ilirarion and esnployee asgisaiiccprngrams; md (Jj 7hc petuluc5 dvo mac be imooacd upnn employms fo[ dsug-aliusc viohuam accuzdnF �n `h� n�,rkphcc, 08/GS/G2 WED 18: U8 F,�,% tQ�0U3 � �ww+* o�_�'s (iiij M�;oAg rc a rcqwrcmcnc th�c ecch emplm's m hc cngascd in B.'['tL grnnt� may in.�rc in rhe 5p.cc pxm:de:l b*.lon z2c du paFotmance of d�e gzanc bc p.-m n mpy of dic xnccmuu six(s) fa- di< p�forauece of .ro1k �a: in cnnnccoon w:h rcquzcd by pa[a¢taph (}; d�e spca6c gunc (�) NouEpin¢ rLe emp3n}'K � che smvrnnt zequixed bcpangn.ph Q thsG aa e cncv3icon oE emplrn�mcat under th� gri�S �� cmp(npcc.�ill - (�} Ahi3c k.y chc ceca+a of �6< saccmenr, and �) Nntif� che etnPit�tt ie wacAg of ht6 0[ ha cvn�'ic4nn fnr t ��inlndno ni a eri�nioa! drug snruc� uea=ssinF In �l+e.�oekplae< nn latcr dian 6vc nlends days aFcet such cnm'kdon; {cJ Norifying th=�genry, ia �Kiang, «a�ktin SO eafm�lat drys aher t�ui�ing nndee wu�ez xu6pungxaph (ic)(4) &om nn empJ�ry'ce or o3;awuc cccuv7ng �cru=! mecc of surh w^—�lccon Employvz nF mnvfacd anplavres musl prmld: notic<, indud�ngposidun ude, m: COPS OfHce, i]QO vcrmonr Ai�e. h'1G, Wiaslung�tnn. DC 20530. Nociee xb� indude ahe ufrn�iFicauan numher(e) oF ach �£fctmJ qnnr, (•') Talu� onc pF thc Follrnving amuns, widuo 3t7 aScnA�i d�ya nF xecen�irua n��uce unJcr 5uhpangnPh (tr)(b). ��'ifi icc�ut M am' cmplq•cc Whn is Eo conri«cd - (s} T>Wn� �PP�°PL16SC pusnnncl aconn agains[ such sn empl0)�, up in and iodudinfi ierccriiuwn, wnSiacGnt virh elie xcywremenu Of lhe Rehnlillienunn Aet of 1973, as zmrnded', or (6) Rcquiung sueh emplOp� tn pnrueipn�e xadshaooly in a dnig nhu.�c nxgia'antt oc eduhiksaann pm�am appcnreal fnr su;.l� pucp�sea tsy` a kderal, �caic or Inc�l hcalch, k�r enF<�ectmenr <rz ncher eppn�priare aE.a7ec; (rii) Alalting a good Eti[h eFfnrt m ennunue tn 1»nineain a �(rug-kee woxkplace ckunugh �mpkmenw¢��n oE pun�mphs (i), (u�, (uQ, (��'). �`-) nnd (�4). G�PS C'rranceeName�ndTddrrss: C2t}' Of St. Pau1 Poliee Department , Applinuon Na andJoT P Tq(�,lN�m sndTi o s,gmn�x: r1s chc dui�� e�+ch��ri d rc� mth+din� �F+c rin n temi Tpcd Namc n. 7" lc oF $i}�natutc � Placc es Perfrnmance (s¢ect aiWc�:s. tiry, m�:ng, sn�e, ip uidc) Chcck O if �c aic .votmhas cw 5k *hac �,tc enc ideoufie.! h=re Sccdon 67.(30 aF thc regulxuoos pm�idn rha� a gcancu chxt ls a snce may dca m m�k= nne ceruEcadoa i¢ uc6 Fulml Hx«I pss, � mpp oE wh�eh should De uidudul with nch applicsripa foi Dcpax¢acr.c oE Janacc fu^::liop, S*n�c� and scace a�eocies may dee[ m usc OJP Foim'fC'�+iJl. (heck O if she acam has <leccai m aunpkm OJP Fomi ao6t/'t. 4. (:tzirdinan6o Th� Puk,lie $afeey Psnnezchip a¢d Commuoiry I'ohcing Act .�C t99n eeywms appuc��s m�� Cy'thai �hen has heco 'PPT"Pn"` m�srdinadnn wich a1S agtaeieR dt%t rsta}' !x afFeaed b}' the appSiaot�8 g[ant proP�Pd if appsrned. Affeaed ageoeies ma)• indude, amoM1S oehere, �^ne nffice of �he Uni¢d .'Sntta Aim�ne}S swrc ot lotal Prnsa;ucn�s, or cntiecdOn� agmcia.'Chc applicwc ccm£cs chsc �hcrc hes hcrn appmptinm e�tJinzdnn wich all aFfu�ed agcneiw. 1R5/Vcndor Numh�: 41-600 $ 521 William K. Finney CHIEF OF POLICE L`uwdcc: 5-3-02 srniuu.�cCnC c8e �rn<iiung Fod�', I hcRr.hc cetti�j' �hnr I un hin�ling �6e grntcting body m nc� nbnve urufimmas, Lleeaon5 of new oEficials will t�Ot tdjn�r, ihe poian+ng bndv oF i� obJigauovs undet elilf grnn'i� �/ � �/ I , Deputy Mayor D,�: S 7' d 2 r . / / / � Revdesd. F¢brvary 1 d, 160? , U8/45i�2 WED 18:08 FAS .r��;.�. ��,` w a �- '�� �; U.S. Department of.Tustice Offic¢ of Communiry Oriented Potici»g Ser�ices �{i�GLd O � - �`S� ,.�� Speciai Condition: Criminal Intel�igence Systemsl28 C F.R Part 23 Compliance This Special Condition must be signed and returned with your application. Tf your agency is receiving COPS grant funding for technology that wiil be used to operate an inferjurisdictiona7 criminai intelligence system, you must agree to comply with tha operatin3 principles found at 28 C.F.R PaR 23. An "intequrisdictaonai criminal intetligence system" is generally defined as a system which receives, stores, analyzes, and exchasages or disseminates dsta regarding on,going criminal activities (such activities may include, Ibut are not limited to,loan sharking, drug or stolen property ixafficking, gambling, extortion, smr�ggling, bribery, and public eorruption) and shares this data with other law en£orcementjurisdictions. 28 C.F.R. Part 23 contains operating principles for these interjurisdictional criminal information systems which protect individual privacy and constitutinnal rights. If you are simply using the COI'S gzant funds to ogerate a single agency data.liase (or other unrelated fom�s of technology) and will not shaze criminal intelligence data witih other jurisdictions, 28 C.F.R. Part 23 does not apply to this grant. Please check one of the following lines, as applicable to your agency's use of tl�is grant, and return this signed Special Condition with your signed Awazd Document. No, my agency v+itl not use these COPS grant funds to operate an inter}urisdictional criminal intelligence system. 'Yes, my agency will use these COPS grant funds to operate an interjurisdictional criminal inteiligence system. By si�ning below, we asswe that our agency will comply with the requzrements of 28. C.F.R. Part 23. Law Enforcemen� Executive Citv of SL Paul Yolice DPnr. Agency Nsme Date 5-3-02 Date � I � � �� r• r� f sr o>„t Agency Nazne p$i05✓U2 Y:ED 16:09 FAk `�✓ �r �GGS 4z-�s� [s.S. Department of Justice OfJ'ice QfCammunity Ortented Policing 5'etv(ces Supptemental Si�nature Form: I�iotice of Grant Requirements This Supplementa} Si�mature Form must be signed and retumed with your applical:ion. We c+ertify that the information provided tn the Technology application is we ancil accurate to the best of our knowledge.' To ensure compliance with the nonsupplanting requirament of the COPS statute, we certify that the agency has not already aliocated state, Ioca1, o�r Bureau o£ Zndian Affairs funds to implemeat this project. We also understand that any false szatements or claims made in connection with COPS grants may result in fines, imprisonment, dab:;�rment from participating in Federal grants or contracts, and/or any othez remedy available 6y law co the Federal govemment. Tn addition to the above certifications, you must indicate whetfier your agency wil!l participate in an open-competitive bidding process or through a sole-source justification (S i�. Please check one of the following lines that applies to your procurement process for this grarR. X The agency wiil be conducting an o eQ._n-competitive bid process for the items listed in the Budget Detail Worksheet. The agency will be using a sol�source iustification. (QleQ.se cun:plete the Sole-Snrrrce ,fustificalion Sheef ifcmplicahle), Agency N 5-3-02 Date 5-3-02 Date � � � � _�� Please be advi.red tha� a ho/d mav fie placed on Ihis applicarinn iJrt deemed that the pppllcan erncy i.c not In rouipliarrce wifh federa( clvil righrs laws and�or is no( conpera(ing wi[h on ongoing federal ciuil rights fnvestigatiott. City �£ St. Paiil Agency Name � � y. ti.S. Department of Sus6ce ���� O a..p.s� OSice of Community Orie�ed Policing Services ASSiI['8RC8S Seccat procisions o: fedcal lac. and poiicc �ppn to sll g:zn; pxo�crz.-r.s. Rie (che Ofncc o; C,ommnni:c Orienc�c Policing Se-cica) need to secuxe couz usu:znce cha: cou {che appucanc) �.:L mmnls' �ci:h v�cse pro�isions I` ro� would likc iw•tha info=���n zbou: an}' o: ibe nzaexs oa �ctssch «e seeL co�v 2ssunnce, plezse coancc is- Be tiour aurhorized teptuenzrit-e's signacure, cou 25sure �. aad cerij' co us s1�z: cou wii! compl} with ai legal and adc�'�isca*i�-e ie9�.icemm:s .hei go� �he zppLcanc fox acceprznce znd use of federzl gtzne i�n�. In puvcula:, rou zssure �s chec 1.1�u hzve becn legsllr and o�ciallp authorizcd bc the approprisce gocttning bodc (For caamp�, mayor ox an countilJ to apple foz chis granc and that the pasons sigzung che applitaaon aad rhese assucanca on }our behalf are aurhonzed ro do so and co aa on t-our behalf wrth respea m an} ihac mac arise ducing pxocessiag of thu appLcaaon 2. lou will complp wzch t6t procisiobt of federal ��r wkuch Lmit ce�iain political acriviues of your emplo�ces whose pannpal employrsnent is in connecdon wzeh an acrieicp 5nanced m�c6ole os in pazt wich this grane These xestdcnons aze set foxtl� m 5 U.S.C. § 1501, et scq. 3. 1'au �vili compl}' �� xhe muvmum �szge and maaimum hours pxoczsions of che Federal Fa�r Labor Standards .9cq if thet• apph- tD 1 ou. 4. You �vi�l cstabhsh safeguatds, iE cou ktave no[ done so alreadc, to prohibit emploleec from usng tk�rxx posiuons foi a pu�se thae is, or gives the appearance oF being, moa��aced by a desis for pricau gazn for themsdves nx others, pamadarle those aith v.hom che} hace famil�; 6ustness or orher ties. 5. T"ou wil1 gice rhe D<pazrmenrof J�+snce or the C:omp¢oller C�encial secess to and the zighe to e:.amine recoxds and documentt rela�ed ro the granc. C.1'ou �vil1 comph� �eah a11 xequisemencs �mposed bc ct�e Depar¢nm� of )usdce as a con<Lnon or adm�msuative requiremenr of che granr, a'ith rhe program guidelines; wirh the reyuiiements of OD1II C;irculars A-87 (go��ernmg cost calculaaons) and A-133 (go�'et^'�, aucUes); atch che apg4cable pro��isions of che Ommbus Crime Control and Safe $tzees Act of 1968, as amended; wich 28 CFR Paz[ 66 (UmForm Admmusanve Reyuirements); �cith the prov�sions of the currenc e�oon of the appzopnaxe COPS grant ownec s manual; and �ciih ell ocher apphcable la�vs, osdexs, xegulanons oc cssculars. j. S'ou will, xo the excmc prec¢eable a¢d con.cismmt wich appLtable lau; seel;, recrwe and kvre quaLSed membexs of racial and echntc minonn' gmups and quaL5ed �eomen in oxdex ro further efkctice 1a�v enforcemenc b}-increasir� chrir ranks ��advn the svvorn posiaons in yout agenc}: S. I'ou �4ill noc, nn the ground nf race, color, reLgioq nznonal ozigtn, gerdez, <i�sabiluc oc age, unlawEulh c�dude am petson from paznapation in, deny the bmefiu of or emplo�inenc co am- pexson, or subject anp' pecson m eLsenmir�anon m conaecoon �cith a¢p progtams or acdci�cs"faa�d in a�hole oz m pzrt mith fedexal fun�These ucil�rtgf�s reqwru.�encs are Eouvd in rhe non- cLscnminanon pxoFisions of the Omnibus Grime f.onaol and Safe Saeas .9a dE 1968, es amendcd (42 l.SG § 3789(d)); 7itie V'I oi rhe Cicd Righu �1ce of 19(4, u am<nded (42 US.G § 2000d); the Indian C,irfl IUghts Acc (25 U-S.G §§ 1301-1303); Section 504 of the Rek�abil¢anon Act of 1973, as amended (29 U-S.G § 794); Tide IT, Subride A of the Americzns with Disabiliries Ae[ (ADA) (42 AS.G § 12101, a seq.); the Age Discrimia2rion Acc of 197i (�.2 U.S.0 § C101, ec seq.); and Depanmrni of Jusuce Non- Discriminauan Aegulaoons concained in Tide 2R, Pates 35 and 42 (suhpatts C:, D, B and G) of the C;ode of Fe3exal Regularions. ,S. In rhe ecrnt chat am coun oi admixrisaacine agencp makes a finding of �Lscriminauon on grounds of nce, color, rcligion, na�onal origui, gendeq �LsabiLw or age againsc y�u afrer a due process hearing, cou a¢ree [o for�vard a eopy of the fincLng eo the Ofnce nf C�eil Rvghts, Office of Jusnce Pcogtams, 810 7th S¢cec, Nn'i, �asivngcon, DC 20531. B. C�xanmes that have 50 or mtrie emplopees and gtanxs rn'ec $500,000 (or oca $I,000,000 m grants over an eighreen-m�nch pedod), mus[ submit an acceptable Equal Emplot Oppomuii¢- Plan (`BEOP") oc EEOP shore foxm (�f grancee is reyuired m submit an EEOP undes 2A CPR 42302), tliat is approved b} the Office of Jusace Prog�razns, dffice fox Cicil Rights ��itivn CO dacs of the a�vazd start �ce For g:an�s mder $�OQ000, buc ocer $25,OOQ or £or gnntees �vith fewer thu: 50 emplocees, che gxancee muse submic an EEOP Cemficarion. Grants oF les< than $25,000 aze not subyecc m anc &EOP reywremenc 9. You will �nsure thaz the fatilida undu eout rnvneiship, lease ox supervision mfnch shall be utilized m che accomplishmmt of the pxoject ace no� hsred nn ehe Em-ironmrnral Protection Agencp's �PA) lisx of �'�olacint Faciliaes and chac you will nonfi• us if }'�u aze ad��ised b) che EP.�1 inditaring ihac a facilict to he used in rkus grant is under mnsideranon for Lsting b}' EP.�. 10 IE eour stare has established a re� and commrnt pxoccdwe under Eaecum�e OrJer 123 i2 and has selecmd this progxazn For revink, �ou hace made this appLcaaon a�tilable for revinc bp� tne statt S�ngle Poinc of C�ncacc. i t. S�u w�ili pfan m recain each COPS-fuoded posi¢on wuh scace and/ox Incai (non-COPS} funds afm- che condusion of }rour grenc. 12. Your agencc �vill not �se COPS iunds ro supplanc (replzce) sracq local, o: Buicau of In�n Afiazrs funds tha'- othmcise �vould be mac4e acailable for che purposes of chis grant. I herebc <e�gl�nce �vim the ahoce zssuraaces r}:a: ���ern the appl�cannn ancl usc of Federal funds. � ' Dzce: 5-3 —02 o.° La�a Enfose ,enc oc C:o}�ecnmcn. E�ecuu� e Revised: Fcbruary 14, 2002 aa-&s3 Disclasure of Cobbying Ac�v�es C041�I°iE �R:S L0.'iZl LO C23C2C3° 10�'J��'L'1p 3CuFii!°5 aY1� i�'!I i0 JI U.S.C. 12J� �SEE I2D2*5° S02 L^.i� �1CaOP.S di'1Q *�llU�1G btilQ°R d1iCLCSi S2� 1. Type of Federzl Actiar.: _ 2. mntrac b. grant c. cooperauve ao >em=ni d. loan e. loan a azantee i laaninsvrance 2. SEaEusofFede, a. bid/o:fe:Jappliczdon b. uutial award c post-awaid 4. Name and Address of ReporE�ng EnfiEy: Q Prime O Subawardee Tier ,_, if known: Cono essional DisErict (number), if }:nown: _ 6. Federal Depufir�enf./Agency: L�o,-.���, oi,� O"r_6-0DN (� w- -.'°��°�t% 3. ReportTyye:_ a. inival *`11' ing b, material change For Ma.enal Change Only: Year: Quarter: Date af lzst report 5. If Repor�ng Enfity in ivTo. 4 is Snbawardee, Hnter I�Tazne and Address ot Prime: Congressional District (number), if latown: 7. Federal Prob am Name/Desmpfion: CFDANumber, 3f applicable: 8. Pederal AcEion Number, if known: 10. a. Name and Addiess of Lobbying Regisfranf (if indizridual, �r,;i name, fzrst mm�e, MD: I1. Info�afion re4uested Ehrough fhis form is authorized bp Ti�le 3I U.S.0 Secfion I352. This disclosure oflobbying activities is amaterial xepresenEa�on of facE upon which retiance wss placed by the Yiei above s+hen fhis transaction was �:ade a, ente:ed into� Tt'rs 3isc'.osure is requi:ed pn:- suan. �3.LI.S.C.:352. T:.isiu^ .-ua.-.c.:l:berepoz:ed:.. fhe Congress semi-annuallp and wilI be avaitable forpublic inspecEion Any pe=sonwho £ails fo fale fhe requiued aisclo- suze shaIl be subjecf fo a civil penalfy of not less than 51�,000 and not moze fhan 5100,D00 for each snch 4ailuxe. FederaI Use Only: 9. Award Amount, if known: 10. b. Individuals Performing Sen%�ces (including address if different from No.10a) (Izsi name, first name, MI): S ��nature: ,( , t� .-� PiintName: k'1}iam K� Finnev Ti1e: C?�I°F_ QF POZIC$ Telephone i�o.: 651-292-3588 Date: 5-3-02 Autnonzed for Local Reproduc5on, S.andazd Form - LLL -, . APPL[CAT(ON FO� FED��L ASS{STfiNC� ,. �;r=o=susn,�usion kpoli. �Son ?�2?pJi, auor f I Cor.s:;u-ion � w^sr�cirn � �i Non-Corrvctior � Nor-Qx.ru-zion ' S HP?LCANTiN=OrZWJ,TION I! ecz; ldame: S: PavL Ci'�p o: Hdorss (�ive;J(y, co�nry, stafe, ana zip �ej: I IOD Easf llth Streef St Paul, MN �5101 2 J:.ic5L3Mi-� _- acT�?,=_c7v�arr,ar= ,zc a�aiis2r�: iceni�,tsr �/ y I v l/g �� t. D'n�2R=^9V�3�?=J-�Z'.;A�SNC.'Y ' =_�°rzii�=_:, �/ti Spoi:�nt id=_acnsr ,�� p a . g�s O �ant�2fioaal Un¢: �zme znc t�tepnone numb�r oi neson tc be con:za�� oc m= �as rvoivine fn's anoii^zfion (gry=_ z2z coo ) �3II1e: 1�.1II` BIOY'ri Phone: 6512923507 6. EMPLOYER IDENTFICATiON NUMBER (cIN): �16ocsszi 8. NPE OFAPPLICATION: � New [] Continuation ❑ Revision IfRemsion, enterappmpriate IeHer(s) fn box(esJ: � � A. IncreaseRward B. Decrease Award C. Increase Duation D Decrease Duration Other (specifyj_ 70. CFTALOG OF FEDGRAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: � I 6 7 I 0 I TIiLE: 2002 Technolo� Sni(iative t2 AREASAPFEGTEO BYPROJEGT (cHies, rounnes, states, etc.): ('i T tv of Saint Pau1 51, PROPOSED PRaJECT: 'IA. CONGRESSIONAL pISTRICTS OP: Start Qate Ending Qate a. Applicanf 30/012001 9/302001 �4 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING a. Federal b 6. Apphcant c Stafe d. Locai e. Other t Pmgrem Incrome � 5 5 5 5 210000.00 00 00 00 W 00 7. TYPcOFAPPLICANS: (enteraq�roprFateletterinbaX) � A. State H, Independent School �ist. e. Cwaty !. State Controlled Instduhon o` Wghsr Lamfng C. Muniripal J Private University D. Township K. indian Tribe E. Interstaie L. Individual F. Intertnunicipal M. ProfitOrgan¢afion G. Special Districf N. Other (Specify) 9. hAMEOFF'cDERALAGcNC7: Department of 7usfice Office af Community Oriented PaZicing S�vices 11. DcSCRIPTIVETITLEOFAPPLICANT'SPROJECT: FY2002 GOPS Technology h Prqect MN4 '16. IS APPLICATION SU6JECT 70 REVIEW BY STATE EXEGUTNE ORDERt2372 PROCE557 a YES, i7-;IS PRcAPPLICATION/APPLICATIDN WAS MADE AVAILABLE 70 THESTFTE EXEGUTNC' ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON' DATE b NO. �} PROGRAM iS N07 COV'cRED 6Y E.o. �2372 ❑ OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN 51EC i c� BY STA'f` FOR RcVIcW 17. IS THE APPLICAN7 DELINQUENT ON ANY FcDER4L DEB77 9 ' T ��� ° Ll���l�d��� � ❑ Yes If"Yes,'attachanexplanafion �No 18 TOTHEBESTOFMYKNOIMmGEANpBcLIcF,ALLDATAINTd%SAP7LICFi1ONl?RCA°PLIGATIOkARETRU°_ANOCORRECT. THcDOCUhiENTHASBEB:DIILYAUiHOftIZ'c0 BY THc 60VERNW G BODY OF THE APPLICAFT AND TH:AoP41CAN i WILL COMPLY WITN THE ATTACH� RSSURANC=51F 7Y'c A5S:STANCC IS AWARD=� z T ed h'ame ofAUthonzeo Represan�five 6. Trtle c. Telephone number �illiam K. FinneB CASEP OF POLICE ��_ C. Signature nfAut� eors4�tative e. Date Signed �,�� , SJ3J62 Prevwus., �utiio�¢etliorLO�l'nepmouotor Sa�ca�ePorrr,<24 (R'eV. <S2) Ptescri�s"�yOMS'lrvlarA-10 CITY OF SAINT PAUI. Norm Coieman, Mayor NEED FOR FEDEI2AL ASSTSTANCE: DEPARTMENT OF POLICE Wi!liam K. Finney, Chief of Police ba '�� J 100 East Eleventh Street Telephone: 651-291-1171 Saint Pau1, Minnesota SSI01 Facsimile: 651-292-3711 Tbe Saint Paui Police Depariment is requesting federal assistance to fund the purchase of an ordnance disposal truck with updated communication abilities. Other sources of possible funding have been exercised. Without federal assistance, this department will be unable to purchase the needed communication and transportation equipment to ensure the stazewide security and safety of its citizens. �.�,-.�, Saint Paul Chief o f lael.i�e' Art A�imahve Achon Equd Opporraniry Employer C4